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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/13/2013 10:36:32 AM

Saul via John Smallman: When You Do Not Feel Peace, It’s Because You are Choosing to Be Part of the Illusion


Steve: Folks, this is such a well-stated description of life in Third Dimensionality that I’m “sticking it” to the front page for a day. I don’t think I could conceive of the matter being better put.

Saul channeled by John Smallman, “When You Do Not Feel Peace, It’s Because You are Choosing to Be Part of The Illusion,” May 12, 2013,

Listen to John read this latest message from Saul here:

Here in the spiritual realms we are enthusiastically observing the enormous and rapid progress humanity is making on its path of spiritual evolution. This has always been the divine Will, so your rapid progress was always expected. Nevertheless, it is indeed a joy to see it happening.

The very intense work that you Light-bearers and wayshowers are doing as you address and release the issues that are coming up thick and fast for you, and for humanity generally, is being most effectively implemented, and all on Earth are benefiting due to your efforts.

This is a momentous time to be experiencing life as a human. Many are depressed, as they suffer or observe the suffering of others, and feel quite helpless . . . unable to experience any form of consolation themselves or to offer it to others. The suffering seems too grave, too deep for anyone to bear.

But the darkness will lift because there is only the Light! Deep within yourselves is the path to joy, to glory, and it is inevitable that you find it and follow it, because it is your path, the path that you chose and prepared for yourselves before incarnating. Hold on to your faith, your knowing that there is only Love – and It will find you

Feeling lost, abandoned, is a state of mind that hides the Light from you, because you search frantically for an outside light to assist you, to comfort you, and yet the Light you seek is always within you, patiently waiting for you to slow down and return to your center where everything you have ever sought is enfolded in the Love that is your core, maintaining you, cherishing you, and supporting you through all the dreams and nightmares that have terrified you, seemingly for so long.

You are not lost souls adrift in an ocean of darkness; you are brilliantly shining jewels in the divine field of Love that is God. In your fear and your anguish, which are intense because you have made the illusion so real for yourselves, you have chosen not to see the Light of your souls, that inextinguishable Flame that is the eternal Light of God within you.

You are eternally and inseparably connected to the Source of all being, your heavenly Father, where all consciousness has its existence. When you do not feel the peace and the security of that truth it is because you are choosing to see and be part of the fearful illusions that your mind has invented on your command.

The process that humanity is now undergoing is the release of all those old and stale images – images produced eons ago when you played mindgames in which you inflicted intense pain and suffering on others as you chose the experience of separation from your Source in an insane attempt to prove to yourselves that you did not need Him, did not need anyone, were complete in yourselves, and that you could live happily, productively, and most successfully without Him.

He is Love, and you decided to invent the opposite, but there is no opposite. Love is all that exists. So you effectively enclosed yourselves in a sheath or cloud of darkness – another concept that is impossible to create – which hid Reality from you so that you could play your games. And in that darkness you found doubt, dread, and terror.

At first it seemed that you could impose these horrors on others at no cost to yourselves, and you got a certain perverse sense of pleasure or satisfaction in doing so. But it quickly became apparent that in the illusion no one was safe, everyone was in jeopardy, and in every moment conflict was present as catastrophe waited to engulf you.

And yet you continued to seek safety in conflict, convincing yourselves that it was possible to destroy those whom you believed were out to destroy you, and by doing so restore the peace and order for which you yearned. Finally, you have realized that conflict inevitably leads to further conflict regardless of the intent with which it was entered into.

It is becoming undeniably apparent that to engage in conflict is to engage in it endlessly. And so you have chosen, collectively, to awaken from the horrific nightmare, but because of your experiences you find it hard to release the attitudes and behaviors which for so long you have believed were essential for your safety and for the safety of your loved ones. Attitudes and behaviors which tie you firmly to the illusion.

