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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/23/2015 7:11:19 PM

How We Are Literally The Universe

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We are the universe. We hear this all the time and it usually gives us a warm feeling of connectivity inside, but what does this really mean? How can we make sense of this with our rational minds?

There are many ways to explain how we are all connected to one another and how we are all one with each other, but there are only a few main ways in which we can understand how we are literally the whole universe in the truest sense. Here is how we are literally the universe:

1. We are the universe from a quantum perspective

At the surface level, we are human beings in two totally different areas of space. But what goes in to making a human being? Molecules. Which are made of atoms. Which are made of subatomic particles like electrons combined with empty space. Which are made of quarks. Which are made of vibrating strings within the Unified Field.

The frequency at which the strings vibrate determine which particle arises out of this field. So at a fundamental level, you and I are both expressions of this same field which is at the basis of all life and matter. At a smallest quantum level, the ideas of you being somewhere else in space ready this and me being here typing this is nothing more than a dance of vibrating strings that emerge out of this unified field. We are literally this field, and what is this field made out of? Consciousness. Here is John Hagelin Ph.D. talking explaining how the Unified Field proves we are all one with each other:

2. We are the universe from an evolutionary perspective

The universe started as a minuscule condensed dot at the very first moment in time and space after the Big Bang. First came the evolution of the elements (chemical evolution), then came the evolution of the stars and planets (stellar evolution), then came the emergence of life the evolution of species (abiogenesis and macro evolution). Everything you see around you is just another variation of that same hot condensed dot at the initial moment of creation.

Everything you see is a different form of the exact same energy, same intelligent principles, and same material that was present at the universe’s beginning. You are not a human being in a universe, you are the universe AS a human being. You aren’t the moon, but you are made of the same stuff as the moon, came from the same energy as the moon, and on the deepest level it’s one with you since it is the universe experiencing itself in the form of a moon. Everything is the universe but just in a different physical/chemical form, including you. You are literally not separate from the universe, for you are an activity of its evolution.

So when you look up to the sky and see the stars it’s ultimately no different than you looking under a microscope and seeing your own blood cells. The energy that is shining the sun is the same energy that is circulating the blood through your body. And that energy is you. Here is Joe Rogan explaining a little more about the mystery of the universe and how it is our identity in the most literal way:

Thanks for reading!

Steven Bancarz,

Team Spirit


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/23/2015 7:14:59 PM

A Sacredness in Everything, by Eckhart Tolle

This is beautifully expressed in the Zen saying “The snow falls, each flake in its appropriate place.” We can never understand this higher order through thinking about it because whatever we think about is content; whereas, the higher order emanates from the formless realm of consciousness, from universal intelligence. But we can glimpse it, and more than that, align ourselves with it, which means be conscious participants in the unfolding of that higher purpose.

When we go into a forest that has not been interfered with by man, our thinking mind will see only disorder and chaos all around us. It won’t even be able to differentiate between life (good) and death (bad) anymore since everywhere new life grows out of rotting and decaying matter. Only if we are still enough inside and the noise of thinking subsides can we become aware that there is a hidden harmony here, a sacredness, a higher order in which everything has its perfect place and could not be other than what it is and the way it is.

The mind is more comfortable in a landscaped park because it has been planned through thought; it has not grown organically. There is an order here that the mind can understand. In the forest, there is an incomprehensible order that to the mind looks like chaos. It is beyond the mental categories of good and bad. You cannot understand it through thought, but you can sense it when you let go of thought, become still and alert, and don’t try to understand or explain. Only then can you be aware of the sacredness of the forest. As soon as you sense that hidden harmony, that sacredness, you realize you are not separate from it, and when you realize that, you become a conscious participant in it. In this way, nature can help you become realigned with the wholeness of life.

