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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/2/2013 10:07:48 PM
From Wes Annac's personal blog:

March Intensification


125As I write this on the evening of March 1st, I enjoyed an amazing and appreciated chat with the Hathors today and what was really notable about this chat was the pure energy I felt for so long after channeling it. I have, of course, felt amazingly pure states of consciousness after bringing through channeled messages and do pretty much every time I channel these days, and I actually opened up to the Ascended Masters in an interesting way as they exposed me to pure channeling energies and the resulting deep states of consciousness.

However, this long lasting effect of being immersed in pure, blissful and colored vibrations that encompassed every bit of my spirit was not only significant because I allowed it to last much, much longer than I normally do, but because it is an intensification of something I’ve already felt, that was already wonderful and amazing to feel.

Beyond this, I’m beginning to finding that everything is getting better.

I am still happy to have found myself among the few who were not disparaged, disillusioned or disappointed when the 21st came and went and when we were graced with the New Year. I felt and still feel that a great shift is continually taking place and because of my employment of this continual belief and my personal commitment to my own role, I have long begun to reap many of the initial rewards we’ve been said would be coming our way.

The general happiness, wholeness and satisfaction with the Life around me and with the role I am playing despite so many things about this world that clearly need to be changed, has increased dramatically in this year of 2013 and everything I’ve been able to experience that was already amazing is being intensified; in some cases dramatically.

I’ve experienced my small crises of faith, and everything I went through led me to a deeper understanding of the reality of everything so many of us are working toward. I continue to be given validations of immense proportions every day, and I am completely comfortable saying that you can too. I’m recognizing the reality I find around me as already perfect and when we can stay in that frame of thinking, the validations will flow through in accordance with what we are Creating.

I find much more of an ease and enjoyment in discussing channeling and the miracles this little hidden-away ability has produced for me. In my opinion, channeling should be explored at least a little bit by everyone; if for no other reason, than for the purely blissful states of consciousness we can tap into and feel the everlasting effects from after channeling. If a validation was ever needed of the Divinity of what is being when one decides to channel, those long-lasting energies will provide it.

Even beyond channeling, everything about this existence is becoming more understandable and enjoyable.

Music is becoming more enjoyable than ever to play and write. I am Loving every single moment with my family and especially traveling out to nature with my family. I recognize that while it has been snowing here for a few days, we are headed for warm weather and with it will come the exploration of the vast and beautiful nature this area has to offer.

Every communication being given through seems to come through in a clearer and easier manner than the last, and when sitting down to write an article or a series of articles I usually find myself lightly channeling as the words and ideas continue to flow and flow.

The flow of the higher realms will garner immense benefits when you are able to access it, and our access to that flow is relatable to our natural channeling abilities because we channel it when becoming open to it. As I and plenty of others have in the past, I would recommend meditation to find and tap into a flow of higher dimensional energies and the resulting inspiration; especially now when the energies are turned up to further extremes than they have ever been.

I believe that very aforementioned Hathors communication mentioned something to that extent and if they don’t mind, I’d like to make a note about something they said concerning the date of the night I am writing this, March 1st.

The Hathors said something along the lines of this date being yet another incredibly-pure expansion of Gaia’s gates of energy and a resulting increase in the purity of energies Creating and sustaining our reality. I am paraphrasing that of course, but I wanted to pass that message along now; as the overall message itself may not be published quite yet.

To wrap this update up, everything is intensifying and this can include the best of what we experience every day. It seems already that March 2013 is going to be an energetically active month and as with so many other active or intense times we’ve experienced, we can utilize our natural Creator Light to see each experience through and find the happiness and bliss we deserve to be Living.

Wes Annac – Experiencing temporary yet permanent bliss

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/2/2013 10:25:59 PM

21WIRE: Keshe’s Free Energy Technology Will Make Today’s Military ‘Useless’

Published on Feb 23, 2013
Thanks to V.

