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10/29/2012 6:45:02 AM
WOW! Could this be the beginning of the end of everything negative?

British Engineers Create Gasoline Out Of Thin Air

Create fuel out of thin air? Is that really possible?

Air Fuel Synthesis, a small company located in Stockton-on-Tees, in the north of England, claims they have developed an “air capture” technology allowing them to create synthetic gasoline using only air and electricity.

With the push to lower carbon emissions and our overall carbon footprint, what’s appealing about this technology is that it can produce carbon-neutral gasoline.

The Christian Science Monitor explains how it works:

The process starts by blowing atmospheric air into a tower containing the sodium hydroxide, which binds to the carbon dioxide to form sodium carbonate.

Adding energy to that substance splits out the carbon dioxide specifically, which is then stored for later use.

Next, a dehumidifier removes water vapor from the air, and more energy is added to separate the hydrogen and oxygen molecules.

Mix the hydrogen with the carbon dioxide in the right proportions and you produce a synthetic gaseous hydrocarbon.

That, in turn, can be processed into methanol–which can be further turned into synthetic gasoline.

The resulting gasoline can either be used in vehicles directly or blended with conventionally extracted and refined gasoline.

By clicking here, you can access an interactive diagram that will provide a visual demonstration of how this process works.

According to Air Fuel Synthesis, the resulting fuel can be used in any regular gasoline tank and even better, if renewable energy is used to provide the electricity it could become “completely carbon neutral.”

Company executives hope to build a refinery size operation within the next 15 years.

Well, certainly if that’s true, it’s an amazing breakthrough.

From The Telegraph:

Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) officials admitted that while the described the technology as being “too good to be true but it is true”, it could prove to be a “game-changer” in the battle against climate change.

Stephen Tetlow, the IMechE chief executive, hailed the breakthrough as “truly groundbreaking”.

“It has the potential to become a great British success story, which opens up a crucial opportunity to reduce carbon emissions,” he said.

Developing the technology that can have a real impact on climate change while reducing dependence on foreign oil supplies sounds great, but are there any downsides here?

The biggest one seems to be the question of where the energy for this process will come from, since outside energy is needed to facilitate the technology at a few stages.

New Scientist points out that this will only be truly carbon-neutral gasoline if all that energy comes from renewable sources like solar, wind or water. On the other hand, if the necessary energy comes from burning coal, then the whole process is hardly carbon-neutral.

Indeed, many critics have been skeptical of the technology, questioning how much energy it would take to produce this gasoline.

Stay tuned, while we wait to see if this is truly green gasoline. Can engineers really produce fuel that looks and smells like the real thing, but is much cleaner?

Whatever the answer, this is an exciting prospect!

Related Care2 Coverage

How Green Is An Electric Car?

‘Clean Coal’ Is Poisoning Our Water

Electric Vehicles Can Help Reduce US Oil Dependence

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10_1_136.gifHi Luis,

This article I found to be very interesting. I believe that in the future, instead of investing a lot of money on eliminating polution, if we use that money to utilize the polution we would be much better off. Carbon rises into our atmosphere, but so doesn't other chemicals, minerals,and vapor that disperses in our atmosphere. Therefore, instead of illiminating these toxins, why not utilize them. No one is ever going to tell you the secrect of how they are able to extract fuel from air, however I would imagine that they have devised a way to hook up an electrical magnet of some type that draws in the properties that are needed and at some point they would have to introduce an element that was slightly heavier in order to keep the first element from escaping. This same process could be used to capture other gasses such as Methane so that rather than burning tons of this gas into the atmosphere every day it could also be utilized for fuel. Landfills routinely burn Methane every single day, however there are some that do convert it into fuel. Burning the Methane into the atmosphere does not solve a problem, but rather causes another problem because the residue left behind when burning Methane is Carbon. Almost every element that is burned either in factory smoke stack, chemical factory smoke stacks or whatever contains at least some form of carbon. By devising controllable electrical magnets virtually every single element floating in our atmosphere could be retrieved, even Chemtrails. It would take a device similar to a geiger counter that could detect the desired property and the proper solvent to introduce to it in a controlled envirornment. All of this may sound far fetched, however it seems to me that a lot of the ideas that sounded far fetched throughout history found ways of being commonplace today. Automobiles, planes, ships (made out of steel) and the wondrous world that we are about to enter. Therefore, even in our present solid state, we can still make a difference if we just realize that we can use the term "I can" more often than the term "I can't" We have always had the ability to change things for the better, however we have never had the drive as individuals to make it happen. Now, if I can only figure out where those Gold particles are floating around, and if I can borrow my neighbors Hoover.



Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.
Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/29/2012 6:16:38 PM
Hi Mike,

Yes, the secret is to say "I can" more often than"I can't" as you say, and perhaps even forget all "I can'ts" and just think positive. And if we want to get somewhere, we maybe should also forget all those pesimistic "That's okay, but what if...?"

All possibilities are open to us individually when we just remember that we can move mountains if we only have faith like a grain of mustard seed, as per the biblical verse.

It seems to me, however, that not all people can have this kind of faith. The same verses add we need to have love for our neighbor in our hearts. Can you imagine what would happen if all people, good and evil, could have that immense power at their disposal?



WOW! Could this be the beginning of the end of everything negative?

British Engineers Create Gasoline Out Of Thin Air

Create fuel out of thin air? Is that really possible?

Air Fuel Synthesis, a small company located in Stockton-on-Tees, in the north of England, claims they have developed an “air capture” technology allowing them to create synthetic gasoline using only air and electricity.

With the push to lower carbon emissions and our overall carbon footprint, what’s appealing about this technology is that it can produce carbon-neutral gasoline.

The Christian Science Monitor explains how it works:

The process starts by blowing atmospheric air into a tower containing the sodium hydroxide, which binds to the carbon dioxide to form sodium carbonate.

Adding energy to that substance splits out the carbon dioxide specifically, which is then stored for later use.

Next, a dehumidifier removes water vapor from the air, and more energy is added to separate the hydrogen and oxygen molecules.

Mix the hydrogen with the carbon dioxide in the right proportions and you produce a synthetic gaseous hydrocarbon.

That, in turn, can be processed into methanol–which can be further turned into synthetic gasoline.

The resulting gasoline can either be used in vehicles directly or blended with conventionally extracted and refined gasoline.

By clicking here, you can access an interactive diagram that will provide a visual demonstration of how this process works.

According to Air Fuel Synthesis, the resulting fuel can be used in any regular gasoline tank and even better, if renewable energy is used to provide the electricity it could become “completely carbon neutral.”

Company executives hope to build a refinery size operation within the next 15 years.

Well, certainly if that’s true, it’s an amazing breakthrough.

From The Telegraph:

Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) officials admitted that while the described the technology as being “too good to be true but it is true”, it could prove to be a “game-changer” in the battle against climate change.

Stephen Tetlow, the IMechE chief executive, hailed the breakthrough as “truly groundbreaking”.

“It has the potential to become a great British success story, which opens up a crucial opportunity to reduce carbon emissions,” he said.

Developing the technology that can have a real impact on climate change while reducing dependence on foreign oil supplies sounds great, but are there any downsides here?

The biggest one seems to be the question of where the energy for this process will come from, since outside energy is needed to facilitate the technology at a few stages.

New Scientist points out that this will only be truly carbon-neutral gasoline if all that energy comes from renewable sources like solar, wind or water. On the other hand, if the necessary energy comes from burning coal, then the whole process is hardly carbon-neutral.

Indeed, many critics have been skeptical of the technology, questioning how much energy it would take to produce this gasoline.

Stay tuned, while we wait to see if this is truly green gasoline. Can engineers really produce fuel that looks and smells like the real thing, but is much cleaner?

Whatever the answer, this is an exciting prospect!

Related Care2 Coverage

How Green Is An Electric Car?

