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11/22/2012 12:26:08 AM

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy, 11-20-12…”What is Preparing to Happen Will Alter… This Reality in a Most Profound Manner”

What struck about this article was the part about a “blackout period”. Apparently there have been leaks of some kind that have enabled the cabal to keep slipping away with their misdeeds. Sounds like that “slipping away” is about to end. Let’s hope so. Bring it on!!


  • …we are asking our allies to begin a blackout period to prevent dissemination of information about the completion of the various projects that we are monitoring…
  • Our primary purpose here is to confuse and render useless many of the checks and balances used by the dark governments to validate this data.
  • Completing certain important projects is vital to the success of the next steps, which constitute our part in achieving a successful first contact with you.
  • The consciousness shift you are going through is about to reach some very key nodes, which will prepare you for the massive reset that is to take place toward the end of this Gregorian year.
  • Our aim is to make it easier for our many allies to push the dark from power and create a transition period that links you to a new reality.
  • Your Gregorian year-ends have long been used by the dark to ensure that their power over you stays strong… This time, these exercises will produce an opposite effect as they will be used to seriously weaken the bond that the dark places over you.
  • Ever bear in mind that a most wonderful time in your history is upon you. Events are preparing to manifest that can ‘in the twinkling of an eye’ appear before you.
  • Your Agarthan neighbors are likewise connected to you and intend to provide the place and the means to ensure the successful completion of this sacred Ascension into full consciousness. The time to do this has come.
  • We of the Light see it as our blessed duty to offer another model of reality, based upon the divine grace and sacred ways of Heaven, and to spread this ‘good news’ to prepare humanity for its coming transformation into fully-conscious Beings.
  • What is preparing to happen will alter, at the divine right time, this reality in a most profound manner. The dark ones understand what is to occur…
  • The disposition of this new reality is not one of judgment so much as to open surface humanity to the truth of many things.
  • We wish to prime you for what will be announced by your new governance, including the proclamation of a new covenant between the Creator, Heaven, and you.


November 20, 2012, Update by Sheldan Nidle
9 Muluc, 17 Xul, 9 Eb

Dratzo! We return with news about what is happening on your world. As part of our more direct involvement in Earth affairs, we are asking our allies to begin a blackout period to prevent dissemination of information about the completion of the various projects that we are monitoring, and this blackout’s duration cannot be discussed. What we wish to ascertain is why these leaks are occurring. The various cabal-controlled governments use their communication technologies to spy on these projects and we have been forced from time to time to give their satellites and other exotic listening-devices key misinformation. This erroneous data is supported by information from operatives within our allies’ organizations and serves to divert the dark’s attention. Our primary purpose here is to confuse and render useless many of the checks and balances used by the dark governments to validate this data. This operation is now being stepped up and will operate at a much higher level for the foreseeable future. We are going to protect our allies from further sabotage by the various dark governments.

Completing certain important projects is vital to the success of the next steps, which constitute our part in achieving a successful first contact with you. Our liaison personnel have increased their oversight of the operations next scheduled to come on line, and our sacred allies are committed to their duty to bring about what is to happen next. The consciousness shift you are going through is about to reach some very key nodes, which will prepare you for the massive reset that is to take place toward the end of this Gregorian year. As we have mentioned before, we are preparing a number of surprises for the dark, which we will discuss with you only after they have happened. Our intent is to render defunct a series of countermeasures that the dark has implemented. Once their projects have reached a certain point we can use the energies, created by these negative adventures, against them. Our aim is to make it easier for our many allies to push the dark from power and create a transition period that links you to a new reality.

Your Gregorian year-ends have long been used by the dark to ensure that their power over you stays strong. In this way the numerous holidays that you celebrate are, in effect, part of a process used for millennia to boost their own efforts to maintain their global control. This time, these exercises will produce an opposite effect as they will be used to seriously weaken the bond that the dark places over you. We intend to definitively sunder these artificial bonds and clear the way for new customs and celebrations designed to set you free. In this new environment the dark is to be exposed and the Light can at last use its mighty ways to prepare you to accept physically the wonders of full consciousness! The details of this subject matter require a degree of secrecy at this time, for reasons that we touched on above, but we can make general statements about what we are doing. It is important that we do as much as possible to help you keep your energies high, and to maintain the magnificent job you are doing to envision the glorious new epoch you are about to enter.

Ever bear in mind that a most wonderful time in your history is upon you. Events are preparing to manifest that can ‘in the twinkling of an eye’ appear before you. These things are in truth a special gift, from you to yourselves. Put another way, we are simply your greater Selves. You and we are all connected by the marvelous Love and Light that forged this universe and created this galaxy. We are merely sacred agents of the Light, who come from across the galaxy to liberate you from a dark bondage that has lasted far too long. You are our bothers [brothers] and sisters! We wish only for your joyous and effortless transformation into full consciousness. Your Agarthan neighbors are likewise connected to you and intend to provide the place and the means to ensure the successful completion of this sacred Ascension into full consciousness. The time to do this has come. We are moving forward, therefore, at full speed to see that this sacred timeline is carried out according to the Creator’s decree. This is a sacred act and its remaining steps are to be filled with joy and completed with a grand celebration!

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We bring with us much good news! Our supporters have begun some special activities that we agreed to say very little about. Millennia ago, your societies were stamped with a hierarchical model designed by the Anunnaki. They proceeded to tinker with this model after each golden age, before finally settling upon a design that has since been the standard for every region of your world. In this way, you were imprinted with a controlled range of perceptions that form a template of reality which you consider to be quite ‘natural,’ having known nothing else. In truth this interlocking array of perceptions was designed to control most aspects of your being. We of the Light see it as our blessed duty to offer another model of reality, based upon the divine grace and sacred ways of Heaven, and to spread this ‘good news’ to prepare humanity for its coming transformation into fully-conscious Beings. This is why, though our good works, we have never wavered from demonstrating the power of the Creator’s glory to you.

