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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/19/2019 9:16:45 PM
Expect Wonderful by Ailia Mira

[Formerly titled: The Cosmic Pause]

Divine Ones

The light within you grows and grows. Your capacities in embodiment are expanding!

This is true for all beings in your world; for you are connected energetically, and as new capacities for humanity come online, all have access. If one’s way of being is habitual and patterned, if one does not have a relationship with intuition, inner knowing, or their own consciousness, these new opportunities for embodied expression may go undetected. But these changes occur simultaneously within all - for this is how Life Itself is expressing and each of you flows from the vast unified wholeness of All.

So… Life Itself is opening up for you new forms of expression. The momentum of your experience is ripening. You can feel it. What serves you now might surprise you. One of the most powerful things you can bring to your lives right now, is a willingness to allow for more wide open space.

This could be space within you, or space within your sense of self - it could be a softening or loosening of your hold on how you think things will be, or are. It could be space in your physical lives - your home, your work, your relationships. And by space, we also mean spaciousness; a willingness to be softer, to be open to the possibilities that things are not exactly what they seem.


There have been and will continue to be challenges as you reach for new experiences. As you expand, and become more aware of your wholeness, you naturally change. This is the nature of this realm - continual expansion and reclaiming of your true Self and the challenges need not be unpleasant, and in fact they can be great adventures; and provide you with experiential journeys that bring you to new levels of expression, fulfillment and confidence in yourself.

How you cultivate your mindset, create your space and your lives, can help you to continually open more and allow your inner knowing to move you into new expression. With that approach you may discover you very much enjoy the challenges as they arise! Deliberate choosing and creating arrangements, patterns and forms for expression and being that honor you, feel harmonious for you, feel beautiful, nourishing, natural and sweet to you, these intentional choices will serve you in the unfolding of your life here.

Challenges, friends are natural. So many people think if their life is challenging they aren’t doing something right. In truth, your humanity thrives on being in new experiences and discovering and allowing greater capacity for expression, being, doing, and receiving. Challenges orient you to your presence here in ways that allow you, and call you into more whole awareness and presence. Think on that for a moment.

Most of what you want is continuously coming into your awareness as a way of upleveling; going into a more fulfilling experience. This requires you to flow. To let go of what-is. To be willing to expand and (drumroll) to be willing to CHANGE!

One thing we see in you that we would like to highlight is a tendency to over-identify with the personality of your localized humanity.

A great potential for awakening, and aware humans is to realize that your specific identity in this life is a form for expression and presence; temporary and NOT who you truly are.

Who you are is SOUL. You can know this, but even more than knowing it, you can relate to your life as if this were true - for it is. Your life can be changed more easily when you’re less merged with this localized identity and see if as who you are. When you take hold of your Greater Self, recognizing and embracing that expression as your Source and the Real You, then that expanded awareness can move through your embodiment and elevate your life with more grace and ease.

As you embrace and identify with your own Greater Self, you allow your humanity to fill in, and refine. You become, through this way of knowing yourself, less attached to the particulars of this life and in that relationship of softness and greater allowing, life can more easily evolve. You can more easily, be fulfilled!

Conscious evolution of your lives is rooted in an accurate identity. Giving up the need to pretend you do not know yourself as SOUL is an important first step. Being willing to make inner harmony with your own wholeness the priority is another key.

Most people worry a great deal about what others think of them. Some of you, despite your best efforts still want to be seen as “right,” or “smart,” or “beautiful,” or even “a good person.” The problem with these aspirations is that they orient you transactionally to the world around you and to other people. This orientation diminishes your ability to clearly hear and flow with your own Inner Self, the greater you, the soul that is in sync with All Life. Ironically when you allow your Inner Self to guide you and matter most in terms of accord, your life will shine.


The planetary field at this time is expanding enormously. Although this isn’t visually noticeable as there being “more space” on the planet, what is happening is that as human beings awaken, they begin to vibrate faster and in doing so, the space within your presence, increases. Higher vibrating particles spread out. You begin energetically to connect with other high vibrational fields and to influence the world as a whole, simply through presence. Your choices change. Your focus refines. Your sense of purpose becomes, as you evolve in awareness and allow your own wholeness to present, your sense of purpose becomes unconditional. You begin to want to be here as you, fully and clearly and truly know that is your greatest contribution. You begin to live in beyond ideas of right or wrong, and find you are open and curious about what Your Life is meant to be. You learn bit by bit to give up needing to control things and instead open and flow.

