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11/19/2012 1:18:52 AM
Friends, I cannot think of anything more inspiring than this message

Jesus: Life Will Become a Joy

2012 NOVEMBER 18
Posted by Stephen Cook

Jesus: Life Will Become a Joy

As channelled by John Smallman – November 18, 2012

Among the Light-workers and way-showers excitement is intensifying in anticipation of humanity’s imminent awakening. You are invited to encourage this because enthusiasm and excitement drive your intent, and it is your collective intent that will bring it to fruition.

It is your awakening and you are making it happen. You have limitless assistance from your guides and angels, but it is your decision, your intent that makes it happen. Allegory: you want to raise a corner of your car off the ground to change a wheel. You do not have the strength, but you do have a jack.

You place the jack under the lifting point and pump the handle (intention to raise that wheel off the ground) and the jack (spiritual assistance from your guides and angels) will raise the vehicle effortlessly, and so your intent is achieved. Maintain your collective intent that humanity awaken (mass meditations are a very effective way to maintain and intensify that intent) and bring it about.

As you know, your untiring efforts to awaken yourselves and humanity and dissolve the illusion are greatly honored here in the spiritual realms, where, should you so desire, you will soon be able to join us and directly and unmistakably experience the wonder of God’s Love for all of His creation.

The divine field of Love, in which all of creation resides permanently, is also your eternal Home. It awaits your return patiently, knowing that you do intend to return and that you will return. When you do so it will be as though you had never left, which of course you have not. All are looking forward to enjoying the delight and wonder that lights up your faces when you awaken and the divine Light of Reality bathes you in the brilliance of Its glory.

It seems that you have been waiting for this moment for an inordinately long time, and within the illusion, where you have been sojourning, eons have indeed passed since you made the choice to separate yourselves from Reality. And within the illusion that is a very confusing and often misunderstood concept – a brief moment in eternity lasting for eons in time in the illusion. In fact it makes no sense at all, so do not even attempt to reason it out. Instead, focus on your intent for a grand awakening — and make it happen.

Collectively, humanity’s vision for the future is changing, and with that change in perception mighty opportunities are presenting themselves to you which, when availed of, will enormously benefit you all in ways you cannot possibly imagine. The new age will not only enable solutions to all the problems and issues plaguing mankind to be found and put into effect, but it will also provide new vistas of great beauty to explore as new concepts and creative ideas pop into your mind, suggesting further avenues of exploration to delight and amaze you.

The struggles and worries that have weighed you down, and made you frequently wonder whether there was any point or value in life at all, will be gone — never to return. Life will become a joy, filled with fascinating anticipation of future events and activities that will add immeasurably to the happiness that you are already experiencing in the present moment.

It will be the kind of life that your Father has always envisioned for you, lives resonating harmoniously in an endless variety of fashions to suit your every desire – peaceful relaxation by a quiet stream flowing through gentle meadows with shade from overhanging trees; vital and exhilarating living in the windswept spray beside a stormy ocean; life filled with the perfect melodious harmony of cooperating orchestras and choirs; life uplifted by the amazing fragrances of beautiful gardens; life inspired by the engaging flavors of new and intriguing foods; and myriad other enticements that you cannot yet conceive of. No one will be left unable to enjoy life fully in every moment, as anything of which you can conceive will be instantly created by your intent that it be so.

Truly, you have chosen a most propitious moment to experience life on Earth as humanity awakens from this long and exhausting journey that has entailed enormous anxiety, fear, and suffering for you all. The time for those kinds of experience is over, and you have made the intent to move forwards into Love.

It is the field in which all that God creates exists eternally, and the reason that you are not and have not been experiencing It is because of your choice to engage in the imaginary concept of separation from Him and from one another.

But Reality is all that exists, and God created It in Love for His own eternal joy and for that of His beloved children. And, of course, His children are far more in number than you can imagine. Humans are but a small group among the vast and diverse choirs of sentient beings who call Him Father.

When you return from your imaginary state of separation to your rightful place in Heaven your joy and that of all creation will be boundless.

