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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/5/2013 5:40:58 PM

Jennifer Hoffman: The Energies of March

jennifer-hoffmanThe Energies of March

By Jennifer Hoffman – March 3, 2013

Any month that starts out with the Catholic Pope’s retirement, hospitalization of the Queen of England, and the US government in sequester promises to be interesting. That has happened in the first three days of March and it’s going to be a long month.

In January we adapted to the post-2012 energies, tired and a little disillusioned and disappointed. In February we discovered all of the blocks that have limited us, including our soul wounds, karmic cycles, partners, beliefs and distractions. It was a tough month as we processed one thing after another.

And now we have March and it will definitely be a mixed bag of madness and mayhem with a lot of truth, insights and validation. We also have the year’s most powerful date in March, the 22nd, which heralds the end of 3D (as in the energy supporting 3D will be over). We’ll be celebrating that at the EVOLVE Now Summit event in Hot Springs, March 22 to 24, 2013. I hope you can be there too! Learn more about it here.

For a month now I have been writing that the March 22 Equinox is the end of 3D, which means that it’s the end of 3D polarity and separation. We will still be in the third dimension, but with easier access to multiple dimensions and portals. The veils are gone, now we can see and be it all, with no restrictions other than those we impose on ourselves.

The Pope and the Queen of England represent the masculine and feminine polarity of 3D, respectively. And prior to being hospitalized, it was reported that Queen Elizabeth is being audited by the British Government, who are thinking of removing her from the national budget.

Considering that the British Empire is an extension of the Roman Empire (Londinium, now London, was a major Roman capital), and the Queen owns 1/6 of the world’s land (yes, it’s true) while the Pope owns a little less (between the two they own nearly half of the land in the world), the implications are enormous. And popes don’t resign; the last one happened over 600 years ago. There are no accidents, especially not now.

In the 2013 Predictions, which you can read here, I wrote that 2013 was the year of Divine Power and Truth. The door to truth will begin to open this month and it is probably not going to be very pretty. Many people will be angry, scared, confused and bewildered when they learn of how shaky the foundations on which they have based their own truths are.

3D will not unfold quietly, like a lotus flower closing, it is collapsing on itself, under the weight of the greed, power, domination and control that have sustained it for eons. There is no more energy to empower this paradigm so it’s going away. As it falls, we must be ready with our new paradigms of self empowerment, intentions for a world built on a foundation of connection (and thus equality), love, peace and joy and our own alignment with this as our personal paradigm. This is a great month to start that because the 3D paradigm collapse is gaining momentum every day, please don’t get into the fear, as everything is always in divine order.

March is the month to integrate with our Divine Power but we have to tread very carefully here. The old models of power were built on the principles of ‘power over’ or ‘taking power from’ someone or something. The 3D power paradigm is a ‘power vampire’ that feeds off of the others’ power.

Divine power is an Ascended concept that arises from within, is empowered through our Source connection, and is the expression of our God Light. It cannot exist without our Source connection and is expanded within a balance of giving and receiving. We can’t take it away from someone else or have it taken away from us. If we don’t use it, it stays dormant until we are ready for it.

But we can’t trade one despot for another. Divine power doesn’t take care of us, it sustains us. It doesn’t feed us in exchange for the promise of our power, it nourishes us when we feed ourselves through our own self-empowerment. It will bless us with Unconditional Love but it won’t stop us from hurting ourselves, if that is what we choose to do. Divine Power isn’t going to rush in and take care of the ‘bad’ guys, but it will support our intention for joy, abundance, love and peace in the world, all of which will further assist in the collapse of the 3D paradigm.

In March we will get a big dose of truth, which may be bitter medicine at times, both personally and globally, and we will have opportunities to try out our Divine Power. As the 3D paradigm collapses, it is our collective intention for what we want to see and be in the world that will assist in a more orderly transition from ‘old’ world to the new.

Avoid focusing on the negative because we can realize negativity only when we’re observing it from a different plane. It’s a reason for celebration, not tears or fear. We’re also gearing up for the next Uranus Pluto square in May which is going to be empowered this month with a stellium in Aries (all of you Aries be ready for some action). We’ve spent the last two months in our dark spiritual cellars, now we can come charging out with new intentions, new possibilities and new energy to take empowered action.

The Equinox on March 22nd is one of the most powerful days of the year and officially marks the end of 3D which may or may not happen with a big bang, just pay attention to what goes on around you and respond, rather than react, be detached and remember that the most important things in your life, your Source of power, can never be taken away from you. Be loving towards yourselves and to help you with this month’s energies, I’m sharing my favorite empowering affirmation with you, a gift from Archangel Uriel:

I am divinely guided, connected, secure and protected in all ways and in all things.

