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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/9/2013 10:21:22 PM

High Council of Orion via Karen Doonan: Anchoring of New Coding In the Human Vehicle

imageMay 7, 2013 at

Greetings dear ones. We are the High Council of Orion and we come to guide and to support as all now move in vibration and all now begin the downloading and anchoring of the new earth codes within the human vehicle. Many of you at this time may be moving through various scenarios that are manifesting various “symptoms” within the human vehicle.

It is vital that you become more consciously aware of what is physically happening within the human vehicle in order that you do not start to try to filter out all that is transforming within your human vehicle. The human vehicle is now changing its structure to accommodate the higher energetic frequencies of the new earth and the new golden age of humankind.

As these changes are happening from a cellular level outwards, it is relatively easy for the human logical mind to filter out these changes and to try to teach that you are “ill” or “run down”. We are here to help you achieve clarity of vision and to help you process these changes at human conscious waking mind level.

The way in which your human vehicle uses and stores energy is now changing and these changes will continue to expand and to deepen as you anchor the new energetic coding for the new earth. It is not helpful to assume that a “cold” is a cold and take the actions that you would take under the old earth frequencies, for all is vibration and all is energy. The way in which you store and retrieve energy is changing radically and understanding this at a human conscious level will allow you to adjust more readily to these changes.

A crystalline structure is the structure that your human vehicle is transforming into. the old human vehicle structure is not able to anchor and to process the higher energetic frequencies that are now flooding across and within planet earth. The denser energetic frequencies are now being eliminated by the use of various parts of the human energy system.

Many of you may now be unable to connect to the energies around you using methods employed under the old 3D earth energetic structure and this may place many of you in a chaotic pattern, the human logical brain trying to teach that you have connected successfully to other dimensions for the past x number of years so it should now be the same. We draw your attention to “same” which is a tool of the old earth. Nothing is “same”. Everything moves and shifts for the “all just IS ” and “all ARE.” We also draw your attention to the opening of the higher dimensional timelines and the heightened abilities that come with a crystalline human vehicle as opposed to a carbon based human vehicle.

You have been taught about the human vehicle and all it is capable of under the old 3D earth paradigms – those who sought to contain and suppress the human race placing information into your waking reality to keep you from moving and shifting in vibration; for why would a race that suppressed allow you to expand?

We ask for you to process our words through the heart for the heart knows truth. We also would underline clearly that logic plays no part in the unfolding or the creation of the new earth here on planet earth. For many of you, logic is the challenge, for you have been taught for aeons that logic is the way to move forward here on planet earth in this your human form. Logic will not help your transition into the new earth energies for the heart is the key to all and the heart defies logic, all just IS and you ARE. Where you default to logic you suppress your creative abilities, whilst you default to logic you filter out the millions of possibilities that are now opening to you in this your human form. Do you understand our guidance dear ones?

We are not here to teach, we are not here to lead, we are here to guide and often to challenge the logic that has been ingested through the teachings of the old earth energetic frequencies. For you are not here to sit within the old paradigms and create a new life experience. The new life experience is created by moving out of the old paradigms and expanding beyond where you have ever gone before.

We are here to help you with all that is life on planet earth, and we ask that you process our words through the heart space at all times and feel truth. For often during this process truth will be hidden from you, hidden by the resurgence of the old earth teachings, for as they come up for release and for dissolving they temporarily may blind. This serves no one and we guide for you to be aware of the potential these teachings have to blind and to confuse as they are then dissolved. Clarity of vision returns upon the dissolving of the teachings, for their frequency is then expelled from the human vehicle.

We wish to go into more detail on physically how this manifests for clarity. Many of you in your human form are not drinking enough clear water, the water is needed in order to flush out the toxins that the teachings of distortion create within the cellular structure of your human vehicle. Going to the loo more often is natures way of helping with this cleansing and we note how many of you are noticing the amount of water expelled by the human vehicle is more than has been ingested. This shows truth to new levels for all just IS and you ARE.

