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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/23/2015 6:40:43 PM

David Wilcock on Cosmic Disclosure: Secret Space Program Insider Debut Videos!!

(David Wilcock) YES! See the first FOUR videos of Cosmic Disclosure — secret space program insider Corey Goode being interviewed by David Wilcock in a groundbreaking tell-all expose’!

This is the story that has taken the UFO community by storm. Goode is the most significant, in-the-know insider to have ever come forward publicly — by far.

Now you can watch him field a variety of questions in a fast-paced, invigorating series of interviews with David Wilcock — and decide for yourself if this is really true.

Don’t miss it!


Read More: Whistleblower Tells All About Secret Space Program – Watch Now for FREE!


Before the avalanche of Snowden disclosures, many people still thought their own virtual world of electronic communication was a private place.

Passwords were secure. “Cloud” data encryption was actually encrypted. No one was spying on you, reading your emails, spying through your camera, et cetera.

Now it is common knowledge that a vast infrastructure of surveillance is in place. Every single thing we do is being data-mined and stored.


And for what? To defend against “Arabs With Box Cutters” living in “spider holes” and doing jumping-jacks with AK-47’s?

Why do they care what you say to your loved one? Is it right for a horny NSA guy to listen in on your phone sex? To pass naked photos of you around the office?

Is there any accountability? How do you know if your latest batch of “sexting” isn’t the talk of the town in some shadowy secret facility? Who do you call to complain?

If what Corey Goode is saying is true — and it lines up beautifully with all of our top insiders over the years — then this is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.


Our military-industrial complex has already colonized our solar system — and beyond — with tech as advanced as any sci-fi movie we have ever seen.

Antigravity? Check.

Free energy? Check.

Stargate travel? Check.

Time travel? Check.

Materializers? Check.

Energy medicine? Check.

Faster-than-light propulsion? Check.

ESP and telekinesis boosters? Check.

Hyper-realistic virtual reality “holodecks”? Check.


This list can go on and on. Our technology has already progressed to the point where the only limit is our imagination.

And soon enough, the walls of secrecy will collapse — and we will gain access to all of this knowledge and power.

The gripping, seemingly impossible crises that plague our world can all be solved — much more easily and beautifully than most could ever imagine.

Hope is not irrational. Hope is an informed perspective — the fruit of those who have “done their homework” and understand the nature of the universe.


These technological advancements are only one aspect of a much greater energetic change that is happening to all of us — causing a rapid evolutionary leap to take place.

This is not foolish conjecture, though many are far too willing to jump to that conclusion without studying the data.

It is supported by a vast wealth of scientific evidence. The case is so remarkably interconnected that no “debunking” can ever be successful.

Writing a few hateful words and nit-picking one small point, or one single article, obviously feels very satisfying to some people, or they wouldn’t do it.

Soon enough, the truth will become obvious. The skeptics will be quite embarrassed and humiliated at first, but will soon say they “knew it all along.”

Our own contribution to this vast mosaic includes The Source Field Investigations, The Synchronicity Key and over 130 episodes of the Wisdom Teachings video program.

And now, the first four of a series of at least 52 videos with the “insider’s insider” Corey Goode have been released — as Cosmic Disclosure…

Read More →

Source: David Wilcock — Divine Cosmos

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/23/2015 6:43:37 PM


Bob Fickes ~ What It Means to be Alive!


What it means to be alive only happens when we feel more alive and can begin to express this feeling of joy in everything we do. Most of us have never learned what it means to be alive. We live our life but more as a routine. We rarely feel what we want. Even when we feel love, it is a shallow surge of energy that doesn’t last long. As our consciousness opens we start to feel more and perceive more. There is more of a Presence inside of us that tells us “I am here!”
This Presence of Consciousness is Pure Love, but in the beginning, before we start to meditate and expand our consciousness, we only felt shallow feelings without any depth to them. Our ego mind dominates everything we do and it becomes a blind habit that lacks any depth of feeling. The closer we get to Enlightenment, the more Present we become and the more we feel Life Force moving through us in everything we do. The Love glows and we start to radiate this love without thinking about it. The more Love radiates through our presence, the more people notice us and the more the universe responds to our needs.
Enlightenment is not a dry separation from our life. It is the real feeling of what it means to be alive and fully present with our heart in everything we do. When our heart moves with love, the whole world responds and everyone is happy. There is no thinking and no ego. It is just a natural but mighty flow of energy filled with love and compassion and joy.
Discovering this presence of energy is something we will experience more and more every day until it becomes so magnificent that we wonder why we never felt this before. What we have missed in our previous way of living will blossom as our heart opens and we feel what it really means to be alive. It is a glorious life. We are lucky to be alive and even luckier to live a human life with an open heart full of love.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/23/2015 6:50:45 PM

The Angels via Eliza Ayres: Being the Light

dscn0138In the Beginning there was the Word and the Word was Light.

