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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/17/2012 9:57:25 PM

The Arcturian Group Message – December 16, 2012

2012 DECEMBER 16
Posted by Stephen Cook

The Arcturian Group Message – December 16, 2012

As channelled by Marilyn Raffaele – December 16, 2012

We of the Arcturian Group speak to the world of men today about many things. We address those of you feeling great stress and pain regarding world events, and expectations of December 21, 2012.

This date brings to conclusion most of the new incoming energies, however this does not mean that all is finished, but that you will be ready for a new round of energies to begin.

Evolution is a gradual process for most. Many are simply unable to comprehend what is going on, while at the same time others seem very attuned and ready for change. You who are ready have been preparing for lifetimes. You were aware when incarnating that this lifetime would bring an opportunities for completion–the wrapping up of lifetimes of experience and the opportunity to finally move out of the density of the third dimension .

There will be coming changes, but they must be initiated by you. You are the ones who must change the world through ceasing the blind acceptance of everything you are told by those who stand to benefit through your ignorance. Your neighbors from surrounding galaxies stand ready to help, to offer suggestions and to give you new technologies beyond what you now have.

However, it is you the people who must be open to receive and have the courage to say “enough is enough” and mean it with regard to ideas you have grown accustomed to in spite of their being old and obsolete. Any belief that has at its basis duality or separation is of the old energy. As you empower yourselves with truth and begin to live out from it, others also seeking, will follow suit and begin to recognize the stupidity of so much the world still takes for granted as reality.

You see dear ones, you cannot await a savior (man, event, galactic, idea) to come and carry you away from all your problems. It is simply not going to happen. The man Jesus, an evolved being of Light, kept telling mankind that the kingdom of God was within them, and yet even today the majority of Christians continue to worship the man/God outside of themselves who was trying to lead them within .

Wake up dear ones, wake up. Your time is now. Energies are in place for your use and evolution. We are here, Beings of Light are here. The feast is prepared, but you must bring yourselves to it. Do you see?

It is old to think of a savior coming to take away your sins and problems. This is a gross misinterpretation of the Jesus message. The Christ does dissolve sins and problems, because in the presence of the Light of illumined consciousness (the Christ), error cannot exist. Do not interpret this to mean that you read this truth and now it is yours. The spiritual evolutionary journey is the attaining that state of consciousness that knows only reality, regardless of appearances. This is how Jesus healed, he saw the appearances, but knew them to be just that–appearances with no law to support them.

Jesus attained Christhood (illumination), but know that the word Jesus and Christ are not the same word. Third dimensional issues are not God ordained or sustained but are the manifestations of erroneous beliefs- you are creators. You see why it is so important to stand vigil at the door of your thoughts and words.

The energy is very high right now. Everyone ready is clearing and letting go of all that is old and finished.

However we see many of you holding on to your favorite concepts and beliefs with the words; “Oh this will be ok”. No, we must tell you that anything resonating with duality and separation cannot be a part of the new world. It is your choice to play a bit longer in illusion, but for those of you serious about your spiritual journey and ascension it is time to live, move, and have your being in truth.

At this time there is much singing, rejoicing, and celebrating the birth of God’s only son born in a manger come to save the world. We are here to tell you that this event was also meant to be a way shower for those with “eyes to see” the symbolism. Jesus birth is the story of how each and every state of consciousness must first become a simple manger before the Christ can be born within. Your state of consciousness becomes a manger only when emptied of ego and all the trappings that accompany the belief of a self apart from the One. Only then is an individual prepared to house the the new and yet very fragile Christ (Light, truth) child.

At first, the new born Christ must be tenderly protected and held within the heart because an illumined consciousness is a threat to those who thrive in a world of false beliefs– their power would be seen for what was proclaimed by a story book child; “The emperor has no clothes”.

With time, the Christ child grows strong and becomes the everyday state of consciousness of the individual bringing with it new ideas, new friends, new ways of seeing and being, but always in love and light.

