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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/14/2013 5:37:46 PM

Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 309

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/14/2013 5:39:30 PM

Bella Capozzi: A Pleiadian Message About Our Inner Guidance

meditationMay 12, 2013 at

Bella Capozzi: As healers and intuitives, I believe that the some of the most common questions we get from our friends, family and clients are in relation to opening the lines of communication between themselves and the higher realms. They want to know why they can’t hear their angels, or they want to sharpen the skills that they already have in order to understand them better.

What most people don’t realize is that they already are getting this information, and they just need to learn how to recognize and interpret it. This type of communication can manifest itself in such a variety of different forms, as is explained in the message from my own team of guides, below. While I did originally receive the message last summer, the information seems to me to be even more appropriate right now.

Seeking Guidance From Within

Originally received by Bella Capozzi on July 8, 2012.

There is no guidance more trustworthy than that which comes from within. This is the voice which speaks to you from the heart. It is the sudden warning you receive in times of peril, an inner knowing of where to go and how to get there, or an unexpected answer to a nagging question. It is all of those things and so very much more

Over time, you came to know this gentle guidance as angelic intervention or a loving guide coming to your aid; and yes, you were quite correct in assuming that it was indeed our voices you were hearing. Yet have you ever considered that this wisdom is not originating only from a source outside of yourself, but also from someplace much closer? Is it possible that this is knowledge that you have had all along, but has been kept hidden from you by the lower vibration and limitations of the 3rd dimension?

Entertain the notion that you are without limits and wise beyond anything you could ever imagine. That you are your higher-self. The higher-self is not some lofty, separate persona existing far away and apart from who you are at this exact moment – this you, who are alive and whole and thriving within the confines of the human bodysuit. It is not a finer, happier being living a carefree life across the galaxy, while you do battle on the denser planes of Earth. Not at all. The higher-self is the portion of your being which exists in wait for the time you are able to merge with it as one. Indeed, it is conscious and timeless, and it experiences everything you have ever done. Behind the amnesiac veil is where you will find it, and it is becoming increasingly integrated in your human consciousness with every passing day.

You are seeing this integration in the wider opening of your channels and the newfound effortlessness with which you ease into the meditative state. You call to us and instantly we are there. Visions are clearer, messages are cleaner, and you are swiftly becoming more and more claircognizant. Think about it: do you not just know things, but have no idea how you knew or where they came from? Concepts once considered confusing and beyond your ability to comprehend come easily to you now. You have an innate understanding of universal concepts and of why you are here and where you came from. Nobody else has to tell you. Deep inside, you simply know. You feel that you have always known. Understand with an absolute certainty that this knowing is the voice of your own higher self come home. And now the challenge becomes not in the receiving of the information, but in the trusting of it.

Yes, of course, we are still here and are eager and ready to help you. We love you dearly. There is nothing that warms the hearts of your beloved guides more than to converse with you and to assist you in your journey along the pathway to ascension. It is our deepest wish to be of service. However, the time has come for us to loosen the reins a bit and allow you to test your wings. Never doubt for a single moment that we will be here to catch you, should you falter. But we know that you will not.

Look to discover this precious gift, which has been given to you at a time when we feel you will most need it. You must seek before you are able to find, so go within and find yourself. We advise that you take time often for meditation, and if the silent type is not for you, then do so to the strains of soft music. Delicate tones and vibrations will transport you to the place of stillness more quickly, and is most beneficial in preventing your mind from breaking through with it’s aimless wandering. While at home, try turning off the television and partake of the silence. In a quiet place the voices of your higher-self can be clearly heard coming from within your own consciousness, and you will be amazed at the revelations that materialize before you.

Lastly, we strongly suggest that you read and do so often. Reading is a fun-filled and exciting vacation for the senses. Without relying on outside stimulus, immersing yourself in a book requires you to exercise your imagination. You must create the appearance of the setting and the characters, and you must look ahead and wonder what will happen next. Even though the words and the plot are another person’s creation, the unique imagery you give it is all your own. We find this to be a most enjoyable way for you to sharpen your visualization skills.

Be in peace, Dear Friends, and endeavor to know yourselves as flawless jewels in the crowns of the Divine.

Copyright Bella Capozzi. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/14/2013 9:37:03 PM
From Wes Annac's personal blog:

Keeping Darkness Fed: It’s Time to Wake Up
(Photo: Darkness, largely fed and accepted)

I went to go into a channeling this morning, and found the connection was very shallow. Little purity of information was coming through and overall, the process felt much more mind-centered than heart-centered as it is intended to be.