Nevertheless, you have realized that you must release all that is unloving, all that is in opposition to the divine Will of your Father, because only Love has any validity, any Reality, and yet you fear . . . . That is why you are receiving such an abundance of help from those in the spiritual realms.

Release of all that is not in alignment with Love is the essential step you must take to break free of the entanglements of the illusion, and we are here to help you release the fear that encourages you to hold on, and even attempts to persuade you not to let go.

Collectively you have made the choice to embrace Love, and to release the unreality that seemingly opposes It. You cannot fail in your endeavor because you are fully, nay infinitely, supported in your intent by God, Whose Will is never in doubt because It is always achieved. Prepare yourselves for joy to surpass all joy!

With so very much love, Saul.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/13/2013 10:37:47 AM

Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 308

Aisha North Manuscript of SurvivalAisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 308

May 11, 2013 at

As the days and nights pass by, the magnitude of what you have become part of will start to seep in in so many ways. Yes, this does entail some rather intense personal clearings, but at the same time, it also signals the start of a brand new era. Not just for each and every one of you, but also for this planet. You see, as we have mentioned in an earlier missive, this connecting and gathering that you have been focusing in on, is not just something that you have been partaking in.

For this is indeed a global event, or rather events, in more ways than one, as there are other groups just like yours in the middle of going through this same deepening of relations. And when we say relations, we refer to both the personal one, the one where each and every individual get a chance to delve deeper into their own core than ever before, but we also mean this process of connecting, or rather, reconnecting, both with their own aspects ”behind the veil” as it were, and indeed with all the rest of Creation. But this is also a process of connecting and weaving together so many individual people scattered across your globe into a myriad of these webs of light, just like the one you now feel yourself so deeply attached to.

Let us explain. As we have mentioned on many an occasion before, this all has to do with specific frequencies. And just like in magnetics, different frequencies are drawn to each other, hence the resonace you all feel when you enter this Pond for the very first time. For what has drawn you here in the first place, is the inherent attraction that the vibrational frequency of this Pond carries. For you will have felt as if it spoke to you, and that is in fact just what this frequency does. It works like a homing beacon, sending out signals that will attract all of those capable of tuning into this signal.

And what makes you capable of tuning into it, is the frequency you carry with you when you enter into a physical body and become an inhabitant of this planet. And remember, there are many different frequencies that one can carry, but each and every individual has one that is the signature one. And whenever you come across someone carrying this same kind of energetic signature, you will automatically notice it. Hence, this experience of meeting someone for the first time, but still feeling as if this is someone you have known all of your life. Or rather, for eternity. For underneath this superficial human layer, you are all just walking energy fields, and your energy field carries this signature frequency, and this frequency is becoming even more activated now. And that was indeed the process that took place before, during and after this so-called Gathering.

You are all part of the same frequency group, and so, you will have this affinity for each other. It is literally in your blood, as all that you are comprised of, carries this same signature. In fact, this is what is encoded in your DNA, and so, this is not something that can be faked, if we may use such a word. In other words, you will be naturally drawn to the people who carry the same ”tune” as you, and you will have a much more neutral, or at times, even negative, feeling towards those that comes with a very different frequency than yours.

This may sound strange, but it is indeed a vital part of this plan for rebirthing your whole planet. For individually, you do not carry enough weight to make much difference, but as soon as you get entrained as we like to call it, or connected if you will, you start to form an energetic grid that is vastly more powerful than the individual components put together side by side. We have discussed this in some detail before, so this will not be news to any of you. But what may be news, is the fact that there are so many other groups of different frequencies going through the exact same process as yours.

You will find them on this world wide web you call the internet, as they have also been guided to set into motion a sort of gathering or mass-communication like you have in your Gatherings, and for some of you, you might even be called to take part in other activation sequences with a different group from this in addition to what you have been doing here. And this is because that in these different frequency signatures, thare are also subgroups, and these subgroups criss cross their web of light with others that they are in tune with. This will sound very complicated, and it is indeed difficult to wrap your head around, so do not try to understand it all. But just know this, if you do feel called to connect in any way with someone, whether that be a single person or a group, it is always important to answer that call and follow through on this hunch. For there is always a reason for it, even if that reason may not be apparent to you at the outset.

