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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/16/2012 10:24:49 AM

Yeshua: Take Your First Steps Into Your New Life

2012 DECEMBER 16
Posted by Anthony Morrison

Yeshua: Take Your First Steps Into Your New Life

As channelled through Fran Zepeda ~ December 14, 2012 (Website)

Hello dear ones. I come again with more thoughts and assistance for your ascension process.

Each day is a marker for your growth, and decisions based on Love and clear intentions are key in these waning days of duality.

Much has been said and touted about the “end times”, but it all comes down to this: Are you ready to change your life into one that is free and abiding with all that is Compassion, Joy, Love and Harmony? If the answer is yes to that, you are almost there; you are ready to slide into the Reality that only encompasses that, dear ones.

I don’t have to tell you how beautiful and full of Love and promise you are. Well, I will say it again, anyway. And you are so loved. It is apparent right now that you are at a crossroads. You can surrender yourself completely to this new World or you can let fear or attachment hold you back.

It just takes constant examination to see what is there in your hearts still to release. And my dear friends, so much has been released. It will not go on forever, but you are well advised to dig and root for anything remaining that tethers you from freely flying, from freely accepting your new life and orientation into the 5th dimension.

The building blocks are there, and you have been laying them with your concerted efforts to connect and spread Unconditional Love to all, including yourself – especially yourself, right now. Right now you cannot hold too much Love and Light for yourself. Please keep up with your meditations for Unity, as I have talked about, but keep to the discipline of holding as much Love for yourself as possible. And yes, bring in the Light codes that will transform you, daily and several times a day, holding your bodies and hearts open, wide open to receive. I cannot say this enough, dear ones. No holds barred, full steam ahead, as they say.

What you may not be aware of, my beloveds, is that you have done this many times before. Some of you have remembered this, some have not, but it doesn’t matter; trust me, you know how to do this. It just takes surrender and intent and complete and utter openness. To use the analogy of the baby again, be like that innocent accepting open child who knows she or he is taken care of and is loved beyond all measure.

It fuels all its actions; it is a basis for all the ventures into the unknown it must make every day, all day. Everything was new at that point; with complete abandon, that child embraced everything with innocence and curiosity and confidence. Yes, it is much like that for you now. You did it once. You can do it now; you did it many times in your history, for most of you, and certainly with other dimensions of yourselves.

You are learning to float through your day, listening to guidance and acting on it, enjoying the stillness and the peace as if it is the main part of your day, certainly a very important part of your day, and it will comprise your day more and more as time goes on. And you are learning to accept and cherish and abide by your divine nature, your lighted nature of Love and Knowing that all is proceeding in Divine Order, unique to each of you. So relax….everything is going according to Divine Plan and you are infinitely protected and guided, if you just allow it.

My dear friends, you are on the cusp of great change….Are you ready? Take your first steps into your new life, with compete enthusiasm and Joy, as a child takes its first steps into its new world. You have all you need to do this, and all it takes. You just need to be open for anything new that beckons you from the Light. You know how to do this. We are there to take your hand if you need us to.

My dear loving sisters and brothers, I leave you for now to ponder my words.

Your loving brother, Yeshua

As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included. (Blog) (Website)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/16/2012 10:26:33 AM

Divine Mother: You are in the Process of Ascension

2012 DECEMBER 15
Posted by Steve Beckow

Linda Dillon is currently channeling a webinar on preparing for Ascension. The Divine Mother has just channeled a message.

This is not a word-for-word transcript although it’s very close. We may substitute a word-for-word version when available. But for now here is as accurate a version as we can produce.

Greetings, I am the Mother.

[On the Newtown tragedy] each of these angels – human, child, adult,- have been welcomed into my arms prior to them being injured in any form. (1) … [There was more that the Mother said but I did not catch it. I was setting up.]

What I come to address to you is my plan of unfoldment, the unfoldment of One, or Terra Gaia, the restoration of Gaia as she ascends, interdimensionally, into her wholeness, in what you think of as a period of time.

Child, you are extremely important to my heart. I have birthed each and every one of you and you carry the spark of divinity within you and it is beautiful.

