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12/13/2012 1:35:29 AM

Wes Annac: The Ascended Collective – A Message for 12-12-12

2012 DECEMBER 12
Posted by Alice C

sunsetWes Annac: The Ascended Collective – A Message for the 12-12-12

Channelled through Wes Annac – December 12, 2012

You dearest souls now have the opportunity to absorb plentiful higher dimensional energies within yourselves, with the coming of the 12-12 alignments. We say alignments because there is much, much more happening in the realms of spirit than you dear souls are aware of as of yet, but in the days ahead, the potent effects from these alignments will certainly make themselves known within you.

You will find your perspectives beginning to morph and change and you will find the energies accompanying darkness that have been fed by humanity for a plethora of generations, beginning to truly make their way out of your collective conscious and subconscious as you find upgrades and expansions within yourselves that will tear down and expose any latent density that may still be held within the minds and hearts of humanity.

Those who are unawakened as of yet will go through the 12-12 and the 12-21 and seem to feel nothing at their surface and some Lightworkers may feel as if they are not absorbing the incredibly-pure energies these alignments are bringing you in preparation for your collective planetary ascension, and we ask you to allow yourselves the needed quiet moments of rest and integration so that you can feel the effects of these alignments and the amazingly-pure energies they are to bring you.

Our scribe wishes to know if there will be a mass ascension on the 21st and dearest souls, we say that there can be.

We say this in this manner because you are Creating your realities with every thought and intention and if you are one who finds yourself a hollowed-out temple of expression for the higher realms to come forth and you find that you are no longer bound by any Earthly densities, limitations or addictions, than you can very well ascend on one of these dates along with a collective of souls who are themselves ready to experience the higher realms once again after having been anchored upon the Earth for so very long.

These dates are indeed ascension doorways, so to speak, wherein any who are ready can find an expanded and heightened perception that they will then take and use to help uplift the general public of Earth, who will begin to gradually feel the effects of these alignments.

The collective ascension that will occur [for some people] on both of these dates may be felt more gradually in some, depending on the Life plan of each individual who wishes to ascend on these dates and who find themselves ready to do so.

Some may seem to “disappear”, as they will have re-entered the higher realms and will be enjoying the beauty and splendor that these realms have to offer. However, some will ascend and choose to stay on your beautiful planet with the ascended perspective that they have gained, gradually settling into them.

These souls are those whom you would refer to as the “Masters,” making their return to your world.

When we refer to the return of the Masters, we refer to the ascension of the individuals who will find themselves utilizing their ascended perspectives to vastly uplift and benefit the collective of Earth. We speak of those within our collective who will eventually be making themselves known as well, and while that time is at hand we say that the most important return of the Masters is that which will be occurring with the ascension of the individuals on your world who will then choose to stay on the Earth and allow their perspectives to be made known within them slowly.

Some of you have already begun the most intense phases of your ascension processes, and you dear souls simply have not realized it yet. Some of you are already absorbing, assimilating, experiencing and benefitting from the incredibly-pure ascension energies beginning to make themselves known within you, while others still find themselves along considerably more-elementary stages of their processes.

We have spoken before on the subject of humanity as a whole finding your collective ascension, and we say that the energies being given to your world from the potent 12-12 and 12-21 alignments will see a gradual awakening in much of humanity begin to make itself known while those of you who have been considerably farther along your ascension processes, will begin to naturally find yourselves possessing the higher-dimensional perspectives you have been looking forward to.

We ask you to trust when we say that everything is on a full track to manifesting and we wish you to know that the higher realms are ready to permeate the surface of your world and get the attention of your entire populace.

Certain events manifest that will see us “testing the waters” of how much truth and phenomena humanity is able to absorb. For example, whenever a soft piece of disclosure comes forth in a news program or movie, we are monitoring the conscious and subconscious reaction to such disclosure on the part of all those who absorb it. (1)

When a natural phenomenon occurs on your world that is later explained away by something completely physical, we are initially monitoring the reaction in all those who witness such an assumed phenomenon and your reaction to everything that happens, which serves to give you an inkling of a higher-dimensional perspective and, even if only for a moment, determines the course that you as individuals and as a collective are heading in.

So we ask you to simply allow this process to come about and to know that you have now reached very important alignments and dates along your Calendar.