These generations upon generations of service are now to bear a most sacred fruit, and we wish to praise and thank those who have so courageously and in divine service come here to assist the surface peoples of Mother Earth. Each of you knows what you have done and how it has aided this great cause. A huge tide of Light is spreading over the planet and it has each of your names written into it. Your service allows the Agarthans and the Galactic Federation to give us the resources to finally overcome the immense resistance thrown up each day by the dark cabal and its seemingly unending hoards of allies. What is preparing to happen will alter, at the divine right time, this reality in a most profound manner. The dark ones understand what is to occur and yet they deny themselves the ever-forgiving salvation that we offer them over and over again. They leave themselves no option but to suffer the full extent of the retribution that will be handed out by those detailed to set up the new offices of the Light.

The disposition of this new reality is not one of judgment so much as to open surface humanity to the truth of many things. This will lead to a whole new range of beliefs and views which will mainly run counter to those preached so eloquently and so falsely by the dark’s adherents in every aspect of your philosophy and science. We say this to prepare you for what is coming, just as these messages try to give you a glimpse of the glorious reality of full consciousness. We wish to prime you for what will be announced by your new governance, including the proclamation of a new covenant between the Creator, Heaven, and you. This sacred Covenant will be talked about openly once we are rightly permitted to address you publicly and on a global scale. It will be followed by many more broadcasts whose subject matter may be disconcerting for you, as their purpose is to tackle head-on some of the major misconceptions you have been encumbered with. These will constitute the ‘training-wheels’ of the New You.

Today, we continued with our messages about what is happening around you, as your spiritual and space families work to free you from the limited-conscious slavery imposed on you nearly 13 millennia ago. This sacred mission is to be completed by those dedicated to the Light! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

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11/22/2012 9:48:49 PM

Climate Scientists Applaud Dire World Bank Report

The 'blue marble' of earth gets a makeover in this view of the arctic as seen by the Suomi NPP satellite. Image released June 18, 2012.
Climate scientists who have been warning of the dangerous effects of global warming now have the World Bank on their side, after a new report from that organization calling for action to prevent climate catastrophe.

"The World Bank did a great service to society by issuing this report," said Michael Mann, a climate researcher at Pennsylvania State University and the author of "The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars" (Columbia University Press, 2012).

Climate deniers often claim that solutions to global warming are part of a "global socialist agenda," Mann told LiveScience.

"The fact that the World Bank — an entity committed to free market capitalism — has weighed in on the threat of climate change and the urgency of acting to combat it, puts the nail in the coffin of that claim," he said.

A changing world

The report, issued by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and Climate Analytics for the World Bank, urges nations to work to prevent the Earth from warming 7.2 degrees Fahrenheit (4 degrees Celsius) past preindustrial averages. Already, global mean temperatures are running about 1.3 degrees F (0.8 degrees C) hotter than before the onset of the industrial revolution.

Likewise, carbon-dioxide concentration in the atmosphere is high and rising. As of September, the concentration was 391 parts per million, a record high, up from a preindustrial 278. That number is now rising by about 1.8 parts per million each year.

All of these changes are accompanied by ice loss, including accelerating melting in Greenland, according to research published this week. As a result, average sea level has risen between 6 and 8 inches (15 and 20 centimeters) or so on average around the world. [8 Ways Global Warming Is Already Changing the World]

Dire warnings

But what the World Bank warns of is an even bleaker future. Even if the world's nations deliver on their promises of emission limits and global warming mitigation, there is a 20 percent chance that the world will hit the 4 degrees C mark by 2100, according to the report. If emissions continue as is, the planet may reach that point by the 2060s.

International negotiators have agreed that warming should be limited to just half that, or 3.6 degrees F (2 degrees C), in that time. A world that is 2 degrees warmer would have its own consequences, but it is crucial to hold that line, the World Bank report argues. A 4-degree warming would mean a sea-level rise of 1.6 to 3.2 feet (0.5 to 1 meter) on average, with the tropics catching the brunt of the change.

Climate research also suggests tropical storms would strengthen and drought would increase across much of the tropical and subtropical world.

"A world in which warming reaches 4 degrees C above preindustrial levels (hereafter referred to as a 4 degree C world), would be one of unprecedented heat waves, severe drought, and major floods in many regions, with serious impacts on human systems, ecosystems, and associated services," the authors wrote in the World Bank report.

Climate scientists agree.

"I am inclined to think that things will break before we get there," Kevin Trenberth, a climate scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, said of a 4-degree-C world. Ecosystems would change so much and agriculture would be so disrupted that the result would likely be "major strife, conflicts and loss of population," Trenberth told LiveScience.

Among the flashpoints, according to the World Bank report, would be sparse water availability, food insecurity and loss of resources such as coral reefs, which are threatened by acidification as more carbon dioxide is dissolved in the oceans. Coral reefs provide not only food to many local economies, but also tourism dollars. Areas becoming unsustainable would likely lead to mass exodus, creating environmental refugees, Mann said. [10 Surprising Results of Global Warming]

Avoiding the 4-degree world

Avoiding the 4-degree-warmer world is a matter of political will, said Mann, who sees signs of optimism, including increased awareness and more calls to transition away from fossil fuels.

"The alternative energies (wind, solar, geothermal, etc) are there," Mann wrote in an email to LiveScience. "We just need to deploy and scale them up by investing immediately in the necessary infrastructure."

Slowing the warming may be as useful as stopping it, Trenberth said.

"It is not just the absolute amount of warming, but also the rate at which
we change things to get there," he said. "Two degrees warming in 50 years is extremely stressful, but 2 degrees warming in 500 years is perhaps manageable through adaptation."

If the world fails to act, the world will become a more disrupted, damaged place, the World Bank concluded — and the poor will suffer most.

"The projected 4°C warming simply must not be allowed to occur — the heat must be turned down," the authors wrote. "Only early, cooperative, international actions can make that happen."

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11/22/2012 10:01:39 PM

Matthew’s Latest Message Definitely a Keeper

2012 NOVEMBER 22
Posted by Steve Beckow

Matthew gives us a remarkable message this November and I do hope everyone gets a chance to read it.

There’s still the difference between his account and the accounts of Archangel Michael and SaLuSa on whether we enter Fourth or Fifth Dimension (or Density, as Matthew prefers) at year’s end.

