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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/3/2013 4:25:14 PM
Dear friends, with his usual meticulousness and always quoting the Company of Heaven's most important sources, here Steve Beckow analyzes the process of Ascension that we all lightworkers are supposed to be immersed in at present

Beginning the Process of Ascension Proper

Light Body 3829At each stage of our journey, we’ve heard the Company of Heaven describe how the relevant process underway is manifesting itself. We’re now beginning to hear descriptions of how our physical body is transmuting into our Lightbody – in other words, descriptions of the Ascension process itself.

Archangel Michael through Ronna Herman tells us that:

“The old areas of your brain which contain your past are gradually being refined or dissolved, so it is beginning to seem as though everything that happened before, even last year, is a vague dream. New areas of your brain are being activated and you must learn to think in a whole new way.” (1)

But he doesn’t go into the actual refining and dissolving changes that are happening to our brain and other parts of our physical makeup in great detail. For that we have to turn to the Arcturians through Suzanne Lie.

In a remarkable discussion on Feb. 26, 2013, (2) they review the changes that are happening for those of us who’ve consented to remain with Gaia for this next part of the Ascension journey.

Not all starseeds have consented to remain, the Arcturians tell us.

“Some of you will simply exit your form and return to your formless self. However, others have a dedication to assisting other humans as well as the planetary body of Gaia.

Those who’ve committed to remain are “in the process of transmuting your third/fourth dimensional form into your fifth dimensional expression of SELF.” Because of this process, we may experience ascensionitis or “symptoms of transformation.”

“You are experiencing these symptoms because the download and integration of your new Multidimensional Operating System and the consequential opening of your Third Eye is turning ON new codes of DNA in your biological computer/brain.”

The Arcturians then describe what these changes entail, starting with the brain, and what they have to say is remarkable.

“First off, your brain is regaining its former capacity and you are being re-programmed so that you can have usable access to a larger percentage of your brain. Furthermore, your corpus callosum is reversing its function. Before, your corpus callosum separated the masculine and feminine areas of the brain so that your reasoning and intuition remained in different camps.

“Now the corpus callosum is being reprogrammed so that it functions as a bridge which connects the right - feminine, and left - masculine areas of your brain to such a degree that you actually creating a new brain. Whereas the old brain functioned from the Separation Principle of Either-Or, your new brain functions from the Unity Principle of Both-Always.

What’s happening is not only “a unification of the masculine and feminine hemispheres”; they are being “integrated into each other by the neurons that synapse back and forth across the corpus callosum at the speed of thought.”

“The masculine/feminine, thought/emotions, logical-sequential/holistic functions of polarity are being united within the center point. Hence:

  • Masculine and Feminine are becoming androgynous
  • Thoughts and Emotions are becoming consciousness
  • Sequential and Holistic are becoming perceptions

“Without the effort of having to compare and contrast polarities, the cognitive ‘in-between’ is connecting the two polarities into the ‘Infinite Unity.’”

What happens next activates our crystalline Lightbody.

“Finding the center flow in your brain assists you to find the Center Flow of the Galactic Center, into which you are now moving. Within this Center Flow is a tunnel of protection, much like our Arcturian Corridor. This protective Center Flow emanates the FEEL of Unconditional Love into your High Heart and is perceived by your Third Eye as Multidimensional Light.

“As your Third Eye and High Heart combine their messages of Love and Light your Divine Creative Force is activated. It is the combination of your thoughts, carefully selected by your intention and attention, in unison with your Unconditional Love, as received from your High Heart that ignites the Divine Creation of your ‘Spirit into Matter’ Lightbody.”

Our physical bodies are more matter and less spirit, but our Lightbody is more spirit and less matter. In fact our Lightbody “begins your transmutation from matter back to your innate form of Spirit.” It’s the start of the transmutation process that has me believe that we’ve reached the apogee of our journey from God into matter.

You recall Ibn-Arabi saying:

“Level after level he traverses the seven spheres and comes down into the Globe of Fire, then Air, then Water, then falls on earth; after that to the Minerals, Plants, Angels, then visits Mankind and the Jinn.