Of course this has happened before, and any channeler who is well-practiced in their own right can usually recognize when their connection is just too shallow in that moment to proceed with the communication.

In my case; I try to find reasons why the connection could be shallow or why I’m just not receiving the fruitful, intricate impressions I’d otherwise joyfully receive. For this morning specifically, a few different reasons surface why the connection just isn’t as strong or pure as it usually is. One reason is my tiredness on this morning; depletion or lack of energy can lead to a lack of enthusiasm in the mind to purely interpret the impressions being received by the heart.

Another reason, which I’ve worked to surface and understand, is that I feel a bit of intolerance toward everything humanity is doing to allow ourselves to be held back, albeit unknowingly.

A bit of a bias against the dear unawakened humanity has developed, as while I don’t expect everyone else to have the perspective or understanding that I do, I look at some facets of our society and wonder how it is not painfully obvious to the rest of humanity that such facets are designed to hold us back and keep us feeding the lower realms that the cabals would have us feed forever.

I guess I could say a bit of a downtrodden, narcissistic view is emerging from within me this morning and of course, recognizing it is the first step to sourcing it and working through it entirely.

It’s simply that I see the various things about our society and the various ways the majority of people choose to Live their Lives and express themselves, and it makes me wonder if our collective is ever going to gain awareness of the incredible ways we’ve been kept feeding the lower states of unconsciousness and ego.

Specifically, I see that sarcasm is one of the largest ways we’ve kept ourselves feeding darkness. Some of the darkest things are allowed to be said in sarcastic ways, and it seems that many people are slowly being led to feed darkness via sarcasm and things that are not meant to be taken seriously (thus the ease in expressing exponential darkness via those things).

I see how we are allowing ourselves to feed darkness and to be ok with doing so, if it is under the guise of something we perceive not to be real. If one takes a broader look at this issue, one will see that nearly everything we’ve been designed to believe “isn’t actually real” is being used to funnel exponential darkness and negativity through for as many unaware people to absorb as possible.

Take movies and television shows, for example.

I’ve had fruitful arguments with a certain special someone who enjoys most of the television shows and movies whose creators use the opportunity that is making a show or movie, to funnel-through the most exponential of darkness; hatred; violence; lust; the list could go on and on.

I see what very strongly appears to be a purposeful funneling of every mechanism that drives the hellish realms of fourth density-negative, through television shows and movies but one cannot speak up against this, lest they wish to be given the old adage of “calm down – it’s not real”.

Despite the fact that television and movie makers take every measure they can to make it as real as possible, humanity still accepts the widespread death, violence and lust in our movies and television shows because we see them in a flickering box rather than in the reality right in front of us.

It’s very sad to think that most of what we see in movies and assume “isn’t real” actually is very real and is happening every day in our society; with violence against women being one of those things.

It’s been proven that the images we see have very real physical and emotional effects on us, and I think that the cabals know this. To express some of the strongest

narcissism I’m feeling on this morning: I very strongly feel that humanity will continue remain unaware sheeple who are kept distracted with the Illuminati’s darkness if we do not wake up and see how we are being emotionally controlled.

Those of us who are awakened strongly know that the reality we find around us has been orchestrated, and the sheer unawareness and uncaring in the rest of humanity as to how we are being fed darkness nearly everywhere we look, is a bit frustrating to say the least.

(Right Photo: “The Departed” movie – Only further proves my point)

What’s worse, most of the people in our society still feed this darkness and not only do they not mind that it’s prevalent; they want more of it.

“Give us more blood in this movie. More guts. More gore. Come on, we want it to be realistic!”

“Sure, show a woman getting killed in your movie, and make it as real as you can. I’ll pay to see it!”

“Show more nudity in your film. More sex. Make it as realistic as you possibly can, and I’ll pay to see it”.

Our culture accepts violence, gore, lust, and just about everything else that turns a sane man mad and keeps a collective feeding the core mechanisms of Luciferianism and yet, nobody sees this or even cares. Truly, it is tragic and it is something I strongly feel we need to work to change.

Despite knowing that the ascension plan is for every person on this Earth to evolve, I worry for the fate of those who are so engrossed in darkness that they fashion their very egos with such darkness. I worry for those who don’t see that sarcasm and every other form of darkness is leading them down a very bad path, and that they’re willingly signing their own birth certificate into fourth density-negative.

