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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/13/2013 6:09:54 PM
Dear friends, it was only a few days ago that the Dalai Lama disclosed his mind about this fascinating topic.

Dalai Lama Discloses: Visitors from Other Galaxies are the Same as Us

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/14/2013 5:25:05 PM

Video: Giant UFO Fleet Flyover New York

Thanks to Peter.

OK, now we’re talking!!! This is the sort of vision we’ve been waiting for – and over a major populated city, it seems.

I especially love the commentary here…

The man says: “Now, you’re gonna turn on the television tomorrow and the news is gonna show them to you and their gonna feed you something…”

And the woman says: “Yes, of course, like always”.

As Youtube user UFODisclosureIreland writes on May 12, 2013: “A woman from a New York state records a cluster of white UFO’s that travel East on 64, She and other residence in the street are clueless at what they are, flying in a steady formation with some hovering in stable positions while others pass scrubbing out floating objects.”

Although I’m not so sure they are ‘clueless’, judging by the commentary I so enjoyed.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/14/2013 5:29:47 PM

Valerie Donner: Straight from the Heart – A Message from Master Hilarion

Valerie Donner 2

By Valerie Donner – May 13, 2013

Dear Ground Crew,

Do any of you feel like you are in the twilight zone? By this I mean do you feel a bit of a void, as if you are in a state of uncertainty about your next steps in your life? Some of these feelings are attributable to the astrological influences currently affecting us from the eclipses, etc. All of these are a part of assisting us with our Ascension process, whether we like it or not.

As the third dimension continues to implode upon itself we feel the impact of uncertainty. Somehow we are co-creating our higher dimensional lives on the Earth so the unfamiliar is the norm. Some of us are also feeling the energies we felt when we lived in Atlantis before it fell. That can create some uncomfortable feelings.

We are also feeling the fear from the dark forces as they continue to try to maintain their stronghold. Many are expecting things to be the way they have always been and they are not. We also get to deal with our inner issues which many of us thought we resolved from previous work. We get to keep clearing until we are finished and have mastered these key lessons.

Little by little we are realizing what we may have believed was untrue. We ask ourselves why did we ever let these old thoughts and feelings influence our lives. Can you relate?

We are redefining ourselves. We cannot identify with who we were in the past, how much money or material possessions we have, our roles, bodies or the physical world. It is through our hearts, love and energy that we will be our true selves. We are learning we can no longer live in separation and that our survival depends upon our unity, co-operation, love and caring of ourselves and each other.

Even those who are more entrenched in 3D are in the same dilemma of redefining themselves. Although their lives pertain more to the material world, their lives have changed. Many are perplexed about what to do because the business environment or other aspects of their lives are in a state of flux. It can be perplexing to those who thought they would always know how to play the game.

For Lightworkers it can seem as if we are waiting for our new assignments of serving the planet and our Creator. How can we use more of our gifts and abilities to assist the Ascension process? The energies are building steadily for us to do just that. The state of limbo you may be feeling will take a while longer until we realize what we are to do. This morning in meditation I was told “The answers will come.”

Poem by Valerie Donner - The Answers Will Come

“The answers will come,”

Is what they said.

I heard it clearly

In my head.

Follow your heart.

Do what you do.

You have your part

In the planetary glue.

Name the game.

Call it what you like.

Tell the old you

To take a hike.

Expect divine clarity,

Strength and zeal.

This is a part

Of the Ascension deal.

Ideas will come.

You will create

A life of bliss.

This is your fate.

Receive the answers

You will find them soon.

They will accelerate

And your destiny will bloom.

You will find

In a bolt of Light

That your life will become

Very bright.

hilarion2A Message from Master Hilarion

On May 1 in my Monthly Meeting with the Masters Class, we worked with the Master Hilarion.

He said: “Don’t be discouraged Dear Ones. The best is yet to come. You have climbed over many hurdles and there are still more along the way. You have high expectations for there is a lot of good coming your way.

End your heartaches and disappointments from the past. Release the illusion and hold onto the great expectations. Much will be demanded and much will be given. This is your moment of truth. Step up and be heard. You are the ones. You are ready. The Earth is ready. You can alter the path. Do it. Heal your hearts and you will be free. . . There’s no place like Home.

You are letting go of the old Atlantean energies and bringing in the Lemurian energies. The Golden Age is upon you. Circumstances and conditions will constantly change with layer after layer of good falling upon you.

It will be like the Promised Land and something to behold. . . .You will be hit with a thunderbolt like lightening. It will instantly alter the course. It’s not my way but thy way. Each will be free to decide. You are heralding in a new age. Quick responses are needed. Yes or no.”

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/14/2013 5:35:02 PM

Valerie Donner: A Message from Mira of the Pleiadian High Council

Valerie Donner 2Through Valerie Donner – May 13, 2013

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council, still dedicated full time to the Earth Council.

First we want to thank you for your patience with the process in which you now find yourselves. We know that you feel the preciousness of the subtleties and not so subtleties with which you are currently living on the Earth.

We have never seen anything quite like this is with all of the work we have done with other Ascending planets. Please understand that we are doing everything possible to protect you and the Earth for there are some who would like to see the divine plan for the Earth’s Ascension crumble.

The process is complex but safety and the well-being of the Earth and life on the Earth are the first priority. We focus our attention and resources to maintaining the balance and stability that are requisite for the successful completion of the process at hand. You have all of the assistance that is needed for your Ascension along with the Earth’s. We guarantee you this fact.

A lot has been imposed on our Ground Crew. You are working diligently even though you may not be fully aware of your positions. They will become clear as things progress. What is necessary now is that you stay in touch with yourselves, be grounded to the Earth, follow your inner guidance and be in faith. Take good care of yourselves and follow the energy of the day.

Outer circumstances will continue to be disconcerting at times, for the old illusions must be cleared to make room for the higher way of living. It is a bit of a step upwards and must be made one step at a time. You are climbing the stairway to Heaven.

We continue to work with a variety of complicated situations with ever changing variables. Please be assured that we have all of the resources necessary for complete success. What you accomplish along with us is remarkable. You are a group of gifted and amazing Beings.

Even though at times you may feel the foundation falling out from under you, if you grab onto the Light Rail as the guidepost of your Ascension you will come back into stability. This is the surest way to make progress.

The Light Rail is the Stairway to Heaven. In meditation you might view it as a crystal staircase that rises higher and higher. Each step furthers the Light and your higher vibration and consciousness.

We are with you every step of the way.

With love and respect, I am Mira.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/14/2013 5:36:41 PM

Archangel Michael via Ron Head: On the Horizon

imageArchangel Michael via Ron Head: On the Horizon, May 12, 2013 at

We will speak today of this newest influx of energies, centered around your month with three eclipses. This will accelerate the societal changes already begun to a rate not seen before. Some will be bewildered by this. Those who have already progressed well into their awakening process will feel some vindication for the convictions they have jealously guarded for so long.

This also signifies, to great extent, the changes in your universe which are soon to bring about inner evolution and outer situations you have dreamed of, intended, and requested of your Divine Creator. You who recognize what is, in fact, well underway, may be impressed with the rate of change you are seeing, but we tell you it is as nothing compared to what is on the horizon.

As with all things, one change will begin several others, and the effect will be like an avalanche. Some of you have begun to feel this approaching. You try to prepare yourselves. Just relax and prepare to enjoy it, dear hearts, for you cannot be prepared for what is in store. Your world will be turned upside down by even one or two of the things you will soon see, and there are more than one or two in the offing.

You feel that promises are made and never kept. We say that there is enough evidence before you already to dispel those feelings if you look around you carefully. But it is of no matter, because very soon those who have the will to see will be unable to deny it further.

Still, we wish you to keep your unceasing focus on the inner change you have initiated and nurtured to this point. It is the driving force for all the rest. Our fondest wish, dearest angels on earth, is that you continue to explore the truth of your beings until you discover the wondrous and divine truth which we perceive in you. You will walk differently, stand differently, feel differently, and think differently. Can you imagine the world you will create then?

For us, that world is already here, but we speak in your terms in order to encourage you. Be at peace. Be in joy. Be at one and in love with life. We will speak with you again very soon. Good day.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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