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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/7/2013 5:02:53 PM
Dear friends, from Wes Annac's personal blog:

The Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes: Funneling Consciousness Down, Transmuting Accumulated Density and Traveling with Faith


-Channeled through Wes Annac-

Continuing to show dedication to your ongoing spiritual path will see you well on your way, now and in the time ahead. You are growing into purer aspects of the ultimate oversoul consciousness that is you, and along this process you will encounter some discomfort along the way that we hope to be able to assist you with in any moment.

To those extents, we work far beyond issuing our communications for the collective of humanity to absorb and hopefully benefit from. We are working from a myriad of different positions on the ascension of your Earth and on the awakening of each and every dear Earth soul who is still stuck in the limitations of the third dimension.

These limitations have, of course, been necessary for your growth as a soul and while people on your world with negative intents and agendas have been trying to keep them fed and enforced on a collective level, your collective is now more than ready to grow out of them and this will become apparent as the demand and drive to realize change and release truth is strengthened upon your evolving planet exponentially.

More Will Become Open

Every one of you is feeding your thoughts and emotions into a grid of collective energy, and the energies given out by the bulk of humanity are taken and used to determine what is to manifest next on the world stage. This has indeed been said and repeated nearly endlessly, and we repeat this for those who are just beginning to tune into our communications and absorb them.

The awakening of the Earth is gaining strength in every moment, and along with this is coming the increased understanding in each and every Earthly soul of the illusion that has been cast over their eyes, minds and hearts.

More souls upon your dear Earth will begin to become open to the messages and inspiration spirit has been giving you all and when it is understood that those on your world who seemed to have been opened up the most or have tapped into a greater truth or understanding about your existence have dipped into something that is easily accessible to all, prophets and saints will number in the billions on your dear planet.

Every soul throughout your history who has been opened up and who has helped to lead so many dear souls on your planet into standing up for their rights and proclaiming their freedom and sovereignty, has in many cases come to the Earth to fulfill a specific mission of awakening the Earth public.

These souls have found and tapped-in to a pure troth of understanding that can truly be accessed and known by every soul on your world and again; when this (is known) you can expect the entire Earth public to be quite awakened and knowledgeable about every facet of your existence as spiritual beings.

You Have Always Been of Spirit

You have always been comprised of the infinite and infallible energy of spirit; it is simply that you have taken on dense physical human bodies in an effort to experience the lower dimensions of consciousness you had Created from the higher realms you existed in, and the purpose of the incarnation of many of you beyond awakening the Earth public has been to experience the Earth yourselves and gain a glimpse of understanding of what that experience is like.

Gain a glimpse you have, and we can indeed say that you have gained much more than a simple glimpse into the mechanics of the Earth experience.

Every one of you have been exposed to the lower dimensions of the Earth in quite bold and intense ways, and have for the most part, come out of your experience unscathed as you have proven to be able to open up to the higher realms and the impressions of we souls existing in these realms, despite the extreme nature to which density has been the rule of the day on the planet you exist on.

The surface of the Earth has been reflecting the density and negativity put out by humanity, but below the Earth’s surface lay ascended realms that you will be introduced to. Indeed, there are ascended realms within your Earth and we consult with the millions of ascended beings accompanying those realms, quite routinely.

We are all interconnected and united as facets of an ultimate grand oversoul of consciousness and again, you are all aspects of this consciousness as well and those who have opened up to their abilities to channel specific beings and collectives have indeed opened up to specific parts of themselves; as we are all One in the eyes of Source.

We All Originate from Source

We have all come from the same Loving Creator who has allowed us to experience the lower realms wherein illusory separation from our Creator is prevalent, and while we specifically do not exist in (your lower) realms, we are as close to them as we can be so that we can help each one of you along your Earthly experience.

Like many of you, we have come from dimensions naturally purer than those we currently exist in. We have allowed ourselves to funnel our consciousness down and exist in more distorted realms that we have previously grown away from, in an effort to assist the Earth and the Universe in the ongoing evolution occurring.

Every one of you can be and have been instrumental in accelerating the collective evolution of the Earth, and you have numerous guides surrounding you in every moment and helping you along your specific Life paths. While your missions have revolved around experiencing the Earth and bringing Light to Her surface, you have gained much more of an understanding than you could have comprehended from the higher realms, about the lower dimensional experience and everything that drives such an experience.