Ask yourselves; “Do I live in a mansion of third dimensional beliefs or have I prepared a quiet and sacred manger into which the Christ can be born”? This is a question all must ask themselves. You cannot live in both worlds. We see many loath to give up those three dimensional “goodies” they still believe necessary to their happiness. Now is the time of choosing dear ones, do you wish to move forward spiritually, or do you just find the whole topic to be interesting dinner party conversation? Now is the time to choose.

There is much misinformation regarding the emptying of ego that has come through many false teachings down through the ages. Humility of spirit does not mean that you must give away everything you own and live as a beggar in order to be spiritual which you still see in many eastern societies. The release of ego means that the blessings you have in your life take their appropriate place and are no longer seen as power or absolutely necessary to your sense of completeness. This means, family, friends, money, accumulated goods, fame, are seen as the “added things”, not the goal.

Many churches still preach that it is holy to be poor. God never manifested Itself as poverty. A self sustained, self maintained divinity does not nor could it embody poverty within Itself. Everything within Divine Consciousness is governed by divine law and if poverty were governed by divine law, there could never be an ending to it. Poverty is the false creation of false beliefs–the result of gross and heavy ignorance of the past when man kind completely un-illumined. Medieval churches wanted to assure the people that poverty was God’s will or punishment as a way to keep them under their power.

You no longer need to drag along this obsolete baggage and in reality, cannot bring it with you.

Is my consciousness prepared for the real birth of the real Christ? That is what you need to ask instead of whether or not you have enough cookies baked, or the tree is straight.

We are the Arcturian Group 12/16/12

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/17/2012 9:58:35 PM

Archangel Michael Through Ron Head: You Have Not Begun To See All That Is In Store For You

2012 DECEMBER 16
Posted by Alice C

Niagara FallsArchangel Michael Through Ron Head: You Have Not Begun To See All That Is In Store For You

As channeled by Ron Head – December 16, 2012

Before we begin today, let us tell all who are suffering because of their connection to your loss of so many dear little ones they are here with us and they are well cared for. We offer our comfort to all who ask. We understand your pain and wish you peace in your knowing of their return home.

Let us now begin by pointing out to you, although we know it is totally unnecessary, that only five days remain in your current ‘age’. In less than one week you will move into your Age of Aquarius. You will spend a few moments in direct alignment with the galactic plane. You will receive the greatest flood of light and information in your entire earthly experience, and you will be forever changed.

We speak of you the individual, but also every consciousness upon your planet, your planet Herself, and because everything is Unity, nothing which is will remain unaffected.

Understand that your personal experience and awareness of this will be exactly what you are capable of experiencing, no more, no less. DO NOT, we ask of you, allow yourself to judge this either good or bad. There will be many who are amazed at what they see, hear, feel, or understand. There will be many more who will spend some time ‘getting their feet wet’ in the new consciousness. And many will rush to claim that, “See? Nothing happened!” Be only responsible for yourselves. That is, after all, the only thing you can control.

We suggest you begin right now by opening yourselves in earnest intent to receive whatever is in store for you with deepest gratitude. We promise that it will be more than you have imagined. More than a few of you are already having the experience of feeling the rise of the incoming changes. To you we say, you have not begun to see all that is in store for you.

We will speak again before the day. Peace and calm be yours now. Good day.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/18/2012 10:24:29 PM

This is Only the Beginning

2012 DECEMBER 18
Posted by Steve Beckow

SaLuSa told us in late 2011: “Bear in mind that the 21.12.12 is a major upliftment, yet only the beginning of another cycle of experience. However, it is for your civilization the opportunity to leave duality, and not continue re-incarnating in the lower dimension.” (1)

“Ascension still continues as does your spiritual evolution, but it will be a while before the next crucial point,” SaLuSa told us on Dec. 17, 2012. (2) When I asked him what was next after Ascension, Archangel Michael told me in a private reading that I could expect a 200-year vacation and then we’d do it all over again on the Seventh Dimension.

