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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/7/2013 3:13:47 PM

Emmanuel Dagher: May 2013 Energy Forecast – Growing Our Miraculous Manifestations

Emmanuel Dagher 2013By Emmanuel Dagher – May 2013

Blessings my beautiful friend,

It’s such an honor to connect with you again. Have you noticed the shift that took place in these past few weeks within and all around us? Ever since the days leading up to the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse back on April 25th, something has changed. Many people are feeling guided more than ever to reinvent themselves in a way that is aligned with a higher vision they have of themselves.

A big part of the reinvention happening includes letting go of everything in our lives that no longer contributes to our highest vision. This also includes letting go of the relationships that we allowed to stifle us in any way. Many of us have a tendency to give everyone we meet the benefit of the doubt, however when we begin to allow this to cloud us from the clarity of our intuition, it’s most definitely time to release and let go. Going against our intuition is the biggest reason why so many are not experiencing the well-being they know is possible.

Letting go of relationships that no longer serve our greatest good does not mean that we love these beings any less, it just means we are no longer contributing to the stories they have created motivated by fear, lack and separation.

In fact, letting go of these types of relationships has the potential to empower the people we release out of their stories, and into an awakening awareness of their omnipotent selves. So if you are feeling enough is enough, now is the time to give yourself permission to surround yourself with people, places and things that support you in living your highest vision.

Growing Our Miraculous Manifestations

The shift we are experiencing right now will be turned up another notch when we move through the Full Solar Eclipse that takes place on May 9/10th depending on your location.

The spiritual significance of a Solar Eclipse gives us the opportunity to strengthen our internal power and to magnify our love quotient. This can show up as giving ourselves permission to fully speak our truth and express ourselves freely in a more confident way. It also shows up as recommitting to loving and nurturing ourselves. Some wonderful ways we can ground more of these energies into our lives is through meditation, chanting, gratitude, being of service, or some type of physical activity such as dance or exercise.

The core purpose of an Eclipse is to provide us with a reminder of full acceptance of All That Is and to anchor in a more light way of being. We are asked to no longer sweat the small stuff, instead to focus our awareness on the gifts and blessings in our lives, so that we can begin to create even more of them.

The recent Partial Lunar Eclipse, Solar Flares and upcoming Solar Eclipse are creating a powerful space for us to begin witnessing the manifestations of growth from the seeds we’ve been planting and sowing for a while. These manifestations can be anything from the budding beginnings of new relationships, to career opportunities, ideas for new projects and physical or emotional healing – to name just a few.

If it’s something we’ve desired deeply for a while, now is the time to be mindful of how the Universe presents our desired manifestations to us. They are as close to us as our next breath.

Craving Physicality

A part of us right now is craving a deeper connection with the physical aspect of our experience. Even those who tend to stay more in the emotional or mental aspects of themselves are having more of a desire to connect in a physical way.

If we’re feeling guided to be more present in our body, this is the perfect time to do so. Some of the ways we can be more present in our body is through aerobic exercises such as dance, speed walking, swimming or any other movement that feels good to us. Yoga or any similar activity also helps us to connect with our bodies. Through physical movement, we are able to reconnect with all other aspects of ourselves. Taking care of ourselves physically is one of the most spiritual things we can do.

Another aspect of embracing the physical part of our experience is to open ourselves to physical contact and intimacy. Many of those walking a spiritual path tend to isolate themselves from others as a result of past experiences, or simply because they are dedicated to focusing on their own well-being and spiritual growth.

However, a big part of experiencing optimum health in our physical body, is allowing ourselves to get close to another being in an intimate way. This type of connection releases emotional energies and physical chemicals in the body and this release supports and creates a healthier physical experience.

So let’s take good care this month by giving ourselves permission to say “YES!” to our desired manifestations, being mindful of how they show up and recognizing that the physical aspect of our lives is simply an extension of the spiritual.

Till next time!