Again, all will be known as soon as the time is right, but for now it suffices you to know that this has all been carefully planned in order to get you all ready and perfectly placed. So when the time comes for you to step into the role that you will carry into the future, you will be connected with all the right people, and you will be connected to this web of energy through all of the contact points that are needed for you personally to function optimally. For now, that is as far as we will go with details, for this is indeed a very complicated picture, and one it is impossible for any of you to get the full scope of yet. So let us just leave it at that, and remind you to follow your inner guidance in all of this.

It may sound difficult and overly complicated, but know that all it means, is that you will feel the joy in your heart whenever you take a step that will enable you to connect in all the right ways with all of the right people. For then, the love you feel coursing through your whole being will continue to increase in a way you have not been able to feel before. So this is, in all aspects, truly a labour of love, and it is also a labour of love that will reach far and beyond your own shores. You have gotten a small glimpse of this through the visions many have shared in the aftermath of this, your first Gathering, but know that this is nothing compared to the joys you all have ahead of you.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/13/2013 10:39:02 AM

Archangel Indriel via Bella Capozzi: A Mother’s Day Message

imageArchangel Indriel via Bella Capozzi: A Mother’s Day Message, May 11, 2013 at

Beloved hearts, I am Indriel. If you think you know me not, do be aware that it is because you simply remember me not. That is all. You know me and know me well, sweet angels of God and goodness. You know me as protector, guide and as a source of sudden inspiration-the inspiration which propels you forward towards the purpose for which you came to these great lands. You need’nt remember me, for I ask only that you be still on occasion, observe and listen to the wisdom of your heart.

I step forth in these times as a helper of the lightholders and the teachers. And that is you, dear hearts. You are the change the world has been waiting. It is you who are the tangible proof, in full and glorious embodiment. Look towards one another, and before your very eyes is the evidence of that change, the evidence for which you have so long been crying out. Do you understand what I am telling you? The visible proof is in the transformation of the people, however maddeningly slow you perceive the process to be.

It is at the behest of the Divine Mother that I have taken on the nurturing of the warriors. You are known amongst us as the Tribes of Light, lovingly selected and organized by Her to be the carriers of love within a world so seemingly devoid of it. You are here to do Her bidding and to spread Her message, and She is inordinately pleased with the job you are doing. She could not ask for more. Breath deeply, children…all is well. You remain cradled in your Mother’s strong embrace, even when you you think you are alone and adrift in a hostile land. You are always protected. You are untouchable.

She reminds you that it is all a game, a play, and much of what you find yourselves in the throes of is preordained. You planned it all, together, with Her and for Her. Alas, yes, there are always going to be variables, as free will is very much a factor in the actual speed by which the key events shall progress; and also it factors into just what and how intense those events turn out to be. There are still several potential timelines in play, which are to inevitably become one, at some point. Yet as I told you, you are a powerful Light which cannot be extinguished. Knowing this enables you to move onto you path without fear.

The Mother’s love is all around you. Become aware of yourself as being suffused in soft pink energy, which glitters like fine crystal. As you steadily begin to form an awareness of this light, which is in actuality Her love, you shall find that it is warm and physically detectable. Her love is inexhaustible and exists in every act of generosity and selflessness performed, in every kind word and thought. It is not only the glue which bonds you to your own soul family incarnate, but is also what connects you to every other animal and Human Being on the planet, and to the Higher Realms.

It is the unconditional love of your Mother and your Father which initially brought you into being. Together they created you so as to love you, as their love is so great that it cannot be contained just amongst themselves! They chose that through each of you, their brilliance would be spread throughout the universe and beyond. You are, each one, a living miracle.