Part of the old conditioning of the old Third Dimension has been that you [see yourself as] the most important creation. It has never been hierarchy. This is not simply about your Ascension, your shift, your great awakening. It is about the awakening of all, of Gaia returning to her splendor, of the kingdoms, all the kingoms, returning to their splendor, of unity, trust, forgiveness, being reunited. So this is not simply your journey.

You are accompanied by many including your star brothers and sisters, far beyond what even you can imagine. …

I come to address your role, your purpose, your mission, your participation, because it is pivotal, because your participation, your joining cannot be extracted from this undertaking. It is of a whole.

When we have spoken to you of partnership, it is not simply above and below. It is a partnership of the whole. You are not only welcome and embraced and loved. You are necessary. … it is why you have chosen as Starseed, Earthkeeper and hyrbrid to be on Earth at this time.

So, yes, you may not be alone in this passage, but you are pivotal. Let me speak of divine convergence. On Earth you have this construct of time that we created and it is very handy is it not? …

Now what I say to you is that there is a time of divine convergence that started with the harmonic convergence 25 years ago because we thought that was about the attention span of the human race. Some of you began yesterday. It matters not.

When I speak to you now of the divine convergence, of what you speak of as your timeline and our timeline and, in the middle, the timeline of Gaia herself, there has been a speeding up and slowing down to bring all into alignment so they could converge.

Sweet angel, you have been in this process of awakening for ages. And the human collective has been in the process of awakening for thousands of years.

We shall return to that. What I say to thee is that whether you experience it as a day, a week, a year, dear heart, you are now in the process of Ascension. ….

I came to share reassurance today, I came to share my heart and my love. I came to tell you that as you are taking the hand of your neighbor I am taking your hand. You do not walk alone. You never have.

But now you are becoming consciously aware of this. I have always been with you. I am not going anywhere. I will hold each of you in reassurance, love and compassion until whatever it takes to say “Mother, I am ready. Mother I am home.”

Go with my love, go with my joy and peace. That is all you need. And it has always been yours.



(1) Everyone’s moment of death is known. When a person approaches the moment of death, if the process of death is to be painful, the soul can be removed from the body immediately before that moment. So, if a person is to die in a traffic accident, they can be removed from the car immediately prior to the accident. The Divine Mother here tells us that the victims of the Newtown shootings did not suffer but were removed from their bodies immediately before the tragedy happened.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/16/2012 5:48:27 PM

Hilarion: Remember that You Have the Power and that Power is LOVE

2012 DECEMBER 16
Posted by Alice C

HilarionHilarion: Remember that You Have the Power and that Power is LOVE

As channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana – December 16, 2012

During these times, many of you are experiencing a feeling of completion with all the issues and challenges that you have been endeavoring to transmute into the creation of a greater expansion of your own capacity to love yourself and others with compassion and acceptance.

You are stepping beyond the confines of your former perceived limitations and opening your energy fields to greater potentials and possibilities. Each time you have done this you opened yourselves to accepting more of your higher Light to enter within. Now you stand ready to move into the new horizon which beckons just beyond the borders of your perceptions.

Hold to the vision of the greatest and most joyful life you can envision for yourselves. See yourselves as living those lives in actuality. Dream big and create a complete picture of the life of your dreams, painting in all the details of all that you would see and experience in this ideal life. Add texture, color and weave it all with your imagination into the most perfect creation you can envision. Change or add to this as your spirit moves you until you can feel completely satisfied and joyful with your creation. See yourselves as whole and perfect and see others around you enjoying their greatest dreams unfold as you desire for your own life. This is the world you are in the process of creating, where everyone has everything they need to live in peace, happiness, fulfillment, freedom and joy.

The chaos around you is the sign that the Light comes in greater measure. There are many who are desperately trying to hold onto the old paradigm where deceit, lies, shadows, fear, and mayhem ruled the day. Those times are at hand and it will require our beloved Lightworkers to hold the Light steady with all the power and Light they can muster each day in order to bring balance and divine order to their part of the World. Send the energy of Love to the people and places upon the Earth that are in the throes of suffering and shock. Remember that you have the power and that power is LOVE. It is through this work that the Light shall continue to prevail.

