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11/21/2012 1:30:24 AM

Angela Peregoff: The Enlightenment Process Is in Full Shift

2012 NOVEMBER 20
Posted by Janice Collins

Angela Peregoff: The Enlightenment Process Is in Full Shift

By Angela Peregoff – November 19, 2012

The Universe is in a natural cycle of revolutionary change as swiftly expanding numbers of earthly initiates plunge into conscious change to match the higher frequency expressions.

Get ready to create a week that allows for stability and integration because of the alignment that happened within the deepest desires of your precious Self last week. You want to stay tuned to the concise, clear stirrings of your Soul Truth because we just crossed (on 11/11&13) a critical threshold in our evolution toward spiritual 5-D embodiment.

Earth is a unique living library that offers seemingly endless attractions to souls and spirits learning how to use and play with creative energy within the context of multidimensional dramas.

When you are born on earth, your essence comes from the spirit realms of non-physical reality; you take on a physical body to directly experience the rich variety of opportunities to be had within the physical world. You return to Earth again and again, living many, many lives. From a linear perspective, it seems that each life begins at birth and ends at death; nevertheless, the process of reincarnation is not confined to a linear model.

During your present-moment visitation you are infusing Earth’s majesty with a remembrance for humanity’s ascension back to a Divine Plan. Your attendance here is bringing the ancient through time and space, carrying with it energetic data that is seeking to be embraced by those that are ready for a multidimensional dialogue of crystalline intelligence. As a container for the Truth of your character and the Ingenuity of Spirit you have been, and are, a reservoir of Higher ideas for incorporating our larger cosmic identity. Pretty big when you think about it in those terms, right? So go ahead – celebrate your greatness under the glowing auspices of peaceful nurturance this week.

If you wish to amplify the natural energetic flow this week you’ll want to emphasize your partnership with Life. There are currently vast numbers of galactic and heavenly guardians blessing us. They are helping to hold open the portals to true-ness of Self so that we can plug into them effortlessly.

It’s advisable to take this week and intentionally reconcile the places where you depart from the Spirit of you so that your connection to the open portals can be magnetized and become anchored in your field. The job will ask you to be completely clear and fearless in the face of your humanity. You need to be committed to thinking, acting, and reacting from the authentic value system of the soul. This requires lifting your vision beyond the lower levels of personality and into the higher stratum of the spiritual world.

And that doesn’t mean you won’t have a crisis or two pop up; you have to maintain an eagle-eye on what’s going on around you. Relationships are the most potent areas of human refinement right now. Have you noticed? People are splitting up, distancing, and separating or the exact opposite – coming together. Just like the American government we are reorganizing and aligning with the parties that best support the direction we are headed.

Watch your motives and communications in all relationships. Prepare ahead of time. If there is a relationship that is asking for adjustment in your world then start journaling about the issues of concern. Meditate on it or process the issues with a trusted friend. Do what you have to so that when the winds of change blow into your house of relations you know what you are going to do.

You’ll want to use your body and etheric levels to feel the energy coming off the stellar planes. From the bigger picture you are working to initiate and embody the upgraded multi-dimensional destiny that you knew would be calling to you through the love and wisdom of the Law of One. Are you ready to step into the next phase of “you”?

For ease and comfort with this transformation tune into the organic crystalline alignment of Unity consciousness that is now a part of the primal life force grid that surrounds the earth. Utilize its influence by activating it in your field through unconditional love. Allow it to flow into and through you and then out into the world. The second, third and seventh chakras will be the energy vortexes that will be most affected as you anchor more of Spirit here.

If you encounter any resistance this week it may help to remind yourself that you are in the cycle of “rearrangement and refinement”. A time when you are moving toward your spiritual destiny on the heels of the momentum set in place by a solar eclipse new Moon supermoon. Be patient and compassionate with yourself. You are now fully managing the LIGHT of who you are rather than being lead by your past immobilizing limitations and fears. The rest of this month you’ll need to focus and practically apply grounded and focused spiritually to each day.

Be disciplined and accept the spiritual maturity and wisdom that is required to accomplish your spiritual objectives each day. And remember we still have a full Moon lunar eclipse to experience on November 28th. Consciously cultivate an undaunting faith and trust in your true worth as a Creator in cellular gift wrap. It was Sathya Sai Baba that said, “Know that you are God, and from that state you have become a human being. Do not regard God as something separate and distinct from you. God is very much within you.”