Your loving brother, Jesus

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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11/19/2012 1:22:36 AM

Saul: Big Changes Have Been Planned Which Will Permanently Alter the Way You Live

2012 NOVEMBER 18
Posted by Anthony Morrison

Saul: Big Changes Have Been Planned Which Will Permanently Alter the Way You Live

As channelled by John Smallman – November 18, 2012

Awakening is on the minds of all you Light-workers and way-showers as the end of this earth year draws ever closer. You want action, impressive action, something very startling or at least uplifting.

Well, you will get it. Keep holding the intent to awaken; it is the driving force that is moving you homeward, and trust in God’s Will that you are going to awaken and in His promise that you will do so.

Even if you are experiencing doubts, release them — because deep within yourselves you know that they are unfounded, that they are just an aspect of the illusion that causes confusion and unnecessary anxiety.

Your homeward journey is nearly over, and your destination is clearly beckoning you onwards. All is progressing as divinely planned and intended. And as you have been told many times you just need to maintain your own individual intent, and when doubts or anxieties arise ask for assistance from those who are always on hand for that purpose – your guides and angels from the spiritual realms.

Love is the life-force; you were created from It and within It. But in the illusion, because of the barriers to Its presence that you erected, you do find it hard to connect to It in a positive way, one which makes you really aware of your unbreakable connection with It. And so you have to trust; and your angels or guides will confirm for you the validity of that trust. Just ask them.

As you pay attention to the unfolding dramas in world affairs – international, domestic, economic, and religious, and to the almost constant flow of new information being promulgated — you cannot truly imagine that nothing of major importance is occurring!

Your doubts most likely arise from your knowledge of human history, where you can see that there have always been wars, intrigues, political shenanigans, betrayals, and corruption, while also being aware of prophecies from a large number of sources offering the hope of better times ahead, but which so far have never materialized.

However, the numbers of prophecies, both modern and ancient, referring to this point in your human history as a moment for great change to occur far outnumber any of the vague and inept ones that were received or perhaps invented by those misguidedly seeking influence and fame, whose failure to occur disappointed so many.

Much research has been done by scholars all over the world that indicates pretty clearly that big changes are due and are essential for the benefit of the planet and all the life forms she supports — and that they are due very soon. And, of course, many spiritual channels of impeccable honesty and integrity are also reporting that change is in the air.

You are not being misled: big changes have been planned and are most definitely underway, which will permanently alter the way you all live and relate to one another. The signs are apparent everywhere. Pay attention to them because it eases your doubts by giving you indications in the physical environment that your hopes, what you have been praying for – a new age of enlightened thoughts, communications, and activities – is shortly to come into being.

The changes that are occurring across the planet are the forerunners, signifying that the new age is almost upon you. They will enable new systems that have been prepared for this time to come into effect. Troops will be called home from wars that need to be terminated quickly, safely, and effectively. Political organizations are in the process of being reinvented to deal with and provide for humanity’s real needs.

International business conglomerates will no longer be able to sidestep the law and shirk their responsibilities to humanity and the planet, and nor will religious organizations. You will all be involved in running and maintaining these new systems for the benefit and satisfaction of all. The small and extremely powerful groups with separate, self-serving agendas, which have wrought so much damage on the planet and on humanity, will collapse as their support is removed.

The massive and powerful intent that the majority hold for peaceful, harmonious living and for respect for all life forms will bring these visions into being, because the collective intent of humanity is enhanced by the divine field of Love enveloping the planet and intensifying daily. Nothing can stop, prevent, or delay the new age from birthing. It is a done deal.

Light-holders and way-showers, remind yourselves frequently each day that this is God’s Will, and that you are in perfect alignment with It. Your assistance is an essential part of this divine Renaissance, which is why you chose to be on Earth at this moment. When you pray and meditate you strengthen your own awareness and intent to make this happen, and you enormously help those who are still deeply asleep but who have a sense that something of huge importance is about to occur.

Everyone on Earth has a part to play and will play it perfectly, even though this may not appear to be the case. Do not get distracted by the fear-mongering that those in authority and in the media are encouraging because it is without foundation. You are moving forward as one, in peaceful cooperation, and the events that suggest otherwise are but the last futile writhings of a failed set of systems whose time is past.