Have a wonderful month.

Copyright (c) 2013 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may translate, quote, copy or link to this article, in its entirety, as long as you include the author’s name and a working link back to this website.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/5/2013 5:42:12 PM

Emmanuel Dagher: March Energy Report – Awakening the Lotus Heart

emmanuel dagherEmmanuel Dagher: March Energy Report – Awakening the Lotus Heart

By Emmanuel Dagher - March 2013

Hi beautiful friend,

It’s a deep honor for me to connect with you again. The month of February has been relatively quiet, however with all the celestial happenings things have started to pick up again as we move into March.

The Lotus

The prominent theme emerging right now in our personal lives, and ultimately in the collective, is the continued awakening of the lotus heart. To understand what the lotus heart is, it’s important to look at what the lotus itself actually represents.

The Lotus flower has been quite a significant part of many cultures from ancient times until present day. The lotus flower represents divine purity, enlightenment, abundance and rebirth. If we look at where the lotus actually thrives the most, it is in the muddiest of waters where it rises and blossoms into its full glory. This is a powerful metaphor that reminds us of the lotus within ourselves. It reminds us that on a soul level, we knew, prior to entering this earthly matrix, that even though we would move through the muddy waters of life, we too would blossom into our full glory. We knew that every experience we went through would move us closer to connecting with and embodying the truest, most divine part of ourselves.

So what is the lotus heart actually? It’s the higher heart where divine love, bliss and freedom reside. These energies are who we are at our core. When the lotus within fully blossoms, there is no longer a need to dwell on or in our muddy past, because we know it all brought us to where we are today. We are in a time and space now where we can allow the lotus within to melt away the armor we’ve carried all these lifetimes. We can invite it to guide us towards a more blissful, comfortable and gentle journey.

Self Love – The Ultimate Priority

The first step to awakening the lotus heart is to love ourselves completely in all ways. For thousands of years, most societies have taught us to put everyone and everything ahead of us. Then, if we have any love left over at the end, we can give it to ourselves. For the most part, if we did not abide by this invisible rule of thumb, we were considered to be selfish. And because being selfish in our society is so looked down upon, it’s natural that we do everything we can to avoid being looked at in this way. In truth, what this mindset does is to separate us from experiencing our truest most fulfilled selves.

We are here to love ourselves first and foremost, and we’re not talking about egotistical/narcissistic love. We are talking about the kind of love that aligns us with the knowing that by loving ourselves we open up to becoming One with everything. This kind of love reminds us that we are actually the Universe expanding into more of itself. Because our minds have not been exposed to this way of thinking, it can be a little overwhelming to accept that we are actually the Universe itself. So, let’s be gentle with ourselves as the mind digests and anchors this wisdom at its own pace.

Galactic Love

By setting the intention to have a daily practice of self love, we start to replenish our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies to such a degree that we no longer look outside of ourselves to feel complete, happy and whole. It is from this space of overflowing love that we can then be of service to, support and elevate the environment around us. Then, self love no longer appears as a selfish act, but rather it appears as a selfless act that honors and reveres the Universe within ourselves, in others and in all of life across time and space. Self love then leads us into Galactic love where we transcend all illusions of separation.

Letting Go of the Story

When the energies start to pick up as they are now, it can bring up to the surface deeply buried emotions that may feel uncomfortable. This will continue to happen until we actually face these emotions head on. Some examples of things we may want to start taking a closer look at and releasing right now are past heartbreaks, traumas, guilt, judgments, debts and any other false stories we had said yes to, thus preventing us from being our greatest selves.

One way of releasing all that no longer serves our highest good is forgiveness. We’re not talking about ego based forgiveness where judgment is involved. We are talking about universal forgiveness which gives us the opportunity to hand the stories we’ve burdened ourselves with over to the Universe. Forgiveness allows us to transcend the illusion that the past could have been any different. It shows us that the stories we created for ourselves do not truly define the miracle of who we really are.Lotus

Awakening the Lotus Heart

Once we truly begin loving ourselves, demonstrating galactic love and feeling universal forgiveness, all that is left for the lotus heart to fully awaken is compassion.

Compassion is the ability to love and care for the world around us without feeding into the illusion that it is broken or needs fixing in any way.

Compassion is not to be mistaken for sympathy. When we sympathize, we lower our vibration to a degree of forgetfulness that contributes to the illusion that we and those around us are anything less than whole and perfect. This usually leaves us feeling heavy and drained. Compassion does the exact opposite. It allows us to transcend the limiting stories that we and our society have created for ourselves. When we show true compassion, we create a powerful love vortex for ourselves and others to step into and this elevates us out of victim consciousness and into the empowered co-Creator consciousness of the Universe.

