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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/15/2012 1:17:24 AM
Friends, if in Steve Beckow's words SaLuSa's Dec. 14, 2012 message is a keeper, then this 'interview' of him is, too, a keeper

Interview with the Galactic Federation

2012 DECEMBER 14
Posted by Steve Beckow

I’ve been taking quotes from SaLuSa’s Dec. 14, 2012 message today and putting them in the First Contact database, (1) as I usually do, and keeping track of how many excerpts I take out. One or two means a rather routine message. Three or four and I begin to perk up a bit. Five or up and I’m wondering what’s up?

I excerpted almost every passage of his message today and so I know it’s a keeper. What’s SaLuSa saying today? We’re seven days (in North America, six in England, according to the countdown clock) away from the date he said (in October 2012) that Ascension will take place:

“The Light as ever continues to grow exponentially, and is carrying you forward faster than ever. It will meet its optimum level on the 21st. December 2012 and will trigger the Ascension of Mother Earth and all those souls that are ready to go with her.” (2)

In a sense his message today seems to have been an omnibus message. Perhaps the best way to get at what he’s done here is to ask questions of SaLuSa, so to speak, and listen to his answers.

Alone out of all our sources I believe, SaLuSa has taken on the task, on behalf of the Galactic Federation, of being a spokesman and complete source on what is happening on many, many fronts. So here are our questions and his answers:

Interview with the Galactic Federation

Question: Was 12/12/12 a success?

Answer: As days come and go 12.12.12 was a perfect success. How else could it be when it is beyond the control or interference of anyone upon Earth. Higher powers have ensured that you are prepared for your Ascension with Mother Earth.

Q: What’s next?

A: Now you count off the days to 12.21.12 that will be a most profound time, one that will be the experience of a lifetime, indeed many lifetimes. Through Ascension you will learn where your creative powers have placed you.

Q: Where are we going?

A: You will all end up exactly where you are best suited to continue your experiences. Lightworkers will naturally find themselves with their own kind, in the most uplifting vibrations.

Q: Will only the people who know about Ascension go there?

A: There are some beautiful souls of compassion and love who know nothing about Ascension, and they will also join up with the Lightworkers.

Q: What will we do after Ascension?

A: As the changes are put in hand there will be much to do for those who are enlightened and wish to serve others. For a while needs such as healing will be handled in many different ways until you all have access to local centers with modern healing facilities.

Once we commence the changes there will be almost non-stop activity, but be assured you shall be kept fully informed as to what is happening. 2013 promises to be a most active year, and it will be also for many of you. When you incarnated it was with Ascension in mind, knowing that you could participate in it. Some of you have skills that are useful to us, and you will know when we are ready to use you. There are a number of ways it can be done, and some of you will be the early visitors to our ships.

Q: Will all be ease and leisure after Ascension?

A: Some difficulties may arise until your society has been fully integrated into the new way of life. Having been brought up in the Space Age you will of course adapt to it very quickly. New technologies will overcome most of your problems in quick time, and we are urging our Earth allies to push forward with the promotion of free energy devices.

Q: Things on Earth don’t seem to have quieted down quite as much as I’d have expected them to.

A: General conditions on Earth are getting worse due to weather variations, and also interference in markets that are being manipulated for gain. Whether it be food or money, speculators continue to bring misery in a world that is already in a turmoil. However, these conditions will not last very long and will not be allowed to be repeated.

Q: What will the economics of life after Ascension look like?

A: Big business and especially the banks will be totally re-organized, so as to ensure there is never again a collapse like you recently experienced. Monetary systems will in any event change, and a fairer system of valuation introduced. It will result in honest trading and put an end to corrupt practices.

As we have told you many times, wealth also will be re-distributed and we are already starting to recover hidden caches of valuable metals. Add to it St. Germain’s World Trust Fund, and you will have sufficient to ensure that everyone is above the poverty levels that so many are experiencing now.

Money and valuables acquired honestly will be kept in possession of the bona fide owners. However, anything else that has been obtained dishonestly will be recovered. A feature of your future lives will be that criminality will disappear, as such actions will not enter the minds of those who have ascended. Consciousness levels will be so high that honesty in all dealings can be taken for granted. Plus the fact that people that are cared for and have their needs covered are happy and at One with everyone else.

Yes, Dear Ones, so much is about to change that you have nothing to worry about, but please exercise patience while matters are being sorted out.

Q: How come we haven’t seen you? What happened to Disclosure?