Love is invincible, all-powerful, all-encompassing, and all-embracing, when It is freely accepted by open hearts, and the hearts of humanity are now opening in acceptance of their divine destiny to awaken into their natural and fully conscious state. Trust the divine plan and know that all is taken care of.

With so very much love, Saul

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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11/20/2012 12:16:25 AM

What Will Life be Like After Ascension?

2012 NOVEMBER 19
Posted by Steve Beckow

I’d like to spend some time now looking at what life will be like after Ascension. In this first piece, I’d like to look at the general word picture that Archangel Michael has provided us with on An Hour with an Angel.Tomorrow I’ll look at a similar overview from SaLuSa. Then, later, I’ll look at individual areas like health, spiritual capabilities, education, music, food production, transportation, governance, etc.

On Oct. 3, 2011, Archangel Michael turned to the subject of what the world would like immediately after our Ascension on Dec. 21, 2012. I think the best way to sum up what he said was to say that the world would be the same but different.

He began with the physical world.

Archangel Michael: Now, you say, well, what about those around me? What about the physical world? And the ability to create and co-create, not only with us, but with each other, is very strong in this new reality that is as ancient as eternity. So there will be shifting, there will be shifting of what you choose to construct.

Now, it is not to say that you arrive in the fifth and it is a completely blank slate. There will be what you need there. But what you desire, or need, or believe you need, you will create. And the feeling, the belief that density and structure is the foundation of existence will not be part of that belief system, that reality. (1)

Things like stars, suns and moons will continue to exist.

Archangel Michael: You will have stars and a moon and a sun. You’re not shifting universes and galaxies. You are shifting dimensions.

Steve Beckow: So some things are the same, and some things are different, and some things which are the same are also at the same time different.

AAM: That is correct. (2)

Some third-dimensional needs will have disappeared and fifth-dimensional society will reflect that.

AAM: You do not need, for example, central banks when you are able to simply create and collect the codes and have what you need. There is no need for protection of military forces or paramilitary forces, which is often how we think of your police forces, when you know that it is in harmony. So these structures, or institutions, as you think of them, are nonexistent. They’re gone. (3)

Fifth-dimensional life doesn’t proceed according to the same rules as third-dimensional, he reminded us. Many false paradigms will cease to exist or exert influence.

AAM: It doesn’t have the same rules. Now, think of this, my friend. Many of the structures you have — and we’re not suggesting that they have been not worthwhile; there are many worthwhile, many, many, many worthwhile things that the humans have constructed. But many more have been constructed on these false human paradigms that were not real.

And they most certainly were not of this side [i.e., 5D and higher]. And they were not of love. They were of belief in the need to control, or to be greedy, or to be lustful — to limit. This is the one that is always the most baffling throughout the universe. Why would you wish to limit any human being? Any being?

It is like saying to a flower, only bloom once. So many of your structures have been formulated on these belief systems that have been based on a much lower vibration than where you would wish to be. If there is love, there is trust. And if there is trust, you can organize yourselves. You are not going to wish to take what? Another’s land? Land does not belong to you, anyway. It is Gaia’s. She shares it with you. (4)

The differences in our reality are what we’ll notice immediately upon ascending.

AAM: This different reality is what you will see when you open your eyes. You will see that you are part of that infinite mosaic. The connectedness will be there and the loneliness will be gone. The yearning? It will not be there. Not in the same desperation that we witness in so many. And that is not a criticism. It is that they yearn to be part of One again. They know that that is who they are. (5)

We’ll be taken care of, either because of our own ability to create, the lack of many needs, or else by arrangements. We won’t have to pack up, travel and relocate. We’ll be at our destination immediately.

