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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/19/2015 7:21:42 PM

“Experience” and Transcending the Conditioned Mind


By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

Here, I’d like to examine some material from Jiddu Krishnamurti about experience and transcending the mind’s conditioning, which has kept all of us from connecting with our essence at one point or another. As he’ll tell us here, external experience is one of many things that reinforces our sense of separation from our higher consciousness, and we have to do away with our attachment to it if we want to leave the realm of the mind.

We don’t have to be ruled by the desire to gain experiences, and the conditioned mind seems to require certain experiences before it can find temporary peace. It’s never really at peace, but it’s peaceful for a moment when we have fun or enjoyable experiences.

Depending on what we’re doing, the mind doesn’t seem very active when we enjoy ourselves. In that moment, we aren’t being conditioned to want or need something before we can be happy, because we’re already having fun. The moment our enjoyment is taken away, the mind will go right back to needing things or experiences to be happy.

We’ll continue to struggle with endless desire until we can transcend the need to gain certain experiences, which is one of many of the mind’s tools that keep us trapped in limitation. I’m not referring to the kind of desire that encourages us to do constructive things that help the world – I’m talking about the self-serving kind that keeps us from connecting with our essence and exploring our True Reality, which is much different from the illusory, limited reality we’ve been conditioned to accept.


First, Krishnamurti shares the link between belief and experience. Our experiences are formed around our beliefs, he tells us, which then strengthens our beliefs and offers us more relatable experiences.

“Belief conditions experience, and experience then strengthens belief. What you believe, you experience. … Belief is another cloak of desire. Knowledge, belief, conviction, conclusion and experience are hindrances to truth; they are the very structure of the self. … The unknown can never be experienced by the known; the known, the experienced must cease for the unknown to be.” (1)

The mind knows it can’t experience a higher consciousness, because this consciousness exists well outside of the mind and any attempts we make to mentally define it will be in vain, he tells us.

“The mind is aware that it cannot capture by experience and word that which ever abides, timeless and immeasurable.” (2)

He also explains how experience conditions us to be separate from our essence.

“Experience is the response to challenge. This response is conditioned by the past, by memory; such response only strengthens the conditioning. Experience does not liberate, it strengthens belief, memory, and it is this memory that responds to challenge; so experience is the conditioner.” (3)

Our response to challenge comes from our memories and previous experiences, and this automatically makes it harder to handle. If we could open up, get to a space beyond the mind and allow our essence to make itself known, we could find new, inventive ways to complete our challenges and gradually, they’d get easier.

These troubles are harder when we’re stuck in the mind, but when we can get to that crucial space beyond it, we’ll no longer approach them from the perspective of someone who’s separate from their essence and only has their memories and experiences to go by.


They’ll get easier when we stop dealing with them from a conditioned space, and slowly but surely, we’ll find that they no longer stop us at all. They’ll stop presenting themselves at a certain point because they’ll no longer be necessary. We’ll have found all of the love, strength and perseverance we used to seek from the confines of the mind, and any challenges we do face will be as simple as breathing or walking.

In our final quote, Krishnamurti explains why living in the mind and being focused on external experiences will never allow us to glimpse the unknown. This quote might sound confusing, but keep in mind that he uses the word ‘experience’ when referring to the external experiences that hold us back and ‘experiencing’ when referring to being connected with our higher reality.

The most important part of this quote, in my opinion, is the sentence, “Life is the present, it is not the experience”.

“Experience is already in the net of time, it is already in the past, it has become a memory which comes to life only as a response to the present. Life is the present, it is not the experience. The weight and strength of experience shadow the present, and so experiencing becomes the experience.

“The mind is the experience, the known, and it can never be in the state of experiencing; for what it experiences is the continuation of experience. The mind only knows continuity, and it can never receive the new as long as its continuity exists. What is continuous can never be in a state of experiencing, which is a state without experience. Experience must cease for experiencing to be.” (4)

As we continue to open (or depart) the mind, we’ll understand all of the psychological mechanisms that have held us back as we get ready to leave the mind and embrace ‘experiencing’, which, as Krishnamurti said, is ‘a state without experience’. The mind’s experiences, which repeat over and over again in our heads in an endless loop, block our perception of the nondual reality we can access, and transcending the mind’s influence and the need to gain external experiences is the best way to connect with this new reality and allow our wisdom to flow through us.


