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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/6/2013 10:27:10 PM

Sheldan Nidle: Update March 5, 2013

sheldan newSheldan Nidle’s Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy

Stephen: Last week, some of you (again) questioned Sheldan’s mention of the healing chambers. This week there is a “living bio machine”. I have no idea what that may be, but I’m open to anything helping us all at this point in time!

As received by Sheldan Nidle – March 5, 2013

This is the time of prophecy in which Heaven reigns supreme! The Light comes, and a new way is born. Divine grace has formed us and bestowed the divine path to our Souls. Be in wonder at what the edicts of AEON* bring!

Ummac Dan – 10 Ix, 2 Ceh, 9 Eb

Dratzo! We come again to speak with you! A great celestial event is shortly to occur in your heavens. This event is the last one in a series of phenomena which signals the end of a sacred agreement made between the Light and the Anunnaki long ago. It is part of a divine plan to prepare your ancestors as well as you for a return to full consciousness.

Pursuant to this, we are providing the dark ones on your world with documents which state that the time has come when we can officially intervene in your reality on your behalf. This intercession is simply to assist your sacred secret societies and their allies to complete a legal takeover of a number of your major governments.

This procedure will lead to the disbursement of a universal abundance that is presently being held in numerous secret locations around your globe. Over the past few months we have relocated these resources to places where they are both safe and available to be used for securing the new financial and monetary system. We are also providing a more general logistical security to enable the new governance to broadcast the facts concerning what is taking place in the countries around your world.

The first series of announcements will cover the diverse new programs which are associated with what has generally been called NESARA. Each of the provisions being implemented will be the subject of much national discussion. They will be aired on radio, television, and the Internet, and it is here that our security expertise will be necessary. It is our responsibility to safeguard the integrity of these channels of communication against all electronic interference or disabling so that the populace can be properly informed about these groundbreaking issues.

Our concern is keyed to the fact that many on your world possess a preventative, and even a malicious, attitude toward anything that threatens their narrow control agenda. In the long run these individuals will have the opportunity to change their attitude once they begin to work with their personal mentors. We can see clearly how these attitudes could develop and are therefore ready to take the required technical countermeasures. Our roles in the time immediately ahead are first, to provide clear government communications and then, to explain to you what to expect in the first days after we land.

The mass-landing scenario is really no more than the final stage of your return to full consciousness. You will meet your own personal mentor, who knows you fully as well as a long lost friend. Your innate telepathic abilities will be quickly restored by interacting with us, enabling an effortless and effective dialog between us, unhampered by the misunderstandings and ambiguities of speech. Telepathy enables a depth of openness and understanding which may seem a bit strange at first as it will allow no secrets between us.

This means that you will get used to us very quickly and we will tell you all about who we are, what we do, and about our personal clan histories. We will answer any questions you may have and you will quickly see that you can trust us with your deepest concerns. These couple of days may be the most frank and honest experience of your life. Your hostile cultural environment has taught you to protect yourselves with many layers of secrecy, and telepathy returns you to a degree of Oneness in which distrust largely becomes a thing of the past. We will be like open books to you, allowing your fearful, defensive programming to fall away.

We have studied your widely varying cultures for many years, and at first found such variety daunting. But after sharing our many findings amongst ourselves, we came up with the best way to surmount the myriad cultural barriers that lie at the heart of your societies. You have all developed survival systems which allow you to tolerate your various cultures and religions, and our goal is first to help you to set these aside as they become unnecessary. We know this is not easy for you. Since childhood you have honed these survival skills until they are all but habitual. However, these habits are based on separation and our coming is to introduce you again to opening to Oneness.

In addition, your western cultures in particular are very mentally oriented and many of you have learned the hard way to close down your hearts. We, on the other hand, are used to dealing on a heart-to-heart basis with each other and communicating deeply on most matters. We know this may be difficult for you at first, but we are confident that as you feel the Real You beginning to emerge from your cultural ‘armor-plating,’ you will take to this freedom ‘like a duck to water’!