The design of the human vehicle is changing, the organs of the body will now begin to change in their structure as the outer layers change in their structure for the human vehicle has been delayed in its progression. We struggle for the human word as human language is at times containing. The human vehicle has remained within the dense energetic frequencies of the old earth for aeons, now it approaches and begins to enter the new golden age of msnkind. The changes will be subtle at first but will change and shift as you change and shift in vibration.

The ability to ingest denser frequencies will diminish as you go through the cleansing, clearing and harmonisation process. Many of you may already be fully consciously aware of the change to your food and liquid intake. These changes will become more and more radical as you move into and through the ascension and disclosure process with the energetic frequency of what you eat and drink becoming more important than the way that you have been taught to look at food. For many of you it was taste and it was nutritional quality of food. This is negated when it comes to the new earth frequencies for you will naturally begin to move towards food that resonates to your new energetic signature and vibration.

We note there is still much disinformation about food and liquid upon planet earth. This, dear ones, takes you back into the mind and out of the heart. We invite you to feel the vibration of all that you interact with, and react guided by how you feel. This frees up the human logical mind that may attempt to tie itself in knots when it comes to nutrition. Nutrition has been used as a tool of containment for too long under the old earth paradigms and we guide you to detach from the “professionals” in relation to what you consume. They are not you, only you are you and only you live within your human vehicle here upon planet earth. As each of you is unique and each of you is at a unique energetic vibration, why would one rule apply to all?

We guide that the new coding will anchor at the rate in which you are able to ingest the new coding. The need for more sleep may be uppermost at times and we guide for clarity that the sleep is needed. Sleep is where the human vehicle goes through the deep coding of the new earth – the energy that you are in truth able to walk the higher dimensional timelines apart from the human vehicle. This makes it easier for the human vehicle to be upgraded and to be aligned with the energy that you are in truth.

Again we would draw your attention to the teachings of distortion in relation to taking time for yourself and for taking time to nap. Many are trying to hold on tightly the old earth paradigms around work and responsibilities and we guide for clarity that you cannot move into the new earth paradigms and creation whilst holding tightly on the old earth energetic frequencies. Only you are responsible for you and this must be seen for the truth that it is. You are creating this human life experience from moment to moment. The only “rules” of how this is done are within you, but you have been taught that you are not in control and you have been taught that human life is something that “happens to you”. This is not truth and is not supported under the new earth energy frequencies. At all times you create your human life experience in order to then experience it physically.

We ask for you to begin to ask questions of your human form and become more consciously aware of the subtle patterns that will begin to change and shift within your human vehicle and within your human life experience for your human vehicle is akin to your antennae. Changes to the human vehicle will affect your human life experience for all are ONE and all ARE.

We are the High Council of Orion and we come to support All at this time of vast change across and within planet earth. Be guided at all times by how you Feel and allow the transformation of all parts of your human life experience to flow.

Copyright Karen Doonan, all rights reserved.,, and This article may be reproduced in its entirety if author and authors websites are clearly stated and article remains intact and in its original format which is written.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/9/2013 10:26:28 PM
Are these dream-like experiences real? If so, how can their being told help us? At any rate, use discernment

Suzanne Lie: Galactic/Earth Alliance – The Landing Party Creates

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/9/2013 10:29:52 PM

Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 307

Aisha North Manuscript of SurvivalMay 08, 2013 at

Dear friends, dear family! Yes, we would like to extend our warmest welcome home to you all, for you have truly passed the border and returned back to your former glory in so many ways.

We know that for some of you, this will leave many a question mark within your mind, for you fail to see anything different in your life, or even in your physical body, and so you will think ”what on earth are they talking about?” So let us explain a little bit about what has happened in these last few days.

For as you consciously opened that last door into the very core of your heart, whether that was before, during or even after the Gathering many of you took part in, you also removed the last obstacle standing in your way. For know that this is how this has always been decided, the choice must be yours, and yours only.