Of course, at the heart of many of these problems lies the unawareness in the collective of humanity as to the realms beyond our conscious understanding. Because nobody seems to understand that there are heavenly as well as hellish realms beyond this third dimension, feeding darkness with no seeming karmic consequences just doesn’t matter to anybody.

Nobody understands that what we feed and accept will determine where we go after we leave this realm and to be quite blunt, I feel that the incredible amount of darkness fed to humanity via television, movies and a plethora of other things is done as a part of a ritualistic sacrifice of the goodness of humanity.

The more souls who feed into and accept darkness in our society, the more souls who get to experience the results of such darkness after they pass on, in the form of being taken to the hellish realms they have so willingly fed into for so long. Quite honestly, we need to raise awareness of these sorts of things and even if we are met with brick walls or outright insulted for the stance we are taking, we can know that we did our part and attempted to help the souls around us.

As it stands right now, I see that exponential darkness is still willingly and happily fed by too many souls on this Earth and without descending into puritanism; I very strongly feel that something needs to be done to awaken humanity into feeding the Light rather than the darkness.

A bit dualistic of a belief perhaps, but it is where I stand nonetheless. Purity and Love are here to replace twisted distortions and darkness, and I strongly feel it a part of my mission to raise awareness about the many ways we have been kept feeding Illuminati-dreams.

I expressed the viewpoint I’m about to give to that same “special someone” mentioned above: If you’re one who can see a woman being killed; a person being hung; a graphic sex scene; or a bloody and gory fight, and those don’t affect you in any way – than something truly is wrong.

Complacency toward those things and accepting them as “just a part of our society” is truly just as bad as claiming them not to be real or feeding into them willingly and I say this with Love:

It’s time for us to wake up.

It’s time to awaken to the many things that have been done to keep us feeding into hell because truly, if awareness is not raised than more and more souls will continue to be (almost-willingly) sacrificed.

Wes Annac – Ready and willing for the Light to transmute the largely-fed and accepted darkness

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/15/2013 12:11:56 AM

Sunspot Blasting Out Major Solar Flares Will Face Earth Soon

The sunspot AR1748, which blasted out three powerful flares on May 12-13, 2013, is seen on the far left side of the sun in this image taken on May 14 by the NASA/ESA SOHO spacecraft.
Sunspot AR1478 (far left) fired off the three biggest flares of 2013 over a 24-hour stretch on May 12-13.
The super-active sunspot responsible for unleashing the three most powerful solar flares of 2013 within a 24-hour stretch this week is slowly rotating toward Earth and will likely be facing our planet by the weekend, experts say.

Active Region 1748, as the sunspot is known, unleashed three monster solar flares between Sunday and Monday (May 12 to 13). Every one of the solar storms registered as an X-class flare — the most powerful type — with each successive event stronger than the last, culminating in an X3.2 megablast Monday night.

These solar explosions did not affect Earth, since AR1748 was not facing our planet at the time. But the sunspot is now circling into view, so future flares and any associated eruptions of super-hot solar plasma — called coronal mass ejections (CMEs) — could potentially target our planet, scientists say. [Sun Unleashes Biggest Flares of 2013 (Photos)]

"In a couple of days, it will be far enough onto the disk that any CMEs that we got would probably have some impact on Earth," solar astrophysicist C. Alex Young, of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., told

AR1748 should be near the center of the solar disk by around Saturday, Young added.

"If it sends something off, then we can expect to get some CMEs sort of head-on" at that point, he said.

Sunspots are temporary dark and relatively cool patches on our star's surface where the local magnetic field is very strong. They frequently, but not always, serve as staging grounds for powerful solar flares and CMEs.

At about the size of two Earths, AR1748 is not a particularly large sunspot. (Sunspots can stretch for tens of thousands of miles across the solar surface.) But the active region does appear to have an unusually complex structure, Young said.

Because AR1748 is near the sun's limb at the moment, it's tough to say if its complexity is increasing, which could be an indicator of future activity. But things should become clearer in the next day or so, as scientists get a better look at the sunspot, he added.

While researchers will take AR1748's complexity and evolution into account when gauging its future eruption potential, they'll also look closely at its past behavior.

"One of the biggest indicators of an active region flaring is that it already flared," Young said. "In this case, the fact that it's already put out a really large flare gives it a strong possibility that it'll do it again."

