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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/20/2020 9:20:13 PM

Monday, January 20, 2020

Benjamin Fulford Update - January 20, 2020

"Rothschilds kicked out of Russia and Japan as world revolution unfolds"

By Benjamin Fulford January 20, 2020

A world revolution is unfolding with historical events taking place in Africa, China, France, Japan, Russia, and elsewhere as the old planetary control grid continues to collapse, multiple sources agree.

Let’s start with the revolution that was announced in Russia last week. Basically, David Rothschild was kicked out and the Russian central bank was nationalized, which is why half the government was fired, FSB sources tell us. Here’s what our FSB sources have to say on the subject:

“It was supposed to start back in November 2019 when Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev was killed at FSB headquarters, but due to the presence in the country of a huge number of the richest Jews in the world (the Rothschilds, Sheldon Adelson, etc.), this operation was postponed.

“Then at the end of December, half of our money was given to one structure, which organized this sudden ‘departure’ of Jewish Premier Medvedev. This structure will oversee various ministries and all new ministers will be appointed under its supervision.

“On January 16th, President [Herman] Gref of Federal Central Bank Sberbank got so drunk with grief that he was taken to the Odintsovo Hospital suffering from acute alcohol poisoning. That is why he suddenly cancelled his speech at the Gaidar Forum.”

On January 18th, Gref told Tass News, “We should brace for the collapse of the existing world order. It will be very painful.”

The FSB sources also report that when Elvira Nabiullina, the head of the Russian central bank, was fired last week, all cellphones of central bank employees were confiscated and a huge stash of documents was seized.

One other thing they reported to us was that Yevgeny Zinichev, “the head of the Ministry of Emergencies, will become the head of the FSB, but this will also not be for long.”

The P3 Freemasons, who report a lot of very weird stuff, tell us the Medvedev who was removed was actually an “an alien.”

Rothschild-slave President Emmanuel Macron of France is also under siege. He was forced to flee for his life from a theater last week amid rioting that has gone on now for over a year. A new French revolution is coming, French resistance sources promise.

Equally dramatic, if less public, events were going on in Japan last week. A first cousin of former Emperor Hirohito tells us the Bank of Japan has been…

…nationalized and the Rothschilds as well as the Rockefellers have been removed from control of this country.

British royal family sources confirm this and say that Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako have been invited to the UK this spring where, among other things, they will discuss the creation of a world future planning agency.

Representatives of the P3 Freemasons, the British Commonwealth, and Asian secret societies are planning to meet in London, possibly in February, to discuss the creation of this agency. They will also discuss preparations for human colonization of space, P3 sources say.

The initial agreement is that the planning agency will be headed by a committee of seven with decisions made by majority vote, according to a source involved in the negotiations. The seven will include one representative each from Africa, the Americas (North and South), Asia outside of China, China, Europe including Russia, India, and the Muslim world. Vetoes would be limited to the region making it. So, for example, if the world decided to ban pork, the Chinese could veto that and continue to eat pork in China.

Speaking about pork and China, CIA sources in Asia say a major offensive is underway against that country. “The Western media is not discussing the slaughter there of several hundred million pigs due to the outbreak of the new strain of African swine flu virus (created in vitro, of course),” one source says, noting:

“Pork is the main food of the Chinese. It is consumed every day. America cannot replace the lost pork from the massive slaughter. You can imagine what will happen to the Chinese people without pork, which is their main source of protein. This is being kept very quiet for obvious reasons. China had half of the world’s supply of pigs with a population of more than 700 million pigs. This provides the main source of protein for 1.3 billion people.”

The sources also told us the following:

“Xi Jinping and his cronies are behind the protesting in Hong Kong. His plan is to bring down HK and turn Macau and Shanghai into the new financial centers. China has been financing the protesters since the beginning.

“HSBC is in the process of moving their regional headquarters to Singapore.

“The Chinese government is planning on canceling all leases that were made with the UK, meaning they will take over the land and buildings in HK. They are also planning on canceling the HK dollar and will allow up to 6 months for all HK dollars to be exchanged for Yuan. As you can see, China is going to destroy Hong Kong. They will of course shoot themselves in the foot, so to speak, as HK is their connection to money from the West. China will implode from within.”

Furthermore, the source says:

“China has been kicked out of Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam. They are no longer wanted or needed. The same is true in Australia. The Aussies have had enough.”

The U.S. also carried out a sophisticated attack on China via Japan, according to Japanese military intelligence sources. This was seen in the news as a fight between South Korea and Japan over historical issues. In reality, though, it was a pretense to stop Japanese exports of key semiconductor manufacturing equipment to South Korea. This in turn had the effect of shutting down the Chinese semiconductor industry, the sources say.

A new soft power struggle is also going on with the Chinese over Africa. An example is this disinformation being sent (presumably by the Chinese) about a British-led summit about Africa. According to this disinformation:

“Organized by Boris Johnson, this summit will host many heads of state and government leaders, companies, international institutions, international spy organizations of espionage and counter-espionage, and secret societies to present investment opportunities in Africa and to discuss implementation of the New World Order. It will feature a discussion by the supreme committee entitled “melanin and the control of black people.”

The actual summit summary published by the British government reads as follows:

“The Summit will be hosted by the Prime Minister and will bring together businesses, governments and international institutions to showcase and promote the breadth and quality of investment opportunities across Africa. The Summit will strengthen the UK’s partnership with African nations to build a secure and prosperous future for all our citizens. It will mobilize new and substantial investment to create jobs and boost mutual prosperity.”

In other words, we are finally seeing a Western answer to the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative.

In any case, Chinese Freemasons, for their part, say that talk of a Chinese implosion has been around for decades and has always proven to be wrong. They say time is on their side because they have a superior system of governance and economic management, so they will continue to grow faster than the West.

The Chinese are also now taking the lead on environmental protection, the sources say. Recent news items backing this up include Chinese plans to ban single-use plastic and a ten-year fishing moratorium on the Yangtze.

The offensive against China is taking place in the context of a still-unfolding collapse of the U.S. Corporate government in Washington, D.C. The regime there is paralyzed by infighting and staged events. The latest is a gathering in Virginia featuring crisis actors, gun lobbyists, goons, undercover cops, citizen journalists, etc. There is also a fake impeachment show going on against U.S. President Donald Trump.

The fake show distracts from the very real crimes of the end-times evangelicals who now surround President Trump. We are talking, for example, of the recent attempt to start World War 3 in Iran with the murder of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani and the shooting down of a Ukrainian civilian aircraft.

The fact that the plane was remotely hijacked and flown towards an Iranian military base—a clear war crime—is now being reported by mainstream news outlets.

Also, in a sign of a real break in the Anglo world, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is blaming the U.S. for downing the Ukrainian airliner. This is happening as UK Defense Minister Ben Wallace says his country is ending its military alliance with the Trump regime.

Pentagon sources too are making it clear they are tired of the political hacks in Washington, D.C. For example, the sources note that “In a rebuke to former presidents, the Navy decided to name its newest carrier after an African-American sailor instead of Bush Jr., Clinton, or Obama.”

The Pentagon is also sick and tired of fighting as an Israeli proxy in the Middle East, the sources say. “Congress is livid that the death toll from Iran’s missile strikes on U.S. bases in Iraq is at least 139, making troop withdrawal an election issue,” they say.

A clear sign of how rogue the U.S. regime has become was when Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said, “The destruction of Soleimani is an example of a new U.S. strategy aimed at deterring its opponents. This applies equally to Iran, China, and Russia.” Someone should point out to Pompeo that assassination is a two-way street.

The Trump regime is also doing things like threatening Europe and pulling out of NATO military exercises.

Finally, we are hearing increasingly credible information about battles taking place in deep underground bases from multiple sources. First take a look at the seismographs from an Indian underground nuclear test versus those from a natural earthquake.

The recent earthquakes in Puerto Rico, around the China Lake underground bases in Nevada and California, in Kumamoto, Japan, etc. all bear the signs of artificial earthquakes.

Multiple sources tell us they have found children in cages and other horrors in some of these bases that are now being taken over or destroyed by the white hats. Japanese sources tell us that 14,000 Japanese children were being sold each year to the Khazarian mafia. FBI statistics show that 40,000 children go missing each year in the U.S. Many of them are now being rescued from cages in underground bases, Pentagon sources say. The 38-minute video at the link below provides good background information on this no longer very secret war.

On a final note, we were told by our Antarctica sources that what is happening now on the surface of the planet is much more important. We were promised more information about this subject at a later date.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/20/2020 11:19:28 PM
Divine Mother says the planet earth now officially has Guardian Parents in place

by Linda Li

January 18, 2020

Dear children on earth, I am your Mother God. The planet, right now, is in such a vulnerable situation due to the planetary ascension and the state of human consciousness. I have decided to make the planetary ascension an urgent affair over everything else. We, the Divine have come to a conclusion that we need to move forward with the Divine plan. The planet needs to move upward. The Divine and light workers have to work harder. Together, we need to get Gaia and planet earth to a higher level of existence and that is urgent.

Regardless where you are, what you see is chaos dear ones. That is the state of the affairs on planet earth and the planet herself has no more strength to uplift herself. The children of Gaia, too, are in state of chaos. Gaia has pleaded to the Divine to rescue the planet and her children. That is why you dear ones are here. We have come to help Gaia and her children. We are here now, and the situation on the planet is still very severe. We, the Divine and the company of heaven, have decided to further the Divine plan and the time is now.

The Divine plan for the foreseeable future is that we will bring the planet and humanity to a level of existence that does no harm to the planet and humanity itself. Currently, the consciousness of the planet and humanity is harmful. It is harmful for the planet and it is harmful for humanity at large. It is dangerous to have this kind of collective consciousness for a planet with this size. And it is very concerning to the Divine and it has to change fast.

Your Father God has a plan which has already been implemented, of which I have spoken. The plan is to have the Divine government to come online. The Divine is going to come and start to lead Gaia’s ascension effort. The Divine has come to the point where there are no other options other than coming in and starting the leadership role. Your Father is going to be the leader. He has the total authority. He needs that authority for a planet in such a dismay. He has decided to bring his total authority to the planet and that has been done. Now, your Father God has the Universe here, with him. He is now ready dear ones.

Now, what that means to you dear children on earth, is that from this point on, every soul on the planet will have to respect the Divine and your Father God. It is law now. Every soul on the planet needs to behave according to the Divine laws. Any planet in the universe has guardian parents and the souls are required to obey their guardian parents. The planet earth did not have that system in place. But now, the guardian parents of planet earth are being installed and the guardianship has started working. The guardians of the planet earth are your Divine parents, your spiritual Mother who gave birth to your spirit, and the Father God is the guardian Father of the planet. In other words, me as the Mother God is the Guardian so is the Christ, the God Father, together, we are the Guardian parents of the planet earth. And from this point on, any offensive behaviors toward the guardian parents will offend the spiritual laws and consequences will follow. That is the news.

Now, as the Divine Mother and the Mother of all creation, I have been personally abused by the souls on the planet for as long as I have been here. That has always been a bother to me as the Mother of the souls. Even after the souls being warned, still, offensive behaviors have never stopped, to the point that the Divine has to stop everything else, and to correct the behaviors. That has never been heard of in the higher realms. Souls in the higher realms know that there are spiritual laws in place and these laws are there to guide the souls to behave well. Souls have a obligation to obey the laws and respect their spiritual parents. There is no such thing called behaving badly toward the Divine parents. No such offense exists.

On earth though, even the advanced souls who, sometimes, forget who they are, and once that happens, tragedy strikes. These souls tend to behave badly. Partially it is because they have strong energies and very often, stronger egos developed, and the strong ego makes them very “brave”. They no longer see themselves as spiritual beings. In their mind, the ego mind, there is nothing on the planet that should be in their way as they pursue their desires and power. These souls are the ones who have created chaos for the Divine and the planet. And they have no intention to end their pursuit. That is why we, the Divine have decided to come and it is time for the ego games to end. The planet has had enough. Gaia cannot stand these ego games any more. And we, the Divine have to stop these ego games and stop further damage.

I love you dear angels. I am your Divine Mother. This is a monumental moment in human history. Your Divine parents have arrived. Your Father and I are officially the guardians of the planet earth, and we have arrived. From this point on, the laws have forever changed. The planet earth has her guardian parents and that day has begun. Your guardian parents will forever protect this planet and the souls on the planet. We are the Divine parents of all souls across the planet and human race. It doesn’t matter who or where the soul is, you have your Divine parents with you now. I love you dear angels on earth. I am your Mother Divine. Peace be with you all.

All Rights Reserved

Linda Li

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/21/2020 12:25:08 AM

Shanta Gabriel ~ Your Path In Life

Shanta Gabriel

January 19, 2020,

The Gabriel Message Card for this Week ~Praise God and Praise Yourself for the Path You Have Chosen.

I usually receive this card when I am questioning how my life is going. It is always a message that encourages me to step back from the immersion into what is happening in front of my physical eyes and take a more neutral view of my reality.

Obviously it is easier to break into hallelujahs and exuberant praise when our lives are moving in ways that evoke our happy place.

The challenge is to know that our life has power and merit when we are looking at appearances that may not please us. But that’s when we start flexing our spiritual muscles — to balance our emotional states and to see beyond appearances to know that there is a blessing in every situation. It’s not only a blessing, it’s a call from our souls to notice that we have an opportunity to create something wonderful that really works much better for us.

Sometimes it is only this one step back into neutrality that helps me to be more present to the Creative Solutions available to me. First I need to recognize that whatever I am experiencing is a part of the work I am here to do for my soul, and then I can use the situation as a stepping stone to higher-frequency living.

When I make new choices from a higher perspective, from a place of multidimensionality, the path takes on a more enhanced aspect, with many more opportunities for the kind of creativity and expansion that I love. I have found that everything I love raises my vibrational frequency. That is really fun, because these empowered frequencies include really simple things like music, nature and beauty.

All the things I love become qualities of consciousness that uplift and inspire me, thus changing my vibrations and making it possible for me to have more of what I want to experience in life. This very basic Law of Attraction principle is always valuable to remember.

When we celebrate life in all its myriad forms, it honors the Presence that lives in and through us blessing our path. The uplifting of our thoughts and feelings to the ultimate truth of our existence is a substantial step forward to the recognition that our life is a true gift. We need to show up for our path in life with all the support and intention that we can muster, as well as all the resources we have within us.

We have had many attitude adjustments and learned many new skills and spiritual tools in this life that we can apply to creation of the most beautiful world we can imagine. Our imagination helps keep us expanded and inspired so we can incorporate the support from the Angelic Dimensions and all the help we have around us.

When we keep our intentions clear and our focus strong, we are walking as blended beings in a greater world that has yet to recognize this imperative. Our Souls know that this is what we are here to do, and our path is celebrated in the heavenly realms. We are being gifted with so much love at this time. This real and practical multidimensional support is a blessed gift that we are here to experience right now.

When we honor the Infinite Intelligence that guides us and use the maturity and commitment to our spiritual path that hones our spirit, we are lifted into the enchanted realms of the higher dimensions. It is here that we can see the greater truths under the surface and join in an exalted co-creation of an empowered life.

All of us exploring together, using our most Divine resources combined with our diligent human selves, this is the enchanted and empowered collaboration that can create Peace on Earth, Love in every heart, and allow Nature and all Life to thrive.

Divine Presence,

I am calling forward my Soul Community in order to empower and share this special time on Earth. Together may we know that we hold the key to the Awakening within all humanity through our intentions and focus in life. Working together brings out the gifts and allows us to create more than we could by ourselves.

Thank you for this beautiful path I have chosen. Help me to bring more of my most divine and authentic self forward to be a blessing for the world.

May all beings know in their hearts the experience of true Freedom, Peace and Harmony on all levels. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel,

January 19, 2020

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/21/2020 2:17:46 AM

A Message to Lightworkers – January 17, 2020

This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you today.

Today we cede part of our time to a Council of powerful higher beings. This is a group of Spirit guides who assist a friend of our writer.

He is adept at Native American shamanic ceremony and healing ritual.

He requested a channeling from his guides and the spirit of his deceased wife, who have lived lives as Native shamans, on how best to assist those in Australia and elsewhere, who are suffering from rampant bush and forest fires.

Here was the reply, from that Council of Higher Guides:

“The fires in California, the Amazon, African countries, and now Australia are being intentionally set with advanced technology as well as by local arsonists.

There are several reasons for this, including to punish, subdue, and distract Mother Earth from Her Ascension journey, as Her vibration raises daily.

They will not be able to stop that, but they remain in denial, as the old ruling groups have had dominion for so long. Yet now they have lost that.

It is vital to send higher Light to those issuing the orders that those technologies be used for this purpose, and also to send Light to the technologies themselves.

Call in your galactic family members to assist both etherically and physically.

This assists you in coming out of a defensive posture, which is often the weaker, more passive posture in any situation.

It also spoils the “Us vs. Them” paradigm, which is highly defeating.

Visualization is paramount to success in the rainmaking, as you know.

Children born in the last 10 years especially are brilliant at this.

Photo by Jennifer Scalia

So in addition to holding your own visions each day, envision them visualizing rain, healing, stability, Peace, and normalcy occurring around the world.

Children’s visualizations are the most powerful on the Earth now.

Seek out videos from YouTube that have the sound of rain falling, and play that all throughout the day, in the background.

That is also helpful, as you envision Australia being rained on right now.

[One example:]

Key into the vibration of the rain. You are able to do this instinctively.

Hold that in your energies on behalf of Australia, so that the essence of rain will reach the fires and endangered areas.

So that even if it isn’t yet raining in some areas, the effects of rain falling will begin to set in.

If you can drum softly to imitate thunder, that is also powerful.

It’s most helpful to imagine Earth as something you are cradling now and healing, rather than say, being in opposition to those starting the fires, or in opposition to the fire itself—that only feeds the destruction.

We are working with ancestral shamans to assist in an end to the fires, the rebirth of the burnt areas, and the spirits of the animals whose lives were lost.

They will return to a much higher vibrational Earth, in part because of the healing work being done now to assist Earth.

Remind yourselves and one another to bring in higher vibrational assistance.

It is here for you, but you must call upon it!

Many are also working in their sleep and dream state at night to assist, which is often why your emotions are erratic and changeable some days.

There will be times when you are relieved that so much good is being born because of this, and other times distressed at loss of plant, human, and animal life.

The grief and loss felt by the people in various places in the world are also affecting you.

Photo by Lynne Newman

[The higher guide known as Red Thunder speaks]: Let it pass through you.

Note it, but don’t be pulled this way or that by it. As you become more aware that that is what is happening, you will release the need to carry another’s pain.

You cannot carry it for them!

They came in to experience this, and much more.

Would you take their Joy from them? No, you would not.

Send them courage by higher Light, but do not attempt to lessen their pain, for you cannot.

That is all for now.”

The Collective: We are honored by the insights and astounding energetic assistance of these brilliant higher beings.

We urge you to consider not only their words, but the memories of your lives on this and other planets, in which you assisted in shifting dense weather patterns, mitigated extreme planetary changes, and assisted whole populations in moving out of fear, shock, or trauma.

Yes, you are that powerful, dear ones!

Yes, this is part of why you came, and you are doing it quite often, with just your presence upon the Earth now.

Namaste, dear ones! You are never alone.


Copyright 2020, Caroline Oceana Ryan

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/21/2020 5:25:05 PM

GFP Newsletter - 1/20/2020

will's picture

Socrates says, "Man, know thyself." That is the teaching of all the buddhas: Know thyself. How are you going to know yourself? If mind remains too much and goes on clamoring around you, goes on making great noise, you will never hear the still small voice within. You have to become disidentified with the mind.

George Gurdjieff used to say, "My whole teaching can be condensed into one word, and that is disidentification." He is right. Not only his teaching can be condensed into one word, all the teaching of all the masters can be condensed into one word: disidentification. Don't be identified with the mind.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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