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3/21/2020 10:01:40 PM

The Universe Is Listening

Galactic Free Press's picture

You are living in an unprecedented time that has given you limitless possibilities to grow and learn like never before. Even though information from multiple sources may be overwhelming, you can use your gift of connectedness to see and implement what is right for you. Think of it as a sorting and filing process. (Smiling) You decide what to keep and what to release. The Universe is listening and supporting you as always! ~ Creator


The Creator Writings

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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3/21/2020 10:24:43 PM
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - 20 March, 2020

Mike Quinsey

The chaos on Earth is reaching a new level and many of you are understandable confused because it is totally unexpected. As a result of a new virus that you have yet to find an antidote for, your world is experiencing a serious epidemic that has spread so quickly. Many of you thought that with the coming of the New Age that the new vibrations would quickly result in a great upliftment that would soon see the end of such troubles.

Yet you are in the midst of a world-wide pandemic the likes of which has not been experienced within your time frame. Your concern is such because you were told that with the completion of the old cycle in 2012, you were in effect commencing a new era free of old karma. Many souls have continued to remain karma free but others have incurred new karma, and we did warn you that in this new period it would not be carried over but would be almost instantaneous.

Therefore Coronavirus is a way of dealing with the need to correct the mistakes being made. However, the consequences are also an eye opener for many, many of you who have still tried to maintain the old way of living. The old has no place in the present times and it is shaking the very foundations on which your lives are based. You are seeing the shortcomings of the last Age and you will never return to them. When you start anew you will look back and acknowledge that which was unsuitable for your future, and take this opportunity to start anew.

In spite of all the trials and tribulations you have experienced, it is to your credit that many of you are rapidly approaching the time of Ascension. Regardless of what is happening the path to Ascension is now opening up even if it is not apparent at this particular time, and nothing will prevent it from coming to pass. The joy and happiness you will feel will be beyond measure and having moved beyond duality, you will live in peace and able to express yourselves free from the burden of mixed societies that have often been led by the Illuminati.

Although you cannot take any material possessions with you may rest assured that everything you need will be immediately available to you, although in reality you will have the mental power to bring such things into being yourself. It means that you will have so much more freedom of movement than ever before that can extend well beyond the Earth. Most souls usually prefer moving in groups who have similar interests and ambitions. The likelihood is that you will meet up with friends from earlier lives and so renew such friendships. They will be exciting times and you will have freedom to explore as you wish. With the added advantage of a much longer life your ambitions will clearly have no limitations.

You might imagine that having lived many, many lives over thousands of years there would be little left to excite you, but bear in mind that everything is continually moving on and subject to changes. There are seven Universes and in your time you will have spent lives in some of those, so you are in fact a seasoned traveller of the skies. You will also have experienced some of the different life forms that you will have long forgotten, yet there are still records of your history and it will remain there for all time. In reality you are a seasoned traveller of the Universe.

You are entitled to feel excited at the prospect of once more being in control of your destiny. Be assured that that the goal is still to continue your evolution and soon you will have much more to say about your future. You will be carrying forward all of the positive gains from your previous lives and your goal is to evolve even higher. Instead of very short lives and experiences, you will live for hundreds of years whilst maintaining a youthful appearance.

What lies ahead of you will be somewhat familiar and why you will have no problems in accepting it. After many lives having your life plan organised to enable you to lift your vibrations and achieve Ascension, it will be well within your capabilities to have full understanding and knowledge of the new experiences that you need. The knowledge of who you really are should lift you up to new heights, and the prospect of being part of those who seek out others needing help with their evolution is exciting and rewarding.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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3/21/2020 10:44:35 PM

Ailia Mira ~ The Power of Your Innermost Self

Ailia Mira

Divine Ones -

We greet you in love. It is I, Archangel Michael. I am very happy to be with you in this way, at this time, in your heart-space, that aspect of your field of embodiment which is activated by your inner focus, your openness to the higher realms of being, the realms of infinite light and love.

We love you so much.

We are here for you and with you always.

When you open to us, you empower us to come forth more fully in your realm, in your life, in your awareness.