Allow the attunements and recalibrations of your physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies to continue in their upgrading, as your divine human templates are shifting into form around you. You will be experiencing more moments of peace and contentment with the simple enjoyments of your lives. Take time out as often as you need to nurture yourselves in whatever way you feel guided. Feed your mind and emotions with continual thoughtforms of higher frequencies in the form of mental pictures in your imagination, with affirmations, with decrees, with prayers and meditation. This is key to the overcoming of the lower dimensional activities that have been taking place.

Know that as you make your calls for the World you deserve and desire, individually and collectively for yourselves, your loved ones and for all of humanity, that we of your Family of Light and Angelic legions of Light will match and magnify ten billion times each call that is made for the highest good of all. We are in this great change and transformation together, for as the Earth shifts, so too, does humanity and the higher dimensions of Light. All is working in unity of divine purpose and divine timing. We of your Family of Light have the greatest admiration and respect for the roles you have chosen to play during these momentous times. We are here and you are never alone.

Until next week….

I AM Hilarion

©2012 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and website is included.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/16/2012 5:50:21 PM

Saul: It is Almost Impossible For You to Continue in Your Seemingly Drugged State of Awareness

2012 DECEMBER 16
Posted by Anthony Morrison

Saul: It is Almost Impossible For You to Continue in Your Seemingly Drugged State of Awareness

As channelled by John Smallman – December 16, 2012

Listen to John read this latest message from Saul here:

The date 21st of December 2012 is on the minds of many as the moment for humanity’s awakening approaches. Expectations are high as much has been promised, and there is anxiety that what is to be delivered will not live up to your expectations. Do not worry.

What is to be delivered is far beyond any of your expectations. There will be no disappointments as a New Age is delivered, bringing with it enormous improvements in the living standards of those who presently live in dire poverty, enabling them to live in the comfort and safety that is the unalienable right of every human being.

The constant struggle to pay for food and shelter, and the resultant but unreal sense of security that provides and with which most of you have to contend, will be a thing of the past.

The Light of God’s Love is shining brightly upon all of humanity, causing many to stir in their sleep. The first signs of a great awakening are starting to be seen all across the planet as the divine Light bathes all in Its loving embrace.

This massive infusion of Love into your hearts is accelerating the essential growth in your awareness of your true spiritual origin, and of the fact that you are divine beings created by God to live with Him in eternal joy.

As that realization intensifies so does your desire and intent to experience that state which is your natural one. Cognizance of your unbreakable connection to your Father is returning, and remnants of memories of that state are encouraging you to explore further so that you can remove or undo the “garden-hose-like kinks” in that connection that have been severely restricting your experience of your Father’s Love for you.

Those kinks are the expressions of individual separated selves that you have been using to relate to one another — the egoic masks you use to interact with others and which, because you have used them for such eons, you have come to believe are the “true you.” They are but shadows of who you really are.

You, each one of You, are vast beings of incredible power and ability. You were created in Love by God to experience infinite joy. And to enable You to fulfill that potential He created You as indestructible beings of immense wonder and beauty, and not as the tiny, inconsequential individuals that you presently imagine yourselves to be.

You built the illusion to experience unreality and then made little bodies for yourselves to enable you to explore it. Over time your memories of your true state faded, and your egoic natures were developed to deal with the environment you had entered into and which had become very threatening and totally real for you.

It seemed vast and overpowering, possibly even controlled by distant gods who, despite pretending to be scarcely aware of your existence, nevertheless took great interest in your activities and demanded sacrifices from you to persuade them not to treat you too unkindly by imposing plagues, droughts, floods, in fact an endless array of life-threatening catastrophes upon you.

You invented and built this insane illusion, and all that it contains has been the result of your powerful collective intent. While you imagine yourselves to be contained within it, it confirms for you the “fact” that you are each independent individual beings.