From the dynamic attitude and commitment of staying inextricably linked to the authentic YOU a spiritual triumph will be at hand and being nurtured by Life can then become effortless. Understand? The invisible aspects of existence are coming to life. Your personal transformation affects the balance-pointe of all. There is much waiting to overlight you in the coming weeks. You are now able to see with a new lens of perception even when sitting in the middle of a swirling vortex that is refining and re-engineering your inner residence. All that you are becomes more intelligent on a daily basis now! You will find that grace is mediated solely through consciousness. Slow down and ask what you need today. Seek to discover what attitudes, nutrients, and comforts will maximize the equalization of the current high vibrations.

My non-physical companions are reminding me that all is fluid and to embrace that as our knowing. All is fluid. All moves, all flows, and the more we allow flow, the less resistance we experience. And because of this we are unconditionally supported in all we do. So connect to what is available right now my friends. Everything you need is right before you (or within you).

It’s time to cash in your spiritual investments and become lined up with all the resources you desire and need. You are a universal commodity that houses a conscious Divine Wisdom. As you embrace present and future shifts, feel this Divine energy coming into you, swirling up through you, empowering all that you are. When this is done communications open, physicality upgrades, and life commands Its own perfection!

The enlightenment process is in full shift and you are LIVING it!

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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11/22/2012 12:12:18 AM

Mainstream TV Reacts to the “Mayan Apocalypse”

2012 NOVEMBER 21
Posted by Steve Beckow

mayan sun godI post this article not to confuse, by introducing apocalyptic scenarios which we know won’t happen, but to illustrate how some sectors of the mainstream media are beginning to handle 2012 talk.

This is Discovery Channel’s online magazine. They could have pushed an apocalyptic line but notice that they actually discuss “New Age” developments, spiritual traditions coming together, etc.

It isn’t an outright endorsement of an optimistic … or perhaps I should say accurate … view of 2012 but it may represent some thawing from the Nostradamus type of programming. Thanks to David.

Does Anyone Really Believe in the Mayan Apocalypse?

While Mayan apocalypse believers have been painted as misguided doomsday prophets, the reality is not quite so simple.

A tracing of an artistic representation of the Maya sun god found on the north side of the Diablo Pyramid at El Zotz, an archaeological site in Guatemala. Click to enlarge this image.

Stephen Houston, Discovery News, Tue Nov 20, 2012

Content provided by Stephanie Pappas, LiveScience Senior Writer

John Scillitani does not want to be seen as a fanatic. As the proprietor of, one of the top Google hits for searches on the Mayan apocalypse, he’d be easy to paint in that way: His site features pictures of nuclear explosions, images of meteors hitting Earth and a variety of less-pleasant predictions from the darker parts of the Bible.

But over the phone, Scillitani comes across as friendly and likable. He has a family and a job — he’s a real estate agent in California — and although he worries about the way the world is going, he says, he’s not cowering in a bunker waiting for the end of the world to come.

PHOTOS: 2012 Doomsday and Other Signs of the End Times

“I’m just reading stuff and seeing some coincidences that are kind of eerie,” Scillitani told LiveScience. He said he put together his site during “a phase” of intense reading about 2012 apocalypse predictions.

“I just love the mythology of it, and you watch a couple shows … then you start doing research and going, ‘Oh my god, there’s this’ and ‘Oh my god, there’s that,’ and you start taking the numerology and trying to match stuff up,” he said. (End of the World? Top Doomsday Fears)

Scillitani is not alone in his fascination with 2012 prophecies. The crux of these prophecies is the Maya Long Count calendar. An important cycle of this calendar draws to a close on Dec. 21, 2012. But while most media have painted Mayan apocalypse believers as misguided doomsday prophets, the reality is not quite so simple.

In fact, the cult of Maya enthusiasts is much more varied — and much more adaptable — than the media have given them credit for. While it’s true that some fear the end of the world, many others look forward to Dec. 21 as a day of transformation and spiritual awakening. Predictions are as numerous as believers, and have even seeped back into modern Maya culture.

ANALYSIS: Mayan Calendar Discovery Confirms 2012 ‘End Date’

“There are all kinds of lines of thought,” said Dirk van Tuerenhout, an anthropologist and curator of “Maya 2012: Prophecy Becomes History,” an exhibit ongoing at the Houston Museum of Natural Science.