No one or no thing can force you to surrender to yourself, that is only your decision, and yours alone. But when you do make that decision, no one and no thing can stand in your way either. So as you say YES to yourself, All of creation will listen, and the doors will all open as if by magic. For then, and only then, can you step into your true self.

And now, so many of you have made that decision, and now, nothing will ever be the same. But again, on a superficial level, not much will be visible, and you will look around you and see more or less exactly the same as before. But if you look closely, you will already start to see some subtle differences.

Maybe the air itself seems to be shimmering in a slightly different way than before, the colours may seem a little bit more vibrant, and profound words will fall easier from your lips or even your fingertips. As we told you earlier, these will seem to be big shoes to fill at the outset, and the very thought what all of this will entail may be more than a little daunting.

So you will not be tossed headlong into this, dear ones, and as this is a messagee that has been oft repeated, we also know that it is a message that will be apt to cause irritation for some. For what is new, they will say, you always promise far reaching changes, but then, after the set time, you always, always say the same: ”have patience, and the changes will be small, and hardly perceptible at all.”

Well, all we can say, is take a look at your recent past, the last twelve months or so, and be truly honest with yourself. Do you see any changes at all, or none? Do you still just see the bills piling up, and only unfriendly faces staring at you from the crowds? Or do you see something else? Again, this is important, for in your hearts, you will know so well what changes it is we are talking about.

For these are not superficial changes, flounted in the mass media on par with the warmongering or the silliness of so called celebrities. These are changes on a profound level, changes that will truly stir your heart and bring tears of joy to your eyes. Have you felt any of this lately, and so, what was the reason? For that is where the truth lies, dear friends, for your heart never lies.

And from now on, you will all feel your heart quickening, and this response of joy will become more and more frequent as you truly learn to tune in to this new frequency you have been embedded within. For now, you are no longer those solitary beacons, taking down and anchoring the sounds from heaven and broadcasting them out into the night. Now, you are truly ONE, and you all hum to the same tune, and you cannot help but do that. For you have all been hooked up to this continuous generator of light and energy, and through you all, this new sound of joy is already covering your whole globe.

So prick up your ears, and you cannot fail to hear it, nay feel it, in every bone of your body. And every time you consciously reach out to any other member of this web of light, you will literally feel the vibrations coming through you. For you are no longer separate, and your message of joy will no longer drown in the pitch black darkness that used to surround your single beam of light. For now, it is as if the very air is alive and humming with this same tune of joy.

So go out and savour this choir with every fibre in your body, and do not forget to say to yourself ”this is here because I AM here, and it is by my very existence that this whole planet has started to hum in harmony once again after eons of disharmony”. And know that this benevolent vibration is already starting to have its effect on everything else, for it cannot help but to keep reaching further and further out from the Core, and further and further into the core of everything that surrounds it.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/10/2013 3:51:40 PM

Israel police guard women praying at Jewish site

Associated Press/Bernat Armangue - A Jewish orthodox women follows a prayer organized by the "Women of the Wall" organization, not pictured, at the Western Wall, the holiest site where Jews can pray in Jerusalem's old city, Friday, May 10, 2013. The "Women of the Wall" group has been holding monthly prayer services on the first day of the Hebrew month at the Western Wall in Jerusalem for more than two decades, wearing prayer shawls and performing religious rituals reserved for men under Orthodox Judaism. Accused by ultra-Orthodox leaders of violating "local custom" at the holy site, many members have been arrested. On Friday the tables were turned because of the court ruling. Police protected the women and arrested three ultra-Orthodox men for disorderly conduct, police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said. (AP Photo/Bernat Armangue)