Miraculous Yours,


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/7/2013 3:14:47 PM

Karen Doonan: Reflections and “Reality” In the New Earth Frequencies

imageMay 6, 2013 at

Many of you may be in chaos at the moment as the life that you have always thought that you lived begins to dissolve and the life that you wish to create and live begins to anchor. The space between the two is often where most people fall into anxiety for the timing of one ending and one beginning is not always immediate.

Many people have “expected” the new earth to unfold immediately ignoring the need to balance the inner in order to balance the outer, for the outer waking human life experience is always a reflection of you in truth.

What you believe, what you anchor then appears in your outer waking human life experience for you create each moment of each moment. The unwaivering trust and faith in self may be challenging to anchor when the chaos takes hold and all that you recognise as life on planet earth begins to dissolve around you and through you.

It is important to allow the dissolving through you and within you and to honour the changes that will begin to appear for you personally, whether this be food choices, musical choices, clothing choices or any other “choice” for all are reflections of your energy signature and of your vibration. As you begin to heighten in vibration and elevate in energy signature then people, places and events will begin to reshape and move around you for everything is vibration and everything has a frequency.

You may notice how some people are no longer in your waking every day life, you may notice others have stepped forward and all is a reflection of the energy signature that you carry. To change your human life experience you need only change the frequency of your energy signature and the universe will respond.

Often the universe will respond but you may filter out the response, this is due to a teaching of distortion that is running deep within your very being that blinds you to that which is before you, everything is hidden in plain view, what is filtered out by many within the human race is that which does not resonate to the energy signature that they carry. In a 3D world of fear, anxiety and anger the higher dimensional frequencies tend to bounce off as it were, they are filtered out.

Let us give you an example, two people may be looking at the same situation but have completely different energy signatures. Let us take the banking system as an example, a person with a higher dimensional energy signature may be able to look at a scenario that involves a country destabilising its currency and see the need for this to happen, the dissolving of the old and the new reshaping the world.

A person with a lower dimensional energy signature will filter this out, wholly focusing on the destabilising and therefore feeding the lower energetic frequencies that are a reflection of their inner self. They will filter out anything that does not “confirm” their conviction that all is fear, all is dread and something terrible is happening. One situation, two different perspectives. No amount of explaining to the person who is in fear will work for they will simply filter out the words that are used focusing wholly on the words that confirm for them what is happening.

This is just one scenario, this happens with all situations in human life. Personally we have been in the position where someone had to repeat 3 times the same information relating to the situation we were trying to resolve as we could not stop filtering what they were saying. We are truly blessed to have some amazing people who have stepped forward to help us at times of severe chaos and each time we have been amazed by what we have tried to filter out. At the time of us trying to resolve a situation, it was the dissolving of a relationship. So focused on what was happening within the relationship were we, that we had lost all sense of perspective.

We appreciate that many of you may not be in a position where you are placed in a room full of soul family who are determined to make you understand that which you are focusing on. This is the situation we found ourselves within: we are handed a box of tissues, told to sit down and to listen. It was completely stunning to find that we had to listen to the same sentence 3 times in order to even have it register. What helped us out of the chaos that we found ourself within, were the words “why are you filtering out the people who love you and listening to the people who do not?” A simple enough question but one that felt a bit like a slap in the face at the time.

The teaching of distortion that was running deeply within us was then illuminated clearly. We share this with you for many of you may be doing exactly the same thing that we were. People who truly love you – love you unconditionally – do not place conditions on loving you. They do not try to manipulate you. They just love you. However there are many people in your waking human life that would proclaim to love you yet do just that. The difference is in their energy signature. Those who love you unconditionally will feel expansive. Those who place conditions and rules upon you will feel containing.

It is very challenging, indeed, when you live or have close relations with the people who place conditions on their love; and sometimes it may blind you. It was only thanks to hundreds of miles of physical distance and the determination of 3 close friends that I was able to kick start my way out of a situation that saw me blinded at every turn. The dissolving that followed was painful but needed in order to come fully back into balance.