“Until he reaches the degree of human being he passes through many tribulations at every level of his descent; he meets with difficulties. Sometimes he rises; sometimes he goes low; and half a circle is completed till he is lodged with … mankind.” (3)

If we’ve reached half our journey when lodged with mankind, and if movement from our physical body into our Lightbody is the beginning of our return to Spirit, then we’ve reached the apogee of our journey, our furthest point “away” from God. (Since we’re always within God, the notion of being “separated” from God is an illusion.)

This could be thought of as the beginning of our physical Ascension. “As you ground your the higher frequencies of Light streaming from the Galactic Center into Gaia’s body of planet Earth, you are plugging in the process of personal and planetary transmutation.”

The Arcturians reveal that the human collective has volunteered to ground “this expanding transmuting force”into the Earth whereas the Cetaceans have volunteered to ground it into the water. The sources speaking through Aisha North may be referring to this process as well when they say:

“And even as we speak, your reach is getting ever wider and ever stronger, for such is the nature of this field. It cannot but grow, as it is fed by the continuous stream of energy being beamed upon you all from the heavens above. So you are anchors, and you are transmittors of this benevolent energy that is starting to touch even the remotest of corners of your little globe. And you, by your very presence, are making it happen.

“So you are like fountains of pure energy, spouting an endless stream of this life-enhancing elixir onto anything and anyone that comes into your presence.” (4)

Once grounded, the rcturiqans tell us, “these higher frequencies of Light replicate to create a body that has more light and less matter.”

You recall that I said that I found myself doing a spiritual exercise where, on my inbreath, I drew in love from the Father/Mother One and on my outbreath I sent it out to the world? The Arcturians tell us

“This expansion of light is greatly facilitated by the fact that Gaia’s planetary body is basking in the Multidimensional Light and Unconditional Love flowing form the core of the Galaxy. In this manner, the Flow from the higher dimensions is grounded into the physical plane with your in-breath, and you are sharing it with all life via your out-breath.”

Now the frequency of our vibration begins to rise and it becomes imperative to release that which will not come with us.

“As the higher dimensional spirit/energy is integrated into the lower dimensional matter/form, the frequency of the form begins to transmute. There are components of your consciousness, body and life that will need to be released for they are too dense to transmute. In the same manner, areas of Gaia’s body are too dense to transmute and will have to be released.”

This process of releasing density “is the core of the process of transmutation of matter back into its higher frequency of expression of Spirit.”

It isn’t simply us that is releasing that which cannot come with us. This transmutation “will involve every area of personal and planetary life, whether it is an insect, a plant, an animal, a person, a planet, a solar system or a Galaxy.”

The Arcturians compare our consciousness to the Tree of Life, “which is forever repeating itself in different planets, time spaces, parallel realities, solar systems, galaxies and dimensions. The tree never dies, as it has created so many versions of itself that one version is in form somewhere, in some time and in some form of manifestation.”

However, the tree may decide that it “wants to return to the overview (higher dimensions) so that it can observe all its manifestation within the perspective of the ONE. In this case, consciousness returns to its Source to view all of its creations and collect them into its ONE consciousness.”

For those who remain, the Arcturians describe how the brain is preparing “to leave duality and exist in the realm of unity” by means of “the Mystical Marriage of masculine and feminine,” which “must be sealed in Light so that their child of love – the Lightbody – can begin to expand beyond the cocoon of the physical Earth vessel.”

The “gender-based version of the brain begins to merge into ONE Biological Computer. As it does, “the DNA codes turn ON the system of ones and zeros to create the “Seed of Ascension,” which. “will replicate itself into the higher resonance of consciousness to match the higher frequency of your Lightbody.”

“As the higher Light from the Galactic Center enters your Crown, your Earth vessel accepts, grounds, and integrates the higher multidimensional energy into your physical Earth vessel. It is at this point that the symptoms of transformation escalate as the higher Light flushes out the lower frequency thoughts, emotions, memories, and physical toxins.

