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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/23/2010 1:04:42 AM
And, this other post by John Smallman is simply wonderful. I have come to hugely appreciate Saul's messages - for one thing, they look so authentic. This one message is so filled with meaning, it's like everything really important is said in it for us to read and savor it right at this moment.
Enjoy it.

Humanity’s move into full consciousness will be a most glorious event. Ever since your apparent separation from God many eons ago, you have been seeking your way Home. At that moment, as you separated from Him, it seemed that you had moved infinitely far away, and this was a great shock. However, you thought it would be just as easy and instantaneous to return to Him should you wish to do so, and you continued to build and explore your illusory reality. As time passed there, you became increasingly confused and bewitched by what you had made, until almost all memory of your true divine state was forgotten — you were, it seemed, absorbed into the illusion as tiny, insignificant, powerless beings, and you became lost and terrified.

It was not a pleasant state of affairs and you used your imaginative capabilities to try to build some beauty, order, and sanity into a non-existent and insane nightmare. This enabled you for a time to deny and repress your terror, and to build temporary environments that seemed relatively welcoming and safe. But underneath that sense of safety your anxiety remained, and the more you attempted to suppress or ignore it, the more intense it became. Finally you began to invent gods whom you could blame for your pain and then attempt to appease, in the hope of release or escape from that grim reality.

However, when you apparently split from God, He could foresee the pain and suffering that you would experience, and He installed within you an inextinguishable flame to light your way Home when you finally recognized and admitted to the intolerability of your situation. This flame within each of you, which you refused to see or acknowledge for so many eons and instead attempted to hide or destroy, is once more apparent to you. As you search for a meaning in your lives — a loving god to embrace and accept you, and an escape from the unending succession of events that cause you so much pain and suffering — the brilliance and clarity of this divine flame intensifies, encouraging you to dig it out from the trash and debris under which you tried to hide it. It is divinely alluring, and quite irresistable. There is no way that you can refuse to acknowledge its presence within you or continue to ignore it because it is God’s Will that you awaken and experience the unbounded joy of eternal life in the glorious beauty of His perfect Presence where nothing else exists. Life is infinite joy — always — and it is always His Will that this be your experience.

All that you have to do is release your resistance to His Love and open your hearts to receive It and then share Itindiscriminately with all your sisters and brothers — all of humanity, without exception. You have all the talents, all the tools, and all the motivation you require to do this; you need only acknowledge that this is indeed your will, just as it is the divine Will. . . and it will be done!

So stop distracting yourselves by judging and blaming others for your apparently unsatisfactory and unhappy lives. Open your hearts to that abundance of Love. Forgive yourselves and all others for the suffering you appear to be experiencing, and allow that suffering and the resentment that accompanies it to dissolve back into the non-existence from whence it appeared to come. Then . . . ecstatic bliss will enfold you for evermore.

With so very much love, Saul.


John Smallman has been Saul's channel for the last fifteen years. According to him, Saul is "...a spiritual entity whose messages over the years have been inspiring and uplifting for me. In them he refers frequently to “Full Consciousness”, and below you will find his definition of this phrase.

"Full consciousness is a state of being in which the individual entity – while maintaining a sense of personal identity – also holds the sense, or awareness, of being one with God and the totality of the divine Creation.

In this state, which is experienced — perpetually – for eternity – all knowledge, all memory, all wisdom is instantly available and known.

All is at peace, in perfect joyful harmony, and the totality of All That Is is completely permeated and suffused with an infinite abundance of unconditional love.

Nothing at all is rejected, discarded, or abandoned. All is accepted and totally loved because all of Creation is perfect.

And in the state of full consciousness, all know and experience this."


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/27/2010 3:33:52 PM
And here is the latest message from Saul, a song and a call for everyone to cheer up because the happy ending is close at hand.