Who believes

It’s impossible to quantify how many people believe something notable will happen on Dec. 21, and equally impossible to determine how many think that “something” will be apocalyptic. The online world of the Mayan apocalypse is chaotic and anarchic. Dueling interpretations and infighting appear common, and it can be difficult to tell who truly believes in the prophecy and who is a huckster looking to draw in the gullible.

The basic beliefs, however, all stem from the Maya Long Count calendar, one of three calendars used by the ancient Maya of Central America. On Dec. 21, 2012, our modern calendar coincides with the end of a 144,000-day cycle, or b’ak’tun. Two ancient carvings,one discovered this year, reference the date. The first, which dates back to about A.D. 669 and which was found in Tortuguero, Mexico, mentions the return of a deity associated with calendar changes on that day. The second, found in Guatemala, dates back to about A.D. 696. In that text, a struggling king attempts to shore up his rule by linking it to the 13th b’ak’tun that ends this year.

Historians, archaeologists and Maya experts are quick to point out that neither carving is apocalyptic. Nor did the Maya see the end of the calendar as the end of time itself.

“It’s absolutely not the end,” van Tuerenhout told LiveScience. “This is just one calendar being exchanged for another.”

Maya civilization peaked and collapsed before about A.D. 1000, though descendents of the empire still populate Central America. Westerners exposed to the concept of the Maya calendar imbued it with their own traditions, often drawn from the apocalyptic predictions of the Bible.

“It’s that world of the ancient Maya colliding with the Western world, which has all kinds of religious traditions firmly anchored in these end-of-the-world types of beliefs,” van Tuerenhout said.

Much of the current Maya concern traces back to a 1966 book “The Maya” (Thames & Hudson) by Yale University anthropologist Michael Coe, who briefly suggests the Long Count calendar might have been used to predict Armageddon. Other Maya experts contest this claim, but the fiery story has mutated and grown online.

For example, Azerbaijani-American author Zecharia Sitchin, who believed humans arose from extraterrestrials, also formulated the idea of planet Nibiru, an undiscovered body orbiting in a huge elliptical path in our solar system. This idea was later picked up by Nancy Lieder, the proprietor of, who says she channels the messages of benign aliens. In 2003, Lieder warned that Planet X or Nibiru would sweep by the Earth, killing most life on the planet. (Doom and Gloom: Top 10 Post-Apocalyptic Worlds)

That didn’t happen, of course, but the idea of a deadly planetary collision stuck. A collision with Nibiru is one common theory of how the world will end on Dec. 21. (11 Failed Doomsday Predictions)

Not the end, but a beginning

Other believers don’t expect a fiery death, but a beautiful rebirth. The spiritual organization Foundation for the Law of Time, for example, believes Dec. 21 will usher in a new age.

“It’s a time when there is an opportunity for spiritual rebirth and a transformation of consciousness, which has to do with the identification of the metaphysical realities, which will help manifest a global culture of peace,” John Hoopes, an anthropologist at the University of Kansas who has tracked the online surge in 2012 apocalypse theories, said of the group’s beliefs.

New Age subcultures are major drivers of 2012 Maya beliefs, Hoopes told LiveScience. The demographic is “spiritual, but not religious,” Hoopes said.

People “are putting together their own practices that draw from Tibetan Buddhism and Tantrism and yoga, but also alchemy, astrology and tarot,” he said. “It’s what other authors have referred to as the invention of a sacred tradition, but it’s very eclectic and pulls on stuff from around the world.”

Not only that, but the modern world is chaotic and confusing, said Robert Sitler, a professor of Latin American studies at Stetson University in Florida and author of “The Living Maya: Ancient Wisdom in the Era of 2012″ (North Atlantic Books, 2010).

People worry about climate change, species’ extinction and environmental degradation, Sitler said.

“There is, I think, an attraction in looking back to cultures that we imagine had a better way of doing things,” he told LiveScience.

What the Maya think

Of course, Maya culture still exists — even if the empire is long gone. Sitler has interviewed a number of Maya people on their thoughts on the 2012 phenomenon, starting about six years ago. At first, he said, it was a bit like asking the average American about important dates in the Julian calendar, the calendar that Europeans stopped using in 1582.

“When I first started going, nobody knew what I was talking about, nobody had ever heard of it,” Sitler said. “That’s because that calendar fell into disuse a thousand years ago.”