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! Those who understand the ways of Heaven know that the time has come for a grand exit of the dark and its multitudes of minions. They have run this limited-consciousness realm for nearly 13,000 years, and during this time many Golden Ages and many strange edicts by the dark have marked this span of years. The upcoming moments signal the end of this period. You are rising in frequency, which means that the agency for controlling you is ending. The resulting freedom enables you to receive your spiritual and space families with a feeling of joy, knowing that the long night of sorrows is at an end. Everywhere, small glimpses of this freedom are becoming evident. Your minds now accept the essentiality of freedom, thus enabling a new reality to be born. It is in the midst of this new reality that amazing changes are forming. Governments are to fall and a new prosperity is to come into being.

This is the time of prophecy in which Heaven reigns supreme! The Light comes, and a new way is born. Divine grace has formed us and bestowed the divine path to our Souls. Be in wonder at what the edicts of AEON bring! You are no longer to be denied true knowledge and will learn of the lies and manipulations long used by the dark. These discoveries will bring you the Truths you have long sought. You are to be graciously freed from the clutches of those whose hubris and stupidity will be fully revealed to you. In this light you will merge with new allies who come from within this sacred orb and whom Heaven has sent to you. We are those who have learned through many lifetimes to ascend, and whose knowledge is to guide you along the final stretch of the journey whose sacred goal is to resurrect your full consciousness.

This process of physical and spiritual resurrection has been contemplated with awe for generations. It is indeed a most complex and arduous operation that each of us is capable of. At this point in your history, what is to happen instead is a unique, very special, massive collective ascension that has been mandated by Heaven. To this end, your space and Inner Earth families will use a wondrous, advanced technology in the form of a living bio-machine, designed to transform each of you back into full consciousness. This will take three days. Heaven will attune and monitor these special miracle-devices and carry out the various calibrations that are specific to each individual. In this way, an entire human population can be raised into an Angel-like state that normally would take many lifetimes to attain. Consider well the divine grace that is to enable us all to return to the miraculous state of Oneness with our Mighty Creator! Hosanna! Hosanna!

Today we reviewed some details concerning your return to a liberated and prosperous state. We also briefly explored the sacred path which Heaven has sent you on, in which you return gracefully to full consciousness. Much is to happen. Wondrous events await in the wings and miracles set up by the divine grace of Heaven and the highest joys of AEON are coming your way!

Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours!

So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

* AEON: It is the highest realm of Heaven and the area around the Throne of the Creator.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/6/2013 10:28:12 PM

Saul: Citizens Have Given Away Far Too Much of Their Power

SaulSaul: Citizens Have Given Away Far Too Much of Their Power

As channeled by John Smallman – March 6, 2013

Listen to John read this latest message from Saul here:

Humanity’s desire for a better way of living is strengthening as more whistle-blowers reveal disturbing and unpleasant secrets that your “authorities” wish to suppress or keep hidden from you — secrets that clearly demonstrate that they cannot be trusted and should not have authority over anyone.

As they are revealed they further your desire for and intent to achieve major systemic change in all the myriad authoritarian organizations that have been spawned across the planet over the eons of your recorded history.

Histories are the stories that the winners and survivors choose to tell and write down, during or after the events they supposedly refer to, in order to show themselves as beings of wisdom and integrity working honestly for the good of all, when in truth they are always very heavily biased accounts, frequently offering out-and-out lies as truths to justify the chaos and suffering that they have caused in their determination to maintain their power and authority.

Humanity’s sojourn on Earth has, for the most part, been an ongoing struggle between rival factions attempting to set themselves up as the rightful authorities to whom you, the people, should happily and gratefully surrender your own personal power and many of the rights that go with it.

Needless to say, those who attain positions of power always feel a strong need to protect this status either by means of the laws they have formulated precisely for that purpose, or, failing that, by physical enforcement, using police, militias, or, in extreme circumstances, the state’s army. And as your history shows, those in power have never failed to use all the means at their disposal to maintain their expropriated powers.

Even in your so-called democracies the citizens have given away far too much of their power to their governments, enabling them to declare war on other nations, or even on their own citizens when they deem it in their own best and self-serving interests to do so. That power needs to be reclaimed. It can and should be done peacefully without force of arms.