It is not truth to allow those around you who proclaim to love you to ignore the boundaries that you have placed on how others in this world treat you and respond to you. Nowhere it is written that you must allow others to run riot over your needs and wants in this your human form. Love and compassion for all includes you. Many people default to those around them without a thought for themselves, this is part of the human condition and many teachings of distortion lie within this frequency range. It serves no one for you to be at the beck and call of those around you and ignore self, for in truth you are living through anothers rules and conditions. That is against free will which is what every sentient being in the universe has as their birthright.

There are also many teachings of distortion that will try to teach you that someone who places no conditions upon you does not love you and teaches that love hurts; therefore if love does not hurt, there is something wrong. This is a deep teaching and keeps many in relationships that serve neither party. Each party falling further and further into the blindness caused by the teaching that seeks to feed off the fear and anxiety created in this situation.

Love just IS. The new earth is founded upon the love that IS. But the human race has walked in the teachings of distortion for aeons. At this time on planet earth, you are asked to love self. This for many of you may be an enigma, for to love self you have to accept self regardless of the opinions of those around you and this may be challenging.

Only when you can accept that you Are love and anchor that love, can you allow the love that IS to truly flow through you and around you. As the blindfolds fall from your eyes you will then be able to see clearly that which keeps others bound to the old 3D earth energies. It is not love that binds the old 3D earth together, it is fear and other lower dimensional energy frequencies. In your human waking life you are now asked to dissolve all the relationships that were created out of this energy frequency because many of you will have created relationships (on all levels) that are bound in fear not love.

Now you are asked to create with the love that IS and dissolve the fear in all areas of your human life experience. This starts with the fear of love itself for this is one of the deepest teachings of distortion that exists upon this planet – that somehow by being yourself and by standing in your truth, you will be struck down or ostricised by those around you. This is not truth but can only be seen for what it is by moving through it, by allowing self to come into balance and dissolving the fear.

At this moment in your human life experience you may have two sets of voices, one which may be louder than the other. In our situation, those who shouted the loudest were the ones who held the most fear – much like as a child we listened to the louder voices rather than sit quietly and listen to the whispers of the other set of voices. The other voices never stopped repeating their love and support whilst the louder voices kept changing their opinions and their actions, all in an attempt to prove that they were right and we were wrong. Love just Is and You are. There is no right and no wrong for all just IS.

With many blessings

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/7/2013 3:16:43 PM

Mother Earth via Pamela Kribbe: Restoring the Male and Female Energy in the Body

pamela kribbeMother Earth as channeled by Pamela Kribbe: Restoring the Male and Female Energy in the Body

May 2013 –

Says Pamela: When I channel Earth, her energy feels very calm and soothing to me. As opposed to the other “energy fields” I channel (I don’t see them as human persons, more as universal yet unique teacher energies) who envelop me from above, Earth’s energy reaches me from beneath. I have a sense of being carried inside a powerful and nurturing womb and this gives me a sense of relief and of joy and safety. In this first message, “Restoring the Male and Female Energy in the Body”, Earth speaks about how our human history of struggle and aggression has affected our male and female energies. She points at the emotional wounds inside our bodies; both our male and our female energy have been injured, and it has happened in both men and women. Earth invites us to heal our wounds by descending fully into our sacred body and facing our pain with gentle diligence.

Message Starts: Dear friends, I am your mother, the Earth who carries you. I flow through you constantly, and I want to nourish and inspire you with my energy. We belong together; we do this dance together.

Life in a body, male or female, is an interplay between your soul and that of the Earth. Honor your beautiful body, the body I have given to you. It is an expression of female or male energy, so feel the beauty of that. Observe it from within. Experience the powerful energies in your body: the emotions, the feelings, the passions, the desires. They are powerful energies against which you sometime resist. However, try to feel the pure beauty of your body for a moment without wanting to control it. Feel the force field that you are as a physical being.

You receive information from your body continually and you often ignore that input because you think you know in your mind what is best for you or what is wrong for you. You often ignore your body, this gift from me. I ask you to instead turn your attention downward toward the ground under your feet, the foundation upon which you stand in this life, and to return to your sacred body – the dwelling place of your soul. Make peace with your body and no longer resist those energies that manifest there – respect them. Your soul is invited to dance with the energies of Earth, with the energies of being a woman, of being a man, of being together.