Through Ronna Herman, Archangel Michael reminded us that Ascension goes on and on: “As you have probably heard before, ascension is an ever-evolving, continuous, on-going evolutionary process and not a destination.” (3)

It “will never cease,” SaLuSa says, “until you return to the absolute Source.” (4) It goes on as long as life itself, which is virtually endless: “Life will go on into infinity and there are always going to be opportunities to lift up into higher dimensions.” (5)

It follows from this that many of us Starseeds have experienced different phases of the Ascension process before, and this too is corroborated by Archangel Michael: “You should also be aware that you [Starseeds] have experienced different phases of the ascension process many times before in a multitude of locations and realities.” (6)

After Ascension in 2012, many experiences await us in the future. Archangel Michael informs us: “As spiritual growth is ongoing, continual and a sacred journey and path, all will continue, long after they have completed planetary ascension.” (7)

Matthew Ward agrees.

“Earth’s ascension—the process of world transformation and spiritual renewal that enables her to rise out of third density and continue into the Golden Age—has been ongoing for about seventy years in linear time; and by the end of your calendar year 2012, the darkness that has proliferated for millennia will have disappeared in all its vicious forms.

“However, this does not mean that after 2012, there will be no further changes—there will indeed be splendid changes in many areas, including spiritual and intellectual growth. Life is a continual process of learning, or more accurately stated, a process of consciously remembering the knowledge within the soul.” (8)

In 2010 he added:

“All the changes until Earth enters fourth density will indeed be beneficial, but soul evolvement, and thus your multiple lifetimes, will continue ‘throughout eternity,’ it is safe to say.

“The soul’s journey of self-discovery will continue unfolding throughout the Golden Age and far, far beyond, until each returns to Creator Source. We can promise you, the wondrous adventure gets more and more exciting!” (9)

Future Ascensions may not be as difficult as this one has been, SaLuSa tells us.

“Although your coming Ascension is a high point in your growth, you will continue to follow a path of soul evolution, but it will never be as tough or demanding as the period you have just gone through.” (10)

We have far to go, SaLuSa tells us. “There is a path that will take you back to the Source, when you shall become a God in your own rights. However, there is far to go and many experiences to be had, before you reach the ultimate goal.” (11)

Our experiences with the star nations here to help us with Ascension are only a stepping stone in the longer journey, SaLuSa says:

“The world is not going to end and indeed it must keep evolving, as that is the nature of All That Is. It cannot stand still and is mystically attracted to the Source, where you will finally reach the ultimate completion of the return journey. The Creator draws all back into its Being, only to again commence further great cycles of experience.

“Such possibilities must seem so far away from your present ones, and with your limited levels of consciousness it is too much to expect any real understanding. Even for us the mysteries still exist, and with seemingly no end to creation there is so much more to experience. …

“The Galactic Federation is in its own way but a stepping-stone to greater experiences.” (12)

The galactic and spirit teachers tantalize us with glimpses of some of the further stages in our journey. According to SaLuSa:

“There are mysteries galore in the Universe that you will be motivated to explore. Your quest for knowledge and the truth can never really be satisfied until you reach the ultimate – The Source of All That Is.

“However, you will have innumerable experiences before you ever reach that point. You have yet to understand the concept of a never-ending creation. You will never run out of new challenges in the Multi Universes and dimensions that seem to go on for all infinity.” (13)

And according to Ag-Agria:

“With Ascension you will have overcome so many of the frailties that exist now. Eventually the vibrations will be so high that you will be entering a state of near perfection as a Light Being. Then you will be able to be yourself, that is your Higher Self adorned with the Light of many suns, and radiate the love that knows no ending.

“One day many of you shall be seated on the Councils that preside over the Universe, and in your greatness serve God directly. However, that is a long way off but indicates your unlimited potential to rise to the highest levels.” (14)

Archangel Michael, through Ronna Herman, offers this glimpse:

“There are many levels and stages of ascension: personal earthly ascension, whereby you gradually balance and harmonize your chakra centers which in turn triggers the process of clearing your physical vessel and your auric field of discordant energies. … Ultimately, we will experience the universal ascension process together.