We note that you have begun to see the manner in which the lower dimensions thrive.

You have begun to learn that your actions in the lower dimensions, while not being controlled in the sense of violating your freewill, will always garner a reaction for you to experience. You are learning and understanding that the concrete, physical reality around you does not have to be so concrete and physical, and that you can actually shift and change events in your Lives to reflect the existence you wish to be Living.

Shaking-Off Accumulated Density

We urge those of you who are in the midst of enacting spiritual disciplines to allow such disciplines to be enacted, because the need for them could not be stronger and your garnering of enlightenment is to be aided more than you could possibly know when every last bit of Earthly residue still fed during your Earth experience is fully realized for what it is, and transmuted as a result.

We are confident in your ability to shake-off every last bit of accumulated density you’ve garnered as a result of your Earth experience, and while dense energies are accumulating in every moment that need transmuted and released, the bulk of the dense energy you have held within is, for the most part, now being realized and transmuted as you continue along your Life paths and continue to find great strides and revelations concerning your personal existence.

We are able to make such general predictions about the Life paths of each of you, because humanity as a collective is moving along a similar collective Life plan. Of course, your ascension experience is unique and individual to you, but there are certain elements of your collective experience that are easily predictable because, while separation has reigned on your world for so very long, you all have much more in common than many on your world think.

You are meant to be running your world in a collective fashion and in one that generates freedom for every soul involved, and this is why much of humanity has been put into positions of serving the souls who would preside over you forever if the widespread awakening that is taking place were not coming about on your world.

Darkness is No Longer the Prevalent Influence

The dark forces have been working overtime to see their influence become the prevalent established influence on your world as it once was, and while a plethora of souls on your world are still feeding the states of density and unconsciousness and the resulting actions that keep you collectively held back from the pure realms you are growing toward, the impetus that has been shown in much of the awakening community to enact change in their personal Lives that reflect the new paradigm you wish to enter is seeing the collective vibrations Lighten sufficiently as you continue along your valiant missions.

Each one of you are learning and growing your way through the lessons you have set out for yourselves to learn, and we ask for you not to forget the active and steady line you possess to the higher realms whenever an absence of Light leads you to feeling that darkness and density are prevalent all around you.

Indeed they are not; it is simply that they will convince you they are as the illusion tests your ability to remain in your ever-important higher dimensional center. Humanity will collectively find this center we speak of and for you dear souls, this will come about in the form of being able to act respectful and Loving toward one another as you learn to treat each other as you wish to be treated.

The Golden Rule is a very real and established Law to Live by, dearest souls, and when your entire collective can feel and understand the need for you to treat each other with Love and respect, the peace and balance that will be attained will help navigate you into your brimming Galactic future.

You are growing into your future increasingly as many of you work to help lighten the collective vibrations and awaken the public, and we ask you to ease into the roles you are finding develop for yourselves.

Your Focus is Required

Your focus is required for each of the tasks that are now set out before you, and we and so many others will always cheer you on from the sidelines and do anything we can in every moment to help you find the higher dimensional clarity and willingness to assist in the Earth’s ascension, that you have come to the Earth with.

You were all so very excited to make your ways to the Earth and yes, we are indeed aware that we have repeated this truth. We repeat it because we want as many of you as possible to know and understand the brimming excitement you possessed before making your ways to the Earth, because despite the difficulty you knew you were to experience, you also knew that you would be able to do what you are now doing.

While many in the higher realms did not initially agree that you would be able to awaken and find the higher realms upon the surface of the Earth in the exponential manner that you now have; you have been able to far surpass our expectations and in doing so, you have helped enormously to Create and build upon a revolution of Love and Light that is flooding your planet and helping influence the minds and hearts of so many dear souls who are being activated for their greater missions at this time.

Even when you feel as if you are faltering along your Life paths or as if the events piling up around you seem to be too much, you are and will forever be a brimming higher dimensional entity of pure Source energy and no temporary mishaps or difficulty can take that from you.

Upon realizing and fully understanding your nature as spiritual beings, your entire perception of the existence around you will begin to change. For many of you, this change has come about in a gradual manner indeed and for most of you, your growth has been ongoing throughout the thousands of Lives you have taken upon the surface of the Earth.