Copyright © Bella Capozzi. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/13/2013 10:40:21 AM

Jesus via John Smallman: To Trust is to Be Free

jesus-4-258x3001-150x150Jesus channeled by John Smallman: To Trust is to Be Free, May 12, 2013, at

You can hear John’s reading of today’s post here:http;//

An intense and creative shift in humanity’s perception of itself is happening all across the world in preparation for your move into full consciousness, full awareness of who you are and of your eternal inseparability from God – Who created you to enjoy infinite and everlasting peace, joy, and happiness.

Peace, joy, and happiness are states of mind. Modern psychology has informed you of that, and it has been well demonstrated, especially by those who have moved from depression and anxiety into peace and contentment by changing their minds and their perceptions.

Everyone has the ability to change their perceptions, but until quite recently it was thought that an individual’s perception – his view of life and the opportunities it offered him – was basically fixed: a state of existence into which he was born and with which he had to deal to the best of his abilities.

Now it is generally recognized that everyone does have the freedom to change those apparently given attributes for something more in line with their desires. It is a recognition that you are each masters of your own destiny, that how you experience life is a personal choice which you make in every moment. Yes, you all have different and indeed unique limitations – physical, intellectual, and creative – which vary from one to another, but they do not prevent you from altering the beliefs and the perceptions through which you view the world, your world.

When you view life as unsatisfactory, unfair, painful, it means that you are focusing on those aspects of your experiences. You have all had experiences which at the time were fearful, painful, shaming, unjust, and perhaps afterwards you held on to what seemed like a totally justified sense of resentment or bitterness about it which only slowly dissipated as the time interval between you and that event increased, and the pain that you felt diminished. Then maybe weeks, months, or even years later, when you recalled that moment you saw that it also had a funny side and you could now laugh about it, or that it had taught you some important lesson or truth that you might not have learnt otherwise, and so you now feel grateful for the experience.

When you are going through a period during which life is really getting you down, try to recall previous times that were painful but that you now view with the wisdom of hindsight, and remind yourselves that everything passes, and that there are always moments of value, moments of happiness, and moments of laughter during your daily lives – moments that are often missed because of the intense focus you place on what is going wrong or needs fixing. So make the intent to be aware of them and enjoy them. When you do this your stress levels fall, and you find yourselves more at peace.

You are the masters of your destiny! God created you perfect as members of His divine field of Love, endowed you with an infinite array of gifts, and honored your choices and decisions, including the choice you made to experience separation from Him. You have now chosen to terminate that experience – an illusory or imaginary state that exists only for as long as you support it.

You have supported it by seeing yourselves as separated individuals living in an unsafe world, in which you have to take constant care not to be overtaken by or caught up in some dangerous and painful event or situation that could even cause your death. So you live on the defensive, only able to partially trust even those you love, always primed and ready to repel attack.

That state is a state of fear, and fear shuts out Love, refuses to acknowledge it, and focuses on the unloving personal energy fields that you have built around yourselves for protection, and which seems to demonstrate with monotonous regularity how wise you are to maintain them. Within the world where you are experiencing your human existence it seems insane to even consider dismantling that protective field, because when you look beyond it you see pain, suffering, chaos, and confusion everywhere, threatening your very existence.

But until you dismantle your defenses you will remain unable to dissolve the illusion, because they support it by attaching you to it. To trust is to be free, and you were created free. You are free, and you will feel free when you let go of the felt need to defend yourselves, and allow yourselves to dismantle those defenses.

Yes of course, within the illusion your trust can be betrayed – it has been many times, and you have each betrayed others – but trust can only be developed and enabled to grow by engaging with it while not being attached to the outcome. People do not trust each other; they believe that their lack of trust is fully justified, and they therefore feel that there is no reason for them to honor another’s trust. It is a Catch 22 situation. The only way forward is to start trusting.