Power can only be maintained and exercised over others if these others choose to allow it. Indeed, there are many recent examples of governments being “persuaded” to change their policies due to popular and peaceful demonstrations against them. Many changes will soon be occurring, or have already commenced, because of these kinds of peaceful activities which are on the increase all across the world.

You – the people, humanity – want a new age, a Golden Age, and you are starting to express this desire very forthrightly, thus bringing about the necessary changes to achieve it, for that is how change occurs.

A continuing outpouring of loving intent by you, the wayshowers and-Light bearers, for essential changes to occur in a peaceful, prompt, and efficacious manner enormously empowers this ongoing process. Do not let the apparent lack of progress, due to the mainstream media’s unwillingness to report it, distract or dissuade you from this important task.

Remind yourselves regularly of the fact that not only are you powerful divine beings intending to bring in the Golden Age, but you are achieving that aim! By reminding yourselves you raise your spirits and you strengthen the power of that intention.

It is, as you have been told before, a done deal. Nothing can prevent the divine plan coming to fruition, but the more frequently and intensely you focus on bringing it about then the sooner will you see it happen. It has happened already, eons ago. However, you cannot presently experience the reality of it because the purpose of the illusion is to hide Reality from you and persuade you that things will never change, or, if they do, that they will only do so very slowly. That is not the truth. Time is a major aspect of the illusion, and by changing your focus, your perception, you will see through the illusion as it dissolves, and time will dissolve with it.

Collectively, humanity is changing the way it perceives its illusory environment, and it has been doing this with steadily increasing awareness for the last five or six decades. The older ones among you can definitely see that great changes have occurred and are continuing to occur during your current lifetimes, as the willingness to engage in the “romance” of just wars has died away.

The wars presently being fought – philosophically, religiously, politically, economically, and physically – are the result of outdated ways of thinking, outdated philosophies of judgment, and the resultant condemnation of opposing viewpoints, followed by the emotional and egoic knee-jerk responses to situations that were never fully understood.

They are the last and doomed efforts of the old order — the self-appointed and arrogant leaders of authoritarian regimes trying to maintain their grip on power. The ineffectiveness of their attempts to hold on to that usurped authority are readily apparent to all who choose to see.

The desire that all of humanity live harmoniously together in a state of peace and abundance, and the intent to see that aim achieved, have become so strong, so intense that nothing can prevent its delivery. Hold to your truth, to your trust in the supremacy of your loving Father, and know that His Will always prevails.

With so very much love, Saul.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/6/2013 10:29:23 PM

Awakening with Suzanne Lie – Arcturian Message on The Return

TheReturnArcturian Message on The Return

By Suzanne Lie – March 5, 2013

Dear Ascending Ones,

As you continue your process of returning to your Multidimensional SELF, you will be releasing the components of your self that are no longer needed. For example, as a child you needed someone outside of you to tell you what to do. However, now that you are an adult, you are able to listen to your own inner voice.

Since you are returning to your Multidimensional SELF, the choices and actions of your ego are no longer necessary or enjoyable. Therefore, you will be placing more and more of your attention and intention on the SELF to whom you are returning. This shift of focus so expands your consciousness that you are beginning to remember your innate Multidimensional thinking and expanded perceptions.

As you continue this metamorphosis the small voice of the Divine Child calls out, “Take me with you.” We remind you to welcome your Divine Child and realize that he/she has always been within your High Heart. Your Divine Child became the one you identified as yourself before you began your process of Ascension. Now that “Child” can lead you into your SELF.

Your Divine Child represents your first eight cells that are stored in the ATMA of the Three Fold Flame of your High Heart. Within these first eight cells is all that you have learned from your many incarnations on physical Earth. These eight cells also hold the pattern of lives in which you Ascended (returned to SELF) in your other incarnations.

When you died you returned to the Wheel of Life and Death in the fourth dimensional aura of planet Earth. On the other hand, when you Ascended you returned to your fifth dimensional Lightbody. It is your Lightbody that carries you across the Great Void between the fourth dimension and the higher worlds of the fifth dimension and beyond.