As you awaken into your normal state of full consciousness, much that has confused or mystified you will become clear, as humanity’s ability to understand itself, the illusion, and its purpose and meaning comes on line. The illusion has brought you much suffering, but God, in His infinite wisdom, ensured that it would have a purpose other than the one you gave it. Your purpose for it was to experience separation from your Father, i.e. individuality, which appeared to be an exciting and fascinating state in which you would have no need at all for God. His purpose was to ensure that when you chose to relinquish that imaginary state of separation you would have everything you needed to enable you to do so.

Throughout the illusionary eons, you have played many games, and at times, for very short periods, you have even sought to leave the illusion. However, distractions have always eventually occurred which led you further into it. Now those repetitive cycles have ended, and your determination to awaken has so intensified that the possibility of your sinking back into the illusion no longer exists. Once that decision to awaken was made, the speed at which you moved towards Reality increased enormously.

As you have been told many times, God’s Will for you is eternal peace and happiness. At the moment you made the decision to separate from your Father, it appeared to you that you were instantly, infinitely removed from Him. You were then in the illusion, which flows linearly as the river of time, and progress through it and movement within it occurs at varying rates controlled by your own attitudes and beliefs. You could have become One again with God instantly had you chosen to do so — just as when you separated instantly — but your belief in the illusion had become so firmly established that only a very, very few of you have managed this.

However, because you have taken the collective decision to awaken, the path out of the illusion and home to Reality has been startlingly reduced in length. The myriad meandering, confusing, and ill-chosen paths that you were previously following as individuals have been mightily reduced, leaving only a few super-fast highways to lead you unerringly Home. There is no longer any possibility that you could get lost and delayed en route. You are all heading in the right direction, and the way is most accurately signposted. You can still take short breaks if you feel that you are moving too rapidly, but your direction of travel is clearly defined, and your arrival at your destination is ensured and confirmed.

Now is the time to be in good spirits because you know that you are firmly and safely established on your journey home, from which nothing can divert you. If you truly think about it, that is the most wonderful news! So focus on it and intend it to happen, instead of focusing on the illusion and all its inadequacies. There is absolutely no reason to be unhappy, anxious, or depressed — you are coming Home! Life is meant to be joyful, so look at the good things in your life — no one is without good parts to see and enjoy in their lives, even in the illusion — and raise your spirits by doing so and thus assist others to do likewise. Do not be distracted by the myriad media reports of chaos, suffering, and disaster, which most certainly seem very real, and be aware that incredible amounts of divine energy are pouring into those areas where suffering and catastrophe are endemic, to raise the level of consciousness of all who dwell there, so that they too may start moving towards wakefulness.

Everyone is infinitely, divinely loved, and no one who wishes to awaken and return Home will fail to do so. It is a done deal — divinely promised and guaranteed — and deep within yourselves you do know this. Focus on this and be of good cheer, for you know that you will awaken from the seemingly endless nightmare into the bliss of your Father’s eternal Presence, because nothing else is possible.

With so very much love, Saul.

Thank you,
Luis Miguel Goitizolo

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/29/2010 4:49:21 PM
Dear Friends,
I am sorry to bring this message to you with a little delay.


We are with you to give guidance, and just one of many sources that do so. In accompanying you to Ascension, we are bound to ensure that you reach it. It is therefore a dual role that is to enlighten you as to what you may expect, and how to prepare for it. Because so many have a rigid mindset new ideas are not easy to accept, but we know that if you are faced with the truth it will have an impact. It is the messages that are conflicting with your understanding that cause confusion. In these instances you will know that we often recommend you go within. When you are told that you have all knowledge within, it is because on a higher level you are the sum total of everything you have learnt. Your difficulty is distinguishing between your Higher Self, and your ego that controls your daily life. That is why we strongly recommend that you make time to find those quiet moments when you can go within.

The way to a greater understanding is much easier if you keep an open mind, and respect those sources that are acceptable to you. You may not necessarily agree with everything that comes from it, but at least set it aside for further reference. As seekers of the truth you will surely have already found that information seems to come to you without you looking for it, and supplies the missing piece that completes the picture. That is how the Law of Attraction works, and proves that what you focus upon will come to you. It has been established that you are not your physical body, in which case you may wonder why you cannot tune into your Higher Self. It is because it exists at a much higher vibrational level than you normally use. Therefore you have to prepare yourself before attempting contact.