We are here to support you, to guide you, to assist you. We are here to remind you of who you truly are and how you can access that vaster wholeness that is your true Self, while embodied here. So that you might expand. So that you might remember your true capacities and so that you might grow, evolve and live with joy.

This is always the case, even when the world feels disrupted to you. There is always a pathway within you, for you to receive that which you need. There is always the capacity within you to nourish you, to meet your needs in every way. The answer, beloveds, is always within you.

The world is changing. You know this. Many old patterns and thought-forms are being opened up and more clear and true perspectives becoming visible and known. Many of you feel these shifts within you as you remember the truth of Being. When you encounter more uplifted, expanded thought-forms, thought-forms which transmit higher consciousness, and which affirm the REAL YOU, you feel them with joy, with recognition, with a sense of "Yes, of course it's like that!" and you KNOW who you truly are and how it is.

One of the biggest shifts taking place in the world right now is the opening, deepening and expansion of knowing regarding the inner realm of focus. Human beings are awakening to their true nature and as they do, beginning to orient inward. As you do this, your center changes in life and you begin to find that you can create what you want through connecting within you. You become aware of your true Source and the Self that is beyond this realm yet is very real and alive within you.

Now is a time of great contrast and change. The Corona virus, the earth changes, the political tension, and the personal challenges you are feeling because of these outer experiences are all very challenging if you are not centered and calm. Yet you can feel centered and calm, relaxed and well even with the outer world's forms and activities.

This is not about denying the situations in your life and your world, it is about participating in them while centered in a deeper, more uplifted connection to who you truly are.

Outer experiences are always opportunities to be deliberate in your focus and in the way you create your energy.

This moment, like any, can be used beautifully to deepen your relationship with your innermost self. To go within and ask your own vaster self to come forth and assist you. There are many angels, beings of light, and star beings here wanting to help you. We compliment your own vaster wholeness and come when you call. Yet you must ask in order for us to help.

The more you develop and cultivate your inner connections, the more you will find them to feel reliable, real and comforting to you in times of stress and change.

We want you to learn that you are naturally predisposed to go within and that you have all you need to do so, no matter where you find yourself. It only takes a moment to pause, close your eyes and breathe. To intend to center and open to your Soul, your Divine Self, to call upon those fields - the YOU that is non-physical - and ask for love, support, energy, understanding, guidance and help. Then to allow yourself to receive, by simply being silent, pausing and breathing, allowing energy and gifts to be given.

You are always receiving, whenever you ask. Learn to be silent so you can feel the way you and your Divine Self co-create. Learn to sense the energy coming in and to feel a sense of completion when you have received. Know that even if you do not feel very much, all that you are is always here for you, and always comes when asked. It will always give to you the energy and awareness that best serves you in the present. You can simply say, "Soul, Divine Self, All that I Am," or whatever words feel best to you, "Please give me what I need to thrive right now, to feel connected, clear, relaxed and capable." Or something like that. You can ask for and receive whatever you want and need. You are loved and adored and Life is here for you. Learn to go to the Inner Store, where the supplies never run out! (Smile) and the store that is made for you, alone - your Soul is here for you, and there is a personal and direct connection for you, that can help in any way at any time.

Gifts from your own wholeness will always be given in energy, awareness, clarity, guidance. You may feel it right away, or it may come forth later. Dare to believe that you have be answered and let yourself feel a sense of relief and relaxation. Then do all you can to continue to feel relaxed, to feel positive - these things help you be receptive to inspiration so you can feel what actions to take and when they will flow naturally.

The more you go within regularly and ask your own wholeness to teach you how to co-create, the more this inner connection will feel alive to you and reliable as a way to navigate your life, access clarity and the awareness that helps you to magnetize and allow new and better experiences to come about. As you create a supportive environment in your life, in the way you live, so that your own wholeness can unfold within you, as consciousness, you will notice you feel more supported, more loved, more at peace and more joyful.