“In this manner, your Earth vessel becomes LIGHT enough to begin its transmutation from the dense, physical body you have been wearing into the higher frequency form of your Lightbody. However, the Symptoms of Transmutation can be quite uncomfortable.”

Aisha North’s sources remind us to rest frequently from the rigors of the process we’re in the midst of.

“Trust that all is well, and even if you feel less than vigorous at the moment, know that this is not for lack of energy, rather the opposite. For you are embodying such large amounts of it at the moment, it will almost make your phsyical body come to a standstill. Therefore, many of the natural processes will be slowed down within you so you can be better able to accomodate it all. So take a rest if your body tells you to do so, or do some vigorous workouts if your body tells you to do just that. For your body knows best when it comes to handling this extra burden of light, so better listen carefully when it gives you any advice.” (5)

At each stage of our journey, the Company of Heaven has furnished us with knowledge relevant to that stage. They are now furnishing us with knowledge of the Ascension process proper. We are in the process of the physical body transmuting, or morphing, into the Lightbody and the Arcturians are giving us a step-by-step understanding of how that process is being accomplished under the impact of the higher-dimensional light energy that is flooding the planet and providing the fuel for the change process.


(1) “Archangel Michael – ‘Hold Steady, Beloveds,’” transmitted through Ronna Herman, Feb. 28, 2013, at

(2) “The Arcturians and Symptoms of Transformation,” by Suzanne Lie, Feb. 26, 2013,” at

(3) Muhyidden Ibn Arabi, Kernel of the Kernel. trans. Ismail Hakki Bursevi. Sherborne: Beshara, n.d., 20.

(4) “Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 276,” March 3, 2013, at

(5) Loc. cit.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/3/2013 4:26:28 PM

Archangel Michael via Ron Head: That is the Power, and it Exists in Your Hearts

beachAs channeled by Ron Head – March 2, 2013

Today we shall speak to the subject of the cleansing of your world. Although it is something which does not seem to have begun as yet in your eyes, we assure you that it has.

You, of course, look to see results, and everywhere you look you see continued polluting, what you call fracking, destruction of forests, and depredations of your corporate system. As bad as that still is, we can tell you that it might have been still worse at this point. But, referring to our recent message about manifestation becoming obvious only in its last stages, we say now that the same is true in this matter as well.

The progress in changing the attitude and intent of your collective consciousness has been more rapid than ever. And it continues to spread at an ever increasing rate. This must occur first, as in everything else. When it reaches its tipping point, as it soon shall, when Gaia’s children have indeed had enough, the current practices will cease and the damage will begin to be reversed.

Efforts are being made now to keep things from progressing too far in certain areas. Your air and waters are being protected as much as possible, for instance. But much, much more could and will be done when we are working together as a team. Well, why don’t you just do it, you ask? We could ask the same of you, you know. But we do understand that, at this point, you are not free to do so. In truth, many of you do not yet understand even that.

What stops us? You say that your star brothers would be welcomed. We know they would be welcomed and shot at. Loved? They would be loved and feared. And not just fear, but true terror would be felt by many. Our presence would be used as an excuse to terrorize you yet further. This is not acceptable.

But this too is changing rapidly. There are many efforts being made at the present time to change this whole situation, and we feel that very soon almost your entire world will be aware that the secret of the existence of other beings around your planet is preposterous. It is very difficult to deny the existence of something that almost everyone is seeing.

Efforts will be made to instill fear, yes. But even that seems to be dying down. And of course many believe that they would indeed welcome a personal visit today. We tell you there have been such in the past, carefully done, and the results were not as expected. Very few of you are even now prepared for such a paradigm shattering experience. That is the reason for caution. You are the ones being protected, dear ones.

However, it is felt that you are almost ready, and it is certainly plain to see that yesterday would have been better, in many respects, as far as the cleanup of your earth is concerned. So how can this be brought about sooner?

