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3/20/2020 11:44:37 PM

The Wisdom of Hilarion - March 2020 #3

The above image of Ascended Master Hilarion was commissioned by ©Marlene Swetlishoff through All rights reserved.

Beloved Ones,

Many of you are feeling the effects of a shift. You know within yourselves that you have been transformed. You know within yourselves that something momentous has occurred. As you integrate this shift you will experience moments of great sleepiness and we ask you to follow the dictates of your body and rest, for that is important so that you can assimilate and integrate the energy infusions that have taken place within you. If you awaken and find that your spine is tender, it means that you have received a great download of energies that are activating strands of your DNA and when this occurs, it is also another sign that it is time for you to be good to yourself, to allow rest, recuperation and assimilation.

Go within and seek stillness, for this is very helpful. When this occurs, it is a very good idea to drink more water. Honor yourselves, always treat yourselves the way that you would expect the best friend of your life to treat you. You are very worth this effort and this respect. Many of you are finding the energy and the focus to complete projects that have been on hold and taking a long time to complete. You are finding that this is now taking place in record speed. When this happens you know, Dear Ones, that the timing is right for what you are doing to come forth into the world. Be at peace with all that is occurring around you. Know that no matter what happens in the world around you, you are always loved, supported and protected. You are always surrounded by angels of protection.

There is much turbulent energy that is moving across the face of this planet. These energies are of the collective consciousness, energies of chaos, fear, strife, worry – energies of those who have lost, those who have experienced sudden weather changes that have taken from them all that they have held dear. There are many people in war torn countries who pray constantly for peace to come to their lives and their country. There is an influx of cosmic energy that is stirred into this mix and so, the Lightworkers of the world are asked, as usual, to hold their Light, maintain your calm in the storm. Know that your position upon the planet is preordained so that you are in the area you need to be with your Light in order to bring stability to that area.

Each one of you is like a key – a point that we can look at and activate and connect together in order to create stability upon and within the planet. So you see, Dear Ones, you serve a greater purpose than you ever imagined. You are our goal posts – you are our beacons in the darkness that is making its way into the atmosphere. Know that it is being released, centuries upon centuries of dark and fearful energies are being cleansed at an astounding and accelerated rate and this is good for everyone, ultimately. So know that this is a temporary situation, that it is necessary in order that these energies come up to the surface so that they can be transmuted and transformed into great Light to be used for the highest good of all.

We are so grateful that this is occurring and it is because of you, Dear Ones. As we view your auric fields from the higher perspective, we see that your Lights have become crystalline, that the colors that surround you are clear and pure and bright. Shining radiantly, many of you have taken on many colors, rainbow colors and this really helps in the overall picture for the Earth for then we from the higher realms can come in and direct the Light and the color of the ray that is necessary to bring about accelerated and more peaceful change in certain areas of the world. We are so grateful for your presences upon the planet.

There is much healing taking place within each individual. Many things are coming together, many aspects of your being are now being unified and this is creating greater peace within you. When there is peace within you, healing can take place on all levels of your being. This is what is now occurring for each of you. Asking for our assistance with this helps to bring it into focus. There are many angels and healing teams that are surrounding each of you and helping you in all facets of your life, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and yes, financially. Things are looking up – know this and never lose hope.

We ask you, the Lightworkers, to send the rose pink ray of Divine love into the Earth’s grids, into the central core of the Earth so that the energy of Divine love permeates the surface of the planet, so that it permeates the crystalline diamond core within the Earth and this will allow the torus that surrounds the Earth to distribute this Divine pink ray of love. All is well, love abounds. If that which comes from the Earth through your efforts joins with the cosmic love rays there will be a greater ease for those who are just awakening, there will be more peace within and without. Peace will reside in many pockets of the world and these will grow and expand until there is peace upon this planet! It is occurring, hold this vision!