But there’s no difference in noting that, whether gradual or sudden, whether on Dec. 21 or not, Ascension will occur. Matthew calls what we’re embarked on “a journey back to life-sustaining balance – you know this journey as Ascension.” (1)

The wealth of information in the rest of the account makes this a message to read repeatedly and study. Among the contributions it makes are his explanations of:

  • What ascension-related symptoms we may be feeling, when healing of debilitating conditions will take place, and how we should be proceeding from here on in in relation to diet, prescription drugs, and non-prescription drugs.
  • How the re-election of President Obama took place as viewed from the standpoint of the universal laws and the Master Plan for the Golden Age.

  • How the same universal laws and the elevation of vibrations are affecting other areas such as “family, neighbors and co-workers and as seemingly remote as multinational corporations, the United Nations, military forces, religions, education, law and justice systems, and information outlets around the globe.”
  • How our star brothers and sisters have been helping us even if they cannot land their ships yet and walk among us.
  • How the galactics among us are working, the description of which I’ll reproduce below.

I’d like to repeat here his key-point summary of how our star brothers and sisters have been helping us, even if they haven’t been able to disembark from their ships. Matthew says:

While passengers and crews have been waiting to land and work with you on site, all along they have been helping from the skies. Foremost is preventing more than a dozen attempts by the Illuminati to use nuclear warheads in terrorist acts that would have caused more deaths and destruction than “9/11”.

  • Radioactive releases from Japan’s damaged nuclear facility would have killed or sickened millions if the crews had not dramatically reduced the lethal levels.
  • No marine life within miles of the oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico would have survived if the crews had not kept clearing away the gushing oil’s toxic components.
  • They have also been reducing the toxicity in weaponry, industrial waste, stored nuclear waste, chemtrails, and other pollutants in inland and ocean waters.
  • Crews far and near disintegrate or deflect the course of celestial bodies and manmade debris in space that could cause serious damage if they hit the planet.
  • By laying an electromagnetic grid above Earth, they reduce the effects of earthquakes insofar as death toll and destruction, yet permit the same amount of negativity release.
  • They steer severe storms away from land unless the target areas need the cleansing and purifying that water imparts. (2)

And I’d also like to repeat Matthew’s description of the work of some of the Earth allies because, until now, it’s been necessary not to describe it in very much detail. But now, apparently, it can be revealed. This isn’t the work of terrestrial Earth allies, whom I’d think it not yet prudent to name. Matthew only describes the work of Starseed and Walk-in Earth allies.

From the first moment of intensive light-beaming, many years ago, civilizations that the majority on Earth don’t know even exist have been helping Earth and you in numerous vital ways. Thus clearly their assistance is not dependent upon “Disclosure”, your governments’ public acknowledgement of extraterrestrial presence.

In accordance with universal laws and as part of the Golden Age master plan – prior to birth, everyone in your world knew the plan’s details and clamored to participate – all of our universal family who have been helping you are way-showers, not over-takers.

Many thousands are living right there with you, working alongside you. They have adapted an appearance that looks no different from you, and their superior intelligence and highly developed skills have given them entry into fields where darkness held sway.

Some work quietly researching and documenting the truth that the darkness has kept hidden from you, and others – you call them whistleblowers – tell the truth to the world.

Others are initiating or influencing reforms in such diverse areas as governing, economic and legal systems, energy, transportation, healthcare, sports, education, mining, logging, agriculture, computer technology, species preservation, the media, scientific research and metallurgy.

A few are in the entertainment field, and even though you regard them as such, their feats that amaze you stir thoughts about what underlies their extraordinary abilities. They exemplify what you, too, can do when you expand spiritual and conscious awareness.

Many brothers and sisters came from other worlds to befriend, enlighten, guide and inspire the individuals who share with them the same ancestry civilizations.

The protection of invisibility by “cloaking” or an impenetrable shield of Christed Light is given to people whose lives are at risk at the hands of Illuminati henchmen.

None of the highly publicized “feared” pandemics occurred because family members working in your laboratories neutralized the toxins in vaccines that were designed to cause illness and death. (3)

Well, of course, you and I are some of these, are we not?

We’ve passed the re-election of President Obama. We can expect the major events to begin soon. But already Matthew is beginning to reveal matters that until now have been secret or only touched upon in passing.

His message this month is the most extensive pulling back of the curtain that I can recall seeing. Yes, he’s explained matters before, and sometimes at length, but he’s never done such things as revealing where the galactics who’ve taken birth on Gaia are working and what they’ve done. And he’s never reviewed the total picture in one message in such depth. This message for me is definitely a keeper.


(1) “Matthew’s Message,” November 20, 2012, at Even ascended masters can make mistakes, apparently. Canadians have asked me to correct the statement that “only in the United States is one day each year designated Thanksgiving Day.” No, at least Canada (maybe more countries; I don’t know) celebrates Thanksgiving as well.

(2) Loc. cit.

(3) Loc. cit.

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11/22/2012 10:10:23 PM

What Do We Need to Keep in Mind about Dec. 21, 2012?

2012 NOVEMBER 22
Posted by Steve Beckow

This being Nov. 22, we are now within the one-month corridor leading up to Dec. 21, 2012.

Today is said to be an important day unto itself – the activation of the Eleventh Gate “at the turning point of the second Window of Opportunity.” (1) A worldwide meditation was held, here on the West Coast of North America at 3:11 a.m. and whatever time that corresponded to in other time zones.

It is also a master number day generally – 11/22. And there isn’t a person of my generation that will not remember it as the day that John Kennedy was assassinated.

You heard Archangel Michael on Monday’s An Hour with an Angel, explain what will and will not happen around Dec. 21, 2012. And that’s really what I want to talk about here.

I tried to pin him down on the matter of Dec. 21, 2012.

Steve Beckow: I’d like a really clear and unequivocal answer to the question. And that is, will we ascend as a planet with all its inhabitants to the 5th dimension on December 21st, 2012, or will we not? Will something else happen?

Archangel Michael: Yes, you would like a very clear, unequivocal answer, would you not?

SB: I would, yes.

AAM: But as you know, I have been very hesitant not only in this forum but in other forums to give this answer. Let me put it this way. And I am not trying to avoid your question, but it is not as clear-cut as you are presenting. (2)

Why was it not as clear-cut as I was presenting? He went over the matters that make him reticent to emphasize the date too much or that make it difficult to represent it as a “one-size-fits-all” situation. In the first place, he said some time ago that he did not want us fixating on that date and not doing our preparations beforehand.