A: Our absence so far is not to be seen as a deliberate act on our part, as we would have liked to come out openly some time ago. However, what you are achieving by your own endeavors is a credit to your intent to see the way clear to Ascension. We have helped of course to stop interference that would seriously hamper your work.

Indeed, we want you to be aware of our intentions, and there will come a time soon when we shall keep you regularly informed. It will tie in with disclosure which we are keen to get out to the masses. It is in fact quite difficult to accomplish a situation where all countries are [not?] agreed on disclosure. We would like to go ahead now as we cannot hold back much longer, but it will follow other changes that now take priority such as those of a governmental nature.

Q: When will we see peace come to Earth?

Peace is coming to Earth very soon and not before time, as it was offered to your leaders many, many years ago but rejected. Now it comes to you as a permanent peace, not dependent on countries signing agreements. It is God’s peace and Love that you have earned by rising above the lower vibrations, and for those souls of Love able to be present in the higher dimensions.

Q: What of the souls who don’t choose to come with us or cannot follow us? Does God not love them too?

A: It is not of course that God does not Love all other souls, as they will continue their lives at the level best for them and their continued evolution. God’s Unconditional Love is with you at all times and given without any judgment at all.

Q: And many of the cabal still seem to be around working what seems like low-level mischief. When will they be gone?

A: The legal removal of the cabal members is in hand, and will be enacted when they are placed out of the way. There are special reasons why you do not have much awareness of it, as it is being carried out to avoid any fuss or unwanted publicity. The exact nature of our actions are best kept secret, but very soon you shall learn about what has been happening.

Q: Is there anything else of a more general nature you wish to say?

A: Your Earth looks beautiful at this time, as along with the Light and Love created by the Lightworkers, there is also additional Light as the Season of Goodwill brings out the best from many people. It is a time when old friends, or absent friends are thought of in a loving manner, along with those who may not have relatives at all.

This is Love at work when caring and compassion are felt by so many for the underprivileged who are often homeless and without support. In the future these situations will not exist, it will be quite impossible with so much Light and Love in existence. Heaven is a real place such as you imagine it – in fact you will probably find it far more astounding and wonderfully beautiful than you could ever have thought.


(1) At

(2) SaluSa, Oct. 19, 2012, at

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/15/2012 1:25:02 AM

Blossom Goodchild: December 14, 2012

2012 DECEMBER 14
Posted by Anthony Morrison

Blossom Goodchild: December 14, 2012

The Galactic Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild – December 14, 2012

Blossom: Today I thought I would start with a BIG THANK YOU for this journey we have embarked upon together. It would have been pretty dull without you that’s for sure.

We have encountered some rocky roads along the way and some full of the sweetest smelling roses. You … along with White Cloud have delivered to us the most profound understandings at times … and at other times … things I am unable to get my head around.

I have developed the deepest LOVE and respect for you my friends … and I TRUST our friendship shall continue throughout MY BEING.

Galactic Federation: And we say to you that we have experimented and learned of so much due to your devotion to the cause. We do not say this just to you dearest Blossom, yet to each one who has joined us along the way … in this merry party! For we are able to hear your voices of yearnings. We are able to hear your prayers. We continue to analyze matters that you put forth to us and surmise as to how best to approach them on your behalf.

We cannot quite understand all that is presented due to the difference in vibration and it is not always as clear when it reaches us. A little like your Chinese whispers. Yet it is the energy of that which you beseech that arrives in all its glorious colour.

These days … and we are speaking of today forth … you shall notice a profound difference in your way of thinking. You shall find yourself aware of YOURSELF and the way it is CHOOSING to conduct its thoughts. You shall find it easier to be of a brighter nature.

May I interrupt here?

Do we have a choice?

Nope! For quite a while I have found on waking to be rather ‘dragged down’ in my entirety. I have to make a real effort to pull myself out of it and ‘get going’. I would have thought by now it would not have to be such a struggle … such an effort. It is only after being up and about that something ‘clicks’ back into the more amenable me! Can you chat about that please?

Indeed. You are ‘leaving the old’. You are letting go of it. It is that in your sleeping hours you are revisiting that which you are sending on its way … in order to do so!

You are … many of you … taking on a vast amount of ‘cleansing’ during your sleep time. Not just for yourselves … but for your planet. For all damage that has occurred. You are dissipating darker energies. You are travelling to many places to ‘prepare’ not just the souls of an area , but the EARTH and environment around it .