In this present time when the Earth is being constantly flooded with Light, you will find that your consciousness levels are expanding. With it will come the ability to commune with your Higher Self almost at will, and we know that many of you have developed such a link. The paradox here is that although we talk of “higher vibrational levels” where your Higher Self is concerned, it is not outside you but within. You are a complex Being with a number of different aspects, and exist on many levels at once. However, that knowledge will wait for a future occasion when you have lifted your consciousness levels to a greater understanding. It is useful to have the idea in mind and as more information comes along, you will be partially prepared for it.

Following the announcement of our presence, you will be inundated with information that has been kept from you. For a time you will be hard pressed to keep up with it, which is why we ask you to keep an open mind. There are few people that are still unaware of our craft, or deny their existence. So confirmation of our existence will hardly come as a shock. That reaction is more likely to come with learning how you have been used by the dark Ones, to achieve their agenda for world control. You placed your trust and lives in the hands of those who should have worked in your best interest. You will find that they were only out to enslave you, and made diabolical plans to achieve it. It is these revelations that worry those responsible for what has taken place, and although the truth leaks out into the public domain, it is much more far reaching than you can possibly imagine.

Until you are able to learn the truth about yourselves and your history, you will remain confused. Upon learning the truth you will be released from the controls placed upon your freedom. Also with a greater understanding of who you really are, will experience a rapid opening up of your consciousness. The obstacles to your understanding will be removed, and you will be given every opportunity to learn the truth from us, and other Beings that will emerge from amongst you. It is all planned and for a while it will be a roller coaster ride, but very enjoyable. The relief of it all will encircle your Earth, and a new energy will permeate everything and bring Love and Light to you all.

Although Ascension is an ongoing process, it is not forced upon anyone. God will not take away your freewill to choose your own pathway, and other options exist. So those who are unready for Ascension will proceed onto a different path, to continue their experiences according to their preference. Many will stay in this present dimension, but not in this Universe which is ascending in its totality. You soul journey is thought of in linear terms, but in reality all experiences take place in the Now. So you can easily switch from one path to another, but only in the same vibrational level. No souls are lost or destined to remain in the lowest dimensions, as evolution is a continual process.

Restoring your true memory has been carefully arranged, by introducing you to teachers who have come to Earth from the Light realms. Their energies have been impressed upon the Earth, and gradually a spiritual awakening has taken place. Even the most closed minds have been stirred by them, and it is because a loving and understanding approach is made. There is no judgment at the higher levels, and we simply see beautiful souls making their way back to the Light. The whole purpose of being in duality is to grow through experience, so why indeed should anyone’s choice be looked upon as different to anyone else’s. Your lives all carry responsibility and your actions are accountable for by you, but once cleared karmically there are no recriminations. Remember that experiences are set up with souls that have all agreed to play out their respective roles. Someone has to take the part of the dark Ones, and believe us Dear Ones – you have all acted on both sides.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and can tell you that the Galactic Federation is pressing for the awaited announcement to be made. Our allies include people in exceptionally important positions who are pushing forward with all speed. The day of Truth beckons, but does rely upon the stage being properly prepared for such a monumental occasion. Governmental changes are so important, and the necessary challenge to those in power is soon to be made. We know it is testing your patience while you wait for action, but the plans have been made and agreed with the higher forces that oversee your future. Timing as always is of utmost importance, and we will know before anyone else when it is right to forge ahead with our plan. The future is in our hands and your Ascension is assured.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/2/2010 3:47:07 PM
Dear Friends,
This 'Planet Alert September 2010' by 'Mahala' is indeed fascinating. I got so interested in it that at first omitted to make a little research about the writer. But like the person who drew my attention to the material itself, I perceived that it contains much that is truth. I do believe all of us are changing and the energies described here might be behind those changes. Never have I felt like I do at this time, and again, I can resonate with lots of what is mentioned there.
Don't miss it!
Luis Miguel Goitizolo
Mahala Gayle is an Astrologer, writer, lecturer, minister, one of the founders of the Asklepius Light Center and the editor of the Asklepius Light Center.