Excerpted from Eckhart Tolle’s A New Earth, pages 194-195

This message was originally posted here

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/23/2015 7:17:40 PM

Daily Message ~ Thursday July 23, 2015

Galactic Free Press's picture

When was the last time you just moved your body, allowing it to sway and twirl in whatever ways felt good to you? Having a body is one of the greatest delights of being a human being because it allows you to experience in so many ways. Savour it, appreciate it, honour it, let it lead the way!

Your children are very adept at this. They spin and twirl instinctively adjusting their energy as they do. They lie on the floor to ground themselves. They dance and jump, bend and stretch, intuitively knowing exactly what they need, and finding great enjoyment while they do it. This is another example of how you could learn so much from your children!

Take your body out to play every once in a while! If you just take a moment to stand in the middle of the room and allow it to move however it wishes to, you would be surprised at how much energy clearing you can do with this simplest of methods. Try it! You just might be amazed at how joyful you feel afterwards. ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/23/2015 7:20:46 PM


Bob Fickes ~ Mindfulness


Lord Buddha taught two forms of meditation to bring more balance to our daily life. The first form of meditation is sitting meditation where we let go of everything and merge with Pure Silent Consciousness in Ku. Sitting meditation awakens our Inner Consciousness and opens our awareness to Infinite Stability and expanded Consciousness in Silence.
The second form of meditation he called Vipassana or Mindfulness Meditation. This is often referred to as Walking Meditation. It is a more active meditation that is done while our mind is active and doing things in the world. Normally our mind is looking at many things and thinking at the same time. But Buddha realized that Consciousness is more powerful and clear when we funnel it through one thing at a time. This brings more Life Force to everything we do.
When our consciousness is scattered, our Life Force becomes diffused and our power is diminished. If we learn Mindfulness, we focus on one thing at a time. Beginning practice involves paying attention to our walking. When we walk we are mindful of each step without thinking anything else or noticing anything around us. We just feel the body gracefully and peacefully walking. We feel the right foot lift and step forward. Feeling the graceful movement of our body going with the flow of walking. Then when the right foot lands, we gracefully lift the left foot and follow the flow. There is no effort in walking, just Mindfulness of each step moving like the wind over the ground. Walking. Walking. Walking. No thoughts or distractions, just total Presence of our Consciousness in the graceful motion of walking.
Mindfulness Meditation teaches us to be totally absorbed in one thing at a time and putting our full attention on what we are doing. There is no distraction and no concentration, just a natural flow of Consciousness totally mindful of one thing at a time. This form of total mindfulness brings more Life Force into our body and allows our mind to be peacefully alert and present only with the flow of energy through our body.
Inner Silence and Outer Mindfulness together harnesses the power of Life Force through everything we do. We remain Silent Inside while allowing our attention to be absorbed in one thing at a time. This is total Mindfulness of our action and brings together our body, mind and consciousness into One continuous flow of energy. The Life Force builds up when we do this practice and becomes a natural source of power to accomplish whatever we desire to do.
Little by little your ability to remain absorbed in one thing without being distracted will yield results that bring more power to your daily life. Follow the flow of Mindfulness in everything you do and your life will naturally become more alert and more powerful. Inner Silence and Outer Mindfulness together brings harmony and power to your life.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/24/2015 6:21:36 PM

The Oracle Report, Friday, July 25, 2015


Parliament of Wise Owls #3



First Quarter Moon Phase: take action

Moon in Scorpio

Goddess of Wisdom: Dhumavati (Goddess Who Closes and Completes), Kali (The Destroyer), Tara (Goddess Who Guides), Shodashi (Goddess Who Fulfills Our Highest and Best Interests)

God of Will/Desire: Kathe (God of The East)

Skill: amplify love

Catalysts for Change: asserting aggression, mood swings (feel emotions and let them flow away then return to your center; repeat as necessary), sudden loss of control, accidents (focus attention on task at hand – stay present), not expecting the unexpected, insecurities or concerns with appearance, inside jobs, being put to the test, rampages, disguising, feeling bereft, superficial exterior changes, things spreading rapidly, pent up emotions bursting out, separation and isolation