A Jewish women from the "Women of the Wall" organization, leads a prayer, at the Western Wall, the holiest site where Jews can pray in Jerusalem's old city, Friday, May 10, 2013. The "Women of the Wall" group has been holding monthly prayer services on the first day of the Hebrew month at the Western Wall in Jerusalem for more than two decades, wearing prayer shawls and performing religious rituals reserved for men under Orthodox Judaism. Accused by ultra-Orthodox leaders of violating "local custom" at the holy site, many members have been arrested. On Friday the tables were turned because of the court ruling. Police protected the women and arrested three ultra-Orthodox men for disorderly conduct, police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said. (AP Photo/Bernat Armangue)
Ultra-orthodox Jewish people gather during a protest against a prayer organized by the "Women of the Wall" organization, not pictured, at the Western Wall, the holiest site where Jews can pray in Jerusalem's old city, Friday, May 10, 2013. The "Women of the Wall" group has been holding monthly prayer services on the first day of the Hebrew month at the Western Wall in Jerusalem for more than two decades, wearing prayer shawls and performing religious rituals reserved for men under Orthodox Judaism. Accused by ultra-Orthodox leaders of violating "local custom" at the holy site, many members have been arrested. On Friday the tables were turned because of the court ruling. Police protected the women and arrested three ultra-Orthodox men for disorderly conduct, police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said. (AP Photo/Bernat Armangue)
A Jewish orthodox woman prays while Israeli security forces make a human barrier to separate ultra-orthodox Jewish worshippers from the "Women of the Wall" group, not pictured, at the Western Wall, the holiest site where Jews can pray in Jerusalem's old city, Friday, May 10, 2013. The "Women of the Wall" group has been holding monthly prayer services on the first day of the Hebrew month at the Western Wall in Jerusalem for more than two decades, wearing prayer shawls and performing religious rituals reserved for men under Orthodox Judaism. Accused by ultra-Orthodox leaders of violating "local custom" at the holy site, many members have been arrested. On Friday the tables were turned because of the court ruling. Police protected the women and arrested three ultra-Orthodox men for disorderly conduct, police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said. (AP Photo/Bernat Armangue

JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli police with metal barriers and human chains on Friday held back thousands of ultra-Orthodox protesters who tried to prevent a liberal Jewish women's group from praying at a key holy site, the first time police have come down on the side of the women and not the protesters.

The switch followed a court order backing the right of the women to pray at the Western Wall in the Old City with practices Orthodox Jews insist are the role of men alone.

The "Women of the Wall" group has been holding monthly prayer services on the first day of the Hebrew month at the Western Wall in Jerusalem for more than two decades, wearing prayer shawls and performing religious rituals reserved for men under Orthodox Judaism. Accused by ultra-Orthodox leaders of violating "local custom" at the holy site, many of the group's members have been arrested.

On Friday the tables were turned because of the court ruling. Police protected the women and arrested three ultra-Orthodox men for disorderly conduct, police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said.

It's a turning point for the group. Along with the arrests, the women have faced heckling and legal battles in a struggle to attain what they say is their right: to worship at the wall — the holiest place where Jews can pray — as men do. Then last month a Jerusalem court instructed police to stop detaining the women.

"It's a historic moment," said Shira Pruce, a spokeswoman for Women of the Wall. "The police did an amazing job protecting women to pray freely at the Western Wall. This is justice."

The plaza just in front of the Western Wall, a remnant of the biblical Jewish Temples, is marked off into two distinct sections, one for men and the other for women, where they pray separately. Up to now, women have had to abide by the Orthodox strictures of prayer.

Under Orthodox Jewish practice, only men may wear prayer shawls and skullcaps, and most Orthodox Jews insist that only men should carry a Torah scroll. The more liberal Reform and Conservative streams of Judaism, marginal in Israel but the largest denominations in the United States, allow women to practice the same way as men do in Orthodox Judaism. They are ordained as rabbis, lead services, read from the Torah and wear prayer shawls.

Israel's ultra-Orthodox establishment opposes any inroads from these groups, fearing their customs and authority could be eroded. They have argued that visitors to the Western Wall, whose rabbi is ultra-Orthodox, must respect the local practices.