We are here to support you! We join your own vastness in answering your calls for more life, more joy, more understanding, more love, more wisdom, more of whatever you want to have and experience. You do not need to earn these things, only ask. We see you already as worthy of anything you want. We open and offer to you, when asked, the energy and awareness that will expand, refine, clarify, uplift, enrich and order your awareness. Over time your own consciousness will begin to reflect your own vaster self and the Divine Will - the higher expression of your life and being. You will become more clear, stable, centered, peaceful, abundant, joyful and feel free and connected. You will be able to stay in these states more consistently and when this occurs, life can change quickly and significantly.

This is a path of light and joy. A path of expansion and openness, and one in which you can grow in your ability to receive.

Use this moment, today, this time, and all challenges in life to consider how you want to focus, where you want to turn for guidance and understanding, how you want to create your life. And, if you wish to live in higher states of consciousness, build those inner pathways of connection, communication, invitation and devotion. Doing so will increase your sense of aliveness and well-being and open you to the power of your own innermost being - the true Self that is All.

Open to the love that is here for you. Feel the connection between us now, for it is flowing with love and appreciation for you - for your presence, your beauty, your expressive creativity and your immense and powerful capacity to live a life of freedom and joy, love and ease.

Feel the expressions of love that are in fact, all around you, reflecting back to you this beauty that shines forth from you, with deep appreciation and knowing.

All of life knows you, beloved one and sees you.

Open to this vaster truth and realize the possibilities of your life now.

We invite you to discover a new wisdom, a new strength and a new level of belief in your inner resources. Your skill at living in this inner connection of infinite love and light is growing every day. You will remember more and more often who you truly are and focus here, with access and consciousness reflecting the real you. This abundance is yours. Invite your own vastness to give to you - empower your own wholeness to infuse your life with everything you want and need. Know yourself as deeply resourced and abundantly loved. Grow into this sense of Self, now.

It is here for you to claim.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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3/21/2020 11:32:50 PM

Namaste, (I see the Love in You)

We are in a time of massive change. The influx of Divine Light to the planet over the past 30 years has been the greatest in history. We are a part of this change because we are transmuting ourselves from density and confusion to high frequency people that radiate Light and Love to the world.

You and I are here — now — to use this amazing Light to add value to our own lives. Our Souls were trained to come to Earth at this specific time to be the leaders, healers and teachers for this time. And we are here to bring greater peace to the Earth through our personal evolution.

Do you feel that call? On my site, you’ll find the teachings and the training I have received for more than 40 years. I invite you to join me.

Many people I speak with are confused. Sometimes they feel breathless with the speed of life. Some feel helpless and without hope. This is why I dedicate my work to teaching tools for inner peace, using practical methods to be more resourceful during massive change. These simple techniques allow greater purpose and meaning, as well as more hope and freedom in your life.

What I’ve also discovered is the pure joy of working with a larger community of like-minded souls. There is power in group energy to achieve more than we can by ourselves. I feel the strength within each of us when we create a supportive space and dedicate our time together to the evolution of consciousness on the Earth, and to peace in our hearts. Not only do we foster greater harmony and peace on the planet, this allows us each to achieve our individual Soul’s purpose.

I believe our purpose is to use our sensitive hearts and minds to learn to anchor the empowered frequencies contained in Divine Light within our bodies. From a place of Divine Embodiment, we can recognize the love inherent in these states — and learn to come back to that place of peace again and again — our lives can lift off on wings of Light!

Simplicity, dedication to a higher purpose, and alignment with Source energy,these are tools for Higher Consciousness. This is how I live, and this is what I teach.

I invite you to join me in creating a peace-filled life. The exalted methods I will share with you transformed my life. I’ve been blessed to be taught by many amazing wisdom teachers, starting more than 40 years ago in Indian ashrams. The depth of experience achieved through living a spiritual life since those days in the 70s, has made me uniquely suited to provide a peaceful space, with a profound depth of support and wisdom for your highest Soul's destiny. With this, we can all live in harmony with the dimensional shift of the ages.

I invite you to join me so we may...