Let us do this today. Try to let go of beliefs in terms of right or wrong, beliefs about what is to be allowed and what not. Try to let those ideas go, altogether. Let the energies speak for themselves. If you look around you in nature, you see a continual play of energies and powers: in the wind, in the water, in the temperature, in the seasons, in the weather. Everything moves constantly, but tends naturally to a certain balance and equilibrium when things are allowed to take their own course. An overbearing need to control and organize eventually leads to imbalance, to a lack of equilibrium. And this happens also with your own human nature, because you are a part of earthly nature. Let go of trying to control and manipulate everything. Look at who you are, here and now, at this time. Allow your desires to be present and to “speak” to you.

Each of you here present longs for love. Love in relationships with others and love for yourself. Love to give and love to receive, and that is as it should be, because this desire is sincere. Even though you have this strong desire, there is a part of you which is fearful and in the dark. This part makes you afraid of love. So although one part of you yearns for, and reaches out to love, another part of you unintentionally closes you off from giving and receiving love.

You are forerunners of a new time, you are pioneers. You are taking steps on new ground, in unexplored territory. You want to live from your heart and your soul, and you want to get acquainted with what love really is. Not the images of love that are portrayed through the media, but a love that is more grand and more vast. A love that allows both partners to be completely who they are. A love as nature intended it to be.

This is a transitional time on Earth. More and more people desire depth in their relationships, a true meeting with the other person, and that is where your path leads you. But it is not a path that only leads to the heights; it is also a path that can lead to the depths, because on this path you encounter your own fears, the prejudices of your parents and ancestors, and the pain of generations before you. That is the choice you make once you choose for a relationship in the new era. You then choose for another way of being. You choose for an openness and sincerity that goes to the core of who you are, and therefore that choice challenges you to reveal, from the fullest extent of your soul, the part of you which still hides in the dark.

Let us look today in openness and without judgment at what still is to be revealed within you. What pain, what fear lives there? What hinders you from loving yourself and another? Let us first look at the past and to how the male and female energies have developed in centuries past. We then see that the male energy has played a dominant role for centuries and that both sexes, both women and men, have suffered because of that. The male energy that was dominant in your history was very much a mental energy of wanting to direct and determine earthly nature, as well as human nature. This form of energy wants to restrain and to control, often out of a desire for power.

In all layers of society, that energy has been at work. In governments, religions, and in daily life, the female energy, the emotional and the intuitive, was suppressed. The result has been that women felt inferior. The female qualities were less, or not at all, appreciated. That was the prevailing image. Women were regarded as second-class citizens, lesser human beings, and the female energy in general was regarded as suspicious.

If you are aggressive, and you focus on control, power, and manipulation through mental processes, the feminine soon becomes your enemy, because the feminine is by nature more flowing, more flexible, and more connected to qualities of feeling and emotion. The feminine is the source of all inspiration. She creates the bridge to your soul. Your soul flows through your feminine energy. The masculine energy is meant to support that inspiration, and to make it possible for this inspiration to become established in the material world.

That is the way it would be if the masculine and feminine worked well together, but throughout history the natural cooperation has become fractured, and men and women have become strangers who stand opposite one another. And this has not only happened outwardly between men and women, but also within the hearts of men and women. Men became alienated from their own emotional life, barred from it, and women increasingly began to feel insecure about who they are and what they can do. In both sexes, the male dominance has left wounds.

I would like you to join with me in an exercise of guided visualization. Imagine that you see a man and a woman standing side by side. I would like to sketch an image here of the male and the female soul on the collective level. A very sketchy picture, thus a general image, but something that you can recognize, or to which you might identify.

