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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/31/2017 11:31:54 PM

Monday, July 31, 2017

Benjamin Fulford Update - July 31, 2017

Benjamin Fulford says "Systems failure in the West and how to solve it"

Notice to readers
Due to my annual holiday the next two reports will be pre written unless extraordinary events cause me to interrupt my holiday to cover them

By now it is obvious to anyone who is actually using their brain that something is profoundly wrong with the leadership and government systems in the West. This is especially true of the United States where real living standards have been declining since the late 1960’s while the country has been almost perpetually at war. In the US, the ruling class has alienated the population to the point that less than 10% of the population trust either Congress or the Media. The central cause of the malaise has been a project by a sub-group in the ruling class, the people I call the Khazarian mafia, to enslave humanity and turn themselves into god like rulers.

The US military and agency white hats have figured this out and have taken action that is being seen in the form of the Presidency of Donald Trump. However, Trump has taken over as CEO of a bankrupt entity and, even though he is trying his hardest, he has yet to do what is inevitable and formally declare the United States bankrupt. And bankrupt it is.

The US has run a trade deficit with the rest of the world since 1976 resulting in a cumulative trade deficit of over $10 trillion. In addition to that the US government has $19.1 trillion in debt and has $128 trillion or 7 times the US’s $18 trillion GDP in unfunded liabilities. That is the real reason why the US corporate government de-facto went bankrupt on May 3rd of 2017 when its wholly owned Puerto Rico subsidiary defaulted on its $123 billion in debt.

What this means is that no matter how hard Donald Trump tries, he cannot solve the US’s problems without first formally declaring bankruptcy.

However, bankrupting the US is not the same as bankrupting any other country. For one thing declaring bankruptcy would make it impossible for the US to keep running its 800 or so US military bases around the world. When this writer first go the Asians to agree ten years ago to the idea of bankrupting the US, the US military dispatched an agent to explain the US would cut off Asia’s supplies of Middle Eastern oil if US finances were cut off. This led to a Mexican stand-off that continued for many years.

By become embroiled in this high level stand-off between the world’s most powerful countries this writer was able to see first-hand who runs the planet earth. The information below is based on 10 years of meeting with sources in the CIA, the NSA, the P2 Freemason Lodge, MI6, Asian Secret Societies etc. etc.

Until recently, David Rockefeller was the secret leader of the planet earth. He was chairman of the Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. Furthermore, through various foundations he also controlled the fortune 500 corporations. In addition to this, because he was married to an Italian princess, Rockefeller also had enormous influence over the Vatican P2 Freemason lodge that controls the Catholic Church and the mafia. Rockefeller had the power to turn his nephew, Bill Clinton, into President and tried very hard, but failed, to have his daughter Hillary Clinton turned into President.

If Rockefeller was #1 in the old power structure, George Bush Sr. was #2. Bush ran most of the CIA, the $2 trillion a year world narcotics trade and much of the arms industry. When his son Bush Jr. was elected President in 2000, Sr. was able to eclipse Rockefeller by staging 911 and imposing a Nazi regime on the US.

Rockefeller was able to regain control in 2008 though by putting his house slave Barack Obama into office after the Bush Jr. Presidency turned into a disaster.

Now though, Rockefeller’s death has created a huge vacuum at the top of world power. George Bush Sr. has lost support because of widespread disgust at his Nazi groups’ genocidal plans. He is also very old and flashes in and out of lucidity, according to sources close to him. So Bush Sr. is no longer #2 or even #3 because his Nazi followers no longer consider him to be their Fuhrer. The Nazis have now made it clear they no longer seek world hegemony.

So the death of Rockefeller and the fall from grace by Bush Sr. means the top level of Western power is now up for grabs.

The group that has moved in to fill the vacuum in the US has been the gnostic illuminati, the group that opposes bloodline rule and claims credit for the French, US and Russian revolutions. They have led a purge of his high level bloodline servants in the US that is nearing completion.

At the same time, invigorated by the fall of their upstart US rivals, the European bloodline families have made a big push to fill in the Rockefeller, Bush vacuum. Their top people are Queen Elizabeth, Pope Francis and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The Europeans were able to come very close to using their fake carbon-causes-global warming scheme to implement the Paris accords. This would have created a world government still controlled by them but with a greater seat at the table for the Chinese.