Archangel Michael: When you are talking about a specific date, the reason that I am avoiding it is because too many people in your collective become fixated on a date and time. Is this [i.e., Dec. 21] a moment in time that is highly significant in terms of the shift? Yes. Do I suggest that you wait until December 19th to get ready? No. Do I suggest that if you arrive on December 22nd that you have missed the boat? No.

So what you are doing is you are focusing on one point rather than getting on with the process. (3)

So on the one hand we need to refrain from postponing our work of clearing ourselves of our negative attitudes and vasanas (4) until Dec. 19. And on the other hand, if we don’t ascend on Dec. 21, we need to refrain from lapsing into thinking we won’t ascend at all. But I’ll leave this latter point to a fuller explanation later in this article.

In the second place, he did not want to focus on Dec. 21 over all other dates because many lightworkers and lightholders will be ascending before Dec. 21. He said this past Monday: “Many are already ascending, and that floodgate, that portal is already open, and many, many, many are taking advantage of it. Hundreds of thousands now have taken advantage of it.” (5)

He had previously reported this development on An Hour with an Angel on Nov. 12, 2012:

Steve Beckow: Well, I think one question that is on many listeners’ minds, and it may be primarily on my own, is: Did many lightworkers ascend and did they return as gatekeepers?

AAM: Yes, yes. And it is not a coincidence that many, many went through the portal. And what we are suggesting is that it is about a 24-hour portal and so many are anchoring, re-anchoring today back in what they feel is some physical form. So yes, many ascended. Well over a hundred thousand. (6)

If we can keep the sense of people ascending at different times in mind, then we can understand why, when I asked him if Ascension would be sudden or gradual, he replied that it would be “incremental.” It will be sudden for people when it happens and they willdisappear from 3D. But they will ascend at different times. Here he explains the point in detail:

Steve Beckow: Is ascension sudden or is it gradual?

Archangel Michael: It is incremental. But let us be very clear, people will disappear. Now, in conjunction with that, they will also become a dim memory. You’ve had situations like this where you have had a pain or a bad habit or something that used to bother you very deeply, and you let it go. And then a year or two later, this situation will arise again and in a very vague way, you will say, “Oh, … yeah, that used to bother me,” and then you will continue with your day.

The shifting can be incremental. [Depending] on the readiness of the population, what we are seeing right now is that it will be in shifts. And there will be steps and doorways where some will simply go through and anchor for the whole, and then more will go through and anchor for the whole, until the entire process is completed.

Now there still will be those unfortunately, (or fortunately for they are doing what they wish, although it is not my desire), that will choose to continue on in this type of a reality, of the Third as you could think of it as … and they will be shifted to an alternate situation. The people, say, who are sitting there, may blink and not even remember … or have dim sense, ‘I wonder where so and so went?’

People will disappear. It will not be cause for trauma or mayhem. It will not be the same grieving as someone in the physical realm dying. It will just be a slight shift in the case of friends. But, in the case of husbands and wives, parents and children, there would be a knowing. (7)

In the third place, he did not want us to think that Ascension would be an all or nothing affair on Dec. 21, 2012 because some people who were not quite ready would remain behind in a temporary 3D holographic world and ascend a little later when they are fully ready, as he explained this past Monday:

Archangel Michael: If you are determined that you still are requiring [a 3D experience] in terms of your own soul journey, for a very brief period of time, there will be a window open — and this has been a part of our work – if you are choosing to still have partial, and I do mean partial, experiences of what you consider to be the 3rd dimension, then you can do so. But the reality is not going to be there. You will experience a hologram.

Now, I am talking about the portion of the human race — not those who absolutely refuse to go and therefore have chosen reassignment — that is ready to go, holding love, but still clinging to some false belief systems. Now, I do not mean the false belief systems that are of the lower vibration, such as control, greed, death, destruction, despair.

So there will be some who find themselves in an intermediary position. But for the majority of those who have said yes, you will find yourself in very rapid transition into the 5th dimension. And perhaps even higher, for some of you. (8)

He said that “by and large, that is not the people who are listening to this program tonight.” (9) The people who are not quite ready include these people who, for instance, would be furious if nothing happened for them on Dec. 21. He asked them to let go of their fury because it will stand in the way of their ascending.

Archangel Michael: There are also those who are still clinging — and we do include the lightholder, loveholder community who are still clinging to some fear, to some anger, to some reticence.

You need to let go of this, my friends. This is the last push. We have been flooding you with energy, but we cannot do this completely to you. This is a joint undertaking. This is the creative partnership.

When you have said, for example, if you wake up on the 22nd of December and it seems like you are in the same old same old, then you will be angry – then you WILL be angry, because you are holding onto anger. It has no place! It cannot exist, within your heart, within your being, within your essence, and it cannot exist in the air you breathe and the vibration of New Gaia, of Nova Earth.

So if you are holding on to it, if you are sitting there with your arms folded and saying, “If this doesn’t happen I am going to be furious,” I am begging you, let go of the fury. Let go of the fear. Let go of the reticence. This is a co-creation with you. It is the only reason you came to Earth at this time. (10)

In the fourth place, there is another group who will not ascend in a “snap,” as he says. As a group, they’re not familiar with Ascension and if they suddenly woke up in a Fifth-Dimensional world, they might have a psychotic break, wondering what had happened to them and feeling alarmed. I’m reminded of people in the Sixties who took too much LSD, took adulterated acid, or did not know what to expect and for one of these reasons had a “bad trip.”

These potentially-unnerved ascenders would have a period of rest and adjustment that he called “incubation.”

Archangel Michael: Now I have said that this is a process and not quite a snap. And what do we mean in terms of divine understanding when we say that? Because when we say [it is not quite a] snap, we mean that it is not completely instantaneous. So for example, there are many, many, many upon your planet who have no idea about such a shift occurring. We are not trying, nor do we wish to set up a situation where people wake up and feel that they are psychotic. So for them, there will be a transition, somewhat of an incubation, while they attune themselves to the new reality. (11)

So will Gaia and her inhabitants ascend on Dec. 21, 2012? The answer is yes. But will there be others who do not ascend on Dec. 21 but ascend either earlier or later? The answer is also yes. And will there be those who ascend and are not made conscious of their ascent until they have adjusted, acclimatized or become aware of what has happened? Again, yes. Moreover, would he prefer that people not focus on Dec. 21 and do their work now? Decidedly yes.