AAM: It is like when someone says they are going on a safari and they are all excited, but they want to know: Where am I going to sleep? How am I going to be fed? Will I be taken care of? The answer is yes. You will be taken care of. You will be given every form of assistance. But it isn’t like an adjustment program. It isn’t like a relocation program. It is instantaneous. You are there. (7)

Reader “K” has furnished me with a personal reading from Archangel Gabrielle through Linda Dillon in which she asked Gabrielle about the fate of Third-Dimensional buildings and the latter responded:

K: . . . with the 3D buildings and 3D objects, what happens to them?

Archangel Gabrielle: Some will fade away. You can think of it as rapid decay or transmutation. And of course some will simply transfigure.

K: Hmmm.

AAG: It is just energy. It is just molecule connections of love.

K: And will people will know how to transfigure them? Or will they do it on their own?

AAG: They will do a lot of it on their own. Do not forget you are having a lot of help, not only from your star brothers and sisters but from the elemental realm, who has always been very good at doing this, as well as the angelic realm as well. So it is truly a collective undertaking.

K: And this will all come about within the next year?

AAG: Pretty much. The cities of light — the building, the changing, that will not just be complete in a year. It is not like a little Lego project that you do and then you leave it. It is constantly changing and evolving, as you, the collective, are changing and evolving. Things will be needed or wanted or desired to accommodate your star brothers and sisters that will change the complexion of what is available as well. So there will be many changes. So, but it will not be chaos, it will be smooth. (7)

This then is Archangel Michael’s, and Archangel Gabrielle’s, overview of life upon our arrival in the Fifth Dimension – a life that’s different but the same, that sees us instantly be where we’re intended to be, that sees many institutions based on Third-Dimensional values disappear, and all our needs taken care of. Tomorrow I’d like to give SaLuSa’s overview.


(1) “Archangel Michael on NESARA, Opposing the Cabal, and Ascension – Part 2/3,” Oct. 3, 2011, at

(2) Loc. cit.

(3) Loc. cit.

(4) Loc. cit.

(5) Loc. cit.

(6) Loc. Cit.

(7) Archangel Gabrielle in a personal Reading with “K”through Linda Dillon, May 15, 2012.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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11/20/2012 12:19:52 AM

SaLuSa: November 19, 2012

2012 NOVEMBER 19
Posted by Andrew Eardley

SaLuSa: November 19, 2012

Channelled by Mike Quinsey

Andrew: SaLuSa comments on the fact that Ascension is almost upon us and we are beginning to experience the higher energies. He outlines the state of bliss that will be normal in the future, and the greatly improved quality of life compared to that we have now. Although we have had much help from the Galactic Federation of Light in recent years and were destined to succeed in our upliftment, the manner in which we have done so has been up to us and to our positive approach.

He says that we are Galactic Beings in the making and will soon live our lives as such, with all the creature comforts that it will bring. A priority will be the provision of free energy based advanced transport, for both our terrestrial needs and for extraterrestrial travel. We will have much more time to enjoy our leisure pursuits and other interests, and will enjoy exploring our Solar System and trips beyond out into the Universe.

SaLuSa says that we are Warriors of Light who have won a great victory over the dark Ones and who have learnt well from our hard experiences following the demise of Lemuria and Atlantis. The Galactics are themselves becoming quite excited now that we are so close to Ascension.

To think that after preparing yourselves over some years in readiness for Ascension, that time is virtually upon you. Suddenly what you have dreamt of has approached near enough for you to get a feel of what it is like to experience the higher energies.

Once experienced it is never forgotten as it is an ecstatic feeling of utter joy and happiness, peace and contentment. Imagine being in that state of bliss as normal from one day to another and free of the lower emotions. It is your true way of living and why those of you who are ready will move out of duality. Some of you have always felt that something was missing from your lives, and now you have found out what it is.

We realise that these changes are creeping up on people that still have no idea what is coming. They may still suddenly awaken as the energies are causing a stirring within, and a new level of consciousness. The question is whether they are able to throw off the lower energies that will otherwise impede their progress.

For some the transition is asking too much because they have become reliant upon them in their everyday life. It is not easy to convey the advantages gained by lifting yourselves up, and yet they will always be remembered. Words are sometimes inadequate to describe life when it is based upon the harmony and balance that the higher energies bring to you. It is all bound together by what you call “love” which permeates the whole Universe, and in essence it is all there is.

