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3/18/2020 11:28:48 PM

Co-Creating a New Healing Energy Grid ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

co-creating a new healing energy grid - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangel michael

Co-Creating a New Healing Energy Grid ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very satisfied with the number of you out there who are opening yourselves up more to the energies that are coming in at this time to support and heal you. Remember that you have an equinox coming up as well. Therefore, you are getting bombarded by high frequency energies at this time. You have an opportunity to do so much receiving, to be in that Divine Feminine essence, and to be a part of the solution.

You are the ones to help bring humanity back into alignment. Now is the perfect time to be focusing on your chakras, your emotions, and your overall vibration. If you are choosing to stay inside more, then it is the perfect time for you to devote yourself to your inner work. It is the perfect time for you to finally get around to partaking in that creative project that you’ve been putting off. It is the perfect time for you to get your house in order, so to speak.

The more that you allow in right now, energetically, the more you will find yourself on the right path and in the right place at the right time. Now, you have also been working together as an awakened collective to co-create a new energy grid for the planet. This new energy grid will be reaching out to those who are most in need of healing. This is an opportunity for you to work together as a collective and to come together as a compassionate whole, as you seek to be of service to as many who are in need as you can.

Now, as we have already said, this grid is being co-created, but if you want to experience your contribution to it, then open yourself up to the energies coming in and consciously send it down into Mother Earth to join with these newly established gridlines. This is an opportunity for the spiritual community to shine and to show the rest of the world that you are more than just a group of individuals with beliefs that are a bit out there to the majority of society. This is an opportunity for you to demonstrate how tuned in you are to Source, to healing Lifeforce Energy, and to the human collective that you are a part of.

The number of you who are awakened continues to grow every day. And therefore, the impact that you can have on the collective is also growing. Take part in this healing journey with the rest of humanity consciously and deliberately, and you will feel the sense of satisfaction that we are describing here as we observe you and applaud you from the ninth dimension.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

/daniel scranton/

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/19/2020 7:22:42 PM

Daily Message ~ Thursday March 19, 2020

Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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3/19/2020 7:30:09 PM

GFP Newsletter - 3/18/2020

will's picture

Life is not there readymade, available. You get the life that you create, you get out of life that which you put into it. First you have to pour meaning into it. You have to give color and music and poetry, you have to be creative. Only then will you be alive.

The second essential thing: that only those few people who are creative know what life is.

The uncreative never know, because life is in creativity, life is creativity. Can't you see how life goes on creating? It is a continuum of creativity, constant creativity, every moment creativity.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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3/19/2020 11:21:34 PM

Which Way To Move…

Galactic Free Press's picture
There is absolutely nothing in the ‘soul handbook’ that says you must remain connected to the mass consciousness and whatever it is presenting to you in this moment. Rather than allowing yourself to be buffeted by overwhelming emotions and feelings, take a moment and ground yourself in your heart. Allow yourself to connect to The Universe and feel the Unconditional Love that constantly flows around and through you. You always have a choice to decide which way to move through your world. ~ Creator

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/20/2020 12:01:43 AM

It’s Really Happening; Our Bright Liberation!

Earth Ascension is finally becoming obvious. Earth Ascension is the evolutionary process that we are going through to become fully spiritual human beings. And this process requires liberation. That is why, at this very moment, we are experiencing the breakdown of a way of life that has always kept us down.

This old way of life was selfish, leaving people to either benefit or suffer, and ultimately to do both. The new way of life that we are evolving towards is harmonious unity, and as we embrace it we will experience an entirely elevated way of being a human being. We will fashion a New Earth.

This is happening right before our eyes. During this current pandemic, we are unplugging from selfish systems that we were raised to support—systems we thought were alright and even just. They never were. They limited us completely. And now overnight, we aren’t feeding these corrupt systems any longer. We aren’t putting our energy towards selfishness. We are putting our energy towards all.

More specifically, we are paying attention to one vitally important group of people—our elders and those who are compromised most. Finally, these beautiful people are front and center in our hearts. They aren’t being forgotten and ignored any longer. What a perfect exercise in unity.

There is so much beauty to be found in this profound experience—this temporary separation that actually makes us unified. For as we separate from each other to protect ourselves from illness, we are growing closer as One inside.

What’s more, what we experience always starts within and then reflects itself externally. We create reality from where we put our attention, our time, and our thoughts. So as we unplug from a corrupt program and use our hearts to think of others, we begin to create a better reality from this alone. We stop blindly following the selfish systems we’ve been taught to tolerate and start looking out for everyone.

This is The Shift we have long anticipated. This is Ascension, and it’s really happening now. Indeed, we are witnessing a mass spiritual awakening! All roads lead to liberation and a higher experience.

We can now create a world that mirrors our souls, for we humans are creators through and through. And even though in the past we used to help create things that weren’t so great for everyone, all that is changing now. We are ready to work with compassion, peace, and yes, unconditional love. We are ready to rapidly evolve.

As we look around, this is undeniable. Whatever dark design may have tried to keep us locked in fear during this pandemic, it’s simply not working. There is a higher, detailed design meant to prevail instead, and deep down we all know this. We can feel how surreal and spiritual this whole experience is. We are feeling calm, compassionate, and even hopeful amidst heartbreak. We are getting to pause and think for ourselves for once. We can see that humans are really thoughtful and quite amazing at heart and that we can be freed from the rat race. Most of all, we are exhibiting faith on a scale never seen before.

More specifically, our souls are taking over as you read this. Our bodies are switching from dense carbon to crystalline light. Our DNA is being restored to unprecedented capacity. Our beloved planet will be restored too, and our systems will give the highest outcome for everyone. Because a Divine Plan is already in place, and we know that we can completely trust it. Our evolution is already at hand, and we know that nothing can stop it. Just as nothing can stop your Ascension too.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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