The Path of "The Becoming" Begins!
Stand up, shoulders back, brush yourself off and know yourself assured in the victory of light... it is time to celebrate! Our sleeping Splendor has awakened and we now advance into a brand new harmonic and focus of light activity.
This Equinox, September 22, inaugurates the Grand Opening of the PATH OF THE BECOMING! This is a new, awe inspiring journey of resurrection, the raising of the human self into our full glory as children of the Most High God. We, the Christed ones, shall soon walk upon this Earth in the full mantle of our illumined Presence and radiant expression of Divine-Human Perfection.
The clarion call has sounded throughout the multi-universe for a Great Gathering of the Flames in a grand convergence to the Earth this Equinox to unveil new dispensation in support of this transition. Through this full moon Cosmic Ray focus and time portal of incredible power and amplitude, we are directly experiencing initiation from the heart of Mother-Father God into The Great Becoming!
The Cosmic Ray of Multi-Universal Service Heralds in New Dispensation
This Equinox, may we joyfully welcome the days ahead as the mighty forcefields of love prepare and train us in how to raise ourselves into the blazing light expression of our mighty I AM Presence.
We are entering into a most amazing phase of our evolutionary leap which is especially accelerated during these next two years leading up to 2012. As we gratefully kiss our path of awakening to a close, we progress into a brand new dispensation in which we unfold our greater gifts, miraculous abilities and cloak on brand new garments of radiant light.
All that we have gained from past teachings, academic principles, philosophical concepts and spiritual ideologies during our Path of Awakening also comes to a close for many of us serving in "lightworker" roles. Our current understandings are merely a filament to where we are now being swiftly taken. As this new journey begins for our collective group, most of our former teaching aids and tools for ascension no longer will apply. This new energy that will be revealing from within our bodily temples does not, in any way, adhere to the mental constructs created through the lens of human perception.
We are amazingly intelligent as a human species, yet it is not intelligence that is leading the way and forming this new crystalline matrix within our new biology. It is Wisdom through Love as this is directed by Mother-Father God through our I AM Presence, as the giver, the knower and the do-er of all of our activity.
We are no longer a free will human race! We are transcending into a unified diamond heart God Race, the I AM Race of ascended beings... and the I AM Presence leads the way!
The Initiation of the Resurrection
Light bearers choosing to undergo quantum transfiguration of their entire human energy form, are asked to step forward on the inner planes in unwavering commitment to this path of becoming a Christ Presence upon the Earth. From esoteric understanding, this time upon us can be defined as the "Initiation of the Resurrection". It is also the core of the Christian gospel story in which Jesus the Christ was finally freed from the pull of earthly matter.
In the book, "From Bethlehem to Calvary", Alice Bailey summarizes the culmination of our long and arduous preparation for Mastership in this way:
''We are resurrected to life eternal and become of the company of the immortals when we have fitted ourselves to be co-workers with Christ in the Kingdom. It is when we lose the consciousness of the separative individual and become aware of the whole of which we are a part that we have learnt life's final lesson and need no more return.''
This Initiation of Resurrection is taken by the willing, the strong and pure of heart and those who are ready to completely surrender all aspects of the human consciousness to this process of the Great Raising. Those of us who are prepared KNOW without any doubt that the time has finally come. We are boldly determined and have ability to hold steadfast focus upon a most accelerated and intensified period of training and development. This next journey can be likened to a Mystery School, only this academia is being played out through the lens of daily life at hyper light speed.
Never before has this type of ascension been accomplished while retaining a bodily form and never in such a pace of exponential quickening. We are, however, victoriously assured. We are also tremendously supported in all of the spontaneous changes that will be occurring as the illusory time space construct continues to rapidly dissolve from our human realities.

The Adam Kadmon Form
"Adam Kadmon" is a term taken from the ancient kabbalistic tradition and refers to our 5thdimensional light body expression and what we have been describing in our communications as the I AM Avatar Blueprint of Light. This new biological form emerges through a greatly expanded DNA genetic framework which activates the latent codes and original patterns of perfection within each of the trillions of cells in our human body.
During our fall from Grace, the Higher Mental Body (also referred to as the Holy Christ Self) disengaged and we lowered in frequency to the distorted plane of duality, losing all memory and multidimensional functions. In order to now make our way back into the full glory of our true nature, we enter more deeply into the cauldrons of divine alchemy through the sacred fires of transmutation. It necessitates a gradual yet steady rejuvenating , restructuring and respatializing of our entire cellular make-up in which the old matrix is completely replaced with quantum energetic circuitry that can house very high, stellar frequencies within the form.
Following are the more significant areas of change coming to our physical bodies....
Physical Body Regeneration - Due to the greatly expanded DNA genetic framework now activating, we are undergoing complete physical regenesis in which great cellular rejuvenation recharges our cells to a much higher electrical potential and frequency. Each of our cells within the human body will recognize light as fuel, similar to photosynthesis in plants. Our entire biochemistry and human body functioning radically transfigures into one of super human blueprinting. Light becomes our fuel and food will no longer be needed.
Physical Immortality - The age long genetic program that the human body wrinkles and dies is a conditioning that can be reversed, just as every other human limitation that we are transcending. As we bring in greater electronic light and re-engage with our Higher Mental Body and I AM Presence, an "eternal vibration" becomes the background of our consciousness and we will absolutely self realize physical immortality.
Exceptional Healing Powers - Through our capacity to assimilate greater levels of electronic light substance in our cells and as the more refined geometries of color and sound are brought into the body, physical ailments are cured instantly. Our abilities to miraculously and spontaneously heal others through this vibration will naturally unfold.... and already are!
Instant Manifestation and Precipitation - We are bringing the I AM life force back into our Central Nervous System and to all of our electrical connections. Energy pathways will be filled once again with the golden liquid light. As we carry more light resulting in a greater capacity to love, we experience instant manifestation through the purity of thought and feeling.
It is very important to mention that it is through the quiet feelings of harmony, our silent attitudes and deepest contemplations that is the primary energy behind manifestation. Manifestation with the new energy is assured when this frequency of pure thought and feeling is directly given to our I AM Presence... as the knower, the giver and the do-er!
We are no longer projecting our intentions of manifestation outward, rather, bringing them inward and releasing them to the great God Self to fulfill.

Grid Transmissions
Equinox Full Moon
Wednesday, September 22
During this most auspicious full moon and celestial Equinox alignment, we are initiated on to the great path of The Becoming heralded in by the Cosmic Ray of Multi-Universal Service.
Through this ray focus, all life is lifted into the heart of Mother/Father God. This is the ultimate journey and through this beautiful diamond colored flame of love, all life steps into Unity Consciousness and the experience of coming HOME.
As these first-wave humans making transition into the perfected Adam Kadmon blueprint, we find that our greatest strength and stability comes from each other and especially through our attunement with the New Earth crystalline consciousness matrix.
The purity from our one heart pulse keeps us focused and aligned while providing the necessary stabilization to the human electrical system and processes of transfiguration as we journey deeper into the blueprint of God Perfection!
Join us on the Grid this Equinox in Celebration of our great HOMECOMING!