Planet Alert September 2010

By Admin on behalf of Mahala, on August 28th, 2010

Hello to everyone who reads this article. I send you my love and blessings. Are you enjoying your summer, or maybe its winter where you live? I’ve really been enjoying the last couple of months here in Seattle. Our Dahlias are absolutely beautiful. I make sure I have a fresh bouquet on hand all the time so I can enjoy their beauty. I also enjoy the fresh produce from our veggie garden. I love summer and I also look forward to the fall season when the trees start to turn different colors like red, orange and yellow. I was born in September (Virgo) so I really like this month and Happy Birthday to everyone else who was born this time of year.

How have you been handling the intense energy that permeates our Solar System? There has been lots of activity in our local system like Gamma Ray Bursts, solar flares, meteor storms, CMEs from the sun, and other intense energy. In fact there are photons hitting the Earth right now from a hole in the Sun. Watch how tempers flare, and Earth changes happen as the magnetic energy hits us.

In my last article I wrote about a new cosmic sound that will resonate through our local Universe. The Bible refers to it as ‘The Word’, and it sets the tone for the whole of our physically manifested reality. This new sound will change everything. We will be moving out of a duality Universe into oneness. I think this sound might have started from the activity on our Sun which is a transformer of higher energy. On August 1st there was a complex eruption on the Sun which was facing Earth at that time. There was a large scale shaking of the solar corona (Sun quake) solar flares, and two CMEs that came off the sun. Along with this there was a solar tsunami, multiple filaments of magnetism lifting off the Sun and all of those photons came to Earth. We experienced major magnetic energy on August 3rd and 4th along with beautiful Northern Lights. Magnetic energy affects our brains and causes emotional reactions.

The jet stream was also affected and was part of the reason for mass flooding in Pakistan, and the fires in Russia. The Sun was going through the fire sign Leo at that time. My compassion goes out to those people who experienced all that trauma. It’s hard to watch so much suffering, especially if you are an empath and feel everything. It’s time to become a higher level empath where the emotions are felt but not held onto in our bodies. Attaching to a drama does not help anyone. Everyone has chosen the reality they chose to experience. There are as many realities on Earth as there are people living on this planet. My reality is one of Ascension and raising my frequency so I can live on a higher frequency Earth where there will be peace and happiness.

The Sun and Earth are separated by 93 million miles of space. Spacecraft and ground-based observatories have shown that Earth is located in the sun’s outer atmosphere, buffeted by solar winds and pelted by hail storms of energetic particles. The two bodies are actually connected by invisible threads of magnetism. During reconnection events, which typically happen several times a day, you can trace invisible lines of force all the way from Earth’s poles to the surface of the Sun. The Earth and Sun are interconnected. This is how Astrology works. All of the planets are also connected to Earth and to us by magnetism. We are born with what is called a hard drive in our brain which is set at a certain frequency. When a planet makes a mathematical angle to one of our planets events happen.

We are all part of God. All of us have a spark of God within us which makes us co-creators of our Universe.We do create our own little universe that we live in and with combined thought we create our greater reality.There is also such a thing as Karma where people have chosen to experience different events for their soul growth like being born with some kind of physical challenge. Then there has been all the baggage we have carried with us for eons of time that has needed to be transformed into light so we can start creating with our conscious mind instead of our sub conscious mind. Our subconscious mind responds from old programming unless you have released that programming. Hopefully we have released all that baggage and are ready to move into a higher frequency Earth.

There seems to be a turning point when we reach the end of the sixth night of the Mayan Calendar. On November 2, 2010 we will move into the seventh day and this will bring an entirely different energy to Earth. Night is darkness, and it has felt like dark energy descended on this planet and brought chaos to our world. It has been a time of major Earth changes, and inner changes and they are not over yet. It’s time to start getting ready for the new year of November 2, 2010 by becoming peaceful and happy within.