Fundamentally, the truth of Life becomes real to you as experience. Life is abundant. You are abundant. Life is eternal, perpetual. You are eternal, perpetual. This form and focus is temporary.

We suggest you love this form and focus, and enjoy it as an expression of you. We also encourage you to contemplate the impermanence of it, deeply, until it is real to you.

Seeing your humanity and this world, your experience in this body and all around you as fluid, changing and impermanent is the path of allowing. This understanding will unleash you from all forms of bondage and bring you into greater harmony with the Greater Self.

Life Itself is here for you. Within you and all around you. You are within Life Itself and this world - even though it seems only conceptual to consider - is actually all within your own wholeness. Everything about your experience is taking place within you and emanating into experiences you can discern perceptually, because form naturally emanates from All Life. It is, how it is.

Let go more. Make more space.

The days and energies right now are moving into an emergent newness. A lot is restructuring and your own Soul knows how to keep you current and open you up to more fulfillment as Life on Earth expands. Open up more to who you feel yourself to be within. Spend more time talking with and communicating with your own soul, your higher Self. Realize this relationship with You & YOU is the key to everything and the way you become who you truly are here.

Doorways and thresholds abound for all of you, always, but especially now. Step into the future you wish to live - there is nothing that need change for you to be the real you, here, now - except, perhaps your willingness to engage in your own inner consciousness and build the relationship with your vaster Self in a very real and connected way.

Walk away from what is old, stale, and no longer fits. Freely give of yourself in whatever ways you wish, and be aware of when fear, doubt or a sense of unworthiness are driving your actions. When you notice this, stop, pause and open within. Invite the Greater Self, the Real You, to help you feel and know your own value.

You are significant. You matter. All of Life knows this about you. You can know this too.

The Solstice energies offer vast potential for coming into greater harmony with your planet and to living life here, in greater harmony with All that is Earth - the timeless, eternalness of this aspirational form.

With feeling, listen within. Tap into your innate knowing. Let what comes to you, come. Allow the ways your Life can express now in your humanity in forms and flows which facilitate the expansion of Life, to be your deepest desire. Listen to your hearts. The answers and all that you need, always, are here for you…in that space you consider to be “within.” Get to know it. Go there often.

Let yourself be held by your own Inner Divine, by Life Itself; let yourself be loved. If you do not feel this immense warmth and caring that is here for you ask your higher Self to make that real to you. To draw close to you and help you to feel and trust your Life and All Life.

When you know this as real, then you’ll find that you can easily and openly step into what calls to you, for your awareness will be more grounded in your eternalness than in the localized life here. This is skillful embodiment - the accurate and clear relating to human experience and with that liberating understanding, comes tremendous openness and great joy.

Knowing this? Life is fun.

We love you very much. We are complete. 
I AM Archangel Michael with Sanat Kumara and the Council of Radiant Light. We bid you, good day.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/20/2019 5:59:06 PM

Daily Message ~ Friday December 20, 2019

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Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/20/2019 6:01:25 PM

GFP Newsletter - 12/19/2019

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Once a jaina monk came to see me. He asked, "Is hell real? Is there really a hell?" Instead of answering him, I asked him, "And where do you think you are living?" Man lives in hell, because man is upside down. You need not go to some stupid yoga teacher to learn the headstand posture, because you are already doing it. Everything is in the wrong order.

For centuries you have been messed up; a chaos has been created in you instead of a cosmos. You are just a kind of madness. Whatever you think is normal is not normal at all. It appears normal, because you have lived with these people from your very childhood and you have started thinking that these are the only people, so they must be normal.

It is as if one was born in a madhouse and from the very beginning was acquainted only with mad people; he will think them normal. In fact, if he ever comes across somebody who is sane, he will be very puzzled, he will not be able to believe his own eyes. He will think this man has gone crazy.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/20/2019 11:56:20 PM
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - 20 December 2019
Mike Quinsey

Mike Quinsey:

Here we are again looking back on yet another year that seems to have passed so quickly and that has been the pattern for many years now. It is proof that time is still speeding up and if prophesies for this period are proved to be correct, we shall continue to experience many changes. Some are undoubtedly brought about by the actions of mankind and not all are necessarily beneficial. However, there are great movements underway that can hardly be held back any longer and I believe that the year 2020 will at last see some positive changes that will move us away from strife and struggles into a more peaceful time. The real changes that will benefit mankind have to commence sometime soon, as it is becoming harder and harder to hold them back. Obviously the dark Ones do not want you to know how very advanced they are but they will eventually have to come clean and announce their intention to reveal a lot more of the truth about the great changes that are possible and already being enjoyed by them.