The power of this group was evident at the G20 meeting in early July where 19 out of 20 so-called world leaders expressed support for this scam. However, without the support of the gnostic illuminati and without any scientific basis, this carbon scam is doomed to fail. The gnostic illuminati control both the Trump presidency and the US military industrial complex and are using their agents to attack bloodline rule in Europe now that their purge in the US is more or less complete.

Right now though, there is a stand-off in the West between the European royal bloodlines represented by the Pope, the Queen and Merkel, and the gnostic illuminati represented by Trump.

Meanwhile in Asia, China has now built up alternative energy import networks so that it can continue to operate even if all Middle Eastern oil supplies were cut off. The Asian alliance also managed to co-opt Europe into joining its Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and its massive one belt one road public works initiative. The Chinese have furthere made huge inroads in Africa and other developing countries with their generous infrastructure work. Most of all, the Chinese are the main creditors to the US and could bankrupt them if they chose to do so.

Of course the US still has its start World War 3 card to play but using that card would lead to the destruction of the planet, so the US side is trying to get the Russians to join them in a Christian (White) alliance. To entice the Russians, the Americans have ceded to them hegemony over Europe (minus the UK) as well as half of the Middle East. The US side also still has control over Japan and the Korean Peninsula, including its pet rogue state North Korea. The Americans are also assiduously courting India.

The overall result is that there still exists a Mexican stand-off between East and West.

The key battleground this fall is expected to be Japan. It is money from Japan’s postal savings, agricultural bank, pension funds etc. that is keeping the US barely solvent. However, the puppet government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has less than 10% support in real public opinion. There is also incredible resentment and anger at the Korean agents used by the US occupation authorities to control Japan since the end of World War II. As shown by the results of the June Tokyo regional elections, the long term ruling puppet Liberal Democratic Party is certain to be wiped out in the next general election.

The White Dragon Society is pushing hard for regime change in Japan as early as this fall. The aim is to force real regime change in the US, because Donald Trump’s presidency is too little too late.

What is needed is a formal declaration of bankruptcy in the US so as to jumpstart a complete revamp of the international architecture put in place after World War II so as to better reflect current world demographic and economic reality. The WDS also believes the world needs a minimum common set of rules so that international criminals like the Khazarian mafia can no longer engage in illegal wars, looting and other anti-social activities. The WDS further believes benign symbolic bloodline rule in the West and Asia can co-exist with meritocracy.

The WDS also supports initiating a new golden age by starting with a jubilee, a one-off redistribution of assets, a massive campaign to clean up the planet and a systematic effort to expand into the universe. A new calendar to replace the Western centric one now in place would also help start a new age.


Benjamin Fulford has worked in Japan as a correspondent for Knight Ridder, the International Financing Review, the Nihon Keizai Shimbun English edition, and the South China Morning Post before moving to Forbes magazine, where he was the Asian Bureau chief from 1998 to 2005. His investigative reports pursued scandals in the Japanese government and business world. After leaving Forbes he wrote a series of books in Japanese some of which became best sellers, and began publishing on the internet.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/31/2017 11:41:06 PM

GFP Newsletter - 7/30/2017

will's picture

You can clash with an Enlightened man, but that is your problem, not his. And if you are hurt in that clash, that too is your own problem. He cannot hurt you. And it is like knocking against a wall - you will be hurt, but the wall has not hurt you.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/31/2017 11:53:25 PM

Fear Addiction

Copyright 2009-2017, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/1/2017 12:00:02 AM

The Council – Everything is Changing

The Council – Everything is Changing

We will revisit today a familiar topic. As usual, we will impart a bit of insight that may be helpful, and we will lead you to some reasonings that will perhaps be rather new to you.

You are living in a construct that you view as reality. That is, in fact your term for it. Now we have pointed out to you several times in the past that this reality is made up of molecules, atoms, particles, nanoparticles, and finally energy. You live in a field of nothing but energy, and you call your interpretation of it reality.

This interpretation is a construct that you have built up a consensus or mutual agreement about for your entire history. In other words, what you see is what you have agreed to see. You have named shapes. You have named functions. You have named colors and sounds. There is not much in your environment that you have not agreed upon. Well, actually, there is. But you don’t perceive it.

You see, your senses collect from the field of energy certain frequencies and send them to brain centers that construct sights, sounds, smells, etc. That is ‘how you work’. And you leave far more frequencies unprocessed than you know. Even the amount that is perceived varies greatly among you. And so, reality, even as defined by you, is different for each of you.