Traveling Through the Ascension Portal with Faith

Some of you have been able to breeze through your evolution in a very rapid manner, and every one of you are experiencing your Life paths in a very intensified and sped-up phase as you collectively prepare to enter the ascension portal, after finding out so very many things about your reality that will unravel the illusion and help awaken so many dear lost souls upon the surface of your world.

The ascension portal has remained open for as many souls as possible to begin to enter, and while many of you have had your foot in this portal for some time now, we ask you to take a “leap of faith” as you would call it, and jump on into these realms to see what they have to offer.

Faith does not have to be based in naivety, and faith can in fact be quite helpful for one along their path of discovering brimming realms existing just beyond their perception. Faith has helped a great many souls to navigate through their Earth experience and when finding out the true nature of existence, faith helps one quite largely to be guided onward toward purer dimensions of consciousness and experience.

We ask for you to imagine, attempt to feel and radiate the vibrations accompanying a true fifth dimensional experience. While it may be difficult for some of you to imagine such an experience because you don’t yet remember what it is like to be in (the realms of) the fifth dimension, a simple request to feel their brimming vibrations will help you to gain an inkling of what they feel like.

Download after download of continually-pure energy leading you onward to the fifth dimension will continue to be made known, which is why we ask you to make your attempts to connect to this energy as routinely as possible and to feel and radiate it, for your power when doing so is great indeed.

As we make our final impressions for this communication, we note with brimming delight the massive, widespread awakening taking place and we issue our thanks to each of you who have diligently performed your roles in helping anchor the Light unto the surface of the lower dimensional Earth.

Our missions are certainly not done yet, but we have made it so very far and together, we will only continue to help a plethora of lower dimensional planets to evolve, far after the ascension of the Earth has taken place.

Thank you to the Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes.

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/7/2013 10:23:07 PM

Why China is welcoming both Israel's Netanyahu and Palestinians' Abbas

The coinciding visits to Beijing of the Israeli prime minister and the Palestinian president this week speak to China's growing interests in the Middle East.

Both Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas have been in China this week, highlighting China’s desire to play a greater role in Middle Eastdiplomacy.

A statement last week from the Chinese Foreign Ministry offering to facilitate talks between the two visitors caused a flurry of international speculation that Beijing was claiming a direct role in Middle East peacemaking. But such a meeting was never on the cards; Mr. Abbas left Beijing before Mr. Netanyahu arrived in the capital from Shanghai.

And few observers here have any illusions about the limits to China’s clout in the conflict-torn region.

“In the Far East we are No. 1,” says Yin Gang, one of the country’s most prominent Middle East experts. “In the Middle East we are No. 12.”

RECOMMENDED: Think you know the Middle East? Take our geography quiz.

President Xi Jinping did break new ground, though, by proposing a four-point plan for peace betweenIsrael and the Palestinians. Though there was “nothing new” in the plan, says Ma Xiaolin, an independent observer of China’s policy in the Middle East, the most important thing was that Mr. Xi offered it at all.

“This was the first time that a Chinese president has set out the principles of our Middle East policy,” points out Mr. Ma, a former Middle East correspondent for the state-run news agency Xinhua.

Beijing has long supported the Palestinians in international forums such as the United Nations, and the Chinese “peace plan” maintained that tradition. Xi urged Israel to halt settlement activities in occupied land and to lift its economic blockade on Gaza.

But China enjoys increasingly close economic ties with Israel; trade has boomed from $50 million a year two decades ago to $10 billion today, according to Chinese figures.

“China wants to keep a neutral position” in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, says Dr. Yin.

“China has unique conditions to make contributions for the Mid-East peace,” argued an editorial in Tuesday’s edition of the online edition of the People’s Daily, the ruling Communist Party’s official newspaper. “China has maintained good ties with all of the countries and has a good reputation in this region.”

The article reinforced the message of an editorial on Monday in the same paper, proclaiming that “as its comprehensive national strength grows, China will play a more active and constructive role in international affairs.”

The Middle East, though, currently offers limited opportunities for such diplomatic ambitions, cautions Ma.


For a start, China has not been ready to put its money where its mouth is. Beijing contributes a paltry amount to the Palestinian Authority budget compared to major donors such as the United States and the European Union. Where Japan built an airport in Gaza, China built one primary school.

Nor is China a member of the “quartet,” made up of the United States, the European Union, Russia, and the United Nations, which has been leading international efforts for more than a decade to broker an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal.