Make the determined intent to trust, then ask God, your angels or guides, or anyone in the spiritual realms whom you feel intuited to call on to help you carry out that intent. Know that because you are still engaged with and experiencing life in the illusory world, some will honor that trust and others will betray it. Remind yourselves that you are wayshowers and Light-bearers and that you chose to be embodied on Earth at this moment in humanity’s evolution for this very task – demonstrating and honoring trust.

Trust honored grows and strengthens. It is a demonstration of love in action. Those of you who have had children know what it is to trust, and trust again, as your children frequently break that trust. It is, as you well know, part of the process of growing from childhood to adulthood. Finally your children mature and learn the wisdom that your trust has been demonstrating. They then stop betraying it, allowing you both to rejoice in the love and honor in which you have always held each other.

But now, trust has to move out of the safe confines of the family to be widely shared, globally shared. There will be disappointments, but to spread and share trust is part of humanity’s spiritual evolution, and when you do so with courage and determination you will be well supported by all in the spiritual realms. Trust is growing now; it is an essential part of your awakening process. Take part in that process and do not allow disappointment with some of the results to dissuade you from that noble task. It is your collective intent to succeed, and so you will.

Your loving brother, Jesus

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/13/2013 5:25:50 PM
From Wes Annac's personal blog:

The Pleiadian High Council: Telepathic Conversations Have Always Preceded Contact

-Channeled through Wes Annac-

We spend a vast amount of your “time” to borrow that term from our channel’s mind, working aboard our ships for your planet and for a plethora of other planets and realms actively involved in the ascension of the Universe.

We work from our ships quite often, and in our leisurely time we can travel to infinite other realms and landscapes if we wish – by stargate travel; by travel which is bred from the sheer intent to travel somewhere which takes us there instantly; or via the holographic rooms we have aboard our ships.

We have what you best would know as projectors of a higher dimensional, conscious nature in most of the rooms of our ships. These projectors project an entirely real yet holographic reality, which is fifth dimensional (or purer) and which we can enjoy and exist in just as much as we can any other location.

This is because the holographic projectors aboard our ships are using the very energies used to Create and sustain your reality and indeed, our reality, to Create and sustain specific environments we would work with the projectors to manifest for ourselves.

You will discover and understand so many things about the free energy Creating your realities, and learning how to utilize our technologies will be a strong facet of learning how to work with energy to manifest anything you desire.

Fruitful Technologies and Revelations

The technologies you will be given from we Galactic beings will be just as fruitful as the revelations that are to be uncovered on the surface of your Earth and in fact, many of the revelations you will be given will concern our technology and how it has been back-engineered and turned into the technologies emitting destructive frequencies that are meant to disturb humanity’s brainwaves.

Ultimately, the cabals have attempted to Create a society of unaware individuals who serve them in nearly every sense. In the spiritual sense, the cabals have attempted to get you to serve them by Creating and having you feed very real barriers of negativity and lower dimensionality, which are different from the veils you have instated unto yourselves.

These barriers are different because they have not been Created by you, but they can have as little influence upon you as anything else as long as your energy and focus is not lent to them. We trust that you dear souls will be able to feel and understand the influence those barriers can have upon you in the time ahead and already, so many of you are awakening to the reality of what they attempt to enforce within you and we are brimming with joy to note the awareness being gained in the awakening humanity as to the many ways the cabals have attempted to hold you back.

You do not have to allow yourselves to be held back; though outer circumstances in your Lives will indeed attempt to arise and convince you that your perspectives must be dampened because of them.

Much is happening that is intended to test your resolve and ability to remain within a higher dimensional center in any and every moment, and the awareness being gained at present is seeing the Light very easily able to permeate the minds and hearts of a plethora of awakening souls who see that the time has come to change aspects of their Lives and behavioral patterns that are no longer in resonation with the experiences they wish to have.

The Continual Importance of Remaining Centered

Indeed, ascension will never be and has never been forced onto any dear souls, but your ability to take in and radiate as much and as pure ascension energy as you can rides on your ability to find and remain in your spiritual centers.