Little by little we have conveyed to you what it will be like when you take your place in the higher dimensions. It is a totally different quality of life that is so much better than what you are experiencing now. So much so that you will wonder how you managed to survive in such a low vibration.

It is all credit to your resilience and determination to overcome the obstacles that have confronted you. The problem has been that you were led to believe that what you experienced was a perfectly normal life, and the opportunity to improve it was denied you. The dark cabal kept you in a permanent state of need, and were thus able to keep you enslaved and reliant upon them for all things. However, with your constantly growing levels of consciousness, you woke up to how you were being exploited and fought for your freedom.

In a relatively short time compared to how long you have been in duality, you found your voice and determination to claim back your sovereignty. Naturally you have had immense support from the other side of the veil, but you attracted it by your positive approach to the task ahead. Plus the fact that the plan for your upliftment was already in place.

At different times so many civilisations from the Galactic Federation of Light have come to your aid, particularly in the last 100 years. Although you were destined to succeed, the manner in which you did so was entirely up to you. In fact, you have done so well you have lessened the impact of what would otherwise have been a very traumatic year.

Many predictions have fallen by the wayside because you have raised the vibrations to a point where they have become unnecessary. In a year when there could well have been so much more seismic activity, it has not been exceptional at all.

You are Galactic Beings in the making and will soon live your lives as we do, with all the creature comforts that you could possibly need. At present you spend so much time travelling around, and it is a wonder you ever get anything done. That is an important area that we are already equipped to deal with. Changes cannot occur overnight, but getting you mobile is a priority so that you experience a much more easy life.

There are modes of advanced transport that will cover your different needs, from your daily personal trips to craft that can leave Earth for other planets. Eventually you will have a computerised system that operates totally automatically and is driverless for your land travels. Needless to say, they will be totally pollution free and operate on free energy.

Many free energy innovations already exist on Earth, but their development has been prevented to support and maintain the Corporations that would be affected by them. However, you cannot stop progress indefinitely and you will be quickly moved into the New Age.

You will find that gradually you will have so much more time to yourself, for your leisure pursuits and other interests. Work such as you know it now will not be so demanding and so much will operate with little manpower because of the higher technologies. Entertainment will be quite different and no longer focus upon games or films that glorify war and such negative actions. The higher dimensions are no place for anything that has a low vibration.

You will have plenty of excitement and satisfaction exploring your Solar System and learning more about your Earth. Moving backwards and forwards in time will also provide much of interest, particularly to those who love history and archaeology.

Every trip out into the Universe will be an adventure, so you will not lack for opportunities to expand your knowledge. Your spiritual growth will not be neglected, but it will be much slower than at present when you are still in duality.

By our reckoning you are Warriors of Light who have won a great victory over the dark Ones, after having your earlier unpleasant experiences with the demise of Lemuria and Atlantis. Lessons have been well learnt in situations that have been very testing and hard to bear. That is all but over now, and Mother Earth is preparing to Ascend with you so that you experience the wonderful new Earth she is to be.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and just one of many who have been closely following your progress over many, many years. Now you are so near to Ascension we too are becoming quite excited. Your patience has been wonderful in spite of the delays, and you are nearly at the end of your long wait. We love you for what you are, as Divine Beings expressing your true selves through your Light and Love.

Thank you SaLuSa

Mike Quinsey

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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11/20/2012 12:33:48 AM
Friends, this is fascinating info

Hyperdimensional Earth Grid Geometry in Six Easy Stages

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Geometry Governs Order On Earth

In addition to the discovery of The Becker Hagens Grid,

Russian researchers Nikolai Goncharov, Vyacheslav Morozov, and Valery Makarov discovered a ‘Hyperdimensional’ grid that is linked to several of the Earths’ surface features. Basing their research on the work of American researcher Ivan T. Sanderson who found twelve so-called “Vile Vortexes” or energy disturbances located at equal distances on the surface of the Earth.

Read more… 313 more words

Gotta love that sacred geometry. How different school would have been if this had been part of the curriculum.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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