True Alignments: liberation after a sudden event or insight, awe, longevity, sharing new ideas, taking action with something new, radiating inner warmth, coming to life, visible evidence of true essence, independence, calm during a storm, expecting the unexpected, strongly grounded with the planet, ability to respond

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “a woman and two men castaways on a small island in the South Seas”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

Mars moves into geometric alignment (via a square or 90 degrees of separation) with Uranus today. Mars moved to the 21st degree of Cancer at 9:19 am ET/ 1:19 pm UT, beginning the exact square to Uranus. If you have been following the Oracle Report this week, you know that Uranus is located at 21 Aries, which is the Eris Point or the location in the sky where the planet Eris (the planet beyond Pluto) was when it was discovered. In essence, 21 Aries encapsulates the full force of the archetypal energy of Eris, the Goddess of Rebirth, the Goddess of the Battlefield, the Goddess who is unified of her dark and light. So when we are looking at the energetics of the Mars-Uranus square today, we are also looking at the energetics of Eris.

Mars rules war. Uranus rules revolution and freedom. Eris rules rebellion and rebirth.

On another level, Mars rules the ability to take powerful, decisive action. Uranus rules alignment with the path to freedom. Eris rules the process of releasing the past so that the new can enter. Combined, these are the components of renaissance.

A key element to today’s energy is an affront to our sense of worthiness. Strong negative thoughts about ourselves (or are projected onto others) that play like a loop try to latch on and pummel us. It is an attempt to weaken our minds. Weakened minds are ripe for insertion of false realities through the manipulation of FEAR.

So we as wise owls move out of that today. If fear surfaces, see it for what it is and let it pass through you. Feel it. It may make you cry. But it is not you. Those thoughts are untrue. They are a trick of shadow beings that want us to be sad and dissatisfied. Meanwhile, life passes by and an opportunity to expand our understanding is missed. We become so mind-focused that the beauty of life, which surrounds us at all times, goes unnoticed and untouched.

Today, we are aware of the potential for dramatic events in the world. But we are not focused on it. We are not “waiting” for it. We will respond if necessary, but until then we do what we do: stay grounded, keep it real, and find beauty. Amplify as needed.


The chronology of the astrological effects remains posted below:

THURSDAY, JULY 23: Mercury conjuncts the Sun at “under stress blood rushes to a man’s head” (we will want to control our reactions)

FRIDAY, JULY 24: Mars squares Uranus with Mars at “a prima donna singing” and Uranus at, of course, “a boxer entering the ring” (powerful voices unite to reach a higher level of understanding). Heightened alert for this day since the last time Mars was aspecting a masculine planet was last week with the opposition to Pluto and the attack (sacrifice) in Tennessee. Mars will square Uranus, another masculine energetic, but one that is walking alongside the Goddess energy because Uranus is at the Eris Point.

SATURDAY, JULY 25: Venus stations retrograde at “in a painting, the best features and traits of a man are idealized” (a process of recognizing our delusions and illusions about ourselves, others, and the world at large begins to unfold through September 6)

SUNDAY, JULY 26: Uranus stations retrograde at “a boxer entering the ring” (a process of rising above conflict to bring a better way begins to unfold through December 25/26)


If needed, we can return to the space of last week’s group meditation and reinforce that wave of love. The meditation is posted below for quick reference:


  • Your shield of divine protection
  • Yourself taking flight as a wise owl
  • Yourself taking your place in a ring around the Earth with the other wise owls around the world
  • From your heart, emanate a wave of alignment with love, freedom, and the value of life
  • Feel the pulse circle as the music we are putting around our sphere
  • Repeat what you know in your heart: “Love prevails.”

(Please modify this according to your own practice and style. )

Archive July 21, 2015 show with Phoenix on Phoenix Rising Radio:

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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