Do what you are doing. As we said, the progress is rapid. It is felt that, between us, things are being brought to a head, as you say. And do not forget that your own personal changes and readiness are of the utmost importance. There are many billions of individuals to bring along on this journey, and you must focus on the one whom you can change, and that one, of course is yourself. If you take care of that, you will find that, miraculously, it has affected everything. That is the nature of consciousness. That is the power, and it exists in your hearts. We have stressed this many times, have we not?

Smile! Many of you are understanding it. The more you understand it, the more joyful and free you will be.

We have rambled a bit, but we hope you have enjoyed this conversation. We will speak again very soon. Good day.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/3/2013 4:28:09 PM

Saul: Your Quiet Periods are Essential for Your Health and Happiness

SaulSaul: Your Quiet Periods are Essential for Your Health and Happiness

As channeled by John Smallman – March 3, 2013

Listen to John read this latest message from Saul here:

We are all one – humanity, other citizens of the Universe, and all in the spiritual realms – as you well know. However, on Earth it is very difficult for the majority of you, the vast majority of you, to acquire a true understanding of what that actually means. You experience life as individuals with individual needs – shelter, clothing, food, rest, an income – and to imagine yourself as one with all sentient life, let alone your immediate neighbors, is enigmatical to say the least.

And yet it does make sense because you can see that what one does often affects another; and you feel compassion for the suffering of another, which you would not if you were not all connected, all one. As all are one, to awaken is a collective event — an event for which you have been preparing for a long time, and now that moment is drawing closer. You have heard that before, many times, and it is becoming a little like a bad joke as you wait expectantly and see no sign of it.

Frustration and disappointment have upset many of you, undermining your faith at times. But those periods pass, and your faith strengthens again as you maintain your intent and allow us to offer you succor and guidance in your daily interludes of quietness and prayer.

Those time periods are essential to your well-being, and during them you have an enormously powerful effect on the divine energy field enveloping the planet because you interact with it by opening your hearts to receive the abundance of Love that is the energy field in which you have your eternal existence.

Often, maybe most of the time, you do not feel it or sense it; but it envelops you always, and it shows itself when you make choices that bring you peace and relieve your stress or anxiety. You are never alone, unsupported, although in the physical dimension the opposite is definitely experienced.

But when you accept that experience and surrender to it, its intensity decreases, because by surrendering you allow the divine energy field to strengthen and fortify you, and you experience that as a reduction in fear, anxiety, or stress, similar to the release that you feel in those daily interludes of quietness.

It is impossible to overstress the importance of taking time out regularly every day, to be alone, quiet, and relaxed, as you allow the divine energy field to meld ever more fully with your own. The more integrated these energy fields become the more easily you can relax into the Love that embraces you, letting it suffuse you and then flow through you to interact with all in your vicinity, everyone on the planet, and the planet herself, thus reiterating your oneness with all of creation.

You are divine beings because God created you as such, and that is a changeless, eternal state. You have just forgotten how to access it, and to awaken is to access it once more. Whereupon you will recognize it and recognize yourself as the divine being that you are.

It is a wondrous state, quite beyond description or imagination while you believe in and support the illusion that you experience as so real and solid. Your daily periods of quiet solitude will bring you ever closer to that natural state as the stresses and anxieties of daily life fall away.

Initially your mind will be busy with thoughts rushing in to fill the space that you are attempting to make there in which to be quiet and peaceful, because it is used to busyness and feels uncomfortable when stilled. Do not judge yourselves as wrong or failing when this happens, because you have made the intent to still your mind and with practice you will succeed.

Just persist, accepting whatever occurs – maybe streams of thoughts that you will want to judge as unwholesome, inappropriate, or evil! – because your ego-mind will do its utmost to engage your attention using the strangest and most unsettling of shock tactics in order to regain your attention.

However, these periods of quiet, undisturbed peace will become for you the most important parts of your day, because with practice they will deepen and intensify, and your mind will be less frequently disturbed by trains of thought that carry you away into distracting inner turmoil as you automatically and without awareness engage with them.

