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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/9/2013 10:05:37 PM

China urges Israel to hold talks with Palestinians

China urges Israeli prime minister to remove obstacles to restarting talks with Palestinians

Associated Press -

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, left, gestures to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as they review an honor guard during a welcome ceremony outside the Great Hall of the People in Beijing Wednesday, May 8, 2013. (AP Photo/Alexander F. Yuan)

BEIJING (AP) -- China's premier has urged Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to remove obstacles to restarting talks with the Palestinians, as Beijing seeks to bring its growing international influence to bear on the Middle East peace process.

Greeting the Israeli leader at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Wednesday, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang made no direct mention of his meeting two days earlier with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, who leads his people's efforts to achieve statehood. Talks between Israel and the Palestinians on the statehood issue have been deadlocked for four years, despite pressure on Jerusalem from the United States, Russia and the European Union, long the major players in Middle East diplomacy.

The Palestinian issue lies "at the core of factors influencing peace and stability in the Middle East," Li told Netanyahu, according to the official Xinhua News Agency.

"China expects Israel and Palestine to work together, take substantive measures to remove obstacles and create conditions for the restoration and progress of peace talks," Li said. As a friend to both Israel and Palestine, China wants to work as a broker to bring the sides together, he said.

The near simultaneous visits to China by Abbas and Netanyahu underscore China's desire to play a greater role in the Middle East, a region Beijing has long seen as a key source of energy.

"The Middle East confuses the Chinese," said China expert Yoram Evron of Israel's University of Haifa. "But in the past two years, there are people in China who think it needs to expand its activities in the region in order to safeguard its interests."

Evron's view was echoed by Middle East expert Li Weijian of the Shanghai Institute of Foreign Studies, who said the region was far too important for China to ignore, particularly in light of Beijing's increased economic and political clout elsewhere in the world.

"China needs to play a role in major international affairs, including the affairs of the Middle East, and China has been stepping up efforts in this respect," he said.

Last week, China's Foreign Ministry said it would be willing to arrange a meeting between Abbas and Netanyahu, but with the Israeli side casting Netanyahu's visit in largely commercial terms, the meeting didn't take place. Instead, Netanyahu devoted much of his time on his trip to pressing for an expansion of his country's $8 billion annual trade with China, and encouraging Chinese investment in Israeli industry.

Following their meeting, Li and Netanyahu presided over the signing of five agreements on aerospace, agricultural research, financial cooperation, science and technology, and on Chinese language instruction.

"There is a perfect marriage between our mutual capabilities," Netanyahu said at a ceremony marking the signing of business agreements between Israeli and Chinese companies. "The Israeli government stands firmly behind cooperation between Israeli and Chinese companies, (and) between Israeli research institutes and Chinese research institutes."

Adopting a strongly pro-Palestinian stand in the mid-1950s, Beijing recognized Palestinian statehood in 1988, four years before establishing diplomatic relations with Israel.

While ties between Jerusalem and Beijing have expanded rapidly over the past 15 years — China is now a major purchaser of Israeli know-how, from high-technology to agriculture, engineering and military-related services — it maintains its Palestinian sympathies, amid a general critique of what it sometimes sees as Israeli belligerence in the area.

After last weekend's Israeli airstrike on a Syrian military complex, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying avoided criticizing Israel by name, but left little doubt that Beijing saw it as an unwelcome curtain raiser to Netanyahu's visit.

"We oppose the use of force and believe any country's sovereignty should be respected," she said.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/9/2013 10:11:23 PM
Dear friends, a fascinating possibility explored.

Inelia Benz: Free Energy

freezeropointenergyBy Inelia Benz – May 8, 2013

I received this email from my webmaster Ilie Pandia today. We have been discussing Free Energy and how to bring Free Energy into the human collective consciousness as something that is real and already happening. Which it is. His passion and drive to make this information and technology available and accessible to the entire human collective, knows no bounds.

Ilie has been co-creating with me since 2010, he is the most gifted programmer, web admin and solution finder I have ever met. His energy is clear and his path is paved with impeccability, truth and trust. It is an absolute honor for me to be able to work with him every day.

Here is his email message:

Everything runs on Energy

Something that escapes most people is that all the processes in and around us are powered by various forms of Energy.

Most of the Energy we use today on our planet is Solar energy. This solar energy has been captured by the plants in the past and converted over a very long period of time in coal or oil, that we are burning today to power our homes, our cars and our factories.

Our own bodies also take up energy in the form of food. This energy is used to grow and repair the body and a lot if it is used up by our brain. To grow this food, to package it, to transport it and store it in places where you can buy it, you also require Energy.

The idea is that everything on the planet right now is an Energy game. How this energy is produced (extracted), how it is exchanged and how it is converted in forms that are useful to the Human Species.