As the lotus heart continues to awaken in our personal lives and in the collective consciousness, a world that once seemed broken will suddenly start to look and feel bright, beautiful and whole once again.

Till next time,

Miraculously yours,


P.S. Check out: AWAKENING THE LOTUS HEART – A FREE GLOBAL EVENT as a special gift to you!
©2009-2013 Emmanuel Dagher, Magnified Manifesting All Rights You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/5/2013 5:43:27 PM

Sananda: You Are An Aspect of Creator

Sananda_aspectsofCreatorSananda: You Are An Aspect of Creator

As channeled through Fran Zepeda ~ March 4, 2013

Greetings my dear Soul Beings, keepers of the Christ Consciousness in your very being. I am Sananda at your service, as you are also, to all Beings on Earth and beyond.

It is time to re-orient yourselves into your new Reality, my dear ones. I say re-orient because of course as you know, you are already, as you have always been, magnificent Souls of God Consciousness, of the Divine Consciousness of Creator of All That Is.

You are just realizing that identity, and also manifesting that identity, into your Reality more and more as you receive the new energies and re-orient yourselves into what you have always been.

The time is Now to fully orient and experience that essential part of you, dear ones, in everything you do, think and say, for you are the Masters of your Universe, the creators of your Soul’s experiences, as you know already.

The expansion of your energies to date has been immense and you are integrating the incoming energies nicely. We have seen such progress with you as you allow and surrender to receiving the new energies and engulf them and integrate them in each moment.

It is truly a beautiful sight to see, as we observe your pulsing energies glimmer and sparkle as they expand and adapt to the new milieu of energies being presented to you as we speak. Harken to what is being offered, receive what is being offered, with full and present abandon.

My dear Souls, the time is nigh to throw away your concerns with where you are going and to be present with the ride, with the full impact of the ride and the insurgence of Pure Light Energies being offered to you.

I take you in my stride and in my heart and guide you to your new illustrious beginnings, in progress now, the beginnings of what really has always been there for you, but just hidden. You are being exposed more fully to it dear ones: to the Divine totality of your very Being, so majestic and full of the Divine Essence of Creator that your Soul is made of, as it integrates with your physical being and becomes one with it.

Take a moment now to ponder this, dear ones: Do you know that your Soul’s energies are part and parcel of Creator? Do you know that your Soul’s energies are becoming more and more available and accessible and present as you allow and surrender to the new energies being made available to you for your immediate taking and integration? Are you truly and essentially aware of that? Are you open to this Truth? Are you open to this Reality? Are you open to the wonders it will bring you as you accept and allow it to manifest within your very Being?

I trust that many of you are. And I trust that you are also becoming acclimated to it all as if you are trying on a new suit of clothing. It may feel strange at first, but lo and behold, it soon becomes a comfortable part of you.

My dear ones, if you could see yourselves from our perspective, you would be astounded. For now you may be too close, as to “not see the forest for the trees”, to coin a phrase, but that will change as well and your orientation will be much different, much more encompassing and expansive as is our orientation, for you are just like us, and it just takes awareness to develop for it to be more apparent.

For now, suffice to say that you are coming along superbly and it will just take patience and acceptance of the process, for you are well on your way to completion of this next phase of ascension, well on your way to discovering your True Selves, your beautiful Souls, unique unto themselves but also so connected and part of Source.

Can you feel it? Are you beginning to feel it? Are you allowing yourselves to accept it? Excellent!

My dear souls, I congratulate you on coming this far, and I commend you for continuing on this unprecedented journey of ascending in your physical bodies, of coming back to your True Selves as angels and messengers and aspects of Creator, as we in the Celestial Realm are aspects; we are just waiting for you to fully realize it.

I bid you adieu for now. You have my complete and undying respect and adoration and of course support, as I am always at your service.

I Am Sananda

As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included. (Blog) (Website)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/5/2013 5:45:17 PM

Archangel Michael via Ron Head: Today We Will Speak about Health and What You Term Ascension Symptoms

healing-handsAs channeled by Ron Head – March 4, 2013

Today we will speak about health and what you term ascension symptoms.

The energies which are being sent to your environment, and those which your planet is passing through, are causing minor discomforts in some, major discomforts in others, and still others, though few, are experiencing real pain.

Of course the differences can be attributed to several things. Firstly, what is the condition of the body, mind, and spirit of the subject? That is you. How freely are you giving yourselves to the transition? How rapidly has your higher self and your soul determined that you should make this change? And do not overlook the possibility that there may be conditions which can and should be treated by your medicine.