When awareness returns, as it will, do not berate yourselves. Instead, be pleased that your awareness has returned, and honor it for doing so. To berate or judge yourselves as wrong or inadequate is just to follow another distracting thought train, until your awareness returns once more.

Ask for help and guidance during those periods you set aside daily for quietness of mind — and you will receive it. Oftentimes, any anxieties or worries that were unsettling you will dissolve during these quiet periods.

The problems or issues causing them may not be resolved, but you will feel more at peace and better able to cope with them. Your quiet periods are essential for your health and happiness, so indulge yourselves by allowing yourselves to take time for them.

With so very much love, Saul.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/3/2013 4:29:25 PM

Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 276

As channeled by Aisha North – March 2, 2013

Let us begin this message by saying that we are all more than grateful for the way you have started to give from yourselves to this process. For, as we have touched upon earlier, it has now changed from being a process focused primarily on self-education to call it that, and instead turning into a process of manifestation.

For you are already building the new, step by step, day by day, and even if it is at times hard for you to see any progress, we see it clearly, and it is indeed wonderful to behold. For what you manifest is mayhaps not as tangible yet, but none the less it is more than impressive. For what you are building, are energetic structures and connections, and these are growing rapidly now.

Some of these connections can be seen by the trail of messages you all leave behind in this space, but others, more subtle, but even more powerful ones, you are forging every day. For each time you take a step outside yourself and connect to the rest of the world, you also make a strong connection to anything that comes in your vicinity. And you do this, whether you are aware of it or not, as you cannot help but do this. For this is your task now, dear ones, as you have been turned into forcefields of such a magnitude it literally affects anything that comes within striking distance of you.

And even as we speak, your reach is getting ever wider and ever stronger, for such is the nature of this field. It cannot but grow, as it is fed by the continuous stream of energy being beamed upon you all from the heavens above. So you are anchors, and you are transmittors of this benevolent energy that is starting to touch even the remotest of corners of your little globe. And you, by your very presence, are making it happen.

So never think that you are not important, or just a very small fish in a very large pond. For you are not unimportant in any way, as you have become beacons of light that are shining as strong as the strongest of lighthouses on this planet. And your light just cannot be dimmed in any way, not by you, nor by others, for this light has a will of its own, and what it wants more than anything else, is to spread out.

So you are like fountains of pure energy, spouting an endless stream of this life-enhancing elixir onto anything and anyone that comes into your presence. And you all do magnificent at this, even if you yourself feel like you are a mere trickle, fading into the sand. For you are all gathering strength for that final push, and as such, you yourselves may feel a little bit depleted at times. But know that this is not the truth, for you cannot run out of steam in any way. For you are hooked up to the true source of light, and that source will never run dry, and neither will you.

So trust that all is well, and even if you feel less than vigorous at the moment, know that this is not for lack of energy, rather the opposite. For you are embodying such large amounts of it at the moment, it will almost make your phsyical body come to a standstill. Therefore, many of the natural processes will be slowed down within you so you can be better able to accomodate it all. So take a rest if your body tells you to do so, or do some vigorous workouts if your body tells you to do just that. For your body knows best when it comes to handling this extra burden of light, so better listen carefully when it gives you any advice.

For never forget, this is in many ways a burden you carry, not just for your physical body, but also for you, for this added light will also affect your life in so many ways, and the challenges this brings with it are not always easy to overcome. But you have already proven that you are here for the remainder, and you can take it all, even if some of the challenges will take a little bit more out of you than you mayhaps envisaged at the outset. But know that you will be given much leeway in this, as it is indeed up to each and every one of you to determine the speed of this process.

After all, it was your choice to come here in the first place and take up this challenge of resurrecting the planet of your choice, so we will let you determine the pace in this too. But what you cannot decide over, is the speed as to when and how these new frequencies will come in. They have been set in a determined pattern very early on, but what you can decide on, is how to tackle them in the best way. And the best way is, as always, to listen to your own core.