You are teaching/ learning at ‘seminars’. You are ‘revising’ that which you are to accomplish as these days bring into fruition the ultimate plan. You are busy bees when you are ‘unconscious’.

Struth … no wonder I FEEL as I do!

Remember also little one …

Sorry to interrupt again … is that you White Cloud? …. Not usual to be called that by The Federation.

I am indeed part of the piece and now and then my influence streams through.

So have you always been a part of these channellings then?

Of course.

How very interesting! Makes a lot of sense. Onwards … where were we…

Each one of you are far greater than you can comprehend … and yet … as each day broadens your perspective … you shall remember more and more of your capabilities and the use of them shall not drain your physicality as much as it can sometimes do.

Something that shall ‘bowl you over’ … is how much more energy you have within your BEINGS. To accomplish things that normally you would have the need to sit and ‘nanna nap’. You will FEEL a freshness in your BEING as all that has been dragging you down is done away with … for good … and you recognize a youth returning . Your physicalities shall visibly change which …

Shall bring great joy.

Indeed. Many ailments will also ‘noticeably’ leave of their own accord. For they have completed their reasoning for BEING there.

Just need to say … that I now FEEL the consciousness of THE FOL rather than White Cloud. Go figure!

Another notification shall be knowledge that one is aware of offering to others. One shall KNOW it and yet also KNOW that only yesterday they did not know it. They shall then smile for the recognition of the NEW AGE shall dawn upon them.

The children shall seem more rested as this Higher energy comes in. Do not be surprised if they are ‘seeing’ things that you cannot. KNOW they are of TRUTH when they speak of such things … It is just that they are more readily able to adjust to the NEW FIELD. Yet KNOW too, your turn shall come.

One shall become more aware of the negative thought arising and ‘throw it away’ before it is spoken … giving it no energy. Therefore it cannot transpire. And yet thoughts of DIVINE fruition shall swell with in the heart and manifest eventually instantaneously.

Is it that you have trouble KNOWING this BLOSSOM?

Oh no … not at all … It’s going to be wonderful. I guess I am thinking more of the time frame in which we shall notice all of this.

It begins as of now. Two of your days ago … many of you experienced an upliftment. For those that did not FEEL the energy as strongly as another … or indeed at all … this does not mean that you have missed the boat. You will either have been activated at the time … and it will take time for you to be aware of the change as it integrates within your BEING … OR … you have not yet been activated as there are a few minor details to fulfill before this can take place. Yet rest assured … each one of you will NOTICE THE CHANGE.

Yes … as you lot probably know … because I imagine you were there assisting … my activation DEFINITELY took place the next day 13th . Two hours of lying on the bed aware of so much happening to me. At one point I even saw/felt the body bag being zipped over my head … and it got caught in my hair. My instant thought was … the death of the old me!

Some of you will have experienced profound activations. This is not from a pick and choose who gets to FEEL that. Of course it is not of that nature. It is because some of you are in a position to ‘take on board’ the reality of it on a more conscious level.

I found it interesting that White Cloud spoke the other day of us choosing. I have lived by choice of attitude for a long time about my life … yet … I thought it wouldn’t be so much ‘choice’ anymore … as opposed to naturally FEELING the ‘right attitude to take’ … rather than having to always ‘choose’ ‘taking the High road’. Actually the answer has just flooded in of course!

And we shall reiterate. Your ability to choose the Highest good regarding any thought or action you may have has allowed you to attend to any matter with such speed … which is NOW always heading in the right direction. This you have trained yourselves to do over a period of time. Many many years in fact. You were not simply aware of this KNOWING and were able to ‘make it instantaneously happen’. Yet look at the difference in understanding NOW … compared to all those years ago.

The only difference BEING here … in these NEW DAYS … is that … that which is accepted and understood … does not take nearly as long to ‘sink in’ and put into operation.

So many many changes and differences shall you be made aware of regarding the way you conduct your thought patterns … which in turn of course … shall allow manifestation of all your needs to be attained.


There simply are no words … no form of verbal expression … other than the breath of ‘AH’ …. To describe to you that which you are to FEEL when the presence arrives. The Christmas presence!

I am so sorry … Truly I am … to keep asking silly pathetic questions … for we will KNOW when we KNOW … yet … When this presence arrives … this Light … will the world be ‘put on hold’ for a while … minutes? Hours? Days? … Many thought 12.12.12. was going to appear just as strongly … yet again …those who have chosen to be asleep were and still are … none the wiser. Is this how it is to be when The Happening takes place … Which to be honest … will be such a letdown for so many. Note I say when The Happening happens … I do not say on 21st Dec … because I AM… like many … in this place of not wanting to be disappointed. Oh Lordy Lord! I AM in such a strange space of excitement … coupled with massive apprehension!