Indeed, dear souls, these dates have been discussed for very good reasons and there is a reason so many Lightworkers are so attached to the 12-12 and the 12-21. You have all known latently within that these dates would herald the beginning of the beginning of higher dimensionality and the beginning of the end of density and separation on your world.

You are to experience and witness the metaphysics of your reality and you are to find your natural abilities to interact with the loosened and refined energy that you will find around you, and we ask you to simply be at ease and allow yourselves to absorb these energies without expecting too much and without putting conditions on your absorption of these energies.

For example, if you are one who feels you haven’t ascended when these dates come around or you feel you should be experiencing a higher or purer state of consciousness, perception or awareness than you do when these dates come around; do not let this hamper your mission and the giving of Light that so many of you are on Earth to perform because with each conscious interaction with any aspect of the higher realms on your part, you are Creating your own ascension and you are initiating your entrance into the higher realms exponentially.

Be easy and gentle with yourselves and all others, and allow your unfolding Multidimensional perspective to make itself known. This is all we have to say about these current alignments [for now], and we wish you to know that you are truly in the home stretch. This has been said and will continue to be, for it is important for you dear souls to realize just how close you are.

You have returned home, dearest souls, and these alignments and initiations will only further solidify this fact.

Thank you to the Ascended Collective.


(1) Like Prime Minister Medvedev’s recent disclosure to a news reporter, for instance.

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12/13/2012 1:45:17 AM

SaLuSa 12-December-2012

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SaLuSa 12-December-2012

The biggest day ever in your lifetime has arrived, and it is the finalization of a whole series of lives that very shortly will give you the opportunity to leave the cycle of duality. It will lead to the time you have been waiting for that will introduce the Golden Age, and lift you up into a higher dimension of happiness and joy. The problems and worries that are with you will be soon be set aside, and many will be quickly involved in the various projects connected with uplifting Mother Earth. The next few days you will be assessing other people’s experiences compared to your own, and find mixed reactions. Those of the Light will inevitably find that they received an energetic input, and it will have established a new level within.

No one can prevent the new energies having some affect upon them, but not all will register it. Your civilization will never be the same again as it was with duality, but that will be a blessing. You will now find that there are more purposeful meanings and intent to actions that are being taken. They will fulfill the desire to move on and re-create a society that is based upon love. It will happen because the power of creation is now much stronger with you than ever before. The momentum is now with those of the Light, and they will determine how you change and remove those who stand in the way of true progress. What has been held back must be released for the benefit of All and not just the few.

With the higher vibrations upon Earth, It is also made easier for your Galactic friends to appear amongst you, as they do not need to reduce their own vibrations as much as before when yours were so low. Understand that although you are used to existence in your own vibrations, they are extremely uncomfortable for Beings like us. However, that will soon be part of the past, as you take your place in the 5th. dimension. You will soon adapt to a new way of living, that will commence as you introduce the changes intended to leapfrog you into the future. You have much to make up for and we are ready to start at a minutes notice.

As we have mentioned more recently, let the past go as it will have little or no bearing on your future. You are starting anew and even your karma will have been cleared, so place your focus on what is coming. There is so much that will be of great benefit to you, taking away the need to spend much of your time on unproductive tasks. You will have more freedom than you could imagine, which will allow you to have ample time to follow your hearts desires. Not only will you able to carry on with your pastimes, but if you require expert help you can call up recognized masters from any past era. However, you may want to start new interests so come on board our ships with us, and you will not want for choice.

You have less than 2 weeks to your finale when you ascend with Mother Earth. During this time we expect some more people to awaken, and it may just carry them forward. Certainly those of you who find that you have been consciously lifted up by 12.12. will be in no doubt that you are ready to ascend. We feel that it has still not entirely sunk in that the 21st. December is a very special event, because it is unique and has never taken place before. Although individuals have always been able to ascend, it will be the first time that mass ascension on this scale has been attempted. It will of course be successful, as it is in the hands of powerful Beings that do the Will of God.

Although it would appear that time has been lost because of delays and obstruction to our plans, we have nevertheless been very active. We can quickly change them as we have done on many occasions, and we now expect to run a very tight schedule to carry out our tasks. In the meantime we have kept a constant watch over you, and prevented areas of unrest from getting out of hand. An end will soon be put to all hostilities, and it will be allowed to be enforced. Eventually you will have full control of all earthly affairs, but we will never be far away. Our Galactic Fleets are so large that we can leave some ships within your Solar System, to be on call if they are needed. We already have bases on Earth and these shall remain for your protection.