On November 2, 2010 the north node will be conjunct Pluto, which is considered the God of the Underworld, or the transformation God. Will you be transformed by the time this aspect happens? Then on December 21, there will be a total eclipse of the moon which will be lined up with the Galactic Center. This feels more like the end, or a new beginning to me than 2012 does, although there has been so much thought connected with 2012 that something is bound to happen. I think that is when we move totally into the fifth dimension and time ceases to exist. Time is a manifestation of the fourth dimension.

We have been in a process of breaking the seals on our seven main chakras. Once this is complete you can start manifesting the eighth chakra which is the soul star above your head. The energy from this star comes in through the back of your head and down through your spine, at least it does with me. This opened very dramatically for me back in the early nineties around 1994. I heard an explosion in my head and became very dizzy. I had been told ahead of time this chakra would be opened so I wasn’t concerned when it happened.

In my last article I talked about our reptilian brains being transformed by the incoming energy. This had to happen before our soul chakra could be activated and our higher self could come down into our bodies. I believe this happened to many people just recently. When this chakra opened, a higher frequency part of our soul descended into our bodies to help us become pure light. The eighth chakra is the bridge between the individual and their higher self. This energy/light of your higher self needs to be brought down through all your chakras including your legs and feet down into the ground. This is when you will be connected to heaven and to Earth and then you can start living on the New Earth. It’s time to integrate this energy during this Mercury retrograde period which ends on September 12, 2010.

One of the things that will happen from this process is regeneration where we will become younger and will be able to do all the things we couldn’t do when we spent so much time clearing our bodies of negative thoughts and releasing them to the light. The Bible says that we will be changed instantly from mortal to immortal bodies. I think this happens when we enter ‘The Blue Fluff’ which is a magnetic cloud in space. If you haven’t heard of ‘The Blue Fluff’-Google it, our scientists know about its existence. I have heard our solar system has just started entering this cloud in space. Photon belt, maybe?

There will continue to be Earth changes as the year goes on. They do not have to affect us. If your light is shinning bright enough you will be safe wherever you are. You will be able to walk through fire without getting burned. We will start to learn how to do the miracles that Jesus did when he walked the Earth plane 2,000 years ago. What an exciting time we are moving into. Turn up your light and enjoy life. So Be It!

Love and light to everyone!


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/4/2010 1:23:53 AM

Dear Friends,

Here is Lauren again with her peculiar style, always in tune with what is going on on this planet. I would most especially recommend you read her message all through, but if you take a look at one of its final paragraphs* you will see she is announcing the final results from the recently started rev up of our bodies by, if I am not mistaken, a mere two or three months from now... (Wow!).

Hugs and Blessings,

Luis Miguel Goitizolo


* The one that says "... just know that after all we have been through during the last 3 months, we have definitely turned a corner and when mercury goes direct we will see the some immediate results of our new level programming..."


OS IV: the divine-human upgrade

A few days ago I was laying on my bed watching some resistance in me rise while thinking about the many years I spent staring at the same spot on my bedroom ceiling...wondering which day and when I would be able to actively participate in my life again. Not to the point of doing what I used to to... because obviously so much has changed for all of us... but to finally be able to put into action the last decade of learning and expansion through the never-ending process of cleaning out our insides. (literally & figuratively)

And now, here we are in another mercury retrograde cycle... For me personally, this has to be the 18th or 20th retrograde that I have witnessed in the stillness..translation: since I have been banned from living an external life.

A little over a week into this reflective period I got to thinking that this jail sentence has been so much more than "doing time" for us... more realistically, it is has been a process of "releasing time"...which is so ironic because being the observer of our lives (as opposed to participating in them) for so many years has offered us the ability to watch so much condensed his-tory pass us by in such a short period of time... yet, because of our stillness and inability to move forward, we also feel an undeniable sense of no-time... that nothing is moving at all, and the phrase "going nowhere fast" has brought on an entirely new meaning.

During the purification phase of ascension, everyday really is Groundhog Day. We spin our wheels through the same cycles of polarization, over and again, until we finally jump off the karmic wheel and into our center-point, where we cease to get attached to the energies that derail us.