So these are the extenuating circumstances that prevent Archangel Michael from simply saying that we ascend on Dec. 21, 2012 (period). Most of us who intend to ascend and are ready for it will do so, but, for one reason or another, others will ascend but either not on that day or else will not be conscious that they have ascended on that day.


(1) “Eleventh Gate 11:11 Activation – November 22, 2012,”
(2) “Transcript of Archangel Michael on Persistent Questions Relating to Ascension and a Roundtable – Part 1/2″ at

(3) “Archangel Michael: This is the Unfoldment of the Promise of the Mother” at

(4) A vasana is a dormant habit pattern born of earlier traumatic incidents, a sleeping volcano that erupts into life when some event in the present that looks like the event in the past sets it off.
(5) Loc. cit.
(6) “An Hour with an Angel: Archangel Michael and St. Germaine on 11/11 and NESARA” at
(8) “Transcript of Archangel Michael on Persistent Questions Relating to Ascension and a Roundtable – Part 1/2,” ibid.
(9) Loc. cit.
(10) Loc. cit.
(11) Loc. cit.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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11/22/2012 10:13:03 PM

Transcript of Archangel Michael on Persistent Questions Relating to Ascension and a Roundtable – Part 1/2

2012 NOVEMBER 22
Posted by Steve Beckow

We started this interview with a few questions about the number of views of I Know My Galactic Family is Here. Do You? [4.5 million overall, 3 million on Youtube. Youtube own's count? 209, 773] and on the nearness of the Iraqi dinar re-evaluation and the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterand Protocol implementation.

Then we moved on to some of the persistent Ascension-related questions such as will we ascend on Dec. 21 or not? Will the sick be healed? What will be the fate of those who stay behind for parents or patients? Will all children ascend? Can one ascend later than Dec. 21? Why would people want to meet in conferences after Dec. 21? and more.

Archangel Michael needed to make some difficult distinctions such as that there is allowance for people who are ready to ascend in most ways but still possess anger or other negative emotions. They will exist for a short time on a 3D hologram until they are ready to ascend. And he said that sick patients will be healed and will ascend so doctors do not need to remain with them. Etc.

In addition to his talk the hosts and Linda held a roundtable discussion of many Ascension-related matters and that part of the hour and a half with an angel will be posted tomorrow. Thank you to Ellen who labored mightily through difficulties to get the transcript done.

To listen to the program itself, go here:

An Hour with an Angel with Archangel Michael and a Roundtable, November 19, 2012

Graham Dewyea: Hello, and welcome to An Hour with an Angel, with Linda Dillon, the channel for the Council of Love and author of The Great Awakening, and Steve Beckow of the 2012 Scenario. It’s a pleasure to be with you. I’m Graham Dewyea.

Our guest today is Archangel Michael. And Steve will interview him for 45 minutes, and then we’ll follow with a roundtable discussion on what was shared, and Steve, Linda, Geoff and myself will be participating in that.

So with that, I’ll pass it on to you, Steve.

Steve Beckow: Thank you, Graham. And I’m looking forward to our show tonight. And welcome, Archangel Michael.

Archangel Michael: And welcome to you, dear friend, for I am Michael, warrior of peace, archangel of love, bringer of news, bringer of the new dawn in so many ways. And yes, there is a great deal for us to discuss this night, not only about your process of Ascension but of course about the collective process, and about some of the hindrances that appear on the horizon, which we of course will get into.

But first I ask you as we begin, as I often do, to ignite your blue flame of peace, to ignite the knowing of peace within your being, to ignite the love within your heart. Let the bright blue flame burn brightly, not only for you to see and to feel, but for all to see and feel, not only upon your plane of Gaia, not only within your dimensions, but throughout the galaxies and throughout the realms.

So dear friend, where do you wish to begin this day?

SB: Thank you, Lord. And I actually do wish to begin with three very quick questions, two of which are probably going to find their way into Cosmic Vision News.

The first question is, can you give us an update, please, on the number of views of I Know Our Galactic Family Is Here on YouTube, and then the total number, please?

AAM: Oh, it is several million now. It is over 3 million in terms of the YouTube, and it is about 4,500,000 in terms of total views.

SB: Okay. Well, thank you very much. We can only get that information from you.

Now, two questions from Geoffrey. Again, short answers are fine. Several news articles received on Sunday have indicated that a re-evaluation of the Iraqi Dinar is now underway and could be announced today, and perhaps even by the time this program airs.

Some sources have indicated that this is a scam, and others feel that it is a vehicle by which some of the Prosperity Funds may make it into the hands of good people.

Has a re-evaluation taken place? And if So is this also a tool for getting funds backed by precious metals out to people?

AAM: The re-evaluation of the Iraq Dinar as you well know has been underway for some time in terms of what you would think of as back-room discussions. The official re-evaluation has not taken place quite yet, but there are some very, can we say, high-level discussions about that going forth very quickly.

Yes, it is a way in which to have money into the hands of many who have trusted and who have undertaken this investment in order to have help for the lightwork and the lightholder community.

This situation is being pushed and being okayed by the highest levels of government, and is occurring at this time because of the re-election of Barack Obama. Now, also understand, though, there are many that are still involved in the economic controls and, can we say, terrorism, of the United States in particular, but international monetary [terrorism?] as well, against the Middle East. The heating up of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is also having an effect on delaying that ree-valuation being announced. But you can anticipate it very shortly.

SB: Thank you, Lord. There are some rumors circulating at this time about a series of financial protocols that have been called the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterand Protocols. At least one source is indicating that these Protocols are now being implemented and this will help to release global Prosperity Funds. Is there truth to the rumor that the Protocols are going to be implemented, and is there truth to the rumor that it will help with the Global Prosperity Funds?

AAM: Well, certainly the implementation of these Protocols would result in a lessening of financial stress, and the implementation of financial security for many. But think of those protocols in many ways as being akin to the discussions about the Dinar. Yes, we understand that they are completely different participants and principles, but it is actually part and parcel of the same undertaking.