During this era of planetary transformation many Ascending Ones will be acknowledging their Divine Child who remembers all their past Ascensions. More and more Ascending Ones are choosing to connect with the fifth-dimensional threshold world even though they could move on into higher dimensional realities. They are making this choice in order to participate in the great honor of assisting with the creation of New Earth.

Please remember that in every version of the fifth dimension and beyond there is no time. Therefore, you are returning to a reality that has always existed and is simultaneously in the process of creation. In fact, whenever you travel inter-dimensionally, you enter a new reality by calibrating your consciousness to the resonance of that world. Then, when you merge your great Multidimensional essence with that world, it re-sets the entire reality. This reset creates new options and opportunities that did not exist before your entry.

Thus, your entry into a reality that has existed beyond time is re-created by your presence. Do you see dear Ascending Ones how much power you have within you? The contribution of your essence has the ability to alter an entire way of life. In fact, even within your time-bound Earth vessel you influence the Collective and Planetary Consciousness of Earth with your every out-breath.

Your breath has great power. Your first breath at birth indicates that you were alive (logged into the 3D Game) and your last breath at your death indicates that you are dead (logged out of the 3D Game). In other words, the Spiritual Essence of your breath enters your form at birth and leaves your form at death. However, since you are your spiritual essence, you are not born, nor do you die.

It is your form that is born and your form that dies. Remember that in order to enter into a form-based reality, you must first create a body based on the molecular resonance and configuration of that reality. Then when your body is fully formed, your Spirit enters that form.

New Earth resonates to the fifth dimensional threshold after the Great Void between lower worlds where having a form means you are alive and higher worlds where having a form is a choice. In preparation for your journey across this Void, your physical form is in the process of transmuting into your Lightbody that will carry you across the Void.

However, because planet Earth is also Ascending, as your form transmutes into a higher frequency of expression, so does your entire reality. Hence, both people and planet are simultaneously recalibrating their form to higher and higher frequencies. Since your form/body is comprised of the elements of the reality you are experiencing, when your reality transmutes into higher frequencies, you must match that frequency shift to remain within that reality.

Therefore, your consciousness is constantly recalibrating to higher and higher frequencies of light, and your body must recalibrate itself, as well. If your state of consciousness becomes too much higher than your body, you will “die,” as your consciousness is of a resonance that cannot be contained in your lower frequency vessel.

Your physical Earth vessel is comprised of the third dimensional elements of Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Ether. These elements are transmuting into their fourth dimensional expression of Elementals.

  • Earth Elementals are titled Gnomes,
  • Air Elementals are titled Sylphs,
  • Fire Elementals are Salamanders,
  • Water Elementals are Undines and
  • Etheric Elementals represent the blending of spirit-into-matter.

The fourth dimensional Elementals carry the breath of Gaia within them and share Her essence with you via your in-breath. With your every inhale the Elementals bring in the higher frequency of Gaia’s fourth dimensional:

  • Earth Elemental into your body
  • Air Elemental into your breath
  • Fire Elemental into your neural synapses
  • Water Elemental into your blood and cerebrospinal fluid
  • Etheric Elemental into your aura

Your Earth vessel must then adapt to these higher frequencies of energy. Often this adaptation begins by releasing that which was part of the self that you pretended to be. Once you have released the aspects of yourself that have become too low of a resonance for your transmuting form, you will be able to exhale your higher frequency of breath into Gaia’s world. Hence, you will share your transmutation with Gaia, just as She has shared Her transmutation with you.

In this manner:

  • Your transmuting body (Earth) aligns with the transmuting body of Gaia.
  • Your transmuting breath (Air) aligns with the transmuting atmosphere of Gaia.
  • Your transmuting nervous system (Fire) aligns with the transmuting nervous systems of all the life on Gaia.
  • The transmuting fluid of your body (Water) aligns with the higher frequencies of Gaia’s waters.
  • As your aura transmutes from Etheric (fourth dimensional) into Spiritual (fifth dimensional), your personal consciousness aligns with the planetary consciousness, which is transmuting from third/fourth dimensional to fifth dimensional.

The physical representation of Gaia is the third/fourth dimensional Earth and the fifth dimensional representation of Gaia is New Earth. As you, the Ascending Ones, entrain your personal consciousness with the planetary consciousness of Gaia and all her inhabitants, you contribute greatly to the planetary Ascension.

