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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/1/2017 12:15:33 AM

The Hilarion Connection Update for August 2017

hilarionThe Hilarion Connection© Update – August 2017

Beloved Ones,

I come on the wings of love! The winds of change continue to blow through every part of the planet. It is a symbiotic process. Humanity is beginning to notice that their entire planet and all her inhabitants are a part of a greater whole, and that whatever one person does, says, or thinks has an impact upon the entire population and the systems that have been in place. No longer can a person deny their responsibility to live a more ethical existence. Humankind must now awaken to this awareness.

These times call for more alertness and awareness in the citizens of every country, for every country is being cleansed and purified by the forces of nature that surround them. This can impact their lives in very challenging ways and these challenges bring the need for these ones to dig deep in order to endure them. In this process, the people redefine that which has true importance in their life and let go of that which no longer matters. Life is seen from a different perspective, a perspective of humble gratitude for the precious gift of life that each has been given so that they can have the experiences that help their soul to evolve and grow to a fully awakened Divine human.

Awaken they must! It is what their eternal soul has chosen and it can be a pleasant and joyous experience or it can be a time of intense challenges and change, depending on what still needs to be learned through their experiences. Humanity needs to see the universal perspective rather than the small lens of their individual perspective.

The mainstream media will continue to turn out the same stories, recycling them over and over again, ad nauseum. They continually stay on the same track and the initial motivation behind it all. They are hoping that people won’t notice that they really have no new news to report in their politics only genre. The reporters who work for the mainstream media are trying to hang in there and persist in their constant repetitions of the same story – which has the world’s population yawning in exasperated boredom.

The Light has come and it is here to stay! It is the time! As it gets ever brighter, it exposes everything that is not in resonance with it. Those who wore masks to hide their true nature are finding it increasingly difficult to do so. They are being seen as they really are more and more often. This is because the planet has entered the era of transparency, the era of unity consciousness and those who have wielded power under the old paradigm know that they cannot do so for much longer.

This Light that comes in ever increasing intensity has been changing everything and everyone from the inside out. The adage “As above, so below” takes on its true import now. Individuals will find all illusions they have been living under simply fading away as though they never existed. The Divine truth takes hold in every aspect of human life. The citizens of the world will hold each other accountable for every dishonest act that is attempted and eventually each person will begin to self correct that which they deem needs changing in order to reflect the love they hold within them.

Peace and goodwill will become the normal way of interaction between people and each will strive to keep clarity at the forefront in the decisions they make, for now they will know without a doubt that their actions, words, thoughts and deeds reflect back to them much more swiftly than before. Each person will make the choice to stay in their luminosity as they move towards manifesting their highest and greatest potential. They will rise like the phoenix to the truth of their Divinity and their oneness with All That Is.

Until next month…

I AM Hilarion

©Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu’tama. Ron Head is authorized to post this article in its entirety. All rights reserved to the author/scribe and Copying of this material is not permitted and the making of videos in any language is not permitted, however, the video made by the Scribe of this message can be shared with others:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/1/2017 6:06:30 PM


Tuesday, August 1, 2017

First Quarter Moon Phase: take action, make progress

Moon in Sagittarius

Sun: 10 Leo - "early morning dew"

Higher Expression: end of a dark time / challenges / dark night of the soul, time of transition, revitalization

Lower Expression: unable to let go, negative mental loops

Earth: 10 Aquarius - "a popularity that proves to be fleeting"

Higher Expression: true worth showing through, seeing people / places / things in a different light, fleeting opportunities, reversals to save something

Lower Expression: lack of character, denial of the truth, flimsy, superficial success

Tonight I am Phoenix's guest on Phoenix Rising Radio at 7:30 pm ET/4:30 pm PT until 9:00 pm ET/7:00 pm PT, when we will discuss the remainder of this month's energetics as we lead into the Total Solar Eclipse/New Moon on August 21. Listen live at Truth Frequency Radio:

Hope you can join us!

Mantra for the Second Renaissance and the Return of Wisdom

All roads lead to Liberty.
Sophia ke Thelete acousome. Wisdom and Will, let us attend.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/1/2017 6:10:22 PM

Daily Message ~ Tuesday August 1, 2017

Galactic Free Press's picture

Do you believe that the universe tests you? To believe that you are being tested suggests that you also believe you are being judged and graded. Dear Ones, nothing is further from the truth!

We only have unconditional love and support for you. We encourage you to have a myriad of experiences, for that is how you define yourself and decide what you would like to experience next with your free will. If we are not judging you, why should you be so hard on yourself?

Take the pressure off and understand that being on the planet, in a human body, is deciding to enter the playland of experience. This is so you can better know and choose your preferences, which supports your expansion and growth, and allows you to demonstrate your mastery for no other reason than that is who you are.

And that, Dear Ones, is the true freedom and joy of self expression we wish to see from each and every one of you, for that is how you add to the mosaic of the whole in the ways that only you can do. ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/1/2017 11:25:57 PM

Another Wave

Galactic Free Press's picture

Get ready…. here comes another wave! It may seem as if the ‘resting time’ between growth periods is getting shorter and shorter, but they are given to you in a way that will help facilitate your growth and learning. It is important to remember self-care and boundaries during these times of change.

If you feel as if you are being overwhelmed, take some time to connect with other like-minded individuals and share experiences. Loving and supporting as well as giving voice to your emotions will be of great help.

Lastly, it is imperative to know that you are never alone in these moments. The Universe takes great pride in what you accomplish during these somewhat challenging times and is there to supporting you every step of the way. ~ Creator


The Creator Writings

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/1/2017 11:29:35 PM

GFP Newsletter - 7/31/2017

will's picture

In millions of ways you attract the attention of others: you dress in a certain way, you try to look beautiful, you behave, you become very polite, you change. When you feel what type of situation is there, you immediately change so that people pay attention to you.

This is a deep begging. A real beggar is one who asks for and demands attention. And a real emperor is one who lives in himself; he has a center of his own, he doesn't depend on anybody else.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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