When you see how a man looks historically, at the pain he has suffered, then you see a man whose emotions are not allowed to flow sufficiently. Men have identified with thinking, doing, and acting, but the connection with their heart is broken or difficult to find. If you look at the figure of a man, you can see that he lives partly within a shell or an armor. This armor gives him the feeling of security on the one hand, but at the same time it restricts him, because his heart is stifled. You can see his tide of passion and love, but that current may not flow very freely through his armor; there is congestion and blockage within him. Men cannot express their feelings very well, because they have to contend with an old armor that no longer actually fits them, and you can perceive there are already cracks in the armor of this representative male.

Men fight against this ancient armor, because they want to express their feelings more outwardly. But within this restriction, which is a result of the judgments of the past, it is still so that, as a man, you cannot express certain emotions from your heart and cannot truly connect with another. From the point of view of these restrictions, you will give up a certain security when you release your inhibitions, and that is dangerous and scary.

Let us now look by way of this visualization at how the woman looks as a result of her long past of pain and suppression. If you look at this representative female, the first thing you see is that something is missing. The woman is not entirely present, because of the suppression and the sexual violence she has experienced in the past thousands of years. Something has been shut down, especially within her belly in the lower chakras.

The pain from the violence has been too heavy to process. And what people do, if traumas are too much to survive, is they flee from it in some way. They try to leave their body and are no longer sufficiently grounded and are no longer connected to their inner power, because it is too painful to be completely present in their bodies. That is what has been globally true for women.

Ask yourself to now connect in your imagination to both these figures, and let us begin with the man. Imagine that you go with your awareness inside that man. Feel the pain that lives there, and also the desire in him to be able to feel again, to live from his heart. See if you also recognize within yourself some of that same restrictive armor. To what extent do you also carry that with you, this armor that seemingly gives you the certainty of control, but that also stops you from allowing your soul to radiate on Earth? See if you can tell that man, and thereby also yourself, that you can put down this armor, piece by piece, releasing it more and more. You can let go of what is there in excess and no longer needed. Do that now, but do not do it by force. See what can fall away by itself.

Observe what feels freer in your energy field and in your emotions, and to where the released energy can flow. Maybe there is a place in your body to where it spontaneously flows. Yet, it may be that a part of the armor remains or refuses to yield. If so, just let it be; it need not all go at once. In this way, you have now helped yourself, as well as the broader spectrum of the entire male energy here on Earth, which wants to transform in this time, wants to change. Now step outside the figure of that man that you envisioned.

Now bring your awareness to a point of focus, leaving the figure of this man, and look at the woman. Notice how you see the figure of the woman, the uncertainty and insecurity, the fragility and delicacy in her, the not daring to be here fully. Go there for a moment with your awareness and allow it to descend into her consciousness and into her body. You can connect with her fear and the resistance to being here fully, to descending into that fragile area of her abdomen, into her womb.

I, Mother Earth, am with you when you do this, so you are safe. I will support you, so do not be afraid. Become present in the energy within that female figure. Let her know that you are there for her, that you will receive her. Tell her how beautiful she is, how welcome she is in this world on the Earth. We need her intuitive gifts and the connection that she creates with the soul, with her inner knowing and the beauty that she brings to life. We need her again on Earth.

Imagine that some kind of ladder appears from heaven and the full and authentic feminine energy slowly descends downward, and do this for yourself as well as for the entire female energy at this time. She needs to feel welcome on Earth, because she has pulled away from Earth, because of the aggression and pain she has experienced.

This pain is present in you all, whether you are now a woman or a man. That is why it is so difficult to allow your emotions freedom of expression and to dare to be who you are in the depths of your soul. See if you succeed in bringing the rungs of the ladder closer, but allow it the freedom to do as it will; it does not have to come down all at once. Now leave this imaginary figure of a woman and come back to yourself, into your body, into the here and now.

You can visualize yourself in a triangle with these two figures, the male energy and the female energy. These are images that have to do with you, with your life as an individual and, at the same time, these images also transcend your individual life, because they are force fields that permeate society as a whole.