Oops...back to my, as I was laying there saying my final goodbyes to a life gone by and observing all remaining thoughts and unresolved emotions about being hijacked from human experience, I was greeted by a soul collective that I had never communicated with before. They call themselves, "The Divine Council of Seven".

They shared with me that their divine purpose is to oversee the seven layers of the human energy field during the purification process for those humans who are undergoing their biologicaltransfiguration.

Apparently they are heavily involved in safeguarding us from outside interference and the harshness of the external world during this very sensitive and vulnerable metamorphosis period and they are now wanting to come forth and share some information with us about this ongoing transfiguration into the divine human template.

First of all, I definitely had to look that word up to refresh my Mercury-clouded memory... and here's what I found:

Transfiguration n.

1. a concept in Christianity which is central to the understanding of Christ as joining the human and the divine.

2. a. a marked change in form or appearance; a metamorphosis.
b. a change that glorifies or exalts

The New Operating System

In its most most basic form, the divine human template is rooted in, and motivated by, harmonics. Harmonic resonance is the signature vibration of the 5th dimensional human biological makeup and what many have been and will be transitioning into.

A 5th dimensional operating system does not mean that we are impervious to discordance, it means that we are energetically detached enough to avoid it. Avoiding the temptation to meddle in discordance will come quite naturally as all systems click perfectly into place.

Our new operating system is designed to function within the realms of oneness which means that any and all access to polarized fields of consciousness can cause great waves of distortion.

The Divine Council is reminding us that the way to exist in an increasingly volatile (purifying) world within a 5D physical framework is to solidify boundaries and use sensation as a guide for discernment. Our physical and biological receptors are becoming so finely tuned that our ability to sense distortion well precedes the experience of it....this is for good reason. To utilize these sensations effectively is to honor our energy body at all times by making choices that are aligned with our highest good.

To fully realize our divine-human potential, the holographic matrix by which we operate must match the frequency of our updated internal operating system...which is located at the base of skull, or cerebellum, and is linked to the 8th chakra...what many refer to as the soul star chakra (and which houses our divine/soul blueprint). For this process to complete itself, there must be a complete restructuring of the framework by which we humans, in a 3d polarized time/space matrix, operate.

Transfiguration is the term the council uses to explain the transition from the 3d human (or the 3d human operating system), to the divine human (or the divine human operating system). This new operating system is designed to pick up and decode the higher dimensional frequencies, translating them into a physical output...the manifestation of our divine intent.

This state by which our body is transfiguring into, is way beyond a normal state of human is what they refer to as "human functioning at its most supreme power".

The reason that the process has been so long and arduous is because the transition from one physical state to another is very time and energy consuming...meaning that it requires great concentrations of energy to fulfill the destiny of our divine blueprint. In a non-physical realm, this energy moves very quickly and shifts are instantaneous, however, in physical form energy is denser (and therefore slower), and unfortunately we are required to complete this transfiguration first in order to fulfill our divine plan in service to the One.

Revving Up & Stabilizing

The seven main energy centers of the human body, the conduits by which we transmit information, have been seriously revving up since the June solstice... rather, they are increasing in spin and simultaneously raising the rate of our personal vibration to match the vibration of the 5th dimensional reality matrices. This increasing energy is presently aligning with our soul plan, or blueprint, and beginning to send large waves of telepathic information to the grid by which we are now beginning to operate from as well as connect to many more members of our soul family.

The process of opening or expanding these seven energy centers to full divine-human capacity is nothing short of miraculous, however, keep in mind that as with all new beginnings there will be temporary set backs and readjustments required to maintain the optimum flow or frequency through our newly updated hardware. September will be largely about stabilizing this flow.

Akin to a computer upgrade, now that our 5D operating system is downloaded and pumping higher frequency signals to our rewired brain, we must now update all of our software to readjust our focus so that we can clearly see the new world being birthed before us as never before. Just as with all holographic reality constructs, the ability to see and participate in these fields of intelligence depends solely on our vibrational output.