The next time you struggle, try to get out of the mind and part ways with whatever attachments were making you struggle. Try to approach whatever you’re doing with a clear, detached mind and a connection with the nameless, formless reality we’re rediscovering, and watch as your struggles get easier. You’ll no longer be attached to them, and your attachment to the experience of success will have faded along with every other attachment that keeps us locked in the mind and hinders our progress.

When the need to experience ceases to be, we’re left only with the silence, stillness and calmness of the present moment, where anything’s possible. We’re basically infinite when we’re in this space, and the funny thing is that we might not want to do anything at all except explore it and see how deep we can go.

With every non-effort and every departure from the confines of the mind, we’ll go deeper and deeper until we eventually realize the reality of our connection with God. In this space, we’ll be truly free from the mind’s distortions and distractions, and as a result, we’ll finally know peace.


  1. J. Krishnamurti, Commentaries on Living. First Series. Bombay, etc.: B.I. Publications, 1972; c1974, 89.
  2. J. Krishnamurti,Commentaries on Living. Second Series. Wheaton, IL: Theosophical Publishing House, 1967; c1958, 242.
  3. J. Krishnamurti, Commentaries on Living. First Series. Ibid., 139.
  4. Ibid., 32.

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I’m a twenty-two year old spiritual writer, blogger, musician, and channel for the creative expression of the inner universe, and I created The Culture of Awareness daily news site.

The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, articles I’ve written, and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material about the fall of the planetary elite and a new paradigm of unity and spirituality.

I’ve contributed to a few different spiritual websites including The Master Shift, Waking Times, Golden Age of Gaia, Wake Up World and Expanded Consciousness. I can also be found on Facebook (Wes Annac and The Culture of Awareness) and Twitter, and I write a paid weekly newsletter that you can subscribe to for $11.11 a month here.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/20/2015 5:42:44 PM

NorthPoint ASTROLOGY JOURNAL: Your Guide to Planetary Energies for July 20-26, 2015, by Pam Younghans

Photo: Image of Pluto’s “heart,”
as seen by the New Horizons spacecraft
July 13, 2015 (cre

IT’S BEEN an exciting week for astronomers and astrologers alike, as we’ve seen the first “up-close” photos of Pluto, taken by the New Horizons spacecraft from 476,000 miles away. It’s amazing to me how scientists can glean so many details about a planet from images, especially taken from that distance.

I’ve received more than a few emails from clients and readers this week, wondering how all of this relates to the practice of astrology — and noting with interest that the first photos arrived the same day that Pluto opposed Mercury and Mars last week.

ASTROLOGY is both a science and an art. The practice of interpreting the meanings of the planets begins with mathematical calculations and scientific data, but also involves understanding symbolism and synchronicity. When a “new” planet is discovered by science, or we gain new information about an established celestial body, it represents our collective readiness to become more conscious with respect to what that celestial body means in our experience.

For instance, in the years following the discovery of “the Wounded Healer” Chiron in 1977, there was a dramatic increase in the number of people who became aware of traumatic childhood memories that had been repressed, who began working for the first time on healing their core wounds. Before Chiron came into our awareness, therapy was commonly seen as something needed by only someone with mental illness. By the mid-1980s, seeing a therapist for personal issues was much more widely accepted, and by the mid-1990s, information gained through accessing repressed memories was allowed as evidence in criminal trials. Today, seeing a counselor is accepted as commonplace.

Synchronistically, the movie “Annie Hall” came to theaters the same year that Chiron was discovered. If you’re not familiar with the Woody Allen film, its main characters spend a great deal of time in psychoanalysis, trying to understand the childhood issues that have affected their ability to form healthy relationships. “Lah-dee-dah.”

AS WE CONSIDER what these “close-ups” of Pluto may mean symbolically, it is interesting to read the headlines penned for various online articles. I like two that I saw in particular: “Pluto Is an Icy Planet with a Heart” and “Pluto Fly-by Is a Journey of Self-Discovery.”

Anyone who has worked closely with a Pluto transit can verify that it does indeed take us on a powerful “journey of self-discovery.” We are also aware that at times the planet can seem “icy” — ruthless and uncaring. And yet, by the time a Pluto transit is completed, we are usually aware of the “heart” behind the experience, the benefits ultimately gained.

MORE INFORMATION about Pluto will become public knowledge as scientