The installation of 12D Templates have taken this entire year and we continue to honor the sacredness and importance of integration and completion cycles, while also pulling/holding/allowing much higher dimensional/vibrational holographics to fully anchor in through each one of us, in conjunction with various Crystalline & Plasma Gridding Platforms and Systems which shift/change the basis of every "reality"/experience here......
These beautifully increasing energies and high frequency bandwidths open up immense opportUNITY and possibilities for all..... Where each's heart/mind/energy is wide open fully, then the DNA/density rewrites/recalibrations through the introduction of "new codes" (Universal/Cosmic/Quantum) are able to do the "work" necessary to realign all through ease, grace, peace and understanding the importance of all.....
Challenges presented have an important purpose as well.... to show each where there are conditions/conditioning, programs, limits, distorted perceptions and anything of the "old" still playing out within each...... Utilizing the external as a "mirror" affect, allows us to see what we would not otherwise be open to see, because our own egos were in the way and we existed from fixed, linear, judgmental, dis-empowering states before.... because that was 3D (Consciousness) and 4D (Consciousness) which deliver unconscious/karmic/unresolved experiences as a result of what we each hold inside... because "the matrix" we live by is held within our bodies and visible by what "appears" outside......
Awakening isn't pretty, it's not supposed to be. Ascension is a whole new/different part of the process, that each will complete as well.....
12D is the final completion of all ascension timelines, where everything is "done"..... and where we all function from is very different than before.... 5D - 11D (Consciousness with realities to vibrationally match) are NEW EARTH BUILDING TEMPLATES, while clearing various levels of akashes, as well as accomplishing on an individual level LIVING HEAVEN ON EARTH within our own realities fully.... in every way.... sharing and working with all ready to live this too, preparing to fulfill much higher roles when/as all of these Gateways open and StarGates within us synchronize the codes to open up all new to come forth based upon that which we consistently hold as our only realty here.....
12D is a myriad of UNITY-BASED LIVING templates all co-joined and stacked on top of each other, while also working independently, each "piece" is a part of a much greater whole. Each "pivot point" constantly moves as the energy changes, as new codes are activated/applied/incorporated through every aspect of our lives.....
Nothing is fixed, which we "learn" as we come through/return to 5D Consciousness and re-learn everything all over again... which is a "growing up process" as well, yet it's no longer as a human, it's as an Embodied Soul and all of our Higher Selves merged into one, as each is activated and integrated fully into the OVERSOUL SELVES......
Personally, as a Gatekeeper/Gridkeeper/Guardian/Guide, I've stepped way back this year to honor the importance of all of this, as it takes every ounce of energy that we have, just to hold/maintain/sustain, while honoring that which presents each day for us to accomplish/do/hold...... THROUGH FULL PRESENCE...... and I continue to honor this until these processes are complete.... through the end of this linear year and into a MASSIVE COSMIC ALIGNMENT PHASE that kicks off with the 1•1•2020 Gateway opening and only gets stronger as we all continue/go.
Until each gains access to fully see, the entire much bigger picture and how everything plays out as a part of the greater whole, how each dimension exists, the purposes and all of the "hows", then there will be confusion, there will be chaos, there will be finger pointing/blame and giving power away, because each is still playing out their own Matrix program, held in place within their whole body.....
The "transition" processes and phases to accomplish the immensity of the physical body/physical reality part..... is a never-ending, continually increasing one, meaning each must acclimate to new/higher frequency bandwidths, where gravity is different, breathable "air" is different (crystalline & plasma atmospheres mean our bodies have to go through a massive reconfiguration process constantly, as well as body-field tuning and re-alignment processes) ..... which means our priorities have to change in order to be able to "keep up" and gain traction to be able to manage all as Light......
Every part of our ego is challenged, so that limits and constructs can dissolve..... as where we function from on a SOUL LEVEL is a whole new CORE VALUE SYSTEM that looks nothing like before..... as our Ego dissolves/integrates fully into the ONENESS that we are..... then how we live our lives completely changes, which means everything of the "old" has to dissolve/fall away as well, unless it's ready to "come through" and reconfigure fully too.
THROUGH FULL CONSCIOUSNESS everything can be recoded, reconfigured and realigned through PURITY, UNITY and LOVE. Where there is resistance to this, then what's appropriate is different each time. Sometimes that resistance can be dissolved through open, caring and considerate conversations and sometimes taking completely separate paths to have experiences to 'LEARN'/understand are the most appropriate ways to honor.... each is perfect and serves a multitude of purposes of breaking down all of those constructs that were too strong before.....
AS ALL UNDERSTAND and fully comprehend that every experience is a multi-dimensional one. Every moment is a huge opportUNITY and everything is always available, yet we each must be so completely and fully open and living from our hearts so that we can fully see.
There is no wrong way to do any of this. That is of the ego too. There is what's highest aligned and what's dictated by our ego choices or our own Soul that emerges from within us to live fully a reality that's highest aligned vibrationally and energetically....