‘Clean Coal’ Is Poisoning Our Water

Electric Vehicles Can Help Reduce US Oil Dependence

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Photo Credit: thinkstock

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10_1_136.gifHi Luis,

This article I found to be very interesting. I believe that in the future, instead of investing a lot of money on eliminating polution, if we use that money to utilize the polution we would be much better off. Carbon rises into our atmosphere, but so doesn't other chemicals, minerals,and vapor that disperses in our atmosphere. Therefore, instead of illiminating these toxins, why not utilize them. No one is ever going to tell you the secrect of how they are able to extract fuel from air, however I would imagine that they have devised a way to hook up an electrical magnet of some type that draws in the properties that are needed and at some point they would have to introduce an element that was slightly heavier in order to keep the first element from escaping. This same process could be used to capture other gasses such as Methane so that rather than burning tons of this gas into the atmosphere every day it could also be utilized for fuel. Landfills routinely burn Methane every single day, however there are some that do convert it into fuel. Burning the Methane into the atmosphere does not solve a problem, but rather causes another problem because the residue left behind when burning Methane is Carbon. Almost every element that is burned either in factory smoke stack, chemical factory smoke stacks or whatever contains at least some form of carbon. By devising controllable electrical magnets virtually every single element floating in our atmosphere could be retrieved, even Chemtrails. It would take a device similar to a geiger counter that could detect the desired property and the proper solvent to introduce to it in a controlled envirornment. All of this may sound far fetched, however it seems to me that a lot of the ideas that sounded far fetched throughout history found ways of being commonplace today. Automobiles, planes, ships (made out of steel) and the wondrous world that we are about to enter. Therefore, even in our present solid state, we can still make a difference if we just realize that we can use the term "I can" more often than the term "I can't" We have always had the ability to change things for the better, however we have never had the drive as individuals to make it happen. Now, if I can only figure out where those Gold particles are floating around, and if I can borrow my neighbors Hoover.



"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/30/2012 12:54:36 AM
More positive news in the area of renewable energy

Oil-Soaked Saudi Arabia Sets Goal of 100% Renewable Energy

Saudi Arabia is one of the largest oil-producing countries in the world. Despite the fact that oil has been Saudi Arabia’s cash crop for decades, the country recently admitted that it does not represent the energy source of the future. EcoWatch reports that during last week’s Global Economic Symposium in Rio de Janeiro, Prince Turki Al Faisal Al Saud of Saudi Arabia said, “I would like to see Saudi Arabia using 100 percent renewable energy within my lifetime.”  (He’s 67, by the way, so we’re talking about years, not decades).

Wow. When the country from which America imports most of its oil announces that it wants an economy based on renewable energy, it should be a wake up call. Too bad the oil and coal industries have paid to stuff our ears full of cotton and handed out pro-fossil fuel propaganda like sleeping pills. We can’t hear the alarm bells that have jarred Saudi Arabia into action.

In fact, Saudi Arabia and other oil producing countries in the Middle East are banking on the fact that Americans will maintain their oil addiction up until the very last possible second. “I see renewable energy sources helping to prolong our continued export of crude oil,” Saudi Arabia’s oil minister, Ali al-Naimi, told The Wall Street Journal. This means that while his own country begins the shift to renewable energy for its own power needs, it will continue exporting to America and other oil-dependent countries, charging top dollar for ever barrel.

While our politicians scoff at the idea that we should abandon oil, gas and coal for clean energy alternatives, countries in the Middle East are proving that it’s possible — and doesn’t need to happen as gradually as we think. Earlier this year, Saudi Arabia announced that it would invest $109 billion to exploit its abundant solar resources. Mecca, which hosts millions of pilgrims a year visiting Islam’s most holy shrine, hopes to become the first city in Saudi Arabia to operate an entire power plant from renewable energy sources. In fact, Middle Eastern potential for solar energy production is so promising, American companies are investing in it…something they’re reluctant to do here at home.

The lesson here is plain: America is lying to itself. Oil isn’t safer or cheaper. It won’t last forever. Instead of burning through every last bit, oil-rich countries are making the move to renewable energy now. They’re saving those last, excruciatingly expensive barrels for the last chump standing, which is likely to be the U.S. We’re being outpaced by China, Spain, Germany, Norway, and now apparently Saudi Arabia in every aspect of the clean energy game.