21st Century Wire reporter Patrick Henningsen investigates the groundbreaking free energy science and advanced space ship technology brought forward by Iranian nuclear physicist, M.T. Keshe, head of the Keshe Foundation in Belgium. Keshe’s recent lecture on Jan. 30, 2013 at Imperial College in London, revealed some incredible information about Iran’s space ship program, and also about a Peace Treaty which is currently in the hands of the world’s super powers, as we wait to see if the the world’s ‘super-powers’ will continue to cover-up these new breakthroughs that allowed Iran to apprehend two US drones, applications in faster than light travel, nuclear gravity-magnetic field plasma science and advanced medical treatment for the terminally ill. The implications of what Keshe has revealed is potentially world changing.…

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/3/2013 1:23:31 AM

THE SECRET OF SECRETS – Story by Drunvalo Melchizedek

Source: Spirit of Ma’at Magazine

The Secret Of Secrets

So much has been lost, but being eternal, it is never lost forever, only veiled!

The Secret of Secrets — the hidden space within the human heart that all of creation emerges from — was in ancient times almost completely an oral tradition kept secret by the priests and shamans of the tribe or culture. Seldom was anything written down, primarily because it cannot be learned or experienced from the written word. Only through direct experience can it truly be known.

Nevertheless, this month [August 2003] I am publishing a new book about this very subject. It’s called Living in the Heart.

What I have found is that although the direct experience is paramount to knowing the Secret of Secrets, talking or reading about the Sacred Space of the Heart can prepare the mind for this change.

In order to help accomplish this change, I have created a CD that will be included in the book. It will lead you into the heart space in a similar manner that was used in ancient times, thousands of years ago. At least, this is my hope and prayer.

What Is this Secret of Secrets?

First of all, on a mundane level, it is a physical space within the body that is found, depending on the tradition, either inside the heart or very close to it. Some traditions say it is behind the heart, some say it is off to one side, and others say it is in front of the heart. But most believe it is located inside the physical heart, and that’s what I believe.

One aspect is clear. It is not the heart chakra.

The Secret of Secrets has been referred to, in the Jewish tradition, as the Secret Chamber of the Heart. The Upanishads, the Hindu sacred texts, refer to it as the Tiny Place Within the Heart. It also is sometimes referred to as the Sacred Space of the Heart, which is the designation I use in my new book.

In truth, there is very little found that has ever been written about this most important part of human experience.

It is apparent that in ancient times, this place within the heart was known and entered into in their ceremonies, for this is still being done today in a few “lost” tribes in remote areas of the world.

In modern times, the HeartMath Institute is the forerunner of research into this ancient knowledge, and at the same time they are finding new information that probably even the Ancient Ones didn’t know.

From my perspective and the view of many indigenous tribes, this Sacred Space within the Heart holds the only possibility of there ever being peace on Earth. All political actions on the Earth are being taken from Duality Consciousness — the result of the Fall — and this form of consciousness is based on ego.

As long as ego runs the course of events in the world, we will never know peace. Ego judges all events as either good or bad from its own viewpoint, and ego always thinks of itself first. As long as ego is safe and comfortable, ego doesn’t usually care what happens to that which seems external to itself.

The Reality Within the Heart

The heart is so different! It perceives the world as an image, not something “real,” and it see everything at once. The heart knows only unity and Oneness, and creates from that way of seeing. It will never do anything that will be harmful to anyone or anything, for it knows that there is not “two.”

All that exists is within the heart. In fact, even if it does not exist, it is still within the heart.

People in the past, myself included, often believed that love is the word for what is connected to the heart space. We celebrate Valentine’s Day with images of a heart representing our connection with love and our lover.

But from the Sacred Space of the Heart, there are various kinds of love, and the love that we experience between two people is seldom coming from the heart. This kind of love is actually coming from the emotional body and is controlled by the right brain.

These emotional feelings are polarized, just as the brain is, and have an opposite expression — for example, love can become hate.

How often have you kissed someone you love dearly and then ten minutes later, in a moment of heat (heart without an “r”), said, “I hate you!” This is a conditional love. It changes with the moment.

But in the Sacred Space of the Heart there is a different kind of emotional body, so to speak, that does not have a polarized counterpart. This is a LOVE that knows no bounds, has no conditions, and will exist eternally no matter what.

This LOVE knows only Oneness and creates only to bring joy to all life everywhere.

Ever since we fell from our heart to our mind, we have been in hell.

And so I pray that someday soon we all find this place within our hearts, for in this most holy place we all join together as One.

Does this sound like New Age hype, or do you really realize the possibility and power of what many people are saying today about this hidden world of the heart?

All the world’s religions and spiritual disciplines allude to this possibility, but most of them have forgotten how to actually enter this sacred space. These ways, like most of the old ways, have been lost.