For all playing out the God Complex of Judgment... this is an ego distortion too. Judgment is the last to go for passage through the Ascension Gates for TRANSCENDENCE of Separation within.....
For all LIVING UNITY AND FULL PRESENCE through JOY, PEACE, BLISS, MAGIC AND LOVE.... this is a conscious choice where each decides what is acceptable and most important as an actual experience here. Shifting priorities and what's important means that JOY and PEACE and working together, living together, co-existing on this planet, within a commUNITY and versions of homes is a beautiful experience created out of generosity, caring and deep sacred respect.....
HOLDING LOVE AS YOUR CORE.... holding PURITY and no longer compromising in any way.... because you understand the consequences of your choices and how "realities" play out when/you do...... and how that was the "old way" before.... When it is no longer, then LIVING GRACE-fully is possible, because you are HOLDING YOUR ENTIRE REALITY/FIELD IN PLACE through your own Divine Presence/Essence and taking responsibility for your own ENERGY, BEHAVIOR, how you show up and contribute to the greater whole by way of sharing you and all that you have that supports fully too.
LIVING AS LOVE does not mean being reliant, ignoring what you need inside and doing without. It's the opposite of that. It means making CONSCIOUS DECISIONS and sticking to them, understanding that the 'NEW REALITIES" YOU SEE and know to be... can't come forth if you do not hold the geometrics in place so that they can take actual form ........
3D was children energy in all shapes & sizes and different looking "bodies"/forms..... giving power away to "outside" to tell them what to do and how to conform.... where everything else was the "parent" without a clue this was occurring at all. Just because our body grew up, didn't mean we did...
UNTIL 4D activates inside of our bodies...
4D is a massive awakening frequency bandwidth where every one stays with their physical body until CONSCIOUS CHOICE and a "new relationship" with each's own higher selves/soul has been created/formed for each's Ascension Timeline to become visible.... where the old no longer resonates, yet the "new" seems just out of reach.... where immense physical body density must be cleared, which correlates to the entire human experience (experiment is Galactic word)'s where each takes their power back and stops blaming everyone else and learns how to UNIFY all through learning to observe as a Higher Self....
We gain access to see 3D (Heavily distorted), yet 5D is only visible in dream/sleep state ... as we sleep and dream ourselves awake. Our bed, nature, alone time and that which brings us peace, ease, happy, joy is our Heaven and the rest represents our hell.... for us to transcend fully, filled with fears, survival mode and the occasional dream "vacation" from our lives to show us what peace, timelessness, freedom and pure happiness is.... so we can FEEL it... and start to consciously bring this forth into our whole lives here....
5D is our Conscious choices... choosing this "over" the old.....
5D is Soul Union... inside of our bodies... and we are SOOOOO very different and completely born/re-born anew..... it's the BEGINNING of everything and all new phases/processes begin, way to vast to re-address here.... birthed as a newborn, an innocent and pure, now it's time to learn how to live/exist from a Quantum State of Consciousness rather than a linear one like before. Everything has to be "redone"..... as living from Zero Point is Mastery within itself, one where there is no more "past/future" like before, because they all have converged into ONE MOMENT.... now learning to live from here, create from here.... that which already exists on a much higher dimensional plane, if you will..... calling forth/bringing forth all through HOLOGRAPHIC ACCESS... there's no seeking, lack or need anymore... now it's doing "the work" for materialization to occur where all arrives/takes form vibrationally to what you've/each has been holding and fulfilling as SOUL AGREEMENTS here. THIS IS THE MERGING OF OUR HEAVEN AND EARTH....
Learning to BE completely is first, then learning to BE and CREATE, learning to BE/SEE and accomplish is a whole new ballgame within itself....
Activating a reality that is not karmic or unconscious means that you are holding your absolute highest in every moment, with every act and all comes from PURE SOURCE CONSCIOUSNESS and Creation to support the greater whole, to guide, to assist, to activate, to uplift, to inspire, to unite and that you understand the difference and take RESPONSIBILITY for yourself, your energy and every word, thought, ACTion, exchange.... taking great care to always hold deep sacred respect for yourself and each other.... while no longer allowing the old to play out.... you can "see it", yet you hold the ability/power to shift all instantly yourself... and bring all into full consciousness.... as PURE LOVE.... which is soft, kind, generous, respectful and has no need for fanfare or attention, because "why" you do things is because you truly actually care.....
YOU CAN SEE DISTORTIONS.... yet have no need to jump in and play. Photonic Light gives each the ability to see and choose a different reality by releasing the "need" for those realities anymore.... No longer stories, no longer holding any energy.... they are no longer important as you understand what is.... from the depth of the core of your own being.... where your own LIGHT EMANATES FROM and RAYdiates out to impact, touch and reconfigure all through your own MORPHOGENIC FIELD.
Yes, you can change/shift any and every reality to one of unity and love when you live from this place fully inside and access your natural abilities which are simple, easy and part of an organic and soft existence here....
