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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/21/2019 12:28:45 AM

Take the Spiritual Growth from Your Challenges ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

take the spiritual growth from your challenges - the 9d arcturian council channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangels michael and gabriel


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are continuing to explore the different ways that you all have of taking on challenges for yourselves in order to grow spiritually. We see you doing this unintentionally in most areas of your lives. You will unintentionally create the challenge, and then you will have to rise up and become more of who you really are in order to face that challenge and move past it. Sometimes you will intentionally take on a challenge, and in those instances you are far more likely to meet the challenge head on and take the spiritual growth because it was an intentional act.

When the challenge is created subconsciously, when you don’t even realize that you are doing it, then you are more likely to just stay in a state of resistance and not take the spiritual growth that comes from presenting yourself with that challenge. And so, the time is right for you to be seeing all of the challenges that you have in your lives as being created by you intentionally, and you want to see them as opportunities to go further in your spiritual development. You want to face the challenges in your lives with gusto. You want to hold that knowing that the challenge is there to get you to go deeper within yourself than you ever have before and access something that you didn’t even know you had.

We often talk about accessing higher frequency vibrations within you, and certainly you can and sometimes do access those vibrations without some sort of challenge to be the catalyst for you to do so. But often, you will go within and find the power, the strength, and the fortitude to face life’s messiest and most troubling challenges. It is time for you to see yourselves as the creators of one hundred percent of your reality, all the time, because it is time for you to let go of that resistance that prevents you from seeing the opportunity that’s in front of you.

You are powerful creator beings, and if you can create something that you really do not want, then you can just as easily create its opposite. But you’re going to find that it’s far more difficult to do so if you’re spending your time resisting that unwanted creation, whether it’s in your personal life or something that is global in nature.

We know that the Earth experience, especially in this lifetime, has been the ultimate challenge for all of you, and we want you to know that there are so many others like us who want to support you in rising up to meet those challenges and to become your higher selves in this lifetime. We know that you can and that you will, and we will keep telling you that this is the case, and we will keep telling you right up until the moment when you do it.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

/daniel scranton/

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/21/2019 6:56:42 PM

Daily Message ~ Saturday December 21, 2019

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Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/21/2019 7:08:13 PM

GFP Newsletter - 12/20/2019

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Society wants people to be abnormal; only then can they be exploited, only then can they be reduced into machines, only then can they be reduced to slaves -- and happily, and without any revolt.

For thousands of years, man has lived in an imprisoned state. Those prisons have been given beautiful names: you call them churches, religions, ideologies. Somebody lives in a Catholic prison and somebody lives in a communist prison, and both go on bragging about their prison, that their prison is far better. But any person who lives through some ideology is a prisoner, because every ideology narrows down your consciousness, becomes chains on your being. Anybody who belongs to any crowd out of fear, out of conditioning, out of a kind of hypnosis, is not truly a man, is not yet born. The opportunity has been given to him, but he is wasting it.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/21/2019 7:17:41 PM

Respecting The Space

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Is the person sitting next to you in need of Unconditional Love, a shoulder or an ear? You now have the skills to be of service without being drawn into their energy. If they have chosen to share a ‘deep dark’ with you, respect the space and the individual while remembering their story is not yours to share. ~ Creator


The Creator Writings

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/22/2019 12:37:46 AM

Saturday, December 21, 2019

ABOUT HAPPINESS The Arcturians and your Galactic Family



The Arcturians, and your Galactic Family

Through Suzanne Lie

Happiness is something that you give away, so that you can have it for your self.

It is within the sharing of happiness with others that you can learn more about the happiness within your self.

If you never share happiness with others, it will be difficult to find it within your self.

If you want to understand happiness, allow yourself to feel the happiness that begins from within your own heart and mind.

Happiness cannot be bought, but it can be given away for free.

The more that you give happiness to others, the more happiness you will find deep inside your self.

Happiness can cure sadness and sorrow, especially if that happiness is shared with others.

There are times in your daily life that happiness is natural and automatic.

There are also times in your daily life that happiness is very difficult to find within your self, or even from others.

There are times in one’s life in which happiness is easier to receive, remember and give to others.

In fact, the more you give happiness to others, the more happiness you will be able to feel within your self.

Sometimes in your life you is surrounded by happiness. During these times it is easier to find happiness within your self.

However, there are also times when you do not see happiness in those who are around you.

If you are surrounded by unhappiness, it can be very difficult to find your own inner happiness.
However, it is through finding your own inner happiness that you can more easily assist others to feel their own inner happiness.

There are times in your life in which you know that you are happy, and you want to share with others the gift that you found inside your self.

If those with whom you share your happiness are also happy, you will find joy and fun.