In many cases, however, your medicine cannot find or understand the conditions you are reporting. Pain and discomfort are signals, dear ones. Either signals of the existence of a condition or of the existence of resistance. The easiest thing to try would be for you to truly fling yourselves into the future with all your hearts. So much for resistance.

But in many cases your bodies themselves are storing, unknown to you, fears, angers, resentments, resistances, and regrets from this life, prior lives, even those passed down to you in your DNA from those who came before you. “Well, how in the world am I to deal with that?”, you ask. We shall give a few suggestions.

To begin with, know that the unconditional love that is enveloping you now will eventually overcome all of those resistances and you will ascend if you have decided to do so. That may be sooner or it may be later. And patience is much easier when one is comfortable, is it not?

You may decide to go it on your own and, through your meditations and prayers, seek out and solve the issues for yourselves. In this case, help is available through your connection to the Source of your being. But we suggest you not be like the one who insists he will be saved by the Almighty and ignores the rowboat that has been sent to save him from the flood.

Lastly, dear ones, there are a great many “new” healing methods that have become available to you during these last years that can deal with these kinds of things in ways the your medicine has never learned to do. We have put the word new in quotes because they are simply things that are now being remembered by yourselves. They address these things through your energetic and spiritual side.

Understand that when something is cleared for you on those levels, the effect must show up on your physical side. So if you are not wishing to live with the discomforts until they disappear on their own, then look for the type of healing that most resonates with your beliefs. We say that because, although it may not be the most powerful, it will be the one which your beliefs will allow to work for you. You can progress to another when you choose to.

Beliefs, you see, are things which you have constructed, knowingly or not, in order to protect you. And in many cases, they can actually be that which is causing you problems. They are very often not in agreement with what you think you believe in your conscious minds.

That may not sound possible to some of you, but we assure you it can be true. As an example, you may think that you trust your Creator with all your heart, but then ask yourself why you resist change or spend any time at all worrying about the future.

So the final thought we would give you today is this. Wherever you are, and whatever your situation is, there is, somewhere in your physical or spiritual environment, help available if you want it. You can find it if you look for it. You will need to accept it when you find it. Ask yourself if perhaps your opinions do not stand in the way. Or is it perhaps that you are proud of being a loner?

In any case, you are moving on. And the truth is, you are doing exactly what you need to do in this moment. That is because what you are doing will inevitably lead you eventually to where you have decided to go.

We hold you in love this day and will speak again soon.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/5/2013 5:46:36 PM

Ashtar Speaks – March 1, 2013

Ashtar3Steve: I asked Ashtar for a slight change in title and he has agreed.

Ashtar Speaks – March 1, 2013

This short message from Ashtar explains why some communications are more precise than others in respect of time frames. A channeller’s free will decision about whether or not to communicate timeline information is always honoured.

Channelled through Philipp – March 1, 2013

You have asked us why there are so many discrepancies in our communications to you. Why are some messages to you from our side more precise than others, specifically in regards to time data? Please understand that from our side everything happens in the Now moment.

When we are communicating to you certain events and connecting them with a time frame it is not so that we first have to go into a meeting and determine what we communicate and how we do that. We are all One and therefore we do not have to agree to one communication beforehand. Let me explain this a little bit more.

Of course we are in close contact and exchange between us. Of course we do “meet” to exchange our views over developments, but for events and their timing we do consider the timeline with the most development potential from the standpoint of Oneness. In other words, we do not have to agree about a specific timeline and its communication since there is a common understanding of such between all of us. And now things get trickier when we intend to communicate this through our channels.

There are some channellers who don’t want to communicate specific timelines, and we fully accept this (remember, we honour your free will always and will never break it!). Although we accept this, it leads to some problems on our side since we understand how important information about timelines is for you in your current state of evolution. How shall we proceed now if a channel does not want to communicate too specific timelines or timelines at all, but on the other hand humanity wants to be informed about events and their timely development? Do you see our dilemma?

In such a case we are meticulous in describing timelines linked to certain events. We are not providing you with exact predictions through this channel, but instead try to maintain a more general overview – although still very accurate. By doing this we are trying to balance the need for information about timelines and the free will of our channeller. Even if you are “persistent” and ask the channel again and again and again to provide you with more precise information about timelines we are not able to deliver them through this channel as we honour his free will. And so should you.

We do not want to disorient you and we will not disappoint you. Your development is dear to our hearts and we can barely wait to see you understanding the one and only Truth that we are all One. Let developments unfold – and by this we don’t mean to focus on Disclosure only – and see where they take you in the next short time ahead.

With so much Love,

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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