Introducing Free Energy

Ever since we have discovered fire, humans have been on a fast track to harness more and more energy for their use. More energy always meant a higher standard of living. Slavery was made obsolete by more energy. Women’s status has improved as soon as more energy was available. Large families stopped making sense, when child labor stopped making sense, and that was due to more energy being available. Life in the US is so much better than other parts of the world, because there is more energy available for each person living there. And we are just scratching the surface of what is possible.

At some point along this line, what I will call the Global Controllers had a realization: as soon as any human on the planet has access to abundant, unlimited clean energy their “power over others” games would be over. They would have to leave and play their games elsewhere. At that time, a campaign was started to suppress, by ridicule, the idea of Free Abundant Energy. It has been declared “proven to be impossible” as it “violates the laws of physics”. Even so, some scientists (starting most likely with Nikola Tesla) have been able to tap into various forms of Energy that are not powered by fossil fuels or radioactive material. This Energy source has sometimes been called “Zero Point Energy”.

The proof of this is beyond this writing, but anyone reading is invited to look this up, and read about it. For a few days just ignore the “laws of physics” and pretend this is actually possible. Have a look a it. If it were possible, how would it work? What would change in our world?

We the creators

The greatest victory of the Global Controllers is that they have made Abundance and Free Energy unimaginable. We are all familiar with “You can’t have something for nothing…”, “You gotta work for a living.”, “There is no such thing a free lunch”. And so on.

All the above are bits and pieces of what I call “The Scarcity Program” that is deeply embedded into our subconscious minds.

I don’t want us to fall into the “victim/aggressor” paradigm. I acknowledge that the Global Controllers act as a parasite but their actions are made possible by our collective agreement to “not even imagine abundance”.

So while I acknowledge the suppression and the vested interests to keep us addicted to fossil fuel, I choose to act as a creator and focus on abundance instead. Let’s choose to make the Global Controllers obsolete. If they have no one to control, they have no choice but to either join the party on our terms or pack and leave.

Free Energy, Sentience, Love, Joy and Abundance are linked together. And I will not be surprised if one day we will discover that in essence they are the same thing.

There may be many, many ways to raise our awareness and make manifest Heaven on Earth, but as far as I know, none of them will work faster and help more Humans (and other lifeforms on the planet) as bringing Free Energy out in the open.

There is a bit of a catch 22 here: Free Energy will make it so much easier to raise our awareness and yet it seems that we need to raise our awareness of Free Energy technologies first and how they would change the world, before we are able to manifest it into our reality.

An abundant, Free Energy based world

So let’s pretend for a moment that we have Free Energy now. Suspend your beliefs that it is not possible.

Each and every one of us has access to unlimited clean Energy and devices to convert that energy to various useful forms for us: electric, thermal and mechanic.

How would our lives change, now that you will not have to work for a living? What would you do if money or survival will no longer be an issue.

Free Energy would make profit obsolete. And once profit is out of the equation, then quality will take its place. Now every product we make, we make it out of joy, out of a desire to express our creativity, to be of service to us and our fellow humans and non-human life. We no longer work for money and we no longer work in jobs we don’t like. Just imagine how would that feel?

With abundant, clean energy the war for resources will stop making sense. Taking it from others so I can have it will no longer be required. Mining the Earth for oil will no longer be required. Free sharing of technology and information will come naturally once you no longer have a “profit margin” to maintain, or a competitor to wipe out. I can easily imagine a joyful coming together to eliminate poverty and hunger from all over the planet. With Free Energy that can be done in mater of days. Just think of the human potential unleashed, of all that creativity waiting to express it self in safe, abundant environment.

Virtually every aspect of our lives would be impacted and greatly improved with the advent of unlimited clean Energy. The way we think about family, relationships, sex, marriage, work, creativity, boundaries, nations, language, health, learning, traveling, food production, relationship with nature and the Planet. Everything would change.

The most important change however, would be within. In an abundant society, you would have to become a “response-able” Creator. There will be no one left to blame, no one to complain about. You will no longer be able to act as a victim (or aggressor for that matter). You will have full freedom and with that comes full responsibility for your life. We will truly be “self determined grown-ups”.

And this, is just the beginning of the journey.

You can find Ilie here:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/9/2013 10:13:39 PM

Tesla’s Ambassadors

I thought this video would make a brilliant accompaniment to Inelia Benz’ article on free energy today. When we can imagine the possibilities and allow for things we may have thought at one time to be impossible, it opens up the world to us. This is an inspiring invitation to create the world that we want and that serves all of us together as a unified whole.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/9/2013 10:17:39 PM

Archangel Michael via Ron Head: Look At The Bright and Divine Soul That You Are and Step Forth

Step forth May 8, 2013 at

We would begin this message by returning to a topic which we mentioned a few days ago. The topic of flow has been given to you, our channel, both in session and in your own life, repeatedly over the last week and more. It is time now for you to expand upon the topic further than you have done in these messages. We know that we began once before and allowed the message to end before this picture was completed, but as you must realize by now, we try to keep these to short and easily digested portions.