If you cannot share your happiness with others, it does not seem as important to be happy.

Happiness if best if you can share it with others. Sometimes these others are humans, but sometimes these others could be animals, situations and/or being in Nature.

Happiness can found in the third through fifth dimensions of your reality.

Happiness in your third dimensional, daily reality is often about something fun, important or loving that has come into you daily life.

Happiness in your fourth dimensional, daily if may come to you through a creative activity, fun with friends, informative dreams and/or meditations, or just a good night’s sleep.

Happiness is best when shared with others who are also happy.

Your own happiness can assist others who are NOT happy to find their own happiness.

In fact, happiness can expand log rhythmically as more and more happy people, pets, good weather and camaraderie with others all merge into the Oneness of “Shared Happiness!”

There are certain seasons in which happiness can be more easily experienced, such as Holidays with family and friends.

However, if one is alone with no family or friends, they may feel quite unhappy.

What if you could always tell if someone is happy or unhappy?

We know that many of you who will read this have that ability.

How do we know that? The answer is that we, the members of your Galactic Family, as well as the members of your human family, ALL know each other,

Of course, very often your human self will forget that you are also a higher dimensional being who is simultaneously living as a Higher Dimensional expression of your third dimensional self.

What if you could remember your Higher Dimensional SELF?

Would you remember to communicate with your Higher SELF on a regular basis?

Or, would you get lost in the daily challenges of your third dimensional self that you would totally forget to take a moment, now and again, to tune into your OWN HIGHER DIMENSIONAL SELF?

Would it be to “weird” for you to allow your self to “believe” that which you have always known?

Yes, you have ALL known from within your own Higher SELF that you can remember the YOU who is now wearing a third dimensional body and you are now facing all the many challenges of living on a third dimensional planet that is undergoing immense change?

Of course, many people do not want to know that their third dimensional planet is undergoing vast changes.

Why don’t they know? Usually the answer is because it would be far too frightening to know the truth of what is actually happening to the planet on which they live.

Therefore, they don’t think of the planet Earth as a living being that is in great need of assistance from the very humanity that is also destroying HER!

How could humans not know how much Gaia, their planet Earth, is suffering at the hand of selfish, greedy humans who care only for their own selfish need to get more, more, more!

We, your Galactic Family, are here NOW to remind you again, and again and again that if humanity allows their beloved Mother Earth to become too ill to support the humans that have been destroying Her, all the humans will NOT have a third dimension planet on which they can live out their third dimensional life.

Where will the humans, who can only expand their awareness of realty into the third and lower fourth dimensional frequencies of Gaia’s planetary self live?

The humans who allowed dear Gaia to suffer under the greed, and power over, that not only harmed many of the Pleiadians and other Galactics who came to assist Gaia, but also all the humans who harmed Gaia have deeply been harmed their themselves.

Of course, those who do not think of Gaia as a living BEING who allows them to live on Her Planet Earth, will likely NOT know what they have done until it is almost too late to heal that which they have harmed.

We, the members of your Galactic Family, call on YOU, yes YOU, the one who is reading our message and is READY to assist Gaia to expand Her Planetary Consciousness beyond the third dimension, which is too filled with greed and selfishness, into the fourth, and hopefully, fifth dimension of Gaia’s reality.

But how will humans be able to expand their consciousness into the fourth and fifth dimension of reality?

The answer is that they, the humans will need to remember the promise that they made before they took this incarnation. Of course, the Lost Ones did not make this promise, and are busily destroying dear Gaia so that they can have more-more-more and more!

But where will they put their fancy houses if there is NO steady ground?

Where will they hide their huge stash of money if there is nothing left to buy?

How will they breathe if the atmosphere is destroyed by their own selfishness?

“Don’t worry,” we hear some say. “We will fix all that as soon as we get more money, or find a better president, or figure out what to do.”

But what if they
don’t change their ways, or put the planet’s needs above their own, or sell some of their “fancy stuff” so that they can use that money to assist Gaia, the being who is providing them a planetary home?

What if they only talk about what they will do some time in the distant future, when they have a bigger house, or more money, or more influence at work, or taken that great world cruse.

What if they can no longer cruse around the world because the water is too tainted, and there are so many active volcanoes, and the wonderful sunshine is covered with smog, and waters are to toxic to be enjoyed.

Will the selfish, wealthy ones fix the problems and make you happy?

Will the very inept leaders fix your problems and make you happy?

Will YOU wait too long for “them” to fix it, that even “they” can’t make a difference?

Will humanity wait too long to repair the great damage HUMANITY have done to Gaia?

Will the humans accept the assistance of their Galactic Family, or will they send up bombs that will only cause more problems and more harm to Gaia’s Earth?

The clock is ticking and the time is NOW!

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