Then you will know what the best course of action will be for you. For you are wise, dear ones, and you will choose well in this, as you already have. So once more we would like to extend our gratitude towards you, as you have proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that we could not have hoped for anything better than what you have all given us already.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/3/2013 6:29:47 PM
Dear friends, this message from Jesus, as a whole, is so reassuring that you'll feel incredibly uplifted after reading it

Jesus: Signs of Disintegration Can Be Seen All Over the World

jesus-4-258x3001-150x150Jesus: Signs of Disintegration Can Be Seen All Over the World

As channelled by John Smallman – March 3, 2013

John’s reading of this post can be heard here:

Humanity’s path through the illusion has been long and arduous, but the end is approaching and the brilliant Light of God’s divine Reality is waking you up into your natural state of full consciousness.

In that state your awareness is unclouded by emotions, tiredness, or fearful beliefs, and you see, know, and understand the wonder of what you are: divine and eternal beings, permanently at one with God. You have never departed from that state of oneness with Him because there is nowhere else that you could possibly be. However, you have imagined a state other than that, which, like an intense and horrific nightmare, has seemed very real indeed while you have been experiencing it.

You have no need to remain any longer in that unnatural and unreal environment, and in fact you are now in the very dynamic process of removing yourselves from it by allowing and encouraging it to disintegrate around you. Signs of that disintegration can be seen all over the world, and many are crying out in alarm as the institutions and organizations that supported the illusion can be seen to be in a state of extreme disarray.

It is suggested to you by the mainstream media that catastrophic confusion and chaos is inevitable if these systems of governance and the organizations that support them are allowed to collapse. But truly you have been enslaved by them for far too long, and their demise is overdue. They have been misleading you with promises of safety and security, which they claim only they can provide, when instead they have been spending enormously on weaponry and on building and maintaining strong military structures and intelligence agencies to enable them to keep their populations in a state of subjugation. People living in fear are far more easily controlled, so fear is encouraged, and most of the advertising to which you are exposed is also fear based.

The insanity of this system is becoming evermore apparent as its inability to solve the issues and problems that it has created is exposed. Always more money is needed just to maintain the ongoing unbalanced and corrupt systems of governance which have for eons been causing intense suffering all across the world.

These systems of control and divisiveness which the wealthy and powerful have built purely for their own benefit are tottering, because those they would control are no longer willing to accept the yoke that has been imposed upon them. Without the willingness of those who serve them, those who would be served cannot maintain their arrogated positions of privilege and authority, and their continuing efforts to do so are doomed to failure.

The illusion has been maintained by the collective intent of humanity, and for eons you all supported that intent. Now, as the divine energies surrounding and enveloping you intensify, your awareness of its unsuitability as an environment in which God’s children should enclose themselves is spreading and your collective intent to support it is dwindling. You are becoming increasingly aware that your destiny, your heritage, and your rightful place is in the presence of your loving Father, where you can and will experience constant joy.

Continue to focus your determined intent on awakening into that state, and ask for assistance from those in the spiritual realms to help you to achieve your aims – your success in this is the only possible outcome. Your Father has been encouraging you to wake up since you first chose to enter the dream state — which is the illusion — and for a long time you made yourselves deaf to His call. That deafness is dissipating as your dissatisfaction with your present way of experiencing life grows stronger. You were created to experience everlasting joy, and the realization that that is God’s Will for you is finally penetrating the dark and limited state of consciousness in which you have confined yourselves.

It could be thought of as an enclosed and darkened room, complete with heavy blackout curtains, into which no light is able find its way. However, those curtains are now very old, and over the eons the brilliant light shining upon them has caused them to fray and disintegrate, allowing the light to penetrate that darkened room. The effect of this is quite miraculous! The occupants of the room – humanity – are absolutely amazed to see beams of light shining on various objects and bringing into view the myriad beautiful colors with which they are imbued and that until now have been invisible.

The dark that has enveloped you and that has hidden from you the wonder and beauty of Reality is receding and breaking up as the divine Light of God’s brilliant day burns it off, like morning mist in the sunshine. Humanity has made the collective decision to wake up from the darkness of the illusion into the brilliance of Reality, and nothing can prevent it doing so.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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