Remember that the Ascension process has been taking place for eons of time and will continue for a long, long time to come. So enjoy this point in your journey and make sure that you are ready come12.21., and take the golden opportunity to ascend with Mother Earth. As the solar cycle ends so a cosmic cycle commences, and off you go again on yet another exciting journey. This time it will not be fraught with interference or negative experiences, and it will bring you joy and satisfaction. From a spiritual angle progress will be slow, but you will never stop learning or moving upwards. It will be your choice as to what speed you advance your spiritual growth, and it will always be in your mind and determine what you do.

There are various interpretations for the period from 12.12. to 12.21. so follow your intuition as to what you feel is your best approach during it. You will certainly need to maintain a peaceful and calm response to everything, to ensure that you keep a balance within yourself. This way you will receive the maximum amount of Light your body can absorb for your greater good. You may go through odd feelings of uncertainty and feel unsettled, but simply let it run its course and it will quickly cease. Of course not all people will have the same experience, but in every case their symptoms will be short lived. Keep to healthy foods, and the more that are fresh and “live” the better it will be, and most importantly drink plenty of water.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and feel so pleased for you all, that at last you have reached the magical dates that you have waited to arrive for so long. We know you will not be disappointed, and what will follow will at last allow us to meet you. After we have dealt with the great many priorities that exist across your world, we can start looking at opportunities to welcome you aboard our ships. You can be sure that all things will come in good time.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

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12/14/2012 12:20:22 AM

“Few Seek It, Fewer Attain It”

2012 DECEMBER 13
Posted by Steve Beckow

Lao Tzu

There’s one aspect of what’s happening today which we could easily overlook and that’s that very few seek enlightenment and fewer attain it. Yet today we see and hear that countless thousands are seeking it by desiring Ascension and, apparently, hundreds of thousands of early risers are attaining it.

Let’s listen to terrestrial sages discuss the matter. Sri Krishna said, in the Bhagavad Gita:

“Who cares to seek
For that perfect freedom?
One man, perhaps,
In many thousands.” (1)

Swami Brahmananda, one of Sri Ramakrishna’s small band of disciples and a companion of Sri Krishna’s tells us that “out of thousands, perchance one desires for God” (2) on one occasion and on another, “only one in a million sincerely longs for God, and few sustain that longing.” (3)

Few sustain the longing. In other words, they may feel a burst of desire to attain God on one day and then move to another desire the day after. Our lives are a constant and eternal cycle of desire in which the desire to realize God is only one among many competing wants.
The Upanishads depict our situation this way:

“To many it is not given to hear of the Self. Many, though they hear of it, do not understand it. Wonderful is he who speaks of it. Intelligent is he who learns of it. Blessed is he who, taught by a good teacher, is able to understand it.” (4)

Writing in the code that he was famous for, Lao Tzu (later incarnated as the ascended master Dhjwal Khul) said that:

“In all the world but few can know
Accomplishment apart from work,
Instruction when no words are used.” (5)

To accomplish “apart from work” implies remaining in the stillness associated with samadhi, a state which I actually have experienced for perhaps an hour in my lifetime. It was not permanent for me but a fleeting experience. Only with sahaja samadhi or Ascension does it become permanent.
And God is prior to words; again only in samadhi is God known. So Lao Tzu is saying “but few” know God and exist in the state that results.


Sri Krishna

Krishna who had said that only “one man, perhaps, in many thousands yearns for God goes on to say:

“Then tell me how many
Of those who seek freedom
Shall know the total
Truth of my being?
Perhaps one only.” (6)

And later in the same work, Krishna tells us that:

“Fools pass blindly by the place of my dwelling
Here in the human form, and of my majesty
They know nothing at all,
Who am the Lord, their soul.” (7)

What Krishna calls “fools,” which we would call ordinary folk, haven’t the slightest suspicion that God lives in the heart and fail to seek Him/Her/It there.

This desire to acquaint us with our real situation was probably the reason why Jesus said: “Many are called, but few are chosen.” (8) Many are given God’s calling cards (revelations, visions, etc.), but only a very few purify themselves so that they’re fit to realize the Father.

He went on to add that “strait is the gate and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.” (9) By “life” here he means not eternal life per se, which we all have regardless of our desires, but liberation from the need to be reborn into physical life, which we’ll attain upon Ascension.