Third, Israel would be reluctant to see China playing a greater role in the region, given Beijing’s traditional backing for Palestinian positions, says Ma. “China is not capable of becoming a key player,” he adds.

But while China may be “outside the core system for solving the Middle East problem,” argues Yin, “we are not total outsiders.”


Though Beijing had practically no economic interests in the region 20 years ago, China is now the largest importer of Middle East oil in the world, he points out. “China wants a stable Middle East so we must do something about it,” Yin argues. “China has to play a bigger role.”

Chinese analysts say Beijing has no intention of undermining US efforts to broker peace, let alone try to step into Washington’s shoes.

But Beijing has stood against Washington for the past two years over what to do about the Syrian civil war. Three times China has joined Russia in vetoing Western-backed UN Security Council resolutions designed to put pressure on Syrian President Bashir al-Assad.

On the other hand, China has also used its influence to mediate an end to conflicts that Western powers could do nothing about. It was quiet shuttle diplomacy by Chinese officials that recently helped resolve a 16-month dispute between Sudan and South Sudan over oil revenue-sharing, and restarted the flow of South Sudanese oil, the young country’s major source of revenue.

That deal served China’s interests; the Asian giant is the largest importer of South Sudan’s oil. And it is largely China’s growing economic interests in the Middle East that will drive its burgeoning role in the region, predicts Ma.

China may not take a front seat diplomatic role, he says, but it “will invest more in the region, and get more involved. That is what will increase China’s influence.”

RECOMMENDED: Think you know the Middle East? Take our geography quiz.

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/8/2013 10:24:33 AM

Principal Fires Armed Guards, Hires Arts Teachers

Remember the solution proposed by the National Rifle Association (NRA) to reduce mass shootings like the one in Newtown, CT last December? “More Armed Guards” in America’s schools.

You wonder if the NRA has ever been inside a low income urban school and experienced the atmosphere of fear and tension that the presence of armed guards and metal detectors produces. Surely it is this atmosphere of omnipresent law enforcement that promotes the school-to-prison pipeline.

The new principal of an elementary school in Roxbury, MA, understood this, and he had a radically different idea.

Andrew Bott, the sixth principal in seven years at the failing Orchard Gardens School, got rid of the security guards at the school, and invested the money he saved into funding the arts.

Given the state of the school, there were a lot of raised eyebrows.

When the pilot school for K-8 opened in 2003, it came complete with art studios, a dance studio and a theater. However, problems with disruption and violence took over, and pretty soon the dance studio was turned into a storage area, and the school’s orchestra instruments were locked away.

No one was surprised when the school was ranked in the bottom five of Massachusetts public schools in 2010.

As NBC describes it:

In a school notorious for its lack of discipline, where backpacks were prohibited for fear the students would use them to carry weapons, Bott’s bold decision to replace the security guards with art teachers was met with skepticism by those who also questioned why he would choose to lead the troubled school.

“A lot of my colleagues really questioned the decision,” he said. “A lot of people actually would say to me, ‘You realize that Orchard Gardens is a career killer? You know, you don’t want to go to Orchard Gardens.’”

Three years later, Bott’s decision is paying off. Orchard Gardens, which serves a student population that’s 90 percent low income, has one of the fastest student improvement rates in the state. That’s because attendance rates have improved, behavior issues are down and academic achievement has jumped.

Oh, and the dance studio has returned, along with an artists’ studio. With so many arts programs being cut around the country, in favor of more time to prepare for English and math standardized tests, this principal’s decision is inspiring.

NBC reports on how eighth grader Keyvaughn Little feels:

“I’ve been more open, and I’ve expressed myself more than I would have before the arts have came.”

His grades have improved, too. Keyvaughn says it’s because of the teachers — and new confidence stemming from art class.

Andrew Bott’s courage makes me proud to be in the teaching profession. A lot of us became educators because we wanted to inspire a love of learning in kids, not because we wanted to have them do well in standardized tests, or live in fear of armed guards.

The NRA has not only proposed more armed guards in every school, but also having teachers carry concealed guns. In the Missouri Senate they are considering requiring that every first grader take the National Rifle Association’s Eddie Eagle Gunsafe Program.”

Thank you, Mr. Bott, for reminding us what education should be about: educating the whole child to fulfill her/his potential in a gun-free environment.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/8/2013 5:54:50 PM
What will come from this? For a likely outcome see next post, please.

