Bogdan, that is great news that you & wife will visit Lima soon!! Does he need an extra jacket, Miguel?? Don't suppose you want to visit Kansas anytime soon? Miguel, you are so right as they say in many forums, Love is the answer. So happy you are feeling better now.  Of course in our KJ version of Bible, they use the word 'charity', we were taught early in life to subsitute it for 'love'. Blessings, Sara
Dear Sara, As I was telling Alain a minute ago, I am feeling much better and full of energy today. I even feel like working non stop all day. I don't know who I must thank the most for it, whether he or you or Bogdan or Michael, or even Roger, who does not show up very frequently here but does read and posts at other threads of this forum and also has been sending his love and healing thoughts my way as well. Yes, all of you are wonderful friends and your combined energies have been certainly working the miracle. I guess it is all of you that I must thank with all my love. Sincerely, Miguel