Simultaneously, the great mass of Gaia’s Ascending body contributes to your personal Ascension. Then, you also gain the additional benefit of a peaceful transition into New Earth as you are surrounded and protected by the entire Ascending planet.

The challenge with this configuration of Ascension (as there are many versions of Ascension) is that you could easily doubt that you are Ascending because you are not leaving anything. If you Ascended beyond the planet, you would pull away from that reality and feel as though you are leaving Earth. Then you would have physical evidence of your Ascension.

However, depending on physical evidence is not consistent with Ascension. Instead, it is best to release your ego’s need for proof and trust your inner knowing that, since you and Gaia are ONE, you are both Ascending together.

In this fashion, THE RETURN involves both people and planet.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/6/2013 10:31:34 PM

Jesus: Love is the New Technology, the New Science, the New Politics

Jesus: Love is the New Technology, the New Science, the New Politics

As channelled by John Smallman – March 6, 2013

John’s readings of today’s post:

Once you start to accept your true nature as divine beings – spiritual beings having a human experience – the changes necessary to bring healing and renewal to the planet and all the sentient life forms she supports will move ahead very quickly indeed.

You all have issues with that, because, as humans, you see those around you operating from their egos ninety-nine percent or more of the time. As you become increasingly honest with yourselves, you are acknowledging that you also must continue working and intending to release your own disruptive egoic attitudes that are so very human and that can be so very destructive.

Because of that, it is very difficult for you to recognize and concede that truly every human is a divine being . . . they just do not behave as if they were divine! – that is, as you ego-driven humans imagine divine beings would behave. And you do have a point. Nevertheless it is true, and your hearts will soon take over from your egoic reasoning, and acknowledge and embrace the inalienable fact of your divinity.

Your intent to awaken is intensifying daily. When you take time out daily (as you must) in your personal space, your place of peace, and hold that intent, even momentarily, it sends out loving energy waves of enormous power which interact with every sentient being on the planet, wherever they are and whatever their spiritual intentions and beliefs, and it impacts and modifies their energy fields to bring them increasingly into alignment with the divine energy field.

Change that will benefit all of humanity is occurring worldwide as a result of the intent that those who are spiritually oriented are holding. All of humanity wants change because your present ways of interacting are crushing your spirits and destroying your relationships — and you have had enough! The human collective is ready for major change.

You are bringing Love into every aspect of inter-human relationships by your intent that Love shall prevail. And, of course, Love always prevails! There is no longer anywhere on the planet that is completely closed to Love, because Its seeds have been sown worldwide and are springing up enthusiastically throughout the entire global population as the prayers and loving intentions of the wayshowers and Light-bearers — a group that is constantly growing and expanding — sweep across the planet in an endless succession of great waves, embracing all in their path. There is no escape from Love!

Obviously, this is not immediately apparent as you observe the violent and pernicious conflicts (only some of which are being reported by the mainstream media) that are still happening at every level of society, and in every racial, religious, political, economic, philosophical (and on and on) organization all across the world. But this is no longer able to be kept quiet, swept under the carpet, and generally ignored, because whistle-blowers everywhere are courageously standing up and disclosing what those who have held the reins of power for so long have so vehemently determined to hide.

As the truth breaks out from behind the screens that were erected to hide it, amazing acts of Love will take place all across the planet as people discover that those with whom they have been fighting are not — and never have been! — their enemies. They have been outrageously misled by those in power, and were persuaded by them that the conflicts in which they were so ruthlessly engaged were essential if peace was to be established on Earth.

As the veils hiding the truth are removed, enormous changes will occur very rapidly; in fact, the first are already occurring. Humanity is ready for world peace, and it is only those who would control and subjugate you who wish to prevent it from coming about. They no longer have the power or the ability to maintain the state of endless conflict to keep you afraid and divided. War is passé; it is no longer fashionable; and it needs to be swept away, along with all the accoutrements that make it possible. The first signs of this are evidenced by governmental financial shortfalls that are necessitating enormous contractions in their military budgets.