By recognizing the wounds of the past through these imaginary figures in this visualization, you also heal a part of yourself, and you become free of the past. You can once again become an inspired, feeling man, and a powerful, self-confident, intuitively gifted woman. In this way, you free yourself from the pain of the past, as well as add healing to the collective consciousness.

Thank you for the work you want to do for this transformation process. You are the forerunners of a new time.

English Translation by Maria Baes and Frank Tehan

© Pamela Kribbe

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/7/2013 3:43:01 PM

Dear Mountaineers, pay special attention to this one paragraph in the below message:The only real security is aligning with soul and spirit, stepping out of the old world, and creating a new world driven by soul and spirit from within.

Contact Is Now, 5D Is Here – by James Gilliland, May 6, 2013

Many were waiting for the grand shift December 21st 2012. There was a shift yet it was james_gilliland1the beginning not the ending. The dramatic things people were expecting on the day did not happen, nor were they meant to. There was a setting of the energy for the days to come and the sensitives and adepts were the only ones who really felt and understood what happened. This gave way to the naysayers, yet as we all know the big events happen soon after the skeptics have their say. We are now in those changes. One gamma ray burst after another along with other rays within the electromagnetic spectrum are bombarding us. The magnetic poles are shifting, weakening, opening up the Earth to more consciousness, light, and energy. There is a great transformation happening, the wheat is being separated from the chaff and how that translates to today’s society is those who align with the wounded egos are being separated from those who align with the soul and spirit. Those operating outside of universal law are receiving the hard lessons, their deeds are surfacing, being exposed, and the reactions to their actions are being accelerated. The alignment with the Galactic plane, the end of the 25,000 year cycle is the main player in this unfoldment.

The ego, wounded and manipulated by social consciousness and the archon network can no longer operate within the new incoming frequencies. We are being given a choice yet each path leads in a different direction. The path to ascension, aligning with our soul and spirit, fulfilling our contracts we made before we incarnated, moving with Earth in her evolutionary process. Moving to the next level, living in peace and harmony with each other and nature is the wise choice. The path to descension, the downward spiral driven by a wounded ego and the programming of the matrix leads to social, economic, and environmental collapse. This is where the hard lessons reside. You cannot resurrect the past due to choices made by a wounded ego, the programming of the matrix influenced by the archon network. This will cause you the greatest pain and insecurity. That world is the chaff, and it is coming to a close. Lines are being drawn, polarities are being amplified, and those who refuse to align with soul and spirit are of no use to soul and spirit. Their world will be one of disarray, hardship, and their bodies will fail.

There are symptoms of this process. Your bodies will begin to talk with you; some will scream at you. As they try to adjust to the new energies, pains and diseases will come and go rapidly. There will be times of dizziness, spacing out, jumping between worlds – then asking where am I and why have I been feeling out of sorts. This is often from slipping in and out of dimensions. The veils between worlds are very thin, and those on the path to ascension are moving back and forth. You will see lights, wavy energies, and flashes in your peripheral vision. Many will feel they just don’t belong anymore in jobs, relationships, even geographical areas. Some will gravitate toward higher expressions; some will fall back into the old ways. You can’t drag your loved ones with you in this process; all you can do is hold the light, the consciousness, allow others their path even if you know the outcome. They may need the hard lessons, and that is the way their soul set it up. Many actually believe they can choose the wounded and programmed ego drive and get away with it. They believe in ignorance they can choose against the path of soul and spirit – even act against universal law. News flash: your soul and spirit have a different program for you, and it will be as hard as you make it.

We are in those times all the prophets, saints and sages have warned us about. It is undeniable, yet beyond even my own imagination; there are still those who are denying it. Their soul and spirit along with the source itself have a different plan and the old world of gaining love, acceptance and approval outside of self or from social consciousness is also coming to an end. Exacting self worth though outer appearances and material acquisition is no longer applicable. Why? Because this society is so dysfunctional and wounded it has nothing more to offer. The ugliest and most painful trick you can play on yourself is aligning with it. Where is the security in aligning with a sick, corrupt, unconscious world imploding in on itself?