Thus starts one of the books of the New Testament. Of course your human minds have to know… just what IS the Light and what IS the Word?

As Angels, we know these things as we are these things. We understand our true essence and do not need to struggle to understand what is not spoken. We just know.

As humans who have long suffered under the illusion that you are separated from Source, you are only now beginning to receive glimmerings of what we already have known forever within our existence.

And some of you now understand that you CHOSE to forget who you were for the sake of bringing the Light to those who have long dwelt in darkness. This was a service and mission that you were both selected for and volunteered to do, upon a benighted planet, the last one to ascend within this known Universe.

You are not alone. You are not separate from Source. The entire Universe resides within your energy body, as potential, waiting that moment when you begin to allow the whisperings of soul to penetrate your self-hatred and misappropriated human understanding of life.

Let the warmth of the Inner Sun melt away the self-hatred and self-judgment. You have not failed by being here, by being alive upon this strange world. You have chosen to BE here, now, for the greatest occasion of the beginning of an unprecedented period of change and transformation of this world. And it is happening BECAUSE you ARE here.

So allow us to dry your tears as years of misguided teachings and beliefs are washed away in the light of understanding that comes as you open to the whispers of your inner voice, to the wisdom that ever abides within, that can only be accessed through an open heart.

Release the barriers that surround your heart, release your fears and judgment, of yourself and of others who at first do not seem to be like you, but are, truly, as you are One at your innermost core.

Even now that Core, your essence, is being exposed to the world. The Light within is shining through the human miasma of the centuries of living here in one culture after another, in one body after another, to gain experience and wisdom… the wisdom that will come to be useful as you look upon the changing world and see the possibilities that lie before each person if only they also turn to the Light and embrace the fullness of their Beingness.

We see you as you ARE, a multidimensional being who has taken on form as many individuals, but whom is, at the core, at its true essence, One being, completely aligned with the Source energy.

It may not seem this way to many who are still experiencing the effects of human confusion, as the misunderstandings and knowledge derived from those who do feel separated from Source, now fight to retain what they believe is their right to be free of the dominion of Source.

This ego-driven fear now drives these frightened ones to threaten and cajole their fellows, to use unmitigated force to attempt to control what cannot be contained, the awakening of the humans around them.

Your galaxy has moved into a new region of space that contains energy that is now supporting change and transformation, at least for those who allow the energies to penetrate to their core. Those who resist will face change forced upon them through forces outside their control. There is no earthly way to control what is happening world-wide, indeed, throughout your solar system.

Your scientists have seen the changes occurring in your Sun and on the other planets in your solar system, although many of you are still ignorant of these changes. This ignorance has been forced upon you by those who still seek to control through outer circumstances, your consciousness and your life.

Yet now, you can step beyond these controllers’ attempts to corral human consciousness. By going within, you enter into worlds beyond the knowledge of those who are not in alignment with the music of the Spheres, or the soft whispers of the soul to the human heart. No bars on the windows can contain the awakening process of those who heed the inner voice of wisdom and love.

Your world and your lives are undergoing a profound transformation, one that will take you well beyond what you have experienced within the time frame of the last several thousand years.

And you will take the necessary steps to allow these changes as you are in tune with the inner murmurings of the Soul, which guides and protects each step that you take, whether or not you know in advance where that step will take you.

Allow fear to be washed from your body, allow the healing that has taken place to now be transformed into deeds, as you begin to move, first as individuals, then as communities and collectives, forward with the intent to heal your world and to create lives of abundance, joy and peace for all life.

As a flower responds to the warmth of the sun, your DNA is undergoing an alternation, allowing those parts that have been off-line for centuries to now come back online. As this natural process occurs, your inner wisdom and gifts will unfold and be revealed to yourself and to those who share your daily life.

You will know, in the ever present Now, what it is that needs to be done. You will contain within yourself, as you gain access to the Akashic Library, what and now to go about things in order to accomplish that which has, at least in the past, been written off as being impossible to accomplish.

It will be done as it is the Will of the Source, the Creator, for these things to happen, now. And yet, your acknowledgement and acceptance of this Will is also needed as Spirit works in cooperation, not separation.

You are embodied Spirit, a divine being who dwells within a vessel made up of the materials from the body of the planet upon which a portion of your awareness now resides.

As more of your presence is allowed to be present within that same vessel, you are undergoing a profound alteration in the manner in which you approach daily life. It is as if your entire world has been turned topsy-turvy. And so it is, that Spirit does not work or function in the manner in which you have been taught to accept as ‘the way it is’ as a youngster.

That ‘way’ was false and corrupt and designed to control so that a few powerful individuals ruled an entire planet and held the population under their sway. That time is now gone and although the effects will linger until completely transmuted; you have been given the opportunity to take control of your own lives through your sacred intent and desire to work WITH life and with Spirit.