So these principles and these Protocols are being discussed, but they have not yet been implemented.

SB: Thank you, Lord. Turning now to Ascension, which is really the topic of our interview today, the first question I wanted to ask you is it’s been asked before, but the question persists in the lightworker community. And I’d like a really clear and unequivocal answer to the question. And that is, will we ascend as a planet with all its inhabitants to the 5th dimension on December 21st, 2012, or will we not? Will something else happen?

AAM: Yes, you would like a very clear, unequivocal answer, would you not?

SB: I would, yes.

AAM: But as you know, I have been very hesitant not only in this forum but in other forums to give this answer. Let me put it this way. And I am not trying to avoid your question, but it is not as clear-cut as you are presenting.

Many are already ascending, and that floodgate, that portal is already open, and many, many, many are taking advantage of it. Hundreds of thousands now have taken advantage of it.

What you are doing and what many, particularly of the lightworker and lightholder community, have been stuck on is the event of December 21st, 2012. But Ascension, and the Ascension of Gaia with all upon her, is not simply a singular, one-day, one-minute, one second event.

Is this a benchmark? Is this a time when there is alignment, both cosmically, energetically, and in terms of Divine Plan where things are coming together, where spirit, being, form, matter, molecules, essence, Mother/Father One, humans, elementals and planet are coming together in order to shift from one reality to another? The answer is yes.

But — and I must add this but, even though many of you do not like to hear this word, and I certainly do not like or enjoy using it — you are thinking of this as an immediate snap for everybody concerned. As we have said, all are welcome, all are included in the plan; Gaia has not discounted any kingdom or any person, any human, hybrid, starseed, Earth-keeper; but not all are prepared to reset the clock, as it were, in that moment.

So is there the opportunity for others to take a slower route, to engage in a process that is more attuned to their own time schedule and what they consider reality? The question is open for discussion, and the answer is yes.

SB: Well, let me put it another way, Lord. I imagine that if people wake up on December 22nd and find that the Earth is still here in 3D, there will be a tremendous hue and cry, a lot of questioning saying, well, did it happen, or did it not? So is the Earth going to be here in 3D after December 21st?

AAM: Let me say this. The Earth is already not very well anchored in 3D. And so will it be anchored in 3D on December 21st, 2012? The answer is no. It will be anchored firmly and completely in the heart of the 5th dimension. Will it brush lightly in the fourth, not the third? Will it brush lightly into the 7th? The answer is yes. The anchoring of the planet at that time will be in the 5th dimension.

SB: If I was on planet Earth on December 22nd, and I asked this —

AAM: Which you will be!

SB: [laugh] Yes, of course. But would I see the 3rd dimension? Is there going to be anything to see in the 3rd dimension of Gaia on December 22nd?

AAM: This is a very important discussion. And I am excited and thrilled that you and all of you who are listening or listening after the fact, are prepared to have this discussion. So I want to be very clear. So let me back up.

What do you perceive? And I will answer my own question. What do you perceive as the 3rd dimension? What reality do you choose to create and experience? If you are anchored on Gaia and in your heart of love, then the answer is no, you will not have the experience or access to what we refer to as the old 3rd dimension, which is the dimension of lack, limitation, hatred, greed, control — you know the list is endless.

Will you have an experience of physicality? Yes, because that is one of the unique qualities about this particular Ascension process. It is unique throughout time and space, but it is also positioned in time and space to be a physical experience. Will the colors be brighter? Yes. Will you see more? Yes. Will you experience a difference in terms of how you feel and how you are perceiving your external world and Gaia, your community? Yes.

Now, let me add a proviso. If you are determined that you still are requiring [a 3D experience] in terms of your own soul journey, for a very brief period of time, there will be a window open — and this has been a part of our work – if you are choosing to still have partial, and I do mean partial, experiences of what you consider to be the 3rd dimension, then you can do so. But the reality is not going to be there. You will experience a hologram.

Now, I am talking about the portion of the human race — not those who absolutely refuse to go and therefore have chosen reassignment — that is ready to go, holding love, but still clinging to some false belief systems. Now, I do not mean the false belief systems that are of the lower vibration, such as control, greed, death, destruction, despair.

So there will be some who find themselves in an intermediary position. But for the majority of those who have said yes, you will find yourself in very rapid transition into the 5th dimension. And perhaps even higher, for some of you.

Now I have said that this is a process and not quite a snap. And what do we mean in terms of divine understanding when we say that? Because when we say snap, we mean that it is not completely instantaneous. So for example, there are many, many, many upon your planet who have no idea about such a shift occurring. We are not trying, nor do we wish to set up a situation where people wake up and feel that they are psychotic. So for them, there will be a transition, somewhat of an incubation, while they attune themselves to the new reality.

Now, by and large, that is not the people who are listening to this program tonight. However, there are also those who are still clinging — and we do include the lightholder, loveholder community who are still clinging to some fear, to some anger, to some reticence.

You need to let go of this, my friends. This is the last push. We have been flooding you with energy, but we cannot do this completely to you. This is a joint undertaking. This is the creative partnership.

When you have said, for example, if you wake up on the 22nd of December and it seems like you are in the same old same old, then you will be angry – then you WILL be angry, because you are holding onto anger. It has no place! It cannot exist, within your heart, within your being, within your essence, and it cannot exist in the air you breathe and the vibration of New Gaia, of Nova Earth.

So if you are holding on to it, if you are sitting there with your arms folded and saying, “If this doesn’t happen I am going to be furious,” I am begging you, let go of the fury. Let go of the fear. Let go of the reticence. This is a co-creation with you. It is the only reason you came to Earth at this time.

Have you done many miraculous, uplifting, wondrous things? Yes. But the reason you came was not only to witness, but to be part of this Ascension. So if there is any residue, now is the time to relinquish it. Torch it. Give it to St. Germain. Give it to me. Give it to the Mother, but let it go.

Now, I know what I have said has provoked many more questions, so I invite you, dear heart, to proceed.

SB: I’m sure you can see me scribbling those additional questions on my piece of paper, Lord.