But intense media attention brought the calendar back to the Maya’s attention, Sitler said. Out of 100 Maya, he said, “99 of them could care less about any of it,” because they’re busy with their daily lives. But because that culture sees ancestors as a source of wisdom, many Maya welcomed the import of their own history with open arms.

“There are Maya celebrations scheduled all over Mexico and Guatemala” on Dec. 21, Sitler said.

The Maya scoff at the idea the world will end on that date, he said, but tend to see it as the beginning of a new cycle. The importance of this cycle is often tied to the political issues affecting various regions, Sitler said. One group originally from the rainforest sees the new cycle as ending the world of vegetation or requiring some sort of environmental rebalancing. Another group that has clashed with the Mexican government sees the end of the b’ak’tun as heralding their political victory.

In many ways, the 2012 fever echoes earlier writings by outsiders who simply got the Maya wrong, Sitler said.

“It is in many ways unfortunate, I would say. There’s a lot of hysteria, and the vast majority of the information online is simply inaccurate or misrepresents the situation. But there’s very little that can stop that from taking place,” he said. “People believe what they want to believe.”

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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11/22/2012 12:15:07 AM

Matthew’s Message: November 20, 2012

2012 NOVEMBER 21
Posted by Andrew Eardley

Matthew’s Message: November 20, 2012

As received by Suzy Ward – November 20, 2012

No Israel-Palestine war; effects of high vibrations on bodies, relief measures; US presidential election; vibratory alignment; Earth regaining balance; civilizations help others by request; ET assistance on and off-planet; prayer; effects of false information; giving thanks

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. You are physically and emotionally feeling the effects of energy surges more so than seeing their remarkable results. We are feeling and seeing the grand forward thrusts the surges have given the planet and most of its residents: Gaia, Earth’s soul, is joyous about her planetary body’s nearness to the threshold of fourth density; hope for better times is being restored within people whose living circumstances are desperate; and newly awakened souls are sparkling all over Earth.

A world full of other marvelous happenings is on the way, but in the days at hand, the in-pouring of high vibrations also is having some unwelcome effects, like the roiling intensity at the negative end of duality’s spectrum. Perhaps at this moment it is most noticeable in the tense Israeli-Palestinian confrontation. We hasten to assure you, the time for a full blown new war is past, today’s enemies will evolve into peaceful, co-operative relationships, and any country waging war against another will be unthinkable.

On a different front but also due to increasingly high vibrations, many are experiencing conditions such as weakness, disorientation, forgetfulness, fatigue, sudden mood swings and other uncustomary sensations. In healthy bodies that have absorbed light, the anomalies are few and brief as these bodies’ crystalline cells adjust more easily to energy fluctuations than can the carbon-based cells of bodies with less light.

Please do not use any of those symptoms as a barometer for assessing how much light is within you! Chronic maladies and forms of mental illness still affect bodies in Earth’s atmosphere, and souls who are radiant with light may continue to experience those discomforts until they’re well within fourth density’s strong healing vibrations.

To lessen the severity and duration of the temporary anomalies, get sufficient sleep, avoid stressful encounters, drink a lot of water, have solitary serene time as often as possible and eat wisely. Vegetables and fruits are especially beneficial and less meat, sugar, starchy foods and fats in the diet also will help to lift energy levels, reduce fatigue and stabilize a positive outlook.

We strongly suggest that you not resort to antidepressants or other prescription drugs or the many that are lining store shelves. Particularly in the prevailing energies, the chemicals in drugs can suppress or destroy the body’s own healing mechanisms. If you are on a medically-prescribed regimen, consult with your healthcare giver about safely reducing dosage.

Another effect of Earth’s proximity to fourth density is that linear time is passing more and more swiftly. If you are reaching day’s end feeling frustrated because there was no time to handle all responsibilities, set your priorities and please don’t fret about foregoing what could not be fit in.

The prevailing vibratory levels contributed substantially to quite a different kind of matter, too. The Illuminati, who thought that not only could they cling to their remnants of control, but rebuild their former worldwide power base, now know that their situation is hopeless. They had pinned their hopes and put their money on Mr Romney winning the US presidency.

That country’s people and the rest of the world see President Obama’s re-election as the voters’ choice. It was that indeed, but his victory is more than the vote count – it is a manifestation of science, a reflection of the energetic flow of the universe. The president’s vision of a peaceful world restored to its former health and beauty and his goals to achieve this are aligned with Earth’s vibratory field. The goals of Mr Romney are to keep the world’s resources and vast fortunes in the same few hands, and this is not in alignment with Earth’s vibratory field.