For the next three weeks we will be continuing to step in and out of these new frequencies and testing the waters in greater concentrations with fuller presence. We will be learning how to consciously expand our energy field and hone our skills at keeping our fields open and grounded as we experiment with some powerful surges of energy that undulate through our bio and morphogenic fields.

The advice we are being given for this is to PLAY! Play with the new potentials that are beginning to take form, play with the power of our focus, our magnetism and our ability to stabilize ourselves with intention.

Communication Upgrade

This Mercury retrograde period that we are presently wading through is responsible for much of the communication upgrade to our energy field that we are all undergoing. It is being used to not only ensure that the left and right hemisphere of our brains are working together harmoniously, but it is also ensuring that all seven energy centers of our biofield are fully aligned and communicating with our higher self.

This new communication field will also be responsible for the real-time telepathic exchange with our higher self and will enable full access to our
divine blueprint. The divine blueprint, (located in the soul-star chakra), houses the information of all past and future incarnations and is the way station for our higher intelligence. As this reconnection opens more fully, the information from our higher self becomes readily available for the physical co-creation of our soul-genetic plan. This means that not only will we have a pure connection to our higher intelligence, but we will be working within the dimensional fields of fluid creation and will be given the access codes for our divine-human capabilities.

Some of these capabilities include: increased creativity and focus, increased levels of energy and vitality, increased capacity to heal the self (resurrection/regeneration), increased capacity to heal others, increased psychic perceptions & capabilities, increased manifestation skills, increased sensitivity, and the awakening of some dormant gifts yet to be explored or discovered.

Physical Happenings

Although the process has been s l o w, it's probably a very good sign that I am beginning to receive more and more information about our upcoming physical changes... and there will be changes....but not in the ways that most expect.

The divine human template is apparently designed to alter the human genome and carries with it the intelligence to regenerate our cells at rapid rate. This level of self-healing requires that the physical vessel remains in a state of harmonic accord and that it is fueled by an energetic source greater than its own. What this means is for those completing what the council calls transfiguration, the human body will no longer generate its full power from external sources, but will be self-propelled from a secure connection to our own servers (power-Source).

There will still be the need for basic human functioning at this level of operation, however, I am told that there will be less of a need for external fuel as the body becomes more of a self-sustainable mechanism of physical transport and experience.

I am also hearing that the most notable change in our physicality will be by way of youthfulness. The youthful glowing appearance and capability of the divine human template is a natural byproduct of a fully functioning energy system. If I am hearing this correctly, the new energy feed that sustains us will be nearly tripled in input, and nearly doubled in output and 1/3 of the vital energy supplies from Source will go straight to our biological systems for optimum functioning.

There are many more things to discuss with regard to the new human template, and I will have more to report as we advance into this next level of conscious co-creation. For now, just know that after all we have been through during the last 3 months, we have definitely turned a corner and when mercury goes direct we will see the some immediate results of our new level programming.

In the meantime we still need to surrender to the stillness knowing that forward movement will soon commence, and allow our bodies to go through the required changes that we are still integrating since the solstice. The council is saying...

"There is so much to learn and so many new things to discover here that we say to you, enjoy your final days of rest!"

Of course, we also have had the usual symptoms related to different aspects of our rewiring this time are some of the more pronounced:

Pineal/pituitary merging, rewiring & reorienting symptoms: dizziness, pain/pressure in back of head and down spine, vision problems, earaches, sinus headaches, migraines, fatigue, neck aches and stiffness, changes in body temperature, sleep disturbances, changes in appetite, vivid funky dreams, etc.

Heart opening symptoms: heart palpitations/skipping beats (aligning to new grid), ANXIETY, middle back pain (behind heart) and indigestion/heartburn/acid reflux, nause, etc.

Grounding symptoms: LOWER BACK ACHING/pulling, leg aches and heaviness, menstrual-type cramps, lower intestinal distress/cramping/detox, bloating, water retention, skin rashes, etc.

See you when Mercury goes direct...

Happy Labor Day weekend to all my American readers!


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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