Israeli media reported that before Friday's prayer service, some rabbis called on followers to flood the Western Wall in a bid to block the women from reaching the site.

Israeli TV video showed a packed Western Wall plaza with police forming a ring around the women and others shoving back ultra-Orthodox men. Female police officers had aligned in a human chain around young women protesters who were peering out at the Women of the Wall.

Pruce said police escorted the Women of the Wall out of the area after they finished their service and boarded them on buses, which were then pelted with stones as they left the Old City.

The Western Wall rabbi, Shmuel Rabinowitz, who has in the past called the women's group a "provocation," tried to ease tensions at the holy place. "No one in Israel wants a disagreement at the Western Wall," Rabinowitz told Israel Army Radio.

Israeli officials and lawmakers have been attempting to find a compromise that will satisfy both the women's group and the ultra-Orthodox. They have proposed establishing a new section at the Western Wall where men and women can pray together. The proposal, if implemented, would be seen as a victory for the more liberal streams of Judaism, which have been battling to be granted recognition in Israel.

The Women of the Wall, in contrast, insist on their right to pray as they want in the current women's section.

It's part of a wider culture clash that has triggered a backlash against Israel's ultra-Orthodox community.

The ultra-Orthodox make up about 10 percent of Israel's 8 million citizens. For most of the last three decades, they have served in coalition governments, securing vast budgets for religious schools and exemptions from mandatory military service for tens of thousands of young men in full-time religious studies.

The system has bred widespread resentment among the secular and modern Orthodox majority. It became a central issue in January parliamentary elections, and ultra-Orthodox parties were eventually left out of the government.

Many Israelis also feel the ultra-Orthodox attempt to impose their values on the rest of society, with their activists pushing for gender-segregated buses and sidewalks, defacing billboards showing women or trying to force women to dress modestly.

This week, Israel's attorney general urged Cabinet ministers to take measures to end gender segregation. Then on Thursday, Israeli Justice Minister Tzipi Livni said she has instructed her staff to draft a bill that would make the segregation and humiliation of women in public a criminal offense.

"The dismissal of women from the public sphere harms not only their dignity, but also harms us as a society that aspires toward equality," Livni wrote on her Facebook page.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/10/2013 4:20:03 PM

Super-Rich Exposé: US, UK, Australian Authorities Announce Major Investigations into Billion Dollar Offshore Hideaways

tax havensStephen: It was only matter of time before the extensively-researched reports by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists which aired last month, about billion dollar tax havens being used by the world’s super-rich, rightly became the subject of proper investigation by the relevant global authorities. The first steps are now underway… Watch this spread globally; as will its implications.

Authorities Announce Tax Haven Investigation

By The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists – May 9, 2013

Tax authorities in the U.S., Britain, and Australia today announced they are working with a gigantic cache of leaked data that may be the beginnings of one of the largest tax investigations in history.

The secret records are believed to include those obtained by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists that lay bare the individuals behind covert companies and private trusts in the British Virgin Islands, the Cook Islands, Singapore and other offshore hideaways.

The hoard of documents obtained by ICIJ represents the biggest stockpile of inside information about the offshore system ever gathered by a media organization.

The U.S. Internal Revenue Service said in a statement the three nations “have each acquired a substantial amount of data revealing extensive use of such entities organized in a number of jurisdictions including Singapore, the British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands and the Cook Islands.”

It said the data “contains both the identities of the individual owners of these entities, as well as the advisors who assisted in establishing the entity structure.”

The statement said early analysis had uncovered information that may be relevant to tax administrations of other jurisdictions that they would be willing to share, at the request of other countries.

“This is part of a wider effort by the IRS and other tax administrations to pursue international tax evasion,” said IRS acting commissioner Steven T. Miller.

“Our cooperative work with the United Kingdom and Australia reflects a bigger goal of leaving no safe haven for people trying to illegally evade taxes.”