But of course you are not and never have been independent because you are one — one with each other and with God — and separation from that oneness is impossible. Nevertheless, you have been playing this confusing and frightening game for a long time and it is very difficult for you to understand, let alone admit to yourselves, that you made it and continue to maintain it by that collective intent.

Now, with the divine energy field flooding the collective field of consciousness with your Father’s Love for you, it is altogether impossible for you to continue in your seemingly drugged and unconscious state of unawareness.

Love is permeating each one of you to tease out the negative aspects that encourage you to see yourselves as unworthy of knowing God, and that make you feel fearful and tempt you to continue hiding from the warmth and acceptance His all-encompassing embrace. You are, each and every one of you, beginning to feel that loving embrace, and for some of you it is shocking, for others exhausting, and yet others terrifying, because you are still identifying with the little self that you made and hid within.

Those unreal feelings and fears are in the process of being completely dissolved so that any remaining sense of unacceptability or unworthiness will just dissipate, allowing you to understand your utter and unchanging acceptability in God’s eyes, so that you can fearlessly choose to open yourselves fully to Him in complete trust. When you do that, very shortly now, you will awaken, and eternal bliss will be yours.

With so very much love, Saul.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Patricia Bartch

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12/16/2012 5:58:50 PM

2012 End of the World: NASA Scientist Tries to Ease Fear

Needless to say, this article was not written by a new-ager

Mexico's Mayas face Dec. 21 with ancestral calm

Associated Press/Israel Leal, File - FILE - In this March 20, 2010 file photo, a man performs a ritual as he looks toward the descent of the Kukulkcan serpent, whose image is seen illuminated along the edge of the stairs of the Mayan Chichen Itza pyramid, during the Spring equinox in Chichen Itza, Mexico. A chorus of books and movies tried to link the Mayan calendar to rumors of impending disasters ranging from rogue black holes and sun-storms to the idea that the Earth's magnetic field could 'flip' on that date. Archaeologists says there is no evidence the Maya ever made any such prophesy. (AP Photo/Israel Leal, File)

UH-MAY, Mexico (AP) — Amid a worldwide frenzy of advertisers and new-agers preparing for a Maya apocalypse, one group is approaching Dec. 21 with calm and equanimity — the people whose ancestors supposedly made the prediction in the first place.

Mexico's 800,000 Mayas are not the sinister, secretive, apocalypse-obsessed race they've been made out to be.

In their heartland on Mexico's Yucatan peninsula, Mayas continue their daily lives, industriously pedaling three-wheeled bikes laden with family members and animal fodder down table-flat roads. They tell rhyming off-color jokes at dances, and pull chairs out onto the sidewalk in the evening to chat and enjoy the relative cool after a hot day.

Many still live simply in thatched, oval, mud-and-stick houses designed mostly for natural air conditioning against the oppressive heat of the Yucatan, where they plant corn, harvest oranges and raise pigs.

When asked about the end next week of a major cycle in the 5,125-year Mayan Long Count calendar, a period known as the 13th Baktun, many respond with a healthy dose of homespun Maya philosophy.

"We don't know if the world is going to end," said Liborio Yeh Kinil, a 62-year-old who can usually be found sitting on a chair outside his small grocery store at the corner of the grassy central square of the town of Uh-May in Quintana Roo state. "Remember 2006, and the '6-6-6' (June 6, 2006): A lot of people thought something was going to happen, and nothing happened after all."

Reflecting a world view with roots as old as the nearby Ceiba tree, or Yax-che, the tree of life for the ancient Maya, Yeh Kinil added: "Why get panicky? If something is going to happen, it's going to happen."

A chorus of books and movies has sought to link the Mayan calendar to rumors of impending disasters ranging from rogue black holes and solar storms to the idea that the Earth's magnetic field could 'flip' on that date.

Archaeologists say there is no evidence the Maya ever made any such prophesy. Indeed, average Mayas probably never used the Long Count calendar, neither today nor at the culture's peak between A.D. 300 and 600. The long count was reserved for priests and astronomers, while average Mayas measure time as farmers tend to do — by planting seasons and monthly lunar cycles.