Let us put it this way for you … Does this not make sense as to why you were chosen to be our spokeswoman? If you were one of deep faith … you would not be assisting many that are just like yourself?


Ok . I am hoping to have another chat with you before Christmas … well, if I am to be honest … and bold … I would say before 21st Dec. Yet should it be that this is not possible as I seem … like everyone … to have an awful lot on … what would you choose to say to us … Keeping in mind that I am going to … at this juncture … get right out of my head for a moment and not get in the way with my fears and doubts and let you ‘burst forth ‘.

We would then FEEL FREE to say:









We are TRUSTING that it shall be possible to speak again soon … so we shall leave it there for now.

As a human being at this time … I personally have a lot to accomplish … As much as I KNOW I should sit back and chill to bring in these energies … too many priorities need to be seen to . Yet I FEEL I AM denying my soul what it wants.

Choice of expression as you KNOW. If it is so that there is much in the physical world that needs to be accomplished … Then by all means carry on doing so. Yet do it with ease, grace and a KNOWING that LOVE is taking over your ENTIRE THOUGHT. So that all that is done is showered in LOVING ENERGY and the smile that one is emanating from doing so … builds up into an almighty burst of something that has never been FELT upon your planet before.

I will do my very best to fulfill that mission.


My love and thanks to you until next time.

(Below is White Cloud’s 12/12/12/ activation audio for those who have not heard it. I personally do not FEEL it had to be done at that exact time, and one will benefit from it whenever they hear it).

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/15/2012 1:27:15 AM

Jesus: December 21st 2012 Will Bring the Start of Untold Joy

2012 DECEMBER 14
Posted by Stephen Cook

Jesus: December 21st 2012 Will Bring the Start of Untold Joy

As channelled by John Smallman – December 14, 2012

Hear John’s personal reading of this message:

Time, as you experience it, has accelerated significantly over the last two years, and December 21st 2012, which is approaching rapidly, will bring the start of untold joy for humanity.

As you have been told numerous times “It’s a done deal.”

There are no ifs, ands, or buts. Hold steady on your course by continuing to express and demonstrate love in action in every interaction, no matter what the situation, because that is what you incarnated to do, and you have been doing it with ever-increasing effectiveness as you have worked constantly to open your hearts more fully to God’s Love, which is always calling to you.

You, like all humanity, do need to open your hearts, because by agreeing to incarnate and assist the awakening process you also agreed to experience the severe memory loss which is a major aspect of the illusion, and that involved the partial closing of your hearts to the ever-flowing stream of your Father’s Love. No hearts are fully closed because to do so would completely shut out Love, the life-force, ending your existence, and that is impossible because you are the children of God — immortal and eternal beings, forever alive and at one with Him.

Humans have starved themselves of Love for eons, because the openings into their hearts have been enormously restricted and reduced while playing their painful games in the depths of the illusion. Many have entered the illusion during those eons to demonstrate Love and to help you to awaken, but because you were so caught up in your unreal environment it has taken a long time for you to become aware enough to notice them and then respond positively to the assistance that they offered you.

As a result, you have had plenty of time to cause much pain to one another and to build up large quantities of resentment and anger which you are now in the final stages of releasing permanently, so that you can disentangle yourselves from the unreality you built. The divine Love field is flushing out the remaining characteristics of humanity that are in any way incompatible with Love, ably assisted by you Lightholders and wayshowers who incarnated for this purpose, as all have chosen to turn towards their spiritual origins as they seek escape from the fear and suffering in which they have been embroiled for so long.

This collective change of heart has been slowly developing over the last one hundred or so years, and has accelerated tremendously over the last two decades, leading you forwards towards your inevitable awakening. It has given us in the spiritual realms unparalleled joy to see you move so positively, and indeed courageously towards this momentous event, because to do so you had to face and release the very realistic-seeming fears that you had invented to form part of your imaginary environment.

It involved learning to love and to trust one another again — something that was lost when you engaged in your apparent separation from Reality — and your experiences within the illusion over countless eons made such openness and trust seem extremely counter-intuitive. Nevertheless, some of you started to do just this, and the result has been a rippling outwards of love and trust that has impinged on all and that is leading you towards a most marvelous conclusion to your sojourn within non-reality.