“This phase of ascension will take place in the far-distant future; however, we in the higher realms of existence have had glimpses of this prodigious cosmic event and, we assure you, it is so magnificently complex and awe-inspiring that it is beyond your present comprehension.” (15)

Soon we’ll be planning our next steps, SaLuSa says.

“I too have my visions of another future that offers such wondrous opportunities to discover more of the Creator’s Kingdom. Have your dreams, and let your imagination take you far and wide knowing there is no end to the adventures open to you. One day soon you shall be planning your next ones, and as a Lighted One.” (16)

“Can you envisage just for a minute or so what that means, because by then you will have become your God selves. Not the end of your journey, but your elevation to higher dimensions where another one begins.” (17)

The Ascension we’ll experience on Dec. 21, 2012 is not the final stage of life. It is only the beginning of a journey that leads from God to God again, in a future that may as well be endless.


(1) SaLuSa, Oct. 31, 2011, at

(2) SaLuSa, Dec. 17, 2012

(3) Archangel Michael, “A Clarion Call for World Servers,” May 2010, through Ronna Herman, at

(4) SaLuSa, March 26, 2010.

(5) SaLuSa, Sept. 18, 2009.

(6) Archangel Michael, “A Clarion Call for World Servers,” ibid.

(7) Loc. cit.

(8) Matthew’s Message, Feb. 7, 2009 at

(9) Matthew’s Message, Dec, 6, 2010.

(10) SaLuSa, Nov. 14, 2012.

(11) SaLuSa, Sept. 18, 2009.

(12) SaLuSa, Feb. 26, 2010.

(13) SaLuSa, Feb. 23, 2009.

(14) Ag-agria, March 25, 2009 at

(15) Archangel Michael, “Passport to Ascension,” May 2009, through Ronna Herman, at

(16) SaLuSa, March 27, 2009.

(17) Loc. cit.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/18/2012 10:25:59 PM

Jennifer Hoffman: Archangel Uriel – Be Kind to Each Other

2012 DECEMBER 18
Posted by Andrew Eardley

Archangel Uriel – Be Kind to Each Other

By Jennifer Hoffman – Channelled message from Archangel Uriel for December 17, 2012

Uriel’s Message – Be Kind to Each Other

Be kind to each other, practice compassion with everyone, live with acceptance of yourself and others. Live within the fullness of your power and perfection in each moment. When you use kindness in your interactions with others you give them the gifts of acceptance, love and compassion.

Kindness is more than being nice to others, it is a state of spiritual mindfulness where you lead with your spiritual nature, speaking from your divinity to others’ divine selves, becoming a shining light for others. When you are kind to others your light shines more brightly than any darkness around you.

Being kind to others, no matter what they are doing or have done to you, allows you to stay in your power and to choose how you will interact with everyone around you.

Kindness engages your human/divine partnership, which is the highest expression of your light. Through it you express your mastery and you see the unlimited potentials for every situation. You cannot be angry if you choose kindness, you cannot be resentful, hurt, or disappointed.

Kindness is not a state of doing or allowing others to take advantage of you, it is an opening that invites others to experience your light as you choose to express it. When you choose to be kind you resist the urge to judge and instead, exercise forgiveness.

Begin each conversation in the spirit of forgiveness, so any negativity you may experience from someone does not connect with a past wound or hurt within you. Being kind does not mean doing things for others, it means being mindful of their level of spiritual growth and understanding, and how it affects their ability to interact with you.

If you approach everyone with kindness, you set the energetic vibration for that interaction and you are the leader, not the follower. Your kindness does not require others’ acceptance and sometimes it will not be, but with it you will not judge yourself for others’ lack of appreciation. Kindness allows for joy, love, and peace to dominate in every relationship.

See your kindness as a gift you set in front of someone, then allow them to respond as they can. Let kindness be your truth so you are not distracted by others wounds, hurts, issues or problems. Kindness allows you to disconnect with compassion, when that becomes necessary, and to fully release any karmic energies to allow your healing to be completed.