Mayan priests, or shamans, at the temple of the Talking Crosses in the town of Felipe Carrillo Puerto say they don't know when, or if, the world will end. The church was the focus and last bastion of the 1847-1901 Mayan uprising in Mexico and perhaps the most sacred site for average Mayas. Its name comes from the conspirators who hid behind the crosses and whispered instructions to incite the revolt.

Mayan priest and farmer Petronilo Acevedo Pena says God may punish humanity someday, because people have stopped going to church.

"When people planted their corn fields 50 years ago, everybody from all the towns around would pray" for good harvests, he said. "But when the government started giving out aid, seeds and fertilizer ... what do the people do now? They go to the government to ask for help."

"The world is going to end, but we don't know when it will end, nobody ever gave a date," said Acevedo Pena. "They said it would be in 2000, but nothing happened."

Still, advertisers are running wild with the doomsday theme.

One beer-company billboard near the resort of Tulum proclaims, "2012 isn't the end, it's just the beginning — of the party!"

The Mexico subsidiary of Renault is running "end of the world" promotions with interest-free loans for car sales: "Given that the world is ending, we're ending interest rates!"

Oprah Winfrey's website got into the act by publishing a list of "Apocalypse Dinners." It says: "Whether the world is really ending or whether you're just having a busy week, these six make-ahead meals from cookbook author Lidia Bastianich freeze well and feed many."

The Caribbean coast resort of Xcaret issued "million-dollar reward" certificates for anybody who survives the end of the world. "In case the world ends on Dec. 21, 2012, the beneficiary must be in Xcaret the day after the cataclysmic event with a valid photo ID in order to request payment," the certificate reads. "In case the world comes to an end, the beneficiary will be fully responsible for repopulating the world."

Sandos Hotels and Resorts, a Spanish-owned all-inclusive resort chain, is promoting a "New Era" celebration at its Sandos Caracol hotel in Playa de Carmen, near Tulum. "We invite guests to celebrate a transition to the beginning of what we, and many Mayan leaders and scholars hope will evolve into a new era of environmental sustainability and cultural consciousness," the hotel's website says.

Expectations are also running high in New Age circles.

Shantal Carrillo helps her mother, The Venerable Mother Nah-Kin, run the Kinich-Ahau spiritual center in Merida, and hopes to lead hundreds of people in an energy-renewing ceremony at the "dawn of the new era" at the Mayan ruins of Uxmal. They hope Uxmal, whose rounded-edge pyramid is unique in the Maya world, will act as an "antenna" for cosmic energy.

"We have performed ceremonies for many years to reactivate the pyramid at Uxmal as an antenna, because it had been unused for many years," said Carrillo, who expects Dec. 21 "to give the world an injection of this energy" by having hundreds of people hold hands at the foot of the pyramid.

It's unclear whether archaeological authorities will allow such ceremonies.

Jose May, of the Merida tourism office, expects all of the city's hotel rooms to be full Dec. 21.

"I'm worried that there are going to be more people than (hotel) rooms," he said. "The people who are coming are basically spiritual, and that could be a problem as well, because those people like to form circles to receive energy, and there is no way to reserve space for that kind of thing at the ruin sites."

Moises Rozanes, who runs the run-down Hostal Zocalo in an old building on Merida's main square, says he once saw a flying saucer and spoke with an extraterrestrial who identified himself as Quetzalcoatl, the Aztec equivalent of the chief Maya god, Kukulkan, the bringer of wisdom.

He "told me the world was going to change, but he didn't say when," Rozanes said, recalling the 1997 encounter. He doesn't know what's going to happen Dec. 21, but is happy his hotel is getting business. "Everything's filling up" as far as bookings for the date, he said.

In all the fervor, Mayas rely on an ancestral calm built of good humor, calmness and the fact that it's too hot to get all worked up about things.

"A lot of people are reading things, and getting scared, about the world ending. But that's not going to happen," said Mayan priest Ildefonso Cahuich May. "God is not going to turn around so fast and say, 'I'm going to kill all my children.'"

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