As stated in Renewable Energy World, America’s energy “policy hiatus, coming ironically at a time when fully competitive renewable power is starting to be a realistic possibility in a few years’ time, is posing a threat to continued growth in investment in the sector in 2012 and beyond.”

If what our leaders (and Presidential candidates) really want is an energy-independent America, why do they insist we remain tethered to fossil fuel’s sinking ship? Wake up America. And think before you vote

Related Reading:

Animals Footing The Bill for Oil and Coal

Global Oil Consumption On The Rise

Politicians Ignore Americans’ Desire To Tackle Climate Change

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/30/2012 12:59:00 AM

Archangel Michael via Ron Head: Love Will Answer Love

2012 OCTOBER 29
Posted by Stephen Cook

Archangel Michael via Ron Head: Love Will Answer Love

Stephen: Ron Head will be my guest on The Light Agenda on Wednesday November 7.

As channelled by Ron Head – October 28, 2012

Our topic today is your continued evolution in consciousness. We see new levels of light and understanding being reached every day now.

Your progress is building upon itself quite remarkably. There is now no let-up in the increasing quantity and frequencies of light being sent to the planet and still your intake and integration is keeping pace.

Extraordinary amounts of trapped lower energies are being released and moved away from Earth. More and more you are finding that your emotions are lifting.

Some are having last minute resolutions of deeply held fears, angers, or resentments being released and are thinking, “Why should I be seeing this again now, and why so strongly?” Just recognize it and let it go, dear ones. For many of you it will be the last of such things.

Remember, we have told you that some rather chaotic things may be seen for a while longer. You are in the midst of that, as well, now. It will seem for a short while as if everything is happening at once.

This is the time for you to make certain that you personally are centered and focused on your own state of being. Breathe light into your system at least several times per day, even if it is for only a few minutes. Ground yourself firmly. Be as a thousand year old tree that has sunk your roots deeply and permanently into the earth, regardless of what is blowing around your branches.

Your energy fields are expanding now so greatly that the effects you are having are beginning to overlap with each other. There are many, many more of you each day now. The snowball you have pushed down the hill is still growing and you can see another thing beginning to come into play, momentum. As things progress now, you will begin to see more and more results for the same effort. But the best is yet to come, the inevitable effect of the Law of Attraction. You are bringing to this planet an unmistakable match to what you are doing, being, and feeling. Love will answer love.

For most of you now, there has already been enough internal change and perhaps even external evidence, as well, to confirm for you that the change is already in progress. For the rest of you, we say, “Stand firm just a bit more.”

We shall speak again shortly. Good day, dear hearts.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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10/30/2012 2:27:35 AM

Planet Alert November 2012

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By Admin on behalf of Mahala, on October 28th, 2012

Welcome to the full moon of Halloween. This full moon happens two days before Halloween on October 29, 2012 at 12:49 PM PDT. Halloween is the celebration of Spider Woman, the Hopi Creator Goddess. This is why there are spiders associated with this celebration. Have you noticed how popular this holiday has become? Could this have anything to do with the Goddess (love) energy that has been coming in very strong lately?

There is also a very strong storm on its way to the East Coast of America right now. The forecasters say it will be a storm of the century. It is scheduled to hit the East Coast on Monday morning October 29th. Meteorologists expect high winds, heavy rain, extreme tides and maybe snow to the west beginning early Sunday, peaking with the arrival of Hurricane Sandy on Monday and lingering past Halloween on Wednesday.

There will be three large storms mixing together. Hurricane Sandy coming up from the south, a storm that is blowing across the Midwest right now and frigid air is streaming south from Canada. These three storms are expected to meet Tuesday morning around New York, or the surrounding states. This weather system is expected to last for a week.

I think it would be nice to send lots of light to that area for their highest and best good. We could send the Golden light of the Christ with the intention of toning down the force of the storm. Blue light might also be a good color to send with the intention of creating peace in people’s emotions.

The planetary aspect behind this storm is the Uranus/Pluto square. Pluto is over the area (Midwest to East Coast) where the storm will be occurring and Uranus (the planet of wind and storms) is in a perfect square activating that energy. The full moon chart over New York has Uranus in opposition to Venus square Pluto. The cardinal cross will again be activated and we are in the year of the storm in the Dreamspell calendar.