Like all other sources of negativity, the low vibrations of greed and control are incompatible with the high vibrations of love that are flowing ever more abundantly throughout the world and bringing Earth back into a healthful state of balance. The energy within balance is love-light, and nothing with low vibrations can co-exist with this most powerful of all energies in the Universe.

The fact that the election outcome was in consonance with the universal flow, as the Golden Age master planners long ago knew it would be, did not diminish one iota the free will choices of the United States citizens. Each voted in accordance with his or her reaction to the energy emanating from the candidates.

Please understand that this is neither criticism nor judgment of the voters or the candidates – it is explaining the election result in the context of laws that govern life in this Universe. The same holds true for the congressional elections in that country and all elections in every other country where the citizenry have a choice of candidates for leadership roles.

The laws are affecting not only national governments and governing bodies from village level on up – wherever negativity still has a foothold, high vibrations are causing shake-ups to separate the wheat from the chaff, so to say. This can be as close to home as family, neighbors and co-workers and as seemingly remote as multinational corporations, the United Nations, military forces, religions, education, law and justice systems, and information outlets around the globe.

High vibrations are overpowering the low vibrations of everything that has adversely affected life in your world. This had to happen so Earth could regain her balance after almost dying from long ages of imbalance due to humankind’s brutality to each other, animals and the planet itself. The massive infusion of light from far distant sources seventy-some years ago enabled Earth to embark upon a journey back to life-sustaining balance – you know this journey as Ascension.

This is an appropriate place to address an email that recently was sent to my mother:

“I just found your site but I’ve known about Disclosure for quite a while. What are we supposed to do until our ET family gets here – just continue to wait patiently and hope they really will come? Can they decide not to? If so, would that mean that it is our responsibility to end all wars and other violence, repair the environment and fix everything else that is wrong in the world? Doing that without any help from advanced civilizations seems like an impossibility.”

There is so much to say about this, it is hard to know where to begin.

Perhaps it is best to start with the universal law that no civilization has the responsibility – much less the right – to go into another world and make changes as they see fit, even when it would immensely benefit that world’s inhabitants. Civilizations with a core of darkness have violated this law and destroyed other peoples and their homelands, but this never has happened to Earth and only Lighted civilizations are anywhere near your solar system.

So yes, it is the responsibility of a civilization to right its own wrongs, but there is a loophole there, you could say. Conditions in your world from severely damaged environment to the state of perpetual warring and unconscionably lopsided distribution of resources are products of your civilization’s successive generations’ bellicosity, brutality, greed, corruption, deception, negligence and abuse. Righting all of those wrongs is indeed a formidable undertaking, and to any third density civilization, it surely would seem an impossible task.

No doubt that is why God authorizes assistance to civilizations that request it. Gaia asked for help so her planetary body could survive, and the response was what we mentioned above, the infusion of life-saving Light from many civilizations. But it is not only by Gaia’s request that assistance is being lovingly given. The desire in your collective consciousness to live in a world at peace and in harmony with Nature is your request for help to accomplish this.

From the first moment of intensive light-beaming, many years ago, civilizations that the majority on Earth don’t know even exist have been helping Earth and you in numerous vital ways. Thus clearly their assistance is not dependent upon “Disclosure”, your governments’ public acknowledgement of extraterrestrial presence.

In accordance with universal laws and as part of the Golden Age master plan – prior to birth, everyone in your world knew the plan’s details and clamored to participate – all of our universal family who have been helping you are way-showers, not over-takers.

Many thousands are living right there with you, working alongside you. They have adapted an appearance that looks no different from you, and their superior intelligence and highly developed skills have given them entry into fields where darkness held sway.

Some work quietly researching and documenting the truth that the darkness has kept hidden from you, and others – you call them whistleblowers – tell the truth to the world.

Others are initiating or influencing reforms in such diverse areas as governing, economic and legal systems, energy, transportation, healthcare, sports, education, mining, logging, agriculture, computer technology, species preservation, the media, scientific research and metallurgy.

A few are in the entertainment field, and even though you regard them as such, their feats that amaze you stir thoughts about what underlies their extraordinary abilities. They exemplify what you, too, can do when you expand spiritual and conscious awareness.