The only real security is aligning with soul and spirit, stepping out of the old world, and creating a new world driven by soul and spirit from within. Leave the dysfunction of the past behind you, let go of the old ways that no longer serve you, humanity, or the Earth. Let go of the false security created by the insecurities within and make your own personal God/Spirit/Creator connection. Let that decide your future. Anything else will take you to the same fate as the chaff.

You are not alone in this process. The beautiful many saints, sages, and masters as well as benevolent off worlders, the Gods of old, are all part of this process. Not the jealous wrathful images and regenerate ETs – the greater family of man. This is a grand, unstoppable event. We can flow with it without resistance, or we can brace against it with resistance. The second path goes into the resistance-is-futile category. Try stopping a tsunami or warring on consciousness, light, and energy far beyond your imagination. They will both end with the same result. Time to release the past, be kind to yourself and others, and get with the program. Align with soul and spirit; become the wheat because harvest day is fast approaching; for some it is just around the corner. Be well and choose wisely.

James Gilliland

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/7/2013 3:58:21 PM

Annular Solar Eclipse – Red Centre Ring of Fire, May 9/10, 2013

1586Eclipse Love
Pleiadean Annular Solar Eclipse
May 20, 2012
time-lapse over Tokyo

May 4, 2013 // Hi everyone, as you know from my last newsletter ( we are in the middle of a Tri-eclipse portal which spans April 25 – May 25, 2013. The bookend eclipses are minor lunar eclipses which serve as subtle doorways in and out of the portal. But the central eclipse – coming up this Thursday and Friday May 9 and 10 – is an Annular Solar Eclipse and is very powerful both in its visual quality and its effects.

Ring of Fire

In a Total Solar Eclipse, the moon blots out the sun completely. An Annular Solar Eclipse is similar to a Total Eclipse, but the Moon is further away from the Earth so the disk of the Moon isn’t quite big enough to fully cover the disk of the Sun. This creates the mesmerizing “Ring of Fire” effect, a sight sought by eclipse chasers the world over: a dark Moon completely surrounded by the brilliant light of the distant Sun.

Those in Australia, Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands will be able to see the coveted Ring of Fire during this eclipse. In it’s totality, the moon will obscure 95% of the sun’s disk. A partial eclipse will be seen in a much broader path, which includes Australia, Indonesia, Oceania and much of the central Pacific Ocean.

If you are in the pathway of this eclipse (as described throughout this newsletter), go to this link to find out the time of visibility in your area (weather permitting of course) Hawaii will be the only state in the United States to see this eclipse. The city of Hilo will see a 36% obscuration. The partial eclipse in Hilo begins at 2:27pm local time with maximum occurring at 3:53pm. The eclipse will end at 5:05pm for the people living in Hilo.

The Ring of Fire looks like a portal to another realm. It looks like a hoop that you could jump through. The energetic qualities of this (or any) eclipse show where opportunities for initiation into higher consciousness and deeper compassion might occur. We will explore the nature of our opportunities in this newsletter.

The closing eclipse in this Tri-eclipse portal is on May 25, 2013. Although completely indiscernible to the naked eye, it is juiced up by the power of the 3rd historic Uranus-Pluto square which occurs on May 20. There will be more info on this event in a forthcoming newsletter. Suffice it to say, May is an intense month!

Note: this newsletter is reallllly long. Normally I would divide it in several parts, but I don’t have the energy/time to do that right now. I’ve been working on the content of this newsletter for some time and just decided to send it in it’s entirety in one fell swoop, due to time sensitivity. I.e. this is a very, very powerful eclipse and I want to get the info out to as many people as possible before the event. Due to it’s length, this newsletter will most likely be easier to digest if you print it out- if you are so inclined you can do that. If you want to skim it, notice that I’ve made some suggestions for possible meditation focus in various areas that are beneficial no matter where you are on the day of the eclipse.

Full Newsletter Here - Follow the Shadow of the Eclipse and read the messages being left for us by the Shadow.

Blessings to all!


Carol Ann Ciocco

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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