On Tuesday morning when the storms are expected to meet, the moon will be affecting 34-35 latitude which is just south of Washington, D.C. and on Wednesday the moon will be at 38’40 latitude which is the latitude of Washington, D.C. The moon’s north node is at 27 Scorpio which makes a 45 degree angle to 14 Cancer. Washington. D.C. corresponds to 13 degrees Cancer. How will this storm affect Washington, D.C.?

At this full moon Mercury will be on 1 degree Sagittarius (California) in its shadow period of turning retrograde, and makes a 45 degree angle to New York at 16 degrees Cancer. We have also had lots of rain here on the west coast because the moons node is in Scorpio (water) over our coast. (I just heard there was a 7.7 quake off the West Coast of Canada tonight-Saturday-October 27th.) That was a large quake.

Mercury turns retrograde on November 6th. What affect will this have on the election? Will there be some affect from the storm in regards to power outages, which may cause a challenge with the voting? Neptune turns direct on November 10th making a square to Mercury in retrograde. This will bring lots of confusion on all levels during November starting with the upcoming elections. China will also have a new leader in November. His name is Xi Jinping. I think November will be a very challenging month on all levels. If you think it gets really crazy with Mercury retrograde, watch what happens with this one. Mercury turns on 4 degrees Sagittarius, and then goes back into Scorpio.

We are in the cycle of Earth changes and have been in that cycle since 1991. Hurricane Andrew blew into Florida in 1992 and the Mississippi River flooded in 1993. There have been many major events since 1991 such as earthquakes, storms, and flooding in various parts of the world. There was the Tsunami in Sumatera, and the Tsunami in Japan, which were both preceded by large earthquakes, and many more events all over the world. The Earth has been totally polluted and has had to take a bath. We are still in the cycle of water events and this will continue on into 2013.

I am taking time every day to create my heaven on Earth and am looking forward to living totally on a higher frequency Earth by the end of this year. The time-lines started splitting in 2008 and will continue to split until the two lines are totally separate. This means the dark beings will be gone because they cannot handle the higher frequencies. I don’t know the exact timing of the total splitting of the time-lines but am hoping for the end of this year.

To be part of this higher frequency Earth you need to be manifesting love through your heart chakra. The brain in our hearts is much more powerful than the brain in our heads. Actually we need to connect our other two brains (head and solar plexus) with our heart brain and manifest love. Love is the glue that holds our universe together and is composed of Adamanatine particles. This is the smallest particle in our universe. We can call these particles to us and collect them in our heart so we can manifest more love.

The sacred heart is your magnetic center as well as your source of higher intelligence and your very life force. The very center of your life is a great and powerful magnet. This means you can draw a lot of Adamanatine particles to you to create what you choose to experience. This is what the Bible means when it says to find the kingdom of God within and then all else will be given unto you.

Power, control, and negativity does not work anymore. You cannot fight the force and come up the winner. You need to flow with the force and let life work for you. Judge not, or else you will be judged. Do not criticize or you will be criticized. Do not complain or you will have challenges. That is how the law works.

Bless everyone, including yourself, and give gratitude for everything you have.That is how to create a wonderful life. Wouldn’t it be great if everyone stopped being negative and started looking at the good side of life? Conspiracy theories have brought negativity to the surface (which was good) but is that what you want to focus on? Besides that there is just as much disinformation in the conspiracy theories as on regular news, and it is all just a big illusion anyway. It’s time for this movie to be over and a new one to start.

How many times have you said ‘I don’t want to be here anymore, this world is too hard to live on’. Is that what you want to create? Don’t you want to stay here and be part of the New Heaven and the New Earth? I am totally looking forward to a world of peace and unity where love rules and there are no more control dramas.

We are having Divine Intervention by the splitting of the time-lines and all of the light that is being sent to us by the higher Beings who wish to help us. They have also helped us in other ways such as keeping asteroids from crashing into Earth. Now it is time to do our part by manifesting love and shining our light for all to see.

So Be It! I send you my love and blessings.

***** Mahala Gayle ****

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