Many brothers and sisters came from other worlds to befriend, enlighten, guide and inspire the individuals who share with them the same ancestry civilizations.

The protection of invisibility by “cloaking” or an impenetrable shield of Christed Light is given to people whose lives are at risk at the hands of Illuminati henchmen.

None of the highly publicized “feared” pandemics occurred because family members working in your laboratories neutralized the toxins in vaccines that were designed to cause illness and death.

The damage that has been done to Earth is much too severe for you to manage yourselves. Even when technologies long-controlled by the Illuminati are released, they are not sufficient to speedily handle the extensive restorative aid the planet requires, and technologies in nearby spacecrafts, some of which is mind-powered, do have that capability.

While passengers and crews have been waiting to land and work with you on site, all along they have been helping from the skies. Foremost is preventing more than a dozen attempts by the Illuminati to use nuclear warheads in terrorist acts that would have caused more deaths and destruction than “9/11”.

  • Radioactive releases from Japan’s damaged nuclear facility would have killed or sickened millions if the crews had not dramatically reduced the lethal levels.
  • No marine life within miles of the oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico would have survived if the crews had not kept clearing away the gushing oil’s toxic components.
  • They have also been reducing the toxicity in weaponry, industrial waste, stored nuclear waste, chemtrails, and other pollutants in inland and ocean waters.
  • Crews far and near disintegrate or deflect the course of celestial bodies and manmade debris in space that could cause serious damage if they hit the planet.
  • By laying an electromagnetic grid above Earth, they reduce the effects of earthquakes insofar as death toll and destruction, yet permit the same amount of negativity release.
  • They steer severe storms away from land unless the target areas need the cleansing and purifying that water imparts.

And those vast, powerful, far distant civilizations will continue to direct intensive light to Earth until she is securely within fourth density.

Can you imagine the state of your world and all who live there if none of those measures had been undertaken by countless numbers within our universal community?

This brings us to a point we wish to emphasize about “just continue to wait patiently” for Disclosure. Beloved souls, you are not just waiting! Innately you know that the responsibility for cleaning up the mess is yours because it is your homeland, and in one way or another, all of you have contributed to its condition. That’s why many millions of you have been serving for years to bring about benevolent changes that are generating light and uplifting your world.

Let us give you some examples:

  • Local and international rallies and meditation services for peace.
  • Participation in a variety of environmental conservation measures.
  • Monetary support to organizations that are providing life essentials to refugees and others in impoverished circumstances.
  • Community and individual efforts to assist those who are most needy.
  • Demands for justice and humane treatment where those are being denied.
  • Efforts to preserve and uplift the lives of domestic and wild animals.
  • Ingenuity, perseverance and cooperation to overcome financial adversity and other hardships.

And please do not overlook the power of your prayers! Prayer is not reciting familiar words in church or personal messages to God, by whatever name you call the Supreme Being of this universe. Prayer is the energy sent forth by your every thought, feeling and deed,and you have been sending out “peace, prosperity, health and harmony” energy in great abundance!

We want to mention other factors that also pertain to “waiting patiently.” In previous messages we have explained what has prevented mass landings for the past decade or so, and it is most unfortunate that much confusion and disappointment has arisen due to blatantly false information given to some channels by dark entities that claimed to be well known respected sources. The dark Ones do this specifically to cause negative reactions because they feed on the energy of negativity and to survive, they must keep creating it.

It didn’t help that the very few actual plans for a small number of ETs to make a public appearance had to be postponed – we assure you that the Fleet Commanders’ decisions were wisely made for your safety and theirs.

Because of that and the many instances of deliberate falsehoods about extraterrestrials’ arrival and intentions as well as claims of imminent planetary disasters, Hatonn has asked us to expound on his statement in a previous message: “If our making an appearance becomes pivotal to Obama keeping his position, we’ll do that in sufficient time before the election. If we see that his re-election is certain, we’ll show up soon afterwards.”

“We” refers to members of the off-planet contingent that has been negotiating with some of your government leaders and others in the vanguard of paving the way for the Golden Age. This visiting group would be introduced prior to the arrival of our family who will bring technologies and remain as long as you want and need them to work with you.

The decision about timing of that momentous day is the province of the highest Universal Council, and it acts upon God’s mandate. Only at that ultimate peak of awareness can soul contracts of everyone involved, individual and global karmic completion, and your population’s reactions be known.