British tax authorities claim they have even more data than that unearthed by ICIJ.

The total size of the ICIJ files, measured in gigabytes, is more than 160 times larger than the leak of U.S. State Department documents by Wikileaks in 2010.

A statement from the British tax office puts the size of the data obtained by the three tax authorities at 400 gigabytes, compared to the 260 gigabytes gathered by the ICIJ.

“The 400 gigabytes of data is still being analyzed but early results show the use of companies and trusts in a number of territories around the world including Singapore, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands and the Cook Islands,” the British tax office statement said.

“The data also exposes information that may be shared with other tax administrations as part of the global fight against tax evasion.”

Last month, the ICIJ and 37 media partners began reporting on more than 2.5 million files that include the names of thousands of American, Australian and British citizens as well as families and associates of long-time despots, Wall Street swindlers, Eastern European and Indonesian billionaires, Russian corporate executives, international arms dealers and a sham-director-fronted company that the European Union has labeled as a cog in Iran’s nuclear-development program.

The files leaked to ICIJ provide facts and figures — cash transfers, incorporation dates, links between companies and individuals — that illustrate how offshore financial secrecy has spread aggressively around the globe, allowing the wealthy and the well-connected to dodge taxes and fueling corruption and economic woes in rich and poor nations alike.

The records detail the offshore holdings of people and companies in more than 170 countries and territories.

The ICIJ publication sparked government inquiries, resignations and a new sense of urgency from European leaders to fight tax evasion. A few days after the articles ran, Europe’s five biggest economic powers — Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Spain — announced they would begin regularly exchanging banking and tax information as a way of identifying tax dodgers and other financial wrongdoers.

The stories we released in April are the first installment in an ongoing series. More ICIJ reports will be published throughout the year as we continue the investigation with our partners.

The files illustrate how offshore financial secrecy has spread aggressively around the globe, allowing the wealthy to avoid taxes, fueling corruption and economic woes in rich and poor nations. The current banking crisis in Cyprus is one example of how the offshore system can impact an entire country’s financial stability.

The ICIJ worked with 86 investigative journalists from 46 countries and used data mining software and old fashioned shoe leather reporting to unveil the previously hidden but thriving world of fraud, tax dodging and political corruption.

To analyze the documents initially, ICIJ collaborated with journalists from The Guardian and the BBC in the U.K., Le Monde in France, Süddeutsche Zeitung and Norddeutscher Rundfunk in Germany, The Washington Post, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) and 31 other media partners around the world.

Among the countries included in the data are: Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kosovo, Latvia, Malaysia, Mexico, Moldova, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Paraguay, Philippines, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States, and Venezuela.

And here’s the story about the UK tax investigation from the London Guardian:

HMRC has warned alleged tax evaders they may face 'criminal prosecution or significant penalties' Photograph: Michael Kemp/Alamy

HMRC has warned alleged tax evaders they may face ‘criminal prosecution or significant penalties’ Photograph: Michael Kemp/Alamy

100 of UK’s Richest People Concealing Billions in Offshore Tax Havens

Global investigation gets under way as HM Revenue and Customs acts on leaked data

By Rupert Neate and James Ball, The Guardian – May 9, 2013

More than 100 of Britain’s richest people have been caught hiding billions of pounds in secretive offshore havens, sparking an unprecedented global tax evasion investigation.

George Osborne, the chancellor, warned the alleged tax evaders, and a further 200 accountants and advisers accused of helping them cheat the taxman: “The message is simple: if you evade tax, we’re coming after you.”

HM Revenue & Customs warned those involved, who were named in offshore data first offered to the authorities by a whistleblower in 2009, that they will face “criminal prosecution or significant penalties” if they do not voluntarily disclose their tax irregularities, as the UK steps up its efforts to clamp down on avoidance ahead of the G8 summit in June.