China greets Israeli prime minister in Beijing

China greets Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu in Beijing amid drive for Middle East influence

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/8/2013 6:28:16 PM
Dear friends, as usual, and possibly more than ever, you will need discernment to read this message - from the first paragraph.

Ben Fulford: Netanyahu summoned to China, cabal purge begins in UK, May 6, 2013

One of the world’s leading terrorists, the Satan worshipping mass murderer Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel has been summoned to China where he will be confronted with evidence of his involvement in the March 11, 2011 nuclear and tsunami terror attack against Japan, according to Chinese government sources. The evidence is a tape recorded phone call to then Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan in which Netanyahu threatened to destroy all of Japan’s nuclear reactors if Kan did not order the Japanese government to write off its holdings of US government debt, according to Japanese military intelligence. In exchange for sweeping this issue under the carpet, the 180 nation BRICS alliance will demand an end to all further war-mongering in the Middle East. The Israeli use of a nuclear bunker buster bomb against Syria just before Netanyahu’s departure was a futile gesture of defiance as the worldwide crackdown on the Sabbatean Satanic mafia unfolds.

In a related development, the UK Police and Crime Commission have opened an investigation into the Thames Valley police, Sara Thornton in particular, concerning, among other things, the murder of bio-weapons specialist Dr. David Kelly. This is part of a wider police investigation into the cabal that fooled the UK government into participating in the invasion of Iraq. The heads of MI5, the London Metropolitan Police counter terror squad and of UK Special Forces have all left their posts, according to an MI5 source. Several journalists have also been arrested, he said. Many witnesses of substance (military) are coming forward in support having realized the UK police have been acting outside correct procedures in many instances, according to an MI5 source. “The emphasis will now be on internal investigations of corruption in the Police and Civil service,” the source said. The Cabinet Secretary, Sir Jeremy Heywood, Head of the Civil Service, will also find his position under close scrutiny. Then Prime Minister Tony Blair has already been investigated and has basically sung like a canary. Blair has already implicated many EU leaders as having accepted bribes in exchange for allowing the Soviet Union modeled EU to gradually usurp the sovereignty of European nation states.

This of course, is a preliminary to investigations that will finally bring justice to the perpetrators of the 911 terror and mind-control attack against the US. The wheels of justice will roll towards George Bush Jr., Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Frank Carlucci, Michael Chertoff and the entire fascist cabal that seized control of the US following the rigged year 2000 election, according to patriotic CIA and Pentagon sources.

The question remains just how far down the rabbit hole the whole crackdown on the perpetrators of 911, 311 and related events will go. The problem is concentrated at the top and it is very difficult for military and law enforcement types used to following orders from above to take action against their “superiors.”

When you have a supreme court that has been threatened and intimidated into submission, a Congress and Senate that have been mostly bribed and a President who is a puppet, then going through them is not a realistic option in dealing with the criminal fascist takeover of the US.

My understanding is that the joint chiefs of staff of the Pentagon are the best hope for restoring the US Republic and freeing the American people. What they need to understand is that it is not going to be any court case that will settle the problem.

If the American people are to be freed, the military need to temporarily take over the key centers of power. They need to send troops to occupy the following places: the Federal Reserve Board branches, the Congress, the Senate, the White House, the Supreme Court, the Justice Department, the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, the major media companies and the Council on Foreign Relations.

Once this is done, it will be a fairly simple job to figure out who has been part of the fascist cabal: follow the money. Anybody who is living way beyond their salary and cannot explain the source of money should be suspended pending further investigation.

There is also a need to remove all US/Israeli dual citizens from any government offices. Dual loyalty and service to your government are not compatible.

The Pentagon types rightly point out the lesson of history that the military are not good at running governments as the reason they have not taken action yet. That is true but, the military are very good at restoring order and then returning to their barracks.

The military take pride in the fact they have never interfered in government since the founding of the United States. However, they need to realize that never before in the history of the United States has the country been surreptitiously taken over by a foreign power.

This of course brings us back to Israel. Israel was founded by Jews who murdered other Jews in order to force them out of their European homeland as part of a criminally insane project to carry out ancient biblical prophecies. It sounds too far-fetched for us normal people to fathom, but history makes it clear this is exactly what has been going on. That is why there has been no solution to the Palestinian issue despite over 5 decades of “peace negotiations.” Peace would prevent their planned Armageddon.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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