You will discover as you undergo the necessary cleansings by the elements (fire, air, earth and water) that your life takes on a completely new meaning. Spirit supports life. Life responds in kind by translating spirit into a multitude of creative new forms.

You will discover, in the near ‘future,’ just what amazing synchronicities will occur in your life to transform it into something that you would not recognize today as being possible, let alone probable.

Allow Spirit to transform you, from the inside out and become and embody the full potential that you already carry within your energy field, as a living god, a creator being, as one and in full unified resonance with Source energy.

We are ever present and await your permission and acceptance of our assistance to help you move through these intense times with grace and ease. Speak to us in whispers or shouts; we will come quicker than thought and hold you up as you undergo these miraculous times of wonder and change.

We are the Angels of the Legions of the Divine Mother, who ever watches over her children and who responds to their prayers and walks through their meditations.


Channeler: Eliza Ayres (aka Tazjima Amariah Kumara VaCoupe)

“The Angels: Being the Light,” channeled by Elizabeth Ayres, July 21, 2015,

Source site: Elizabeth Ayres Blue Dragon Journal

© Copyright 2012-15, All Rights Reserved, Elizabeth Ayres Escher,

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/23/2015 6:54:39 PM

Lee Harris: A-Z of Energy – Self-Judgment: Our Excuses Not to Live

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Published on Jul 15, 2015

We hope you this quick how-to useful! Subscribe for more free videos in the A – Z of Energy series coming soon.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/23/2015 6:59:10 PM

In the Wilderness

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God said:

My children cry out to Me how unhappy they are. You, yourself, as a matter of fact, might say:

“Dear God, so many times You get my hopes up. I hear about levels of consciousness, yet no matter what level I seem to be on, I return again and again to despair. The promises You seem to make, forgive me for saying, do not always hold up. No matter what level of consciousness I seem to be at – and I have grown, definitely, I have grown – I am disenchanted once again. I am lonely. Loneliness pursues me through the days that turn into my life. God, do You forsake me? Have You forsaken me?”

Dear Child, a thread of you knows I have not. You may not know where to turn, yet you inevitably turn to Me. You do know enough to know that I hold the Keys to the Kingdom. There is one Key, and it is Love, and I offer it to you. Will you receive it?

Now, let Me say kindly what I am going to say.

Listen to yourself, beloved. You are disgruntled. You are disgruntled with Me. I am not disgruntled with you. I do not find you lacking. You find Me lacking. You find yourself lacking. Loneliness is rampant on Earth. Are you saying that I create your loneliness?

I have not abandoned you. Have you perhaps held Me at a distance? Are your arms crossed over your chest, and you wait for Me to strut My stuff in proof of My love for you and humankind? You, who accuse Me, stand apart from Me. Closed off at a distance, you are a wallflower, so to speak. Invite Me to dance with you. Dear One, you are the one complaining. You turn your complaints onto Me as if I am an advertised complaint department.

It’s possible that you like to see Me as a God Who fails you. Would that be you or would that be your ego playing tricks? I am certain that, left to your own Self without the disenfranchisement of the world, you would know your own power, and you would find glory within. I do not cut you off from Me. You may cut yourself off and say volubly:

“Hmph, God is not all what He is made out to be. God does not embrace me. If God embraced me, I would not be so lonely. I ask, and God does not answer. God leaves me alone here crying in the wilderness. There is No Other God.”

You speak wisdom when you say there is No Other. There is No Other God. There is no other altogether. Remember Free Will and Good Will. They are yours.

Beloved, are you sitting across from Me, your arms crossed, daring Me to prove Myself to you? Are you seeing Me from slitted eyes, full of your own skepticism?

Of course, you are lonely in isolation. It is you who names yourself lonely. Perhaps you could slow down on calling yourself lonely. We can say that you are name-calling. You attach names to yourself. Unloved, disheartened, left to your own devices, out in the cold, harassed by God and man alike, shunted, doors closed on you, the night is dark, and no God to be seen.

As you call Me to you, you may also push Me away, do you see it? So long as you are stand-offish, you see Me as standoffish. Come to Me right now. Step over the finishing line. I beckon you to Me. I’m here. Right here. I am right here. We are sitting on a porch swing together.

I do not affix blame on you. You may think I do. You may see Us as two small boys who banter, each saying: “It’s your fault. No, it’s yours. You broke it. No, you broke it. It’s you. You are at fault.”

It’s like this. We have an appointment to meet. You wait and wait, and, seemingly, in your despair, you perceive that I missed Our appointment. Consider that it is you who may not have shown up. Consider the possibility that you look at everyone as having let you down. Get up now, greet and warm up the lonely hearts of the world. Have a heart for greater than yourself. Then tell Me how you feel. Open your arms and heart, and sing a different song.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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