There is still another aspect to the “waiting game,”if you will. Animals whose soul contracts provide sufficient longevity have a free ride into fourth density with the planet, but humankind does not – you have to earn your ticket, so to say. Whether your contract choice is to live in Earth’s Golden Age or to enjoy its full panorama from Nirvana, it is prudent to use this time to prepare spiritually. Live from your heart – love is the key!

Only in the United States is one day each year designated Thanksgiving Day. Should notevery day be a time of thanks-giving throughout your world?

Thanks to our universal family who are in your midst or in your skies, and all who are beaming intense Light from afar to you and your world.

Thanks to Gaia for crying out for help so her body and all of its resident life forms could survive.

Thanks to God for His unconditional love and for never judging what you do or don’t do.

And thanks to each other for providing the opportunities for experiences that you needed for spiritual and conscious growth.

Always and in all ways, the respect and love of lighted souls throughout this universe are with you, our dear Earth family.


Suzanne Ward

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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11/22/2012 12:17:00 AM

Archangel Michael Through Ron Head: All is your Choice

2012 NOVEMBER 21
Posted by Andrew Eardley

DNAArchangel Michael Through Ron Head: All is your Choice

As channeled by Ron Head – November 21

You find yourselves today one month of time, as you have constructed it, prior to the day to which you have chosen to attach a supreme importance. And because you have done this, this date will have focused upon it the energies of vast changes which are congruent with the passing from this age into the next. Your focus and your intention are drawing to you infinite energy, light, love, and the power of Creation.

To the extent which you will have transcended time on that date, your perception of the world in which you live will take a quantum leap forward. To the extent which you hold on to your past comfortable and safe ways of seeing, nothing may appear to change. There is nothing wrong with that. All is your choice. There are, after all, billions of you yet, who have no idea, consciously, that your world has changed.

And it has changed, make no mistake. As much as human kind would love for change to remain in its future, change never ceases. Your world has changed. What remains is for your perception of it to change, as well. This will happen. It will happen because of the vast amounts of love in which you have become immersed. It will happen because of the work that is being done with you by your guides and angels. But mostly it will happen because you have decided that it will happen.

Our loving request to you is, please do not fall into doubt or fear if you find that some instant transformation has not occurred for you personally. To the extent, as we say, that you are holding on to your past beliefs and perceptions, it will take time for these things to manifest for you. As you allow time to slip away, you will find that they already are part of your reality. What you have determined to have as your reality already is reality, my dearest friends. Begin to let go of all the reasons why it is not yet yours, because it is.

Each tiny glimpse of your dreams will cause you to open just that much more to full awareness. Soon you will be helping others to see what you do, just as we are doing now. Start your holiday shopping early. Begin now to let all of the limitations fall away. Breathe into your every cell the infinite love of your Creator. Remember who you are, where you have come from, and what you are here for. Be the one of your intent and imagination. Allow yourself to be worthy, to deserve, and to be able to be that one.

It is time. Your work is done. Now it is time to get to work. Lest this seem daunting, we promise you that this work will soon transform itself into joyful play.

We step ever closer to you now. You cannot and will not misstep. Remain in your heart center and allow this last few weeks to pass in gratitude and anticipation.

We will continue to speak with you. Good day.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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11/22/2012 12:18:25 AM

SaLuSa: November 21, 2012

2012 NOVEMBER 21
Posted by Andrew Eardley

SaLuSa: November 21, 2012

Channelled by Mike Quinsey

Andrew: SaLuSa continues today to review the run-up to Ascension – and beyond. He says that the Galactics note with sadness the present turmoil and confusion on Earth, and comments on the fact that Man still does not seem to realise that wars are non-productive in achieving peace. However, the Light is forming a grid around the Earth and is the guarantee that we will rise up out of the lower energies.

He says that the jump into the new Golden Age will bring the freedom that we will have as ascended Beings. Truth and trust exist in the higher vibrations where there is no place for anything less. Every soul will receive help to assist them in understanding the great opportunity to rise up – with Ascension beckoning there is not much time left.

You have a saying that “time waits for no man” and it is so, as those who are still slumbering are leaving themselves much to understand. It starts with those who do not believe that there is a God, yet blame God for what takes place in the world. We wish that they could see that everyone has been given freewill, and with it you have created exactly what you are experiencing.

It would be easy for us to intervene, but in so doing we would take away your chance to see what your actions have brought about. Many still talk of extracting justice as they call it by attacking and destroying another group. They are seemingly unaware or deliberately overlooking the anger and hatred it causes.