Well, back in 2009 you said through Ronna Herman that

“We must clear 51% of our negative frequency patterns and attune our Energetic Signature to at least a portion of the lower sub-level frequencies of the Fifth Dimension in order to receive the Adamantine Particles of Creator Light, which are an integral part of the Metatronic Full Spectrum Light.” (1)

AAM: We have come a long way since that time. And now I truly am speaking to your audience, and mine — our magnificent platform has done tremendous work. So I am not going to say to you that it is the line in the sand of 51 percent versus 49 percent.

Do you need to hold as much high vibrational light as you possibly can? The answer is yes. And let me also explain why.

It is not just for you. This is a collective undertaking, not only a collective undertaking, the unfoldment of the Mother’s Plan — which will not be stopped, by the way — but it is in partnership, with the kingdoms, with Gaia, with your star brothers and sisters and with each one of you.

So as you are incorporating higher and higher quotients of the Divine light, the Creator essence, then you are also doing so for those who stand, sit and walk by you, because your field is penetrating them and assisting them.

So it is viral in the real true sense of the word. And that is why my plea to let go of anything that is not of the highest vibration. Now, I have said to you, both privately and within this forum, that the passport to Ascension is love. And it is the love of self, (2) it is the love and honoring and acknowledgment of yourself and as an outshoot of that your community, humanity, the planet, the kingdoms and the universe.

But the starting point is you. Now, you have been penetrated enormously by the highest light there is, by the highest vibrations and frequency that exists. Now, many of you have felt that you are in an electric chair, and some of you have responded to this frequency by simply being so tired that you could not keep your eyes open. It matters now. You have received the energy.

Love is the key. We are not going to say, “You are only at 48 percent, therefore you cannot come.” That would not be of love. But what we will do is with this open portal, this open doorway, is we will work with you so that that illusion slips away and that you are fully anchored in the 5th, in harmony with Gaia and everything else upon her.

There are times, and this channeling with sweet Ronna Herman was one of those times, when you were given these instructions to help understand and to catapult you into doing what is necessary, just as today I am asking you to let go of any doubt and frustration. Do you not know that we are fully aware of your frustration? And that in so many cases it is not only understood, it is mutual.

No, we do not experience frustration in the same way as you do, but we certainly understand it. And we certainly have, hmm, times when we are anxious to move ahead, and where the human collective has said, “No, we are not quite ready.”

But that has been the entire purpose or twenty-five years plus several eons’ worth of preparation of the lightworker, lightholder, loveholder, pathfinder, wayshower, and pillar community.

You have been the preparation. You do not need to go looking for that creative spark of the Divine. It is already within you. It is part and parcel of who you are, and it is magnificent, bright, beautiful, and profound. So what we are asking, pleading, at this point, because we are very close to that edge, please acknowledge it, embrace it. Deepen it, expand it, and then share it.

SB: Thank you, Lord. Can we round this discussion out by looking at those people who choose not to ascend because they’re parents who want to stay with their children — and I know you have spoken to this previously — but also because they’re doctors in Africa who are dealing with leprosy cases, or victims of AIDS or what have you.?

Can you very clearly tell us, if they choose not to ascend, what is their future? When will they ascend? How will they ascend? Where will they be after December 22nd, if they choose to remain with their patients or children please?

AAM: First of all, the children — and we are talking about children in terms of what you think of as age-wise — are simply not an issue.

SB: Yes, I agree.

AAM: The children already have their wings unfurled and are ready to go. So do not think as a parent that you have need to worry about the children, your animals, your pets. Because they are purity incarnate. It does not matter if they are the most raucous teenagers going through the most hormonal phases, they are ready to go. It does not matter if they are doing drugs, whether they are acting out, whether they are being petulant and disrespectful, they are ready to go.

Now, the question of adult children who wish to stay with their parents who perhaps are not ready to proceed. You are still holding the love ticket. You are still holding the love passport. So do not think that this is eliminating you from proceeding forward.

The only reason one chooses to stay, other than simply an affair with the ego and darkness, but that is not what we are discussing at this moment, is fear. The only reason you choose to stay is fear. And that goes for the doctor in Africa treating lepers and AIDS patients, and it goes for the adult children taking care of their parents, or their sickly spouse, or their mentally deficient sister.

Let me explain. The fear is underneath the love. I am not suggesting that you do not care deeply, but what you are not understanding, my beloved friends, is that the leper is healed, the AIDS patient is healed, the parents who have garnered such love from you go willingly with you.

So you do not need to fall back and say in a martyr way — and most of you who have this feeling have been martyred many, many times — and what you are saying is, “I am willing now to do it again.” And I am saying to you, as Archangel Michael and with the Company of Heaven and the blessing of the Divine Mother, there is no need to stay back.

Can you go and have a transition period for your parents to get used to it, for your patients to regenerate? Yes. But you do not need to stay behind in the old 3rd, which is death, disease, destruction. There is no need.

Your wish to heal, to take care, to nurture — all of these are the divine qualities that you have been practicing and that you are bringing forward. So just go deeper in your understanding of your motivations of your heart, without judgment, and allow the love to grow.

Does it require trust? In the absolute sense, not only trust in One, not only trust in the Plan, but trust in your sacred self? Yes, it does.

But let us also say, we trust that you can do this. You have demonstrated that. So let us go forward together.

SB: What’s interesting about your answer, I don’t think I phrased my question the best way I possibly could, but you’ve answered the question that lay under my question. So thank you for that.

Now, you brought up the question that the leper being healed; the AIDS patient being healed. I have a friend, for instance, who has diabetes who doesn’t see healing happening with herself at this time. And she still may be being healed, but just not aware of it.

When will this healing take place? Only at Ascension, or prior to Ascension? When?

AAM: There are many that are already undergoing healing. There are many that are already in the process of regeneration. And then there are some that are slower. And we do not say that in criticism, but they are slower to heal.

And then there is a reason. Some are simply fearful and reticent. For example, let’s use diabetes. Diabetes is the craving, the desire for the sweetness of life. And it is absent in a great portion of your collective.

So an individual who is not experiencing the healing of the diabetes is because they are still holding that energy for the collective, acknowledging that people, whether they have diabetes or not, are not experiencing the sweetness of life.