The 400-gigabyte cache of data leaked to the authorities is understood to be the same information seen by the Guardian in its Offshore Secrets series in November 2012 and March this year. It reveals complicated financial structures using companies and trusts stretching from Singapore and the British Virgin Islands to the Cayman Islands and the Cook Islands.

The Treasury is working in collaboration with American and Australian tax authorities in the biggest ever cross-border tax evasion investigation, and warned that the alleged evaders may be publicly named and shamed if they fail to come clean and explain their tax affairs.

Osborne described the data as “another weapon in HMRC’s arsenal” in the fight against global tax evasion. HMRC added it “reveals extensive use of complex offshore structures to conceal assets by wealthy individuals and companies”.

The Revenue said it was continuing to analyse the material, the equivalent of more than 200 lorry-loads of printed A4 sheets, but it has already “identified over 100 people who benefit from these structures”. A number of those “had already been identified and are under investigation for offshore tax evasion”.

It urged those who use offshore tax structures to urgently review their taxation arrangements to ensure they comply with the law, and encouraged those that don’t to ensure “early disclosure of tax irregularities. Failure to do so may result in a criminal prosecution or significant financial penalties and the possibility of their identities being published,” HMRC warned.

It is also investigating more than 200 UK accountants, lawyers and other professional advisers named in the data as advising the wealthy on setting up the elaborate offshore tax arrangements. HMRC declined to name any of the individuals, advisers or companies it is investigating.

An HMRC source said it was first offered a “taster” of the cache in 2009, but received the bulk in late 2010. A spokesman declined to state if it paid a reward to the whistleblower.

The Guardian, BBC Panorama and the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) have been releasing details of UK citizens and companies acting as offshore middlemen.

Gerard Ryle, director of the ICIJ, said he expected the collaboration between taxmen in the UK, US and Australia to lead to “the largest tax investigation in history”.

He added: “We know from the data we obtained there are names of people from more than 170 countries. Some are prominent citizens – politicians, celebrities, businessmen, the elite of some societies.

“To have three major tax agencies collaborating – with the possibility of many more doing the same – is potentially a major blow to the secrecy of offshore jurisdictions.”

Among those identified by ICIJ data in the joint investigation was James Turner of York-based company formation agents Turner Little, who told undercover reporters how to set up a foundation in Belize: “It doesn’t link back to you, it doesn’t link back to your family. So it gives you complete confidentiality.”

A representative of Atlas Corporate Services, another company run by Britons but operating from Mauritius, explained to reporters how to avoid tax on a hypothetical £6m sitting in a Swiss bank account. He suggested, “off the record”, that they use an offshore entity in Panama. “If there’s a tax issue … they won’t disclose any information on that foundation under Panamanian law,” he said.

Another middleman, Russell Lebe of Readymade Companies Worldwide, advising a reporter posing as an Indian businessman, assured his client that “If we were approached by the Indian tax authority … and they’re doing tax evasion, we wouldn’t give a monkey’s.”

The Guardian, in its investigation, identified 28 individuals with ties to the UK acting as “sham” directors for more than 21,000 companies across the world, keeping the true owners of the companies off official paperwork and thus making them invisible to authorities.

However, there is no suggestion that any of the individuals identified in the Guardian/ICIJ investigation are among those being examined by HMRC.

Jenny Granger, HMRC’s director general for enforcement and compliance, cautioned that not all the individuals using offshore accounts were seeking to evade tax. “There is nothing illegal about an international structure, especially in a globally integrated economy and these arrangements may be perfectly legitimate and may have already been declared to HMRC,” she said. “However, they may involve tax evasion, avoidance or other serious offences by taxpayers. What has got to stop is using offshore structures to illegally hide assets and income.”

David Cameron has pledged to make tackling the “staggering” levels of tax evasion a key priority of the UK’s presidency of the G8 this year. The EU will hold a summit on tax evasion on 22 May. It will be followed by a G8 summit under British chairmanship in June.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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