With the obvious speeding up of the climate changes and the resultant problems anticipated, ways of overcoming the threats they represent must be found and acted upon otherwise Mankind will suffer the results for many years to come, yet secretly so many advances already made in technologies would help ease the problems they represent. There is no doubt in my mind that in many instances we have the wrong people leading the way forward. They acknowledge that big changes are taking place, but will not dedicate their work to helping the people to be fully prepared for the extremes in weather that are already starting to be felt. On the positive side many people are coming together to take action before it is too late to have any real impact to deal with the changes. Changes are all around us and some are threatening the very fabric of society so clearly action Is needed sooner rather than later and the sooner the better.

I feel that we are looking at a very eventful New Year and that 2020 will prove to be a turning point, when many of the “right” people who know how to handle the coming changes will emerge into public life. It is already noticeable that the younger generations are stepping forward to take charge of many matters because they have the better understanding of what is needed to handle them. I believe that if some people try to prevent them from gaining prominence, they will be removed by greater powers than those on Earth. Since the New Age we are no longer bound by edicts that prevented help from being given to us. It was never completely denied us depending on circumstances, and whether the outcome would prevent Man from following the path that had been ordained for him.

I would like to thank our team for their dedication to the cause and untiring work for Humanity, and I believe it is for souls to have their freedom returned. It is coming but not fully until the influence of the dark Ones is totally removed. It is our destiny and the word of the Supreme Creator that cannot be challenged. So I will conclude by wishing everyone a wonderful time for the Christmas period, and an exciting and fulfilling New Year.

Best Wishes for a Happy New Year to you all, and thank you for your unending support. Mike Quinsey.

I shall be sending out the first message of the New Year for Friday the 10th January 2020.

Message from my Higher Self.

If only you could see the beautiful energy you are giving out at the time of your celebrations. The clear beautiful colours come streaming out and lift you up so that the end of the year becomes a glorious example of what your love can achieve. Family problems can be set aside to bring them together for your special occasion regardless of whatever name you give it. It is a great time for overcoming your differences and starting anew. Certainly your Guides will be well behind you giving every encouragement to bring about peace and goodwill. Sometimes big issues are involved but any time is a good one to overcome them, and forgiveness may be hard to come by but with goodwill and determination anything can be achieved.

Dwelling upon the negative issues brings down your own vibrations and ultimately likely to result in illness. Forgiveness is like standing in the Light of Love and it helps all of those involved, and happiness soon replaces gloom and despair. Some souls feel so hurt by their experiences that they find it hard to forgive, but you cannot go on forever living at less than your true potential. Be assured that as soon as you decide to face your problems head on, you will be given every encouragement and help to succeed. Do you realise that if you hold onto the lower vibrations you will most likely experience some form of illness as they tend to poison the body. At a time of “goodwill” just see how good and well you feel when spreading love and kindness.

As you must by now be aware the vibrations are continuing to lift up, and they will give strength to those who seek to do good work in the name of love for their brothers and sisters who are also experiencing life in your matter Universe. Look upon those around you as following in each others footsteps and learning by example as you all have something to offer that will enhance another souls experiences. You have a wealth of experience from your many lives upon Earth, and although you have little if any recall of them they do nevertheless influence your thoughts and actions. You are the sum total of all of your lives and it influences your thoughts and actions, so be understanding of other souls when they may have a totally different view and response to life than yours. You have a saying that “variety is the spice of life” and it could not be truer.

I leave you with blessings of love and goodwill that forever pour out of the Godhead. May you achieve your life’s desires and fulfil your plan for further evolvement.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Tree of the Golden Light

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/21/2019 12:18:36 AM

Facing Your …

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Dearest child, turn around and face what you have been attempting to outrun realizing your mind may have made it much bigger than it actually is. During this time, it will be very important to realize that once you connect with and understand that fear/emotion/feeling, it can be safely released to The Universe. Standing your ground and speaking your truth will show the world that you are ready to learn and grow in the best way possible. ~ Creator


The Creator Writings

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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