I AM Hilarion

©Marlene Swetlishoff.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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3/21/2020 12:27:07 AM

The Team: Reset Thoughts

the hathors eraoflightdotcomWe are here. We are here offering you insights and guidance regarding the challenges that are being expressed in your physical reality. We are here reminding you that you are powerful beyond measure. You physical consciousness deals with the beliefs and programs of limitation, however your divine consciousness does not express limitation.

Your goal is to recognize and honor your divine knowing and divine consciousness. Each time a limited belief arises, notice that and make a conscious shift into your personal power to transform that limitation.

We are here, witnessing the incredible chaos and reaction to the pandemic enveloping your planet. Many are being triggered and saturated with feelings of fear and powerlessness. We want to encourage you to shake off any discouragement and any feelings of hopelessness or powerlessness.

These feelings actually add to the energy matrix that is being played out on your screen of reality. It is important to remember that you are a magnificent creator, you are a being of Divine Light and consciousness. You are here, so to speak, on assignment to support and transform these misqualified energies.

Consider for a moment that fear is actually a vibration of energy. Fear could also be considered a virus. The energy of fear spreads very quickly throughout your collective consciousness. As empathic individuals you are easily triggered by this energy wave of fear.

This collective field of energy and emotional vibration infects the thoughts of everyone. Everyone is empathic and feels this dense energy. Most suppress this because they do not know how to deal with it. Nevertheless they are a part of it.

You could say that there is a pandemic outbreak of the virus of fear. It is manifesting in the actions of individuals as well as in the assembly of groups. The antidote to this pandemic of fear and helplessness is your awareness of who you truly are and your willingness to hold and anchor a new reality. Each awakened being who continues to radiate the frequencies of well-being, love and gratitude into the matrix and the collective consciousness is offering powerful work.

You are not helpless in this reality. You are powerful beyond measure. So step up and step into this personal power. Begin to generate frequencies and vibrations that are life sustaining.

When you recognize that you are responding to the events from a fearful state of mind, STOP! Reset your thoughts and projections which are only adding to the very thing you are disturbed about. This is a practiced skill that we are inviting you to master. You know this; it is a matter of remembering.

We invite you to step back for a moment and acknowledge who you personally are. You are a transformer of dark, misqualified energies and actions. You are a member of the family of Light. You are a Divine, magnificent, multidimensional Starbeing who is here on this planet to uplift and shift all that is life-diminishing.

We know that this is what you might call big work. Let us assure you that you are up to the task or you would not be here on this planet at this time.

Your assignment is to observe events in your personal life as well as what is occurring in the collective and to offer an uplifting frequency of your focus of love and light into the very thing that wants to polarize you.

Remember, negative emotions are addictive. Remember that emotions are contagious. It is time for you to be honest with yourself and begin to honor who you are. You are a divine being who happens to be caught in the frequency web of this pandemic of the virus of fear. The virus of fear is just as toxic to your body as any other virus. Viruses are contagious, as are panic, fear, hysteria, calm, love, enthusiasm, kindness and joy; choose wisely.

Remember it is all vibration and energy. We invite you to be mindful and responsible to your personal well-being. Take the necessary actions that physically protect you from any virus. Practice good physical hygiene as well as good mental hygiene. Notice when your energy drops to match the collective fear. Quickly shift your vibrations to a sense of divine well-being as well as physical and mental health.

Remember that your Divine knowing and vibrations of well-being are the best vaccine to any virus.

It is with your intention and your connection with the truth of who you are as a galactic citizen that you can offer your light frequency into any situation with the intent to transform it.

As you observe the events that are broadcast on your television remember to not judge or condemn or become triggered. This adds energy to the very situation you want to change.

Call upon the non-physical beings of Light to support and assist in this transformation. Call upon the legions of divine beings and angels to minister to these situations, assisting, uplifting, and healing all that are affected by this physical virus as well as the virus of fear. It is when each human owns their power and truly steps into that power that your reality will shift.