You have made amazing progress over these last few years — progress that even astonished us in the spiritual realms, because the unloving attitudes and behaviors that you had been employing for so long seemed to be very heavily ingrained within you, and, at one stage, it appeared that you could not possibly become ready to awaken as soon as you, in fact, have.

Congratulations are in order for your untiring efforts which have brought you to the very verge of awakening. Completion of that process is at hand.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/15/2012 1:30:21 AM

What We Have Dreamed Together

2012 DECEMBER 14
Posted by Steve Beckow

If I were to wake tomorrow and find this all a dream – what a beautiful dream we’ve dreamed together. I wouldn’t have had it any other way, despite all the hesitation, doubts, and suffering.

Having dreamed together, we questioned and overturned religious assumptions designed to keep us servile, economic assumptions designed to keep us poor, political assumptions designed to keep us bound, and many others, all of which deprived us of our native wisdom and courage.

With help, we stopped chemtrails, pandemics and weather warfare. With help, we defeated a plan to blacken the reputation of those who wished to waken and defend us, to send the people’s leaders to FEMA camps, and to eliminate those who wished to free us and give us what was ours and what we need.

We scuttled plans to carry warfare to its ultimate extreme and cause death and devastation on a planetary scale. We defeated black projects, assassination squads, and covert conspiracies which killed thousands, including Presidents. We risked our lives against a machine that controlled weapons of mass destruction, space fleets, and even time travel and teleportation – and we won.

We’ve escaped the prison of paradigms drilled into us with all the force of government, law, and military strength. We’ve thrown off what was fed to us in our newspapers, television, and films, to keep us in the dark.

We ended corrupt regimes and military dictatorships – in the people’s name. We’ve done it without seeking revenge or plundering those who plundered us. We’ve taken back the planet in the name of peace in peaceful ways, in the name of love in loving ways.

What we’ve accomplished! What we’ve achieved! What we have dreamed into reality – together.

If I wake up tomorrow, what a wonderful dream I’ve had, what a fulfilling, inspiring, sustaining dream. I dreamed a dream, and you did too, of a world that’s free, united, and harmonious. And I have that dream and the reality too.

We dreamed a dream that was more wonderful than our reality. And now, with eyes wide open, not drugged, and not dumbed down, we no longer need to pretend we dream. We’ve made our dream real before our eyes.

Not all of it. Much remains to do. But we no longer need to dream. Now, awake, the moment comes to plan, create, and build.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/15/2012 6:07:51 PM

Ascension Week: Taking Self Responsibility

2012 DECEMBER 15
Posted by Stephen Cook

Ascension Week: Taking Self Responsibility

By Stephen Cook – December 15, 2012

Talk of ensuring we all ‘go within’ – go into our hearts; into our heart spaces – at this crucial time is everywhere right now.

There are thousands of columns, commentaries, radio shows, videos and websites dedicated to it.

To us Lightworkers, it seems everyone, everywhere is talking about it, channelling it, writing about it, posting on it… And rightly so.

But I would like to add another very important process to this incredible week we have now entered: the week I believe can only be now known as Ascension Week.

That equally important process is self responsibility.

As far as I see it, we must enter this all-important week – the week we have long waited for (for some of us, over many lifetimes!) - by agreeing to ourselves, both individually and collectively, that we will give the same commitment to self responsibility that we are aiming to give to going in to our hearts.

And why do I raise this now?

Because I have been through two intensive, sometimes disturbing weeks’ of intellectualising, thinking through, weighing up, squaring off, sizing up – whatever you wish to call it – EVERY possible possibility and possible probability that may lie just ahead.

I’ve spent hours looking at what I may do or become; how I will prepare; how I may react; and, importantly, how I may feel. What I will and won’t do this week.

Like many of you, I have felt disappointed, frustrated and, at times, confounded and bewildered that some things hadn’t panned out the way I expected – or wanted.

I’ve even been sad. I was confused and despondent. (Well, actually, I’ve found myself weeping and weeping)

And yes, I have done all this knowing that what I truly believe (in fact, I KNOW) lies ahead at the end of this week- Ascension – is WAY bigger, brighter, bolder, magical and Universe-changing than anything any of us could ever, ever, ever imagine. Ever!

Which means I have gone through all that I’ve gone through these past two weeks, knowing, and firmly rooted in the understanding, that absolutely ‘anything IS possible’.

