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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/20/2010 2:22:29 AM
Hi Luis,

As I said in Jill's forum you are missed here and you should tell us sooner that you are not well.
There is always some energy to be passed to you if we know that it can help.

You are in my thoughts.

There is a chance that my wife and I might visit you within next two months in Lima.

Bogdan Fiedur

Bogdan, you are always so kind and I am afraid that I not always appreciate that fact as I should. But your post in Jill's forum was most important for me.

By the way, I forgot to mention in my reply that I believe in the power of Love and that if there is anything that is going to save the world, that is Love.

I am so glad to know that you might come to my country.

Wishing you the best in everything,

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

8/20/2010 9:31:52 PM

Bogdan, that is great news that you & wife will visit Lima soon!! Does he need an extra jacket, Miguel?? Don't suppose you want to visit Kansas anytime soon?

Miguel, you are so right as they say in many forums, Love is the answer. So happy you are feeling better now.

Of course in our KJ version of Bible, they use the word 'charity', we were taught early in life to subsitute it for 'love'.



Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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8/21/2010 10:35:23 AM
Hello Dear Friend Luis,

and, to all of You Dearest Friends - I miss You all so very much!

Dear Luis, Even though I do not have much time to be here anymore...

I want You to know that I am still here and still thinking of You... and, as Michael, I am sorry to hear that You are not feeling well My Friend. Try to allow yourself some time to connect with your internal Source of Divine Love through meditation (in the form that suits You best)... this will for sure contribute to make You feel better.

Meanwhile, I am sending Pure Love Energy Your Way My Friend and do not forget that LOVE is all around in Abundance... indeed ALL IS LOVE! and, LOVE will make You feel better - at least a bit better - in any adverse situation.

With Much LOVE,
Hugs and Blessings
to my Dearest Friend Luis,

Dear Alain,
I guess the healing energy that you are sending my way is already working, as I feel like I am already receiving its beneficial effects and today I have awaken feeling MUCH better. Fortunately I have good friends like you, friends whose love and care I value above all the gold in the world.
On the other hand, we are all missing you here in Adland and I personally hope to see you back very soon.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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8/21/2010 10:58:32 AM

Bogdan, that is great news that you & wife will visit Lima soon!! Does he need an extra jacket, Miguel?? Don't suppose you want to visit Kansas anytime soon?

Miguel, you are so right as they say in many forums, Love is the answer. So happy you are feeling better now.

Of course in our KJ version of Bible, they use the word 'charity', we were taught early in life to subsitute it for 'love'.



Dear Sara,
As I was telling Alain a minute ago, I am feeling much better and full of energy today. I even feel like working non stop all day.
I don't know who I must thank the most for it, whether he or you or Bogdan or Michael, or even Roger, who does not show up very frequently here but does read and posts at other threads of this forum and also has been sending his love and healing thoughts my way as well.
Yes, all of you are wonderful friends and your combined energies have been certainly working the miracle. I guess it is all of you that I must thank with all my love.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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8/21/2010 11:10:53 AM
Dear friends,

The following message from Paul - channeled by John Smallman, a most reliable source - is worth the reading. It was posted yesterday on Gallactic Free Press by Madeleine.

As Jill would say, Woohoo!!!

Yes, it seems we are getting closer by the day.

ove and Hugs,

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

The time of waiting is almost at an end, and the end will be surprising, alarming for some, a relief, and finally, a great joy, as you release all your confusions and burdensome perceptions of life and become truly free — free from all the insane limitations that you have placed on yourselves and attempted to impose upon others.

Truly, the limitations and restrictions that frustrate and confuse you are self-imposed. Your Father created you free — as He is Himself — because He loves you and wants only for you to be happy. He could not and would not have created you any other way! Your happiness and freedom give Him joy, but you turned away and built an imaginary reality into which pain and suffering flooded, convincing you that you were unworthy of His Love, and that you deserved punishment. Then you began to deliver that punishment to yourselves, and to others.

It got to the stage — from which you have now started to emerge — where you could not honestly believe in a loving god, and so you imagined, and then believed in, one who was jealous, violent, vindictive, and forever unforgiving, and who encouraged you to compete for his affection by disowning and judging one another. A god, indeed, in your own image and likeness! Nothing could be further from the Truth, Reality, God.

In the last few hundred of your Earth years, the insanity of this belief system started to become apparent, and now it is effectively broken and irreparable. However, many are still attempting to repair it, or to replace it with something less intolerant and implacable, but with the same basic assumptions, namely, that there is a god who judges you and seeks reparation for your unacceptable behavior. This is still an insane concept, and it traps you in the illusion as long as you cling to it. But enough of you understand this and are learning to share love and compassion with one another, and to offer forgiveness in every situation where offense is experienced. It is this which is dissolving the illusion, and it is a dissolution which is final and irrevocable. The illusion cannot and will not be maintained, let alone rebuilt.

All are on the path to ascension, to full consciousness, even though they may be unaware of it. Those of you so courageously holding the Light and the intent for for this to come to fruition have guaranteed it for all. The time for fear, corruption, and betrayal is over, as the tide of loving cooperation sweeps across the planet, suffusing all with the desire and intent to awaken everyone, so that all may once more enjoy their divine heritage. It is indeed a great moment to be voluntarily within the illusion, as you all are, so that you can witness its disintegration and share in the joy of that glorious moment of awakening.

Intensify your intent to awaken. The Light you carry will become brilliant, causing the eyelids of myriad others to start flickering towards wakefulness. What you have achieved is quite stupendous, as you will understand with great joy and satisfaction when you awaken.

With so very much love, Saul.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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