You have been given the vision of a meeting, in council, of your self in dream state, others of your soul family, your higher self, guides, teachers, and divine beings. You have been led to understand that this is a planning committee that has been, is, and will continue to be in session throughout all time. This is where you participate, even initiate, the decisions which guide your lives. And this, dear friend, is where what you call flow originates.

Please understand that what we are describing to you is not, as you say, cast in stone. It is made with your input, and it can be changed the same way. However, in this game or play you have designed, maximum benefit is derived if you play your part without full recall of the process. Therefore, it seems to you, in your waking state, as if things happen to you when they do, in fact, happen for you. And, as you have so recently experienced, a seemingly miraculous thing occurs when you place your foot upon the path which most closely aligns with your chosen life contract. You move into the flow.

Understand that, from the moment you sign on to accomplish certain things for yourself and others, every available resource begins to create the conditions for your success. The skids, as you call them, have been greased. “How do I know what I need to do?” is the question we hear constantly. And the answer is, “Make a move, even if it is just mental.” Examine all of the options you can think of, even the ones which seem impossible. Often enough, what seems impossible is only what you have not examined closely enough or that which, for some reason, you fear. Find out which seems to you to most feel right. What fills your heart with joy? What makes you eager to start? Do not assign it to the impossible pile just yet.

Remember, the skids of the path you designed are greased. Now! Take a step, any step. The flow we are speaking about is the flow of life. You are in it with your canoe and paddle. When you take that first step, you will notice your canoe’s reaction to the flow. If you are moving with your flow, your canoe will shoot forward and the apparent obstacles will fly past. If, however, you move in less than the optimal direction, it will seem as if you are trying to paddle upstream and your paddle has become a teaspoon. If you choose to sit in the stream and not do something… well, we think the picture is now clear enough, is it not?

The energy field in which you now sit, strengthening every moment now, will make it possible for you to accomplish far more, in far less time, than has been the case on your planet for many, many lifetimes, and is reaching a level never seen before. As more dear souls begin to awaken, these words and the truth in them will become more apparent. We recommend that you not wait for that. There is nothing holding you back but yourselves.

Look at the bright and divine soul that you are and step forth. Allow the past to be past and set your face to the future. Build that for yourselves. We will walk with you each step of the way.

Our hearts are with you now and always. Good day.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/9/2013 10:20:21 PM

Yeshua via Fran Zepeda: Move Into Your True Center

yeshua_truecenter1Yeshua channeled by Fran Zepeda: Move Into Your True Center

May 8, 2013 –

Hello dear ones, I greet you today from a place very close to you all now. There is really no separation and you are realizing it more and more throughout your journey back to Oneness.

Suffice it to say that you are all glowing and emerging into your Christ Consciousness and it is so gratifying to see. You are all saviors; you are all pioneers on this illustrious journey back to Oneness and you have held up very well against the onslaught of negative and egoic distractions.

Dear Beloveds, I stand beside you now in celebration and acknowledgement of your accomplishments. You are like me in your heart of hearts. You want Peace and Unconditional Love and Prosperity for all. You are glowing with that intent and purpose. You are ready for your next step closer to ascension and embodiment of Christ Consciousness.

Many of you are noticing profound changes in your physical body and your light body and becoming quite comfortable with this new plateau you have arrived at. It is essential right now to monitor your energy and pull back to your True Center quite often, where you are only operating from your Heart Center.

You are magnificent and so powerful now. You may not quite realize it. Take it in and realize it, dear ones. Please know you are the front-runners in this; and in that, it is necessary to expand daily in that milieu, in spite of what you see or hear around you. It may feel like you are still an island at times, in a sea of negativity, but you are realizing, are you not, that with just a “flick of the wrist” and lofty intention, you can transform that quite easily around you, resulting in a quite different scenario quite quickly.

As you connect with Source quite regularly and more easily, you are transforming your world and readying others to do the same. It is quite possibly the most amazing revelation you will come up with, to notice that you are affecting millions with your focus on your Golden Breath of Love for all around you. You are making so much headway with this, I cannot even begin to tell you the scope of it, but suffice to say that you are “moving mountains”.

Dear ones, there comes another surge of energy for you to negotiate in the coming days; in fact you are in the midst of it now, and you should be quite used to it by now. You may feel at times as if you are in a gust of wind and with just a holding on to your core like a pole in the midst, you can withstand it and be fed by it as well. The peace and stillness that results from that is another feather in your cap of creating the world of your dreams.

My love for you has no bounds or limits, and you are discovering the same within your own selves for others. It may be welling up so immensely that you feel as if you are about to burst. Get used to this beautiful condition and settle into it, for then and only then can it seep even further into all corners and crevices of your hearts and others’.

Take a moment now to ponder your progress, which is immense, and you can thank yourselves for withstanding many dips and surges on your way to complete freedom. It is very close now,dear ones. Just open your eyes and hearts to see it.

You have my undying love and support always,

Your loving brother, Yeshua.

As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included. (Blog) (Website)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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