But having worked through all these ‘last minute Ascension nerves’ that the past two weeks have brought to the surface for me – yes, that old ‘stuff’ that had to be worked through, on and out again (some of it not my own) - I’ve come out the other side (thank you 12/12/12! And myself!) and it has become totally clear to me that as we head into these last few days before you know what, each of us is responsible for our own ‘self’.

No one told me what I must read, which channel I must believe, what website I should or shouldn’t have trusted. I did that myself.

No one told me what vision I may have, what I wrote about or posted here on this site or who I interviewed on The Light Agenda. I did that for myself.

No one told me who I should and shouldn’t agree with. Or resonate with. Or use my discernment on and choose to pass by. I did that myself.

In realising all this – and especially as we ‘serve’ our way trough this special week – I believe we must all take self responsibility for whatever the outcome of this important week ahead is for us… both as the human and/or Lightworker/server collective, and as individuals.

And so, in the week that we are all going within and centering I feel it is really important that as well as going into our heartspaces, we must also go within and remember that we are each responsible for whatever it is we believe – or ‘know’ or do or trust or resign ourselves to … and how we react to all of that.

Additionally, we must remember that each of us is responsible for how we feel, cope and handle – or don’t handle – what lies ahead this week. Day by day. Hour by hour. Moment by Moment. After all, we are each responsible for our own thoughts, our own feelings, our own actions – and our own reactions, aren’t we? So we must ‘own’ them, too.

Thus, no matter what transpires for each of us this week – whichever commentator, columnist, writer or channel we thought was ’right’ or we resonated with; whichever latest column or commentator rang or still rings true for us; whatever we saw that we then believed will or won’t happen on or around December 21st – we must each individually take responsibility for our experience. We must own the choice we made.

Why? Because we are each responsible for our own Ascension Week passage and our own Ascension Week outcome – and our own Ascension.

How we each prepare for whatever it is we ‘know’ or believe will happen for each of us this week; how we perceive the way things may unfold. And how we are prepared for any outcome. Well, that is our individual responsibility, too. Surely.

Which is why this week, especially – more than at any other time in this life we are currently existing in – it is also our individual responsibility to look after ourselves and assist those we most care about – physically, spiritually, emotionally, intellectually and ethically- in a way that we have never had to do before.

So while we should indeed go within – into our heart spaces right now – we also need to take responsibility for our own physical well-being.

We each must make a conscious decision to make sure we rest and sleep adequately to allow us to cope with the next few days – and nights. We each must make a conscious choice to eat the best foods we can find to put into our bodies to nourish and cleanse. And make sure we drink as much pure water as possible.

No matter our circumstance, we each must make a conscious decision to do our best for our spiritual and emotional selves, too. Be gentle. Analyse the issue that has arisen. Don’t go into fear. Question and reason rather than panic.

In doing so, we will do the best for our families, friends, neighbours, colleagues and the human collective. And our ‘selfs’.

This is what we came here for. This is what we came here to do. This is THAT moment.

And so, when it comes to what lies ahead at the end of this week – no matter what happens – we must each accept that WE decided what we wanted to believe or trust in; what WE felt we ‘knew’ was true for us.

WE chose to head down this path. WE took responsibility to believe – or to follow our own inner ‘knowing’. WE took responsibility for our ‘selfs’.

So my advice for each of us during Ascension Week is this:

  • Have and maintain the intent to Ascend.
  • Prepare for and focus on the best case scenario we desire for each of us – and the wider world. That is, our Ascension.
  • Look after our ‘selfs’ – physically, spiritually, emotionally. Be gentle. Be strong. Be focussed.
  • Stay out of our own or anyone else’s dramas. Don’t entertain them. Don’t enter in to them. Don’t create them.
  • Go within and centre in our hearts throughout this week – and not our heads.
  • Have faith in our ‘selfs’.
  • Trust and ‘know’.

But also remember, we are each responsible for our own thoughts, behaviours, decisions. And any reactions that spring from those same thoughts, behaviours and decisions are ours and ours alone…

So enjoy your ‘self’ – and here’s to an incredible, heart-centred, self responsible Ascension Week!

Comments are Open

P.S. I would like to add that I have come through all of the above with even more clarity and a greater focus on what I hold true for me – and that is the same vision I had six months ago. If you also agree that self responsibility is a huge focus for each of us during this all-important week, please feel free to read on:
December 21 and Ascension: Definitions, Visions and Meanings

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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