Let us assure you that there are more and more awakened individuals who are beginning to anchor a life sustaining reality. Your numbers are increasing. Each one is adding more light, love, forgiveness, gratitude and well-being to the collective matrix.

You are an important element to this unfolding. Join this increasing number of awakened conscious beings and begin to envision a reality that supports life, that supports well-being and the honoring of all. In whatever manner and at whatever level, begin. Each time you uplift your attitude or judgment of another, each time you offer a prayer of gratitude, each time you invite the support of the non-physical beings of light to assist you and the situation you have focused upon, you are making a significant difference.

©2020 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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3/21/2020 12:39:39 AM

The Changes Upon You & Changes Coming ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

the changes upon you & changes coming - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangel michael

The Changes Upon You & Changes Coming ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very satisfied with the lines of communication that have opened up around your society and how you operate as a human collective, because of the coronavirus outbreak. There have been discussions about what is needed there on Earth for quite some time, especially when it comes to changes within the various systems that you have in place. You are now beginning to see how important it is for each and every one of you to be able to depend on yourselves and on each other.

What you need is to feel for your fellow humans who are either sick or afraid, and many individuals need to overcome their fear of getting sick in order to help those in need. And what we have noticed is that more and more people are making those decisions to be of service to as many as they possibly can. You are seeing the heart of humanity open wide up as you look for ways to support one another through what has become a global crisis.

You are moving towards a time where you will be instant manifesters. You will not be dependent on the shelves at the grocery stores being stocked, but you are not there yet. Those of you who have been awake and aware of the shift in consciousness have been waiting patiently, and sometimes impatiently, for that day to come. What you have now is an acceleration of that desire for self-reliance, and you also have an opportunity to come together, in the communities in which you live, to help one another in whatever ways that you can.

And you are also going to be called upon to continue to do the wonderful gridwork that you’ve been doing and the sending of love, compassion, and healing energy where it is needed the most on your planet right now. We know that you, as a human collective, have evolved to the point where handling a situation like this one is absolutely possible. We know that you are all learning from the experience you are having right now, and you are also reaching within yourselves for the feeling of safety, security, and power, all of which really need to come from within if you are going to actually vibrate unconditionally in the way that you want.

Now is a time where you are all being called upon to go within and find that vibration that you know is of service to you and to all of your fellow humans. Keeping that vibration activated in spite of all that is being talked about and all of the intense energies that are around is the tricky part. But again, we see you all stepping up to the plate. We see you as the awakened collective, as the ones who are having the biggest impact that you have ever had on planet Earth at this time, and we are very proud to be transmitting to you and seeing how you receive our transmissions and take the love and light that we are spreading out into the human collective.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

/daniel scranton/

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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3/21/2020 5:36:13 PM

Daily Message ~ Saturday March 21, 2020

Galactic Free Press's picture

Dear Ones, one of the greatest adjustments to be made as you move into the second phase of your incarnation is making the shift from doing to being, and accepting that your beingness is more than enough. This can be a challenge because many of you have well-entrenched old conditioning and belief systems that say you must be doing in order to be worthy.

So much of your society has glamorized busyness to the point where it has become very difficult for many people to have the time or space in order to connect with their inner guidance or personal preferences. It is hard to have clarity and alignment from a space of exhaustion!

This is the gift of the times you are in. It is by being forced to slow down you will start to discover that your beingness is more than enough, in fact, it is the beacon through which you contribute the most and live your highest life expression. This new vantage point will create massive change, both individually and collectively, as many will step onto new timelines that will honour both themselves and others in ways they would not have discovered otherwise. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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3/21/2020 5:37:54 PM

GFP Newsletter - 3/20/2020

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No work in itself can give you joy unless you pour joy into it. So don't ask what life is, ask how to enter into life. The door is now, here -- and you have to be creative, only then will you be able to enter the door; otherwise you will go on standing in the doorway without entering the palace.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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