How many wars does it take for Man to realise that they are non-productive in achieving peace or a lasting settlement? The lesson never seems to be learnt that peace comes with accepting that you are all One, and living in harmony and love for all life.

It is with sadness that we observe your Earth in a turmoil and confusion. Yet we also see the Light beaming out from so many locations, forming a grid of Light all around the Earth. That is your guarantee that you will rise up out of the lower energies, and that the old paradigm will continue collapsing.

It no longer has a place in your lives, and as the end time rapidly approaches it must make way for the new paradigm. It promises everything that you could ever have wished for and more. The Galactic Federation of Light is here to ensure that you no longer suffer interference with your Ascension plans, and that you safely enter the New Age.

In the process the changes that you have been expecting will materialise, but allow for delay as the whole plan is extremely complicated. It involves thousands and thousands of people and has to be implemented at the “right time”. You can look towards Obama for the trigger that will set the ball rolling, and it will pick up speed very quickly.

We are pleased to see that Lightworkers are taking up our challenge to now speak out about your knowledge and understanding of what is about to happen. Certainly many people are becoming curious about their feelings that something strange is happening. That is an opportunity to plant further seeds of information that will help awaken them to the truth. Hopefully many will begin to see the picture that is being formed that tells them the purpose of what is happening.

Our greatest desire is that as many people as possible become aware of the opportunity that Ascension presents them. It is not a religious event, but one that comes at the end of a cycle such as you are now experiencing. The changes are Universal in scope and not confined to Earth. For mankind it is a marvellous opportunity to leave the lower vibrations, enter the higher ones and leave duality behind. We have to ask, do you once again really want to spend many lives learning the lessons that it brings, or would you rather live in joy and harmony and have a peaceful existence?

Dear Ones, the New Earth will soon carry forward all who have elected to rise up. With it will come the higher vibrations allowing you to exercise your new found powers of creation. The love and peace all around you will be beyond words and it will truly be Heaven upon Earth.

The jump from one Age to another will pleasantly surprise you as the beauty of it will be beyond comparison with anything you have so far experienced. Life will become so easy and expansive without the many restrictions you have upon Earth at present. The biggest change will be the freedom that you will have as an ascended Being. It comes with having learnt to accept your responsibility to all other forms of life, which you will respect and nurture.

Trust is also something that you are not used to, and you will find it so heart warming to know that in the higher vibrations that no Being is out to do you harm or be dishonest. It is a level at which only the truth exists, and it is no place for anything less.

You have made a long journey to get to this point in time, and the goal was always going to be whether you could lift up your personal vibrations and be ready to ascend. Already many of you are experiencing a new level of consciousness and it will grow ever more quickly. Also your Light is expanding so that it touches more people as it reaches further out, and you are helping awaken those who are beginning to stir.

Whether through their life plan or otherwise, every soul will receive some help to assist them in understanding that a great opportunity is taking place to rise up. Your teachers have spoken of this for eons of time, and now it is upon you. As a group soul you are not complete until every single soul has risen up.

Please bear in mind that each soul has chosen its own way of concluding their experience in this cycle of duality. You cannot know what has prompted them to seek a certain type of experience, even if it is to you unpleasant. These are times when you have to clear up any outstanding karma, and for many souls it has meant a very arduous and testing time.

Normally you can proceed at your own speed, but with Ascension beckoning there is not much time left. You could of course change your life plan, but it may appear ill-conceived if it denies you the chance to ascend. However, freewill reigns supreme and the final choice is yours.

You have in fact been held back and led to believe that you do not have such choices, and that decisions are made for you. Now you are realising that it is untrue, and that you have the power to create your own future. In fact you are not reliant upon anyone else, and have no need to follow their advice or instructions. Helpful as they may be, no one but you knows your true needs. Be true to yourself and follow your intuition which will not lead you astray.

So many wonderful opportunities await you that will propel you into the Golden Age. The perfection of everything will astound you and the energies will embrace you, and you will feel the Oneness of all life. Can you imagine being able to talk with God – yes, God is not beyond your reach – it is just that you have been taught that you have to go through another to do so. God has a line to every soul, and how else could it be when you are indeed all Godsparks.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and encourage you to be free-thinking to speed up your evolution. I leave you with our blessings for your future.

Thank you SaLuSa

Mike Quinsey

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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