Sri Ramakrishna

In the Gnostic Gospels, Jesus is quoted as saying “I shall choose you, one from a thousand, and two from ten thousand.” (10) So again: very few.

Richard Rolle, a medieval sage, tells us that “this mystery is hidden from the many, and is revealed to the few, and those the most special. So the more sublime such a level is, the fewer – in this world – are those who find it.” (11) Sahaja samadhi, the level associated with Ascension, would have been to Rolle a very high level.

His near contemporary, the blessed Henry Suso, agreed: “Not many succeed.” (12) Nisargatta put a number to it: only “one in a million understands all this play of consciousness [and] transcends it.” (13)

Sri Ramakrishna also attached a number to the success rate: “Out of a hundred thousand kites, at best but one or two break free; and Thou dost laugh and clap Thy hands, O Mother, watching them!” (14)

He describes why so very few among householders have succeeded historically:

“A few [householders] succeed in [spiritual life] through the grace of God and as a result of their spiritual practice. But most people fail. Entering the world, they become more and more involved in it; they drown in worldliness and suffer the agonies of death. A few only … have succeeded, through the power of their austerity. … Therefore spiritual practice is extremely necessary; otherwise one cannot live rightly in the world.” (15)

So we may simply accept statements like thousands ascended early or many ascended masters are appearing in our midst but these are not at all usual occurrences and are themselves proof of what’s happening today.


(1) Sri Krishna in Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood, trans., Bhagavad-Gita. The Song of God. New York and Scarborough: New American Library, 1972; c1944, 70. [Hereafter BG.]

(2) Swami Brahmananda in Swami Prabhavananda, The Eternal Companion. Brahmananda. Hollywood: Vedanta Press, 1970; c1944 , 127.

(3) Ibid., 194.

(4) Swami Prabhavananda and Frederick Manchester, trans., The Upanishads. Breath of the Eternal. New York and Scarborough: New American Library, 1957; c1948, 17.

(5) Lao Tzu, The Way of Life. The Tao Te Ching. trans. R.B. Blakney. New York, etc.: Avon, 1975, 96.

(6) Sri Krishna in BG, 70.

(7) Ibid., 81.

(8) Jesus in Matthew 22:14.

(9) Matthew 7:14.

(10) Jesus in Meyer, Marvin W., The Secret Teachings of Jesus. New York; Random House, 1986, 24.

(11) Richard Rolle, The Fire of Love. Trans. Clifton Wolters. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1981; c1972., 51.

(12) Blessed Henry Suso in Frank Tobin, trans. Henry Suso. The Exemplar, with Two German Sermons. New York and Mahwah: Paulist Press, 1989, 130.

(13) Nisargadatta Maharaj, Consciousness and the Absolute, The Final Talks of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj. Edited by Jean Dunn. (Talks recorded, 1981). 1994, 70.

(14) Paramahansa Ramakrishna in Swami Nikhilananda, trans., The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. New York: Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, 1978; c1942, 818.

(15) Ibid., 154.

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12/14/2012 12:30:01 AM

Reports on 12/12/12

2012 DECEMBER 13
Posted by Steve Beckow

So what happened on 12/12/12?

Speaking for myself, I felt a tremendous uplift early in the morning, which stabilized after around an hour and has not left. The floor of my emotional experience appears to have raised itself and has not gone back down.

What SaLuSa said yesterday seems appropriate here. In his words, I “received an energetic input, and it will have established a new level within.” (1)

Perhaps the members of the 2012 Scenario discussion group would allow me to quote from their reports. They range from not much to report to bliss. Any place a person is with 12/12/12 is fine. SaLuSa told us on 12/12/12 that “no one can prevent the new energies having some effect upon them, but not all will register it.” (2)

This may be the case with the first group, who report:

“I cannot say that I feel full of bliss…. I feel extremely tired.”

“Nothing specific here too, just solidifying from before.”

“Honestly feel no different today…not yet anyway.”

The second group report:

“I found myself in a state of flowing peacefulness. … I cannot describe my love and gratitude for being a part of this global awakening.”

“The feeling I am experiencing today is like no other. Subtle? Yes. Profound? Yes. Pure unadulterated bliss, joy, contentedness, connectedness, love. … I wanted to reach out today and share this amazing place I am at today on 12/12/12.”

“Lots of crying for happiness.”