But it can also be that they are fearful of letting go of their disease. Not consciously. Certainly not from an ego standpoint. But unconsciously and subconsciously they feel they have not tasted yet the sweetness of life. Therefore they are not letting go of the disease. It is truly, in your dimension of the 3rd reality, a chicken and egg question.

SB: Lord, three more questions. The first is, if you could explain something you said to Susan S., back some time ago in 2012, you said,

“Other later dates also refer to opportunities to ascend yet even further. Right now, it is inconceivable, if I were to say to you, ‘Oh, and by the way, you stay alive, and in 2030 you take another jump.’ You would think I was talking ridiculously. So we stage it as well.”

I imagine you talk about further Ascensions to the 6th and 7th dimension, but could you clarify that statement, please, for us?

AAM: There is a very popular song upon your planet called “You Have Only Just Begun.” When you are anchored in the 5th, the yearning to keep going is going to grow. (3) There will be other opportunities to ascend further. We have not talked about it extensively. Yes, this channel tends to, but not in this forum. I am not doing it because we want to get you through this portal. But are there other ascensions planned within the Divine Plan? The answer is yes.

Is it inconceivable to you at this point? Yes, because your reference point, even those of you who are straddling dimensions — and by the way I am proud of you, and you are doing very, very well — but it is inconceivable to you at this point that we are going to then proceed even further, because your reference point is the old 3rd. And even the improved 3rd, which is physicality X space, without the false grids and paradigms.

SB: Two more questions. A lot of people are — when they hear, for instance, that Inelia Benz is having a conference in the 5th dimension after December 21st, or that somebody is saying, “Hey, let’s get together and have a conference after December 21st,” they take that as an indication that we’re not going to ascend, or they wonder what we’ll have to talk about in the 5th.

Are they correct in assuming that we won’t have any conferences in the 5th? And if we do have conferences in the 5th and other things like that, what purpose will they serve?

AAM: Let me talk to you about us. That what you refer to as the Council of Love or the Company of Heaven, as the inter-galactic councils. Let me share with you. Our favorite thing is to gather, and there is never any shortage of things to discuss. Do we talk in verbal language like this? No, not necessarily. Telepathically, energetically. But there is an infinite creation of entire universes taking place in what you think of every second of every minute. There are a million things to discuss.

You are not arriving into the 5th, or anywhere else, with everything intact and already created. That would defeat the purpose. So it is not simply to come and simply float on a cloud and be blissed out.

Dear friends, you use the word work; we use the word creation, focused action. There is a great deal to talk about and to be done. You are creating and co-creating with us, with your star brothers and sisters; Terra Gaia; Nova Earth. You are anchoring cities of light, new understandings of society, of government, of culture, of healing, of architecture, of energy.

You are coming to know that you are part of a galactic family.

Are there things to talk about? I would suggest that you would want to be gathering constantly. And it does not need to necessarily be formal gatherings, although for many, the adjustment — think of the millions and millions and millions of people who have never thought of this. They are going to want to be brought up to speed. Not because their energy is not there, not because the knowing is not there, but because community will be built in a different way.

People, human beings, this rare species of hybrids, will be speaking to each other in ways that have never occurred, for eons, upon the planet. So yes, of course there will be gatherings. There will be gatherings in neighborhoods and cities of light. There will be gatherings according to interests and projects — and there will be many projects. And do not forget, you are returning full circle to the creator race. And as such, what does that imply? You will be creating.

The human love of discussion, of planning is not going to die. If anything it is going to expand, because collaboration no longer ends up in conflict, in ego. It ends up in greater creation. So of course there will be gatherings.

SB: Lord, Graham and I had a conversation the other day that kept growing in inspirational quality, and we just kept emerging and emerging more in the conversation. So I do know what you’re talking about. [laugh]

Now, you said it will defeat the purpose. What purpose are you referring to, Lord?

AAM: The purpose of co-creation. It would defeat the purpose to never gather as community in many forums and in many formats. It would defeat the purpose of community, of interconnectedness, of union, of unity consciousness, if everyone is to stay within their new, improved home and never talk to another soul.

SB: All right. Well, that’s very clear. My last question is, could you tell us what we need to keep in mind or need to do to ascend in a gentle and easy manner?

AAM: First and foremost, and yes, I do refer to Linda [Dillon]’s book, [The Great Awakening] her eight easy steps that we have told you of. But first and foremost, please anchor to the heart of Gaia so that you are firmly rooted upon the planet as she moves quite literally into new reality. That is essential.

The second is to hold love and peace. I am partial to the blue flame, but it is also your tri-flame, the magenta flame, the violet flame within your being. Use it with great discernment. Hold the love. Be honest with yourself, as you never have been before. Go deeper.

If there is residual of fear, of doubt, it is all right. But you can hand it to me. I will so gladly take it. And if I am not your best friend, then give it to your guides, give it to the Mother, give it to Gaia, but give it away. Let us help you in this.

Then, allow your expanded field, your heart, to reach out and to expand and touch others. This, right now, is some of the most important undertakings, creation, that we have ever asked of thee. So anchor, let go, expand, love yourself, and get ready.

This is the beginning, not the end.

Now, look towards what you will create. Let yourself dream. Let yourself think of what you have always wanted to explore, not in terms of your emotional constraints, or your financial constraints, or your family or societal constraints.

Think about what your dream is. Is it to work with the galactics? Is it to work with the children? Is it to assist the lepers in their transition to health? Is it anchoring cities of light? Is it being a channel?

Explore what you want and start to hold the vision of your creation. You do not need to wait. That is what we have been telling you, inviting you, asking you. Come and let your wings unfurl. You are ready, my beloved friends. Go in peace. Farewell.

SB: Thank you, Lord. That was a rich discussion. Thank you very much. Farewell.

AAM: Farewell.


(1) Archangel Michael, Sept. 27, 2009, through Ronna Herman,

(2) Archangel Michael is not referring here to egoistic self-love, but to the pure love of self, that is necessary before we can love others.

(3) This is what I have called in other articles the longing for liberation. It is a subsensible, permanent yearning for God that has been placed in us like a homing beacon. It can only be satisfied by the ultimate experience of God-realization and mergence in God.

(Continued tomorrow in Part 2.)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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