But as I said in the beginning, this experience can never be truly lost, for it is the source of humanity and the cosmos itself. It can only be veiled.

As with all natural events in nature, all things have their timing. The return to the heart by humankind is only a matter of time.

And remember, the great achievements of this human world have always began with a single man or woman. If only one person — perhaps you? — were to enter the heart in LOVE and begin the holy dreaming process of creating a new world, can you not see that all the rest of us would someday follow?

A veil is only a veil! The truth is always eternal. Through a single person, the Secret of Secrets could be revealed in the ordinary world of everyday life.

You will realize that I have purposely left out of this article any actual instructions on how to enter the heart consciousness. This is for the same reason that the ancients never, or seldom, wrote down their knowledge. The step-by-step instructions won’t get you there. It’s not something that can be conveyed in the space of an article, and as you will see in reading this magazine, the best anyone can do is help prepare you.

I do pray that what I have done with the new book and CD will be of service. But the truth is that without an experienced teacher and the oral tradition, it is very difficult to truly find this Sacred Space.


So if you still need more help, please go to the schedule of workshops on my personal website at

Even in a living workshop, we take two days of preparation before we try to enter the Sacred Space. But in this context, most problems can be overcome, and the direct experience can usually be achieved.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/3/2013 1:27:59 AM

Wakana Taka: You Have Shifted, Make No Mistake About It


Aboriginal yin/yang symbol

Christina Mahler of Zurich suggests that, in view of what Ashtar recently said about Ascension through Philipp, (1) it may be useful to repost what WaKaNa Taka said recently on the subject in a personal reading for her and her partner, Taka through Linda Dillon, on Dec. 31, 2012. Grener, who’s the President of the Intergalactic Council, had this to say of Wakana Taka on An Hour with an Angelin 2012:

“The primary being who sits at this table with us, as the representative of Earth and as head of your delegation, is Wakana Taka [Note: Wakana Taka is Lakhota for the Great Spirit or Great Mystery]. And he is a very ancient being – and notice that I do not say ‛spirit’– for he is the being that has tended those who have tended the council fire of Gaia.” (2)

I am Wakana Taka. And yes, I step forward in reverence to our beloved [Archangel] Michael, but not submission, because we are also in partnership the same way you are. And I come and I beckon to both of you as I have beckoned to you many times before, and as I have sat and visited with you at the council fire of Gaia, as you hold this planet steady.

But make no mistake about it, my beloved friends, my family, that you have ascended with Gaia well into the 5th and through to the 7th. You may feel a little displaced. You may be waiting on the others to catch up. But that does not mean that you haven’t shifted.

Yes, it is a time of some displacement and confusion upon the planet, but it has been a human collective decision as well in terms of the generous offer to keep the doorway open and to hold that flame of Gaia steady so that all may pass through.

It is an unprecedented act of generosity on the part of the human race, and it marks a magnitude of significant evolution in the consciousness. And if you are looking for proof of being shifting to higher consciousness, dear one, then that is it! The fact that you have consciously chosen to wait so that others can catch up, that you act as vessels and guidance, as wayshowers and pillars.

I know you have had your moments of discouragement, but you have traveled with me far too long to not know that these discouragements are but illusions and simply the clearing if your own debris, and that you are making the pathway clear. It is far too early to quit.

And I speak this bluntly because I can, because I always have. You know seldom do I speak to the populace. I represent them, yes, but what I also do is represent their highest interests, as do you. My beloved family and children, you cannot give up. You have accepted the sacred trust. We cannot unwind, nor do we wish to invoke the power of the law of elimination to simply vanquish everything that has been accomplished. Now, that would truly be sad and cause for despair. I will not have it.

My faith in you, my confidence, my love, has carried us together to this point, and to this point of new beginnings. Do not turn away from the promise of fulfillment. Do not turn away from who you are. Could you escape and go and play? Yes. And do I encourage you to take time to escape and go and play? Yes. Always. For this journey on Earth was never meant to be simply work, work, work, drudgery. The work is intended to be light-filled. …

[Christina then spoke with Archangel Michael for a short time, during which he said:]

Those who have gone through the Ascension portal and who are already holding the energy will see and connect with their star brothers and sisters very clearly. Those who are still in process will not have the same experience.

[Christina's comment is that there may be two disclosures: one for lightworkers which will happen soon and another for the mass of the population which may happen later.]