“As I write this, I’m feeling bliss growing and growing and it’s been this way for the past hour and a half. I feel it surrounding me, in me and everywhere.”

I don’t expect to hear from the group of early risers right away. It’s said that they’ll return as gatekeepers in the next short while, joining what we more commonly think of as the ascended masters to help people with the shift. Archangel Michael reportedly said through Debbie Erasmus:

“You are now standing at the cusp of Ascension in earnest with the opening of the 12.12.12 portal. This portal signifies the start of the Ascension process because with it will come a wave of Wayshowers that will infiltrate all the corners of the Earth who will show those who are meant to ascend their way to Ascension.” (3)

Archangel Michael said through Ron Head yesterday that 12/12/12 opens the “final doorway into the long promised age,” culminating, he says, on Dec. 21, 2012.

“At long last, after several millennia, you have arrived at the final doorway into the long promised age in which all of the anger, war, poverty, fear, and other less desirable conditions are left behind, having taught you all the lessons you desired to learn. From this point on, your only purpose will be to increase your awareness, understanding, and acceptance of the Divine Light, as well as that of all those you may encounter. You will make the most outstanding teachers because you have, as you say, ‘been there and done that.’

“You will find that the next period, from now until the twenty-first of this month, will bring you a huge increase in light and internal change, if you allow it. It will be much larger than before, but should be easier for you to adjust to, since now you certainly can see for yourselves where this is taking you. Very few of you have any doubt left at this point.” (4)

Archangel Metatron through James Tyberron stated on Nov. 4 that “the planet ascends on the 12-12-12, and rebirths on the 12-21-12.” (5) The Divine Mother said this as well on An Hour with an Angel Dec. 10, 2012: The “Ascension that [Gaia] is undertaking will be completed on 12/12.” (6) Of Dec. 21, 2012, the Mother says: “So are there points, the 21st being one of them, where there are what you think of as explosions? Yes. … There will be massive openings.” (7)

Jesus through John Smallman said that the next eight days are “the short period before you awaken” and should see us release anything unforgiven. He offers us this rule of thumb: “If you can remember it, then it needs to be released.”

“As the short period remaining before you awaken winds down it would be good to address any issues that you may have been avoiding, or perhaps considered too insignificant to concern yourselves with. However, anything that would fall into the category of holding a grudge, a derogatory judgment of another, or something unforgiven, no matter how small or inconsequential it seems, does need to be released. If you can remember it, then it needs to be released.” (8)

And SaLuSa predicts many more will awaken before “mass ascension” on Dec. 21, 2012.

“You have less than 2 weeks to your finale when you ascend with Mother Earth. During this time we expect some more people to awaken, and it may just carry them forward. Certainly those of you who find that you have been consciously lifted up by 12.12. will be in no doubt that you are ready to ascend.

“We feel that it has still not entirely sunk in that the 21st. December is a very special event, because it is unique and has never taken place before. Although individuals have always been able to ascend, it will be the first time that mass ascension on this scale has been attempted. It will of course be successful, as it is in the hands of powerful Beings that do the Will of God.” (9)

The last eight days will probably fly by. In that time we’ll speak to Archangel Michael twice, once on An Hour with an Angel (Dec. 17, 2012) and once on The Light Agenda (Dec. 19, 2012).

So fasten your seatbelts and prepare for liftoff. Only a week and a day to go.


(1) SaLuSa, Dec. 12, 2012, at

(2) Loc. cit.

(3) “Archangel Michael via Debbie Erasmus: Wayshowers Will Become the Guiding Light for Many of You in the Next Couple Weeks,” as channeled by Debbie Erasmus, December 10, 2012, at .

(4) Archangel Michael through Ron Head, “Archangel Michael Through Ron Head: Be One. As of Today, Be One,” at

(5) Archangel Metatron through James Tyberonn, Nov. 4, 2012, at .

(6) The Divine Mother on 12/12/12 and 21/12/12,” at

(7) Loc. cit.

(7) Jesus through John Smallman, Dec. 12, 2012, at

8) SaLuSa, Dec. 12, 2012.

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12/14/2012 12:45:01 AM

Resignations, Arrests, and Oh dear, too sick to be seen in public

I have to hit the books to study for a test but couldn’t until I shared this.

I saw it last night and didn’t have time to post but you can go there now and read the good news for yourself and then gloat all day. ;0)

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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