Where you created a rigid, harsh, tough, strong reality from your own unconscious programs before, it will take more energy to break these down inside and say no, not anymore.... and hold this until "reality" can take new shape/form as a vibrational response to what you hold fully as your REALITY..... it can be that simple... if you allow it to be.
RESPECTING EACH'S REALITY and consciously choosing your own, respecting theirs and yours, just not having to co-mingle them anymore.... respecting each other's everything, without the need to impose, judge or concern yourself with "other's" realities means you are FREE TO FOCUS ON YOUR OWN................ and live your own life as your BEAUTIFUL AND MAGNIFICENT SOUL..... inJOYing the beauty, in JOYing the magic, inJOYing the peace available through Deep Sacred Connection within..... smelling the flowers, floating in the surreality of a living, walking dream.... as there is an entire frequency bandwidth dedicated to this... available to each choosing this....
From LIVING THIS BEAUTIFUL Divine Presence and Essence, you will then start to see and experience all through your heart and all that you have to offer, all that's available, all that's possible when you live from this profoundly simple place/space all of the time.... and you've gotten a "taste"... and now it's time for more.... and all of it.... yet now, you take it day by day, moment by moment.... honoring what you hear/feel/see/know.... as HIGHER DIMENSIONS GUIDE YOU to living a dream that's soft, kind and peaceful as long as you live this way yourself.
3D, 4D, 5D, 6D, 7D, 8D, 9D, 10D, 11D, 12D
All illusions, dreams and actual realities experienced based upon the consciousness each lives from inside..... All different frequency bandwidths, with vastly different realities only visible/possible through each's pure heart.
12D is the completion of all of these...... there are no words to describe.... yet it's what we all came to accomplish fully, live fully and hold fully, so that everyone can do this with as much ease and grace as they will allow too.....
12D template are what are being completed now.... which sets the stage for VAST COSMIC ALIGNMENTS to accelerate on a Quantum Level and start to shift the entire planet into a whole next-level phase, the next 10 year cycle, where all exists within "one moment"..... beyond anything we've experienced before. The convergence of all into ONE.... means that linear realities must also dissolve, as Geometrics and Quantum replace all old ways, which means learning to live a whole new way.... that looks nothing like before....
Be patient with yourself, kind to yourself and with each other too. Hold Sacred Respect and Zero Compromise (on a Soul Level), for establishing your new ZERO POINT, which was established with Gaia this month....
Realities are "moving geometrics" and Quantum and Energetic and relative to our own Consciousness here. Our experiences are a culmination of all existences, which can be "cleared" through each's full consciousness and pure heart/actions, as well as then having to clear where all was held/housed within the body on a cellular/atomic level... (which 12D has a different atomic spin rate and are the TEMPLATES for where Gaia now functions from.... inner-linked with Cosmic Geometrics) which now "rule" over all....
As Overseers, we have the ability to "see" all as it occurs. The vastness of everything occurring simultaneously, every moment is completely "filled"....
Maintain your own deep sacred connection, pure joy and presence by honoring what supports you in living and fulfilling your own highest Soul-Star Agreements as Love.... feel the purity emanate from within you.... touching the hearts of all as you do.
Allow the "old" to dissolve while you maintain your focus on LIVING what's highest aligned from deep within you. This activates the encodements you hold inside and "tell" the "external" what to "do"..... (how to geometrically align as a vibrational response). Your ENERGY DOES THIS FOR YOU... all you have to do is HOLD THIS FULLY..... while honoring what asks to be released fully from deep within you too. ♥
Live your generosity, live your kindness, live fully and uplift, support, inspire with every beautiful breath.... and pull away to honor you in anchoring and deeply integrating all of these COSMIC CODES as you feel you need.... It's beyond important, so that when you have every opportUNITY to share as love, to beam your light simply and naturally, that it's easy, because this is just who/what you are...... Divine Presence and Love. ♥
I love you. Keep embracing your 'new'...... fully.... as this supports everyone when you fulfill as Love just by being your Purest and most exquisite YOU!
With respect and kindness,
Lisa ☼
p.s. BEing a Cosmic Portal, means that we hold the ENTIRE FIELD IN PLACE and everything within this Field of Consciousness is a part of this beyond beautiful experience as well. Open up to CONSCIOUSLY CREATE YOUR EVERY EXPERIENCE through FULL PRESENCE and SHARE this as highest aligned..... your ENERGY/FIELD speaks on a Quantum/Universal/Cosmic Level long before you do and your words are not what transmits.... the codes, vibrations, tones and hues you hold/transmit out speak for you (communicate to/through the entire field)... words are used to communicate, yet the message "embedded" or encoded will be the energy that each holds..... this is what we learn to hear/see/feel/read, through the Living and Breathing Unified Field... as the words don't actually matter. The ENERGY and ACTions do. Everything is visible on an Energetic Holographic Level.... When we release all judgment and just EXIST THROUGH FULL PRESENCE, everything is JUST ENERGY, which we each have the capability to Master, shift, align ourselves as Love. ♫