Walk in Beauty, live in Trust and Know the Benevolent Love of God guides your way.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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3/22/2020 12:27:37 AM


by Shelley Young

Shelley’s Note: Every year I receive a channel for the energetic themes of the year which I usually release at the beginning of January. This year I have not been able to release one yet. I kept feeling that I needed to know more, that the information wasn’t yet complete. I kept hearing Gabriel say that we really wouldn’t be able to fully feel into the energies of 2020 until we got to the equinox. Now with the Corona virus pandemic I understand why. So, in these unprecedented times, I am being guided to release this channel speaking on the times we are in right now, vs the overall theme of the year. This will replace today’s daily message.

Greetings, Dear Ones, how pleased we are to be connecting with you today. We honour you for your kind and loving hearts, your mindfulness, your presence, and your continuous commitment to the shift on your planet.

We understand that the times you are in can seem turbulent and worrisome. We wish to offer you some guidance that we hope will help you navigate through these changing times with a greater understanding and broader perspective.

The first thing we wish for you to know is that you are doing a wonderful job. You have entered a new year and a new decade poised for transformation, and it is due to your diligence that that is exactly what is occurring. This virus is not a punishment. It is an opportunity for much growth, rebalancing, and change.

We wish to break things down for you according to what people may be experiencing. The prevalent initial energy is fear and/or powerlessness. Some people will move into fear immediately and stay there. Others may have an initial experience of fear, or moments of fear, and be able to move back into balance. How you respond will have much to do with how far along you are in your own empowerment process.

What we wish to impress upon you is to not make yourself, or others, wrong for their fear. Fear is a normal human response. If you push against the fear you will only create more resistance and discomfort within yourself, or further activate others. If you are feeling fear, sit with your fear. Acknowledge it. Reassure it. Thank it for loving you so much it wishes to keep you safe. Then lovingly take the reins from it as your own empowered parent and guide. If you berate yourself or others for fear, you will only make that aspect more afraid and more in need of reassurance. You wish to be a calming force for yourself, and for others.

The key here is to allow your inner wise one to take the lead. These are the times you have been preparing for. It is time to redirect back into your grounded, authentic power, time and again if necessary, as the empowered leader of your own life expression. This will allow you to respond rather than react. It is through calm, heart-based responses you make the best decisions that serve everyone involved.

Your intention is a powerful thing. You can disinfect your house from a place of fear and powerlessness, or you can disinfect your house from a space of health and empowerment. The energy you lead from is what sets the tone for future experiences. Making your wisest decisions, one now moment at a time is how you navigate with mastery.

Applying your tools and remembering what you know is how you have the opportunity to truly walk your talk, to embody your truth, and shift into the being phase of your incarnation. It is making the shift from talking about what you know to being your truth. 2020 is a year of embodiment, Dear Ones. All of the work you have been doing have prepared you to take this next step.

This does not mean that you need to be perfect, rather, that you accept both parts of yourself – the human, and the divine, as your own model of acceptance and unity consciousness, and honour the need for the expression of both as part of your desired experience as an enlightening human being on a shifting planet. It is gathering up all aspects of you, lovingly and cohesively, and shepherding them forward in your next highest expression of self. Every time you choose to redirect you have the joy of coming Home to yourself and continue to drive the shift on your planet.

There will be a multitude of experiences people will have depending on where they are in their own evolutionary process, and each will be divinely perfect for them. We will outline common types of experience you may see.

There will be people who leave the body from this virus. What we wish for you to understand is that every transition experience is agreed upon by the soul. It is an incredibly sacred and soul-based decision, just as your birth dates are. This is not to dismiss the incredible impact the passing of a loved one has on those who are left behind. While you may understand from a soul perspective that your loved one has changed form and the love between you continues, your human self will absolutely mourn the loss of having your loved one on the physical plane. It is important to honour all of your emotions and feelings as part of your own grieving and healing process. The loss of a loved one often serves those left behind because it naturally opens people to question their beliefs, to seek, and expand or deepen their faith and belief systems.

Pandemics and epidemics offer people transition points, which some will take and some will not, but they always precede a time of great change on the planet. They offer many people a chance for reevaluation, at a soul level, to decide if they would like to carry on or if they would like to consider it a job well done and transition out of the body. Some souls are pleased with how far they have come and wish to experience the shift from the energies of Home. Other souls are excited to stay and continue to assist the grand shift that is occurring in physical form. In such cases, those souls have agreed that in order to stay they are willing move into another cycle of growth, expansion, and discovery.

There will be those who have contracted the virus and heal beyond it. Again, those are the ones who have chosen to stay and to experience greater expansion and discovery on their life paths moving forward. Some, because they have immunity, will use it as an opportunity to step into different types of service than they would have discovered otherwise. Some will find themselves moving forward in new directions as this will open a new phase in their incarnation.

There will be those who experience great fear for themselves and their loved ones. These are the people who are not feeling empowered or balanced within themselves, and don’t yet see themselves as creators. These may be people who find illness particularly triggering due to challenging current life or pastlife experiences. This will be an opportunity for many of these people to find healing for those old wounds, and through their survival they will see they are far more capable than they realized.

There will be another group of people who have no fear of the virus at all, and will stay quite balanced throughout the pandemic. These are space holders, who are serving the whole through their groundedness and energetics. They are true leaders by example.

There will be yet others who jump into very active service throughout it all, as frontline workers, and healers, or who will be drawn into acts of loving, simple service for their communities. All of this is allowing them to honour their own service contracts and to be the love.

There are so many layers of this experience for you, Dear Ones! A pandemic is a great global unifier. It shows that the world is far more connected than it may have seemed during such times of division and separation. It makes room for compassion, for both yourselves and for others. It opens you to new experiences, and new opportunities. By focusing on how your choices can affect both you and others, it allows you to be the love.

The energies on your planet of the past several months have been incredibly intense. This has been extremely taxing on your physical bodies. The space that is being created for you now as things shut down and people are encouraged to stay home more is giving you some essential down time to integrate, to rest, to self nurture, and to connect within. It also brings to the forefront how much your loved ones mean to you, and what you may wish to heal and shift within those relationships, as well.

So many of you live lives that have become almost unmanageable and distract you through extreme busyness. This is an opportunity to reset, to create greater balance, and develop much more clarity as you move forward in the energies of 2020. As you emerge, you will find that it is impossible to go back to your old lives if they were out of balance, unmanageable, or focused on things that you no longer find important. You will have new energetic boundaries that serve you much better.

We wish to also remind you that periods of lull and action are parts of the flow. The greater the lull, the greater the wave of forward movement will follow it. This is preparing you for massive change that is ready to occur on your planet.

One of the great gifts of this phase is some of the shifts you are already seeing implemented were considered not viable. You are seeing the seeds of universal health care, a greater home/work balance, the opportunity to work from home, the seeds of basic income to meet the needs of the people, all coming to the forefront. We find this interesting as many of you have been trying to push this in your election cycles, and here they are starting to occur! It is moving leaders into more compassionate leadership. The supports you require to support you through this time of transformation will find their way to you. Allow.

As you become more clear about who you really are and discovering what is truly possible due to the changes that are being implemented through these unprecedented challenges, you are becoming more aligned with true and massive change both collectively and individually. All great changes start by recognizing needs and navigating them one Now moment at a time. That is the gift of the times you are in right now, and much growth and positive change will come from what is discovered in the days and weeks to come.

So be kind and gentle with yourselves, and be kind and gentle with others. Allow people to be where they are and understand that love is the connector between where you are and where they are. Saying it is not a big deal may be true for you but it may be hurtful and dismissive to someone who is in the throes of fear or has lost a loved one. Your compassion for others, whatever their experience may be, while staying true to yourself and your own beliefs, will support connectedness and community in the long run, which will do much to heal the division your planet has been struggling with and is ready to evolve beyond.

This is a time of global reset. The virus will last exactly as long as required to facilitate the opportunities for change and not one moment longer. Allow the corona virus to lead you fully into your sovereignty as an empowered co-creator. You will all emerge from this time different, with new perspectives, greater clarity, and refined focus and that will serve you all very well, indeed. You are being loved and guided through it all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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