Love is the new technology, the new science, the new philosophy, the new politics, the new economics. All will embrace It. However . . . ‘new’ it is not! It is your original state — the state in which you were so lovingly created and to which you are excitedly and enthusiastically returning. Nothing can prevent the Golden Age from blossoming, absolutely nothing!

Your loving brother, Jesus

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/7/2013 5:44:41 PM

Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 278

As channeled by Aisha North – March 6, 2013

For the last couple of days, things have once again started to pick up speed. For many, it is as if your heart and eyes have started to open even wider, and you are indeed starting to perceive things in a slightly different way.

In other words, you have finally started to tune into this new tune, if we may call it that, and you have mayhaps realized that things are indeed coming to pass even if you on the outside have yet to see any real traces of this. We speak in parables as usual, but what we are trying to convey is that this change that you have all hankered for so much is already in full swing.

But as we have also talked about on several occasions, this may not come about in the manner you had envisaged. For a human mind is a simple one, as it cannot see beyond the boundaries it has been given. A human heart, on the other hand, is far more accomplished. For it can see and feel that which does not even exist yet, for it can tap into the true potential of something. And as such, the heart is a wise warrior, and as long as you follow your heart, you will know where to let it take you.

And it has taken you all this far already, and even if for some of you progress seems to be less than minuscule, you have in fact already made a quantum leap on this journey of yours towards that fabled goal you all seek so intently. Again we say, your heart knows this already, and now, the power of your heart has started to override the misgivings of your mind in a much more powerful way than it used to.

For it has once again taken the driver’s seat in this, and by that, it has wrested away the control from the so much more timid and skeptically-prone mind of yours. So now, you will all start to see this whole process in a much more lucid manner. For now you will know where you formerly only had the hope, and now you will literally feel in your very core just how close to unveiling the whole truth you really are. And when you do, you are not the only ones able to perceive this, for then, the whole world will have to sit up and listen.

For the truth will out no matter how hard the old and rigid structures try to hold it down. And now, they are crumbling, and they have other things to worry about than just keeping up appearances. And they will be kept busy indeed, as they feel the strong gust of wind that will tear down their house of cards once and for all approaching. And this wind cannot die down, for it is indeed fuelled by the power you all carry in your hearts, and now, you have gained access to that power, and you can feel yourselves starting to fill your lungs to their fullest capacity as you prepare to add to the storm approaching.

We say this not to scare you, just to remind you that you, through the actions instigated from your heart, are so important in all of this. For you are guided by your heart now, and that is not where the fear resides. For fear only engender violence and hate, and you dear ones, you are not to be lured into that old trap again. For you know that love will conquer the world, and from that love, a new world will arise from the ashes of the old.

For the old world cannot stand the pressure from this wind of change, and it will indeed collapse into a heap of broken promises, taking with it the hopes and dreams of so many who had staked their future on this false flag of success. And they will feel as if everything they trusted their survival on, is razed to the ground. But you will know better, for you know that these smoldering remnants of the old will only serve to nurture the new and far more viable world that you are creating.

And you know that from this seemingly lifeless heap of dirt, new shoots will start to emerge. For just like some seeds will lie dormant in the soil for years, even centuries, waiting for the right conditions before they can germinate, so too it is with many of your fellow men. For they all have it in them, they just did not know that they were still in that dormant phase. But now, many of these tiny little seeds will start to awaken, and you will all be amazed at the speed of their growth. For it will seem that the smoke has not even cleared yet before healthy and vigorous new sprouts will emerge all over, and they will soon cover the last remnants of the old with their proliferation.

So know that you will soon be as in a lush forest of healthy growth, and you will be able to rest in the shade of these sturdy trees whenever you want to. For you have done the hardest work, of clearing the path trough that dense and unpenetrable jungle to get where you are today, and you have done so at the expense of so much. But know that soon you will be assuaged by the arrival of all of these new and eager sprouts that will help to ease the burden off your shoulders, and you will be free to savour this new and fertile forest in a way you thought you never would.

So again we say to you stay calm no matter what transpires in the days and weeks ahead, and know that all is well, for it has been thus ordained, and thanks to you, it will come to pass, and for that, we are all more than blessed.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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