Remaining centered and balanced and not allowing any force to usurp your natural energies will see you very well along in attempting to find the energies of the higher realms, and you will find yourselves fruitfully able to connect with we ascended souls and with any other facet of the Light Forces assisting your Earth in Her ordained evolution from the third dimension to the fifth.

Consciousness has come about in various different forms on your world, and humans, animals and plants alike will have the full opportunity to ascend and to absorb the increasingly-pure energies being given to you from the higher realms.

Indeed, plenty of evolving animals on your world are already beginning to feel and radiate the ascension energies being delivered and while other animals and humans will remain stuck within the old paradigm they have been taught to survive in; you are all doing a magnificent thing for those souls by radiating the Light you are finding within, as you are helping them to find their own ascension in their own due time.

Indeed, as has been said some souls, be them humans, animals or anything else, will not choose to be a part of the wondrous evolutionary event that is the collective ascension of your Earth, and will instead choose to ascend another time around on another lower dimensional planet that will perhaps be a bit easier for them to experience.

The souls who have been the most caught up in negativity and lower dimensionality whilst on the surface of your Earth, have experienced a great deal of difficulty in your lower realms and while every one of you have experienced this difficulty, it has affected others much stronger than it has many of you dear souls who have been able to find the Light despite the nature of extreme difficulty you have experienced on the surface of the Earth.

Spreading Your Light despite Difficulty

Everything you’ve experienced has been for the ultimate purpose of helping you to grow as a soul and when it is seen just how unfair the playing field has been in terms of everything the cabals have done to hold humanity back, the amazing feat that will be your ascent into the higher realms will be even more known and understood for the heroic marvel of achievement that it is.

We cannot express the good you have spread enough because truly, the actions of the cabals in holding humanity back have been fruitful and they have worked with a plethora of beings with lower intentions on enforcing and feeding negativity in humanity.

We have mentioned this truth above, and we return to it to (further) congratulate you dear Lightworkers and starseeds for spreading the Light you have been able to spread despite the nature of difficulty you have incarnated unto.

We ask you to treat the dear children around you with Love and respect of the purest order, because they too are on your Earth as a part of a destined mission and are doing everything they can to remain in Lighted positions in the face of their own difficulties accompanying the experiences they are having.

The dear children on your planet have, like you, purposely incarnated unto the difficult situation that is the Earth experience and have done so in the name of spreading their Light, and we ask every one of you to recognize the Light present in the children of mankind and to consciously or subconsciously thank them for it, because while they experience much of what you do and attempt to deal with it in their own manners; they too are performing an exponential feat for the ascension of the Earth.

Some children have purposely incarnated into difficult or abusive situations so that they could lend their Light to such situations, and every child is looked after and Loved along their path. Every one of you are Loved and looked after as well, and we ask for you to make your attempts to feel and radiate our vibrations as you can now begin to recognize when we are attempting to get ahold of you.

You Can Find Our Impressions

Those of you who have awakened to our existence and our wish to assist your planet can truly begin to find our impressions, as we and your guides are anxiously waiting to get ahold of you and to do anything we can to help you feel and radiate our vibrations and those of the realms we exist in.

Some of you are beginning to receive fruitful impressions of the realms we exist in and the aforementioned Star and Motherships we so enjoy performing much of our work from, and when you go out of your way to focus your heart on receiving our impressions, you will be able to receive fruitful images and feelings related to the realms we exist in and the craft we are speaking to you from in this very moment.

Indeed, we are speaking to you dear souls from our sentient craft and as we said (above), we perform a plethora of duties from these craft that are all related to the evolution of your planet.

We are helping to mitigate and cleanse the pollution manifested in your skies, and we ask for those of you still experiencing fruitful chemtrails not to worry; for we are helping to neutralize many of the destructive effects that would otherwise result from the spraying of such things in your skies, and you as well can send your Lighted energies toward them in an effort to cleanse them entirely.