The important point, for this discussion, is that underlying everything you see around you is the fact that it is actually an energy field. All of it. Tornadoes are energy fields. And mountains are energy fields. You are an electromagnetic field of immense complexity and perfection, a miracle.

Now, these fields, this field, for all of these energies combine into one, are always in flux. They have always changed. They are changing. And they will always change. Mountains become plains. Trees become paper. Continents drift. Forests become deserts. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing is changeless. And it is all an energy field.

“Yeah. So?”

What causes the changes to be made? Very simply, a change in any part of the field will affect, to some degree, all of the field, every part of the field.

“Yeah. So?”

So, since your field is an integral part of the field, any change in you has ripples that affect everything else.

Now, we have been at pains for some time to speak about your true power. We have spoken of focus, of intent, etc. All of these things are aspects of the real co-creative power that is you. Yes, power, because if your feelings, your thoughts, your words, your intentions change the field, they change everything. It is not that they can, not that they have, not that they will. It is that they are creating changes every day, every moment.

We would like to conclude this by telling you that your combined power, which is beyond your current comprehension, is having its desired effect. You need to understand the immensity of the task of shifting the combined paths of billions of realities in the blink of an eye. It does not appear that way to you, but from the viewpoint of billions of years, it is indeed the blink of an eye. We give you credit and great love for doing so. You, however, need to cut yourselves a little slack.

One other thought we would leave with you. Do not be so quick to judge what is going on around you. You really can have no concept of its true effect upon the outcome. Everything will serve to bring your new world into being. It is so decreed.

There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE. A third book is being compiled now.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/1/2017 12:09:30 AM

It's a Wonderful World!

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

The little things in Life may bring great happiness. Daily little things can be taken for granted as well. They may be little yet momentous. There is great power in all the little things that enrich your Life.

What about the Stars in the Sky? The sound of the Ocean? Fresh air? Mountain air? Tastes? A rose in bloom? A smile? Blue eyes and brown eyes and all the color of eyes in between? The wind? An apron taken off? Children? Music? Dance? The internet and how now the world grows closer in an instant? The Sun and the Moon? The Blue of the Sky? A Poem? A tree? A Lily of the Valley? And you, what about you? You are surrounded by opportunity. Bring it on.

How long a list can you make of the Treasures in this World? Your list could fill your house, go past your street, cover miles. There may well be lovely little things that you forget and want to add later. I would say that your list is limitless. Make that list and whistle while you work. Of course, this is no work at all. Enjoy it.

In thinking of your list and writing it down, the splendor of Life runs through your blood steam. In so doing, you strengthen every cell in your body and in your heart, and you integrate your Life and your health, and you raise the Light of Life for everyone near and far.

I suppose you might say that happiness isn’t everything. You might say that Love isn’t everything, yet what is happiness but Love? I say that giving of Love and its rebounding happiness is Everything. You do admit, at least that they’re a LOT. You may want to sneak money in there fast, and that’s okay too.

Of course, everyone knows for a fact that money isn’t everything. There are fairy tales from childhood that tell you that money, as golden as it is, and all that it can buy, and as valuable as money is and what money can bring to you are – no amount of money lights a candle to Love and health and fresh air and all the other Wonders of the World.

Well, of course, money is a vast area of Life where you can lose a lotta sleep. It is also true that the excitement that money can bring doesn’t last as long or as fully as you would wish. Money simply can go only so far. Naturally, it can take care of many necessities. Of course, money fills the larders, yet it is does not keep you on a high as you would want. Money is, after all, just a commodity. Commodities can only go so far. Money can be a partial answer, yet cannot be the answer to all your dreams.

Note that I do not knock money. Money is great to have, yet money ain’t everything.

We can perhaps say that this Moment of Life is everything. Regardless, you do well to appreciate all that surrounds you. Appreciation of what you have can even begin to hook you up with more contact with money.

Don’t think that you are way ahead to be above desiring. Desire is a force for good. Note the difference between seeking and having to have. Note the difference between enjoying and coveting.

You already know your tendencies in Life to amass whatever catches your eye. Let go of desire to amass, yet not your desires. Desires keep you lively. Desires are not greed.

Desire energy. Desire to give your Love for the joy of it, and not demand a return. It isn’t for you to be a bill collector in Life. Better to give unto Life and savor all that you already have than to point out that which you say you are lacking.

There is another side to every coin, and you are already richer than you credit yourself.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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