Your gift of kindness opens the door to new ways of interacting that are free from conflict and fear. When you choose kindness as the energetic vibration that you will share with others, you create healing for yourself and offer them the gift of healing. You also create this vibration in the world around you and for the planet as each of your willingness to be kind with others and to everyone is magnified and manifested in the world.

Imagine what the world would be like if everyone was kind to each other. It is something that you can create for yourselves and the world when you are kind to one another. Hold the energetic space for kindness and know that each act of kindness is important to the healing process that the Earth and humanity are currently experiencing. Learning to be kind to each other is an important part of that process and it is a gift that you can give to yourself and to others every day.

Copyright (c) 2012 by Jennifer Hoffman. all rights reserved. You may quote, translate, or link to this article, in its entirety, as long as you include the author name and working link back to this website. All others uses of this article are strictly prohibited.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/18/2012 10:27:05 PM

Yeshua: Be At Peace With Your New Selves

2012 DECEMBER 18
Posted by Anthony Morrison

Yeshua: Be At Peace With Your New Selves

As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda – December 17, 2012

Hello, Beloveds. It is amazing to see your progress already. Many are lifting as we speak, absorbing the Light and riding the wave of ascension.

You are doing splendidly. You are not alone in this process, as we have been saying. You each have a team of angels, archangels, and/or ascended masters who are assigned to you for this entire process.

They have been there all along, but full attention and purpose is now aligned with your Being for a successful and mind-blowing experience of ascension.

I say that not to alarm you, but to prepare you for the most exquisite experience you could ever imagine, dear ones.

The more you open and receive right now, the more it will be complete and perfect for you. What I mean by that, is of course to tell you that ascension is assured, but your full experience of it, your smooth experience of it, and your highest experience of it will be dependent on how much you let go and receive.

We have been saying this, but we want you to relax and enjoy the ride as much as possible. There is nothing more important than your complete surrender and openness.

Many of you are completing your clearing, and do not worry; you do not need to do it all. Just do your best. There is no amount of unresolved issues and karma that will stop you from ascending and much can be cleared now with just giving yourself complete and utter Love and accepting it from Creator and us.

You have made it, dear ones; you have traversed the treacherous part of your journey already, and now it is just for you to enjoy the crowning glory of it

You are all at different levels, but the truth be told, it doesn’t matter. Focus on yourself right now. Focus on what you are hearing from your ascension guides, what you are feeling is right for you. There is no wrong way to do this, except for allowing worry and fear to deter you.

Now is the time to completely trust yourselves, your Higher Selves, your guides and Creator. Don’t let your mind get in the way. There is still some apparatus of duality that may want to distract you, but it isn’t real.

You are beginning to completely shed that apparatus and so if it tries to pull you back in, as an old shoe beckons you because it is comfortable, say: “No thank you; I will try this new way of living and being from here on out”.

Beloveds, you cannot do this wrong. As long as you listen to your hearts and your inner knowing, you will be fine, protected, and in for the most amazing experience ever.

We cannot say this enough. So don’t let the anticipation slow you down or pull you off track of just being in the Moment right now and holding as much Joy and Light and Love that is being offered to you. You have our guarantee that the rest will be taken care of with ease. It is written already. It is a done deal. So, relax!

There is of course an intensification of energy being offered and will keep building, and all you need to do is anchor constantly in your Heart and into Gaia; it may be a constant thing right now that you will have to do this because of the intensity. Consider it as turbulence while going through the eye of a storm. You just need to remain in the center and all will be well.

Do not worry about what is going on around you, what upsets there may be with others as they clear. Remain focused on your inner peace and knowing that you are exactly where you need to be right now; there is nothing you really need to do but envelop and immerse yourselves in the growing energies and allow the dust to settle around you as you release all that is needed, with complete assurance that you will be complete at the exact right time for you, dear ones.

We of the Company of Heaven are everywhere around you now and we will not let up until your journey is complete. And you are so close. Be at peace with your new selves that are emerging with full force, grace and glory.

We will speak again before the shift, dear ones. Happy journey!

Your loving brother, Yeshua

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