The cabals have done a plethora of things to keep your skies, water and ground unhealthy that much of the awakening humanity still has not yet discovered and as goes without saying, we are here with you to help you cleanse and dissolve any last bit of pollution that has been manifested, which is not a direct result of what humanity has manifested for yourselves via your freewill.

Some of what the cabals have attempted to do has been allowed to succeed because of the awareness surrounding such things that is meant to be raised in humanity, and because your freewill has permitted them to happen in the past.

Exiting Freewill While Still Manifesting Karma

You are collectively beginning to exit your freewill contract as you brace the states of consciousness and perceptual awareness of the fifth dimension and while doing so, many facets of your collective are still continually manifesting density for themselves to experience as individuals and for your entire collective to experience and thus, many of the actions of the cabals in attempting to hold you back have manifested.

You can truly help put an end to the manifesting of tragedies, pollution and a plethora of other things, and every time something heart-wrenching occurs on your world you can recognize it as having happened to lighten some of the collective negativity and density.

There is much of this energy still in need of transmuting, which is why we have said that you can use your natural Lighted energies to perform these transmutations and to do so many other things that you would perhaps not expect yourselves to be able to do.

Humanity has so many abilities held within that you have been led away from understanding, and your ability to telepathically communicate with us and a myriad of other beings from the higher realms is just one thing that has been hidden from you as you have been collectively conditioned to grow up in a constricted reality.

The very idea of telepathy is still seen as a “fringe” subject to many souls on your world who do not understand that telepathy is a very real ability that can be utilized for truly wonderful purposes. Like anything, telepathy too can be distorted and the militaries of the cabals have for so long, attempted to use telepathy in their favor and against their perceived “enemy”.

Distorted vs. Real Telepathic Abilities

As some brave souls have come to the forefront of the collective consciousness to expose, the actions of the cabals in nurturing telepathic abilities in some of their soldiers have included carefully taking away such soldiers’ ability to communicate with beings or energies of a higher consciousness or intelligence, and the fruitful abilities you possess beyond your conscious understanding have been distorted and used only for the gain of souls who would keep humanity back forever if they were allotted.

Indeed, they are not being allotted and you dear souls can see the response of the Light in the form of our communications being issued and in the form of your incarnation on the Earth to help spread the Light you are feeling within, as indications of this.

The cabals have had their day in the sun and while they will only continue to attempt to manifest tragedies and do so many other things that are intended to disguise the presence of the Light upon your Earth, you the awakening humanity are becoming far too aware to continue to fall for the orchestrations they have cast over you, and the awareness being garnered is sparking a true revolution of Love and Light in the minds and hearts of each one of you.

We have been fruitfully delivering our impressions for a plethora of souls in a plethora of time periods of your Earthly history to pick up on and decode, and what we are doing now is not any different from what we have been doing for so very long on your planet.

Telepathic Connections Precede Physical Contact

Indeed, telepathic conversations have nearly always preceded our contact with various civilizations in your Earthly history, and we have used the relationships we garnered with each individual we connected with in such time periods to bring forth a contact that has always been intended to assist your various civilizations in their Earthly evolution.

As we and others have in the past, we ask you to nurture the ongoing connection you are finding to spirit and to us for truly, your abilities to communicate with us and to find the higher realms are only to increase in strength and purity as you embrace the heightened states of consciousness you are finding as they grow within you.

As we make our final impressions for this communication, we remind you all that we and the plentiful other facets of the Light Forces assisting in your ascension are not going anywhere. We will always and forever be with you, and the sooner you dear souls can realize that we have been with you throughout every facet of your Earth experience and throughout every Life you have taken upon the surface of the Earth, the sooner you can see that the Light is here to stay on your planet.

We Love you all so very much, and this Love will continue to be expressed as you find yourselves able to expand upon it.

Thank you to the Pleiadian High Council.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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