(1) “Ashtar Talks, Feb. 27, 2013,” at

(2) “Transcript of An Hour with an Angel with Grener, Jan. 31, 2012,” at

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/3/2013 1:33:14 AM

Astrology Report For March – Guest Article by Dorene Carrel

Posted on

By Admin on behalf of Mahala, on March 1st, 2013

By Dorene Carrel

March is a dynamic transition month, as several planets make a strong energetic shift from feminine watery Pisces to masculine fiery Aries. Mercury in Pisces remains in retrograde motion until March 17, opening us to higher visions. Later in the month, Mars in aspect to Uranus and Pluto can bring revolutionary changes. The Vernal Equinox in Aries on March 20 marks the beginning of the astrological New Year.

We begin the month still under the February Aquarius New Moon cycle, with the humanitarian theme of working together to fulfill common goals. In these last lunar phases, we are evaluating what we have learned and preparing for the next cycle. This is aided by a Sun/Mercury conjunction in Pisces on March 4, which facilitates contemplation and introspection. However, as Venus also makes a challenging square to Jupiter today, we will need to watch for overextending or overloading ourselves in various ways.

The slower moving outer planets Saturn and Pluto will again form a favorable sextile aspect on March 8. Sextile aspects bring opportunities if we are willing to take some steps toward our goals. Saturn brings us the structure and stability to go deeper with transforming (Pluto) significant life areas. This aspect also occurred last December 26 and will occur again on September 20 this year.

On March 11 the New Moon occurs at 21 Pisces 24. It’s time for new beginnings in developing our visions and intuitive awareness, along with being compassionate and sensitive. The shadow side of Pisces is being nebulous and deceptive. This lunation aligns with both Venus and Mars, which brings in the theme of relationships, along with thinking/acting from one’s heart center. The aspect to Ceres reminds us to strive for a higher level of care and support, without playing a victim/savior role. The Sabian symbol for this degree, “A prophet carrying tablets of the new law is walking down the slopes of Mount Sinai,” suggests the value of bringing higher awareness into every life area.

Over the next day, Mars aligns with the Moon at the 0 Aries world degree, which can bring sudden, forceful world events and earth changes. On the personal level, unexpected changes in the family and home areas can occur due to a drive for more freedom and independence.

Mercury turns stationary direct on March 17 at 5 Pisces 37. It’s time to gradually move forward with our goals, plans and commitments, making them more concrete in our daily life. On March 20-21, the Spring Equinox joins with Venus entering Aries to provide an ideal time for significant new beginnings.

On March 22 Mars conjuncts Uranus in Aries, which initiates a period of dynamic change. Shortly afterward, the Mars square Pluto aspect will become exact on March 26, and form a t-square pattern with Uranus. This increases the explosive potential, which can manifest as earth changes, rebellions and/or breakthroughs of all kinds. This pattern will be set off periodically until 2015, whenever a faster moving planet triggers the ongoing Uranus square Pluto aspect.

The Full Moon occurs on March 27 at 6 Libra 52. This lunation aligns with the above t-square pattern, along with Venus in Aries. The focus is on the Libra traits of harmony, cooperation and equality and how to balance with the Aries need for self-assertion, freedom and independence. The Aries traits will tend to overwhelm the Libran need to maintain peace at any price. The Sabian symbols for these degrees, “A man succeeds in expressing himself simultaneously in two realms,” and “A woman feeding chickens and protecting them from the hawks,” suggest the continuing need for higher self-awareness so we can make the wisest choices for our growth at all times.

On March 31, the Sun aligns with Venus and squares Pluto. This combination tends to bring power and control issues to the forefront. However, a favorable aspect to Jupiter shifts the focus to a broader perspective that enables personal growth. Also, singles may meet potential new partners at this time.

April features a Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio. Spring blessings to all!

* * * * * * * *

Dorene Carrel is a professional astrologer with over thirty years of experience, offering birth chart, transits/progressions and relocation astrology readings. She is certified in Astrocartography. For more information, contact Dorene at Paypal accepted. Donations also appreciated.

All references to Sabian symbols are from An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformation and Its 360 Symbolic Phases, by Dane Rudhyar.

Check out my astrology blog at for ongoing astrological observations on current events, people, trends, etc. I also post astrology highlights on Twitter @Starflower55.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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