Scientists give AR1748 a 40 to 50 percent chance of firing off another X-class flare, he added, though this probability is a rough estimate that could change as further information becomes available.

X-class flares aimed at Earth can have consequences on a planet-wide scale, triggering widespread radio blackouts and long-lasting radiation storms.

Earth-directed CMEs have even more destructive potential. When a CME's charged particles interact with Earth's magnetic field, they can spawn geomagnetic storms powerful enough to disrupt GPS signals, radio communications and power grids.

Solar activity waxes and wanes over an 11-year cycle. The current cycle, called Solar Cycle 24, is ramping up toward an expected peak later this year.

Scientists have been tracking the sun's weather cycle since 1843, when it was first discovered. Today, NASA and other space agencies use sophisticated satellites and spacecraft to monitor the sun's activity with high-definition instruments to keep tabs on space weather events.

Follow Mike Wall on Twitter @michaeldwall and Google+. Follow us @Spacedotcom, Facebook or Google+. Originally published on

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/15/2013 11:06:22 AM

1st Kurdish fighters enter Iraq from Turkey

Associated Press/ Ceerwan Aziz - Kurdish fighters from the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) congratulate each other after arriving in the Heror area, northeast of Dahuk, 260 miles (430 kilometers) northwest of Baghdad, Iraq, Tuesday, May 14, 2013. The first of Kurdish fighters from Turkey have entered northern Iraq as part of a peace deal to end a long uprising, despite Iraqi objections to the transfer. Comrades greeted 13 armed men and women from the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) at a ceremony in Heror in Iraq's self-ruled Kurdish area. The central government in Baghdad has rejected the deal, warning that the entry of more armed Kurdish fighters could harm the country's security. (AP Photo/ Ceerwan Aziz)

HEROR, Iraq (AP) — Bringing their rifles and hand grenades, the first Kurdish fighters crossed Tuesday from Turkey into northern Iraq as part of a peace deal to end a long uprising despite Iraqi objections to the transfer.

The rebels' retreat to bases in Iraq's semi-autonomous Kurdish region is a key stage in the peace process between the Kurdistan Workers Party, or PKK, and the Ankara government, aimed at ending one of the world's bloodiest insurgencies.

The PKK declared a cease-fire in March, heeding a call from its imprisoned leader, Abdullah Ocalan, who is engaged in talks with Turkey to end a nearly 30-year battle that has cost tens of thousands of lives.

As the first 13 armed men and women arrived Tuesday in Heror in the Iraqi Kurdish area, comrades greeted them at a ceremony, serving refreshments of tea and cookies.

"We have been on the road for the past seven days," said Sawashka Kawar, one of the fighters. "But today, we made it and arrived in Iraq despite the difficult journey."

She warned the Turkish government that if PKK fighters were attacked, they "will fight back."

The refuge offer came from Iraq's Kurdish region, which enjoys limited independence from the central government in Baghdad. Iraqi Kurds were involved in the talks with Turkey.

Baghdad has rejected the deal, warning that the entry of more armed Kurdish fighters could harm Iraq's security and add tension to already souring relations between the self-ruled Kurdish region and the central government. The two sides are in conflict over contested areas, including key oil-producing sectors and disputed areas.

During a session Tuesday, the Iraqi Cabinet reiterated its rejection of the deal and of the presence of PKK fighters, saying it "represents a flagrant violation of Iraq's sovereignty and independence."

The government said Iraq will file a complaint to the U.N. Security Council about it. "Iraq stresses its right to defend its sovereignty and independence in ways seen proper and in accordance with international laws and decisions," said the statement.

In Heror, PKK official Furat Jakrkhouni said a larger group is expected to enter Iraq in a week's time.

"More PKK fighters will be arriving if things go smoothly," he said. "The withdrawal process will continue if there is no obstacles put by the Turkish government."

PKK, considered a terror group by Ankara and its Western allies, is believed to have between 1,500 and 2,000 fighters inside Turkey, along with several thousand more based in northern Iraq, which they use as a springboard for attacks on Turkish territory.

Relations between Iraq and Turkey have been strained since December, when Iraq's fugitive Sunni Vice President Tariq al-Hashemi took refuge in Turkey following accusations by the Shiite-led government in Baghdad that he was running death squads.

Turkish officials rejected Baghdad's request to hand over al-Hashemi, who was tried and convicted in absentia.


Associated Press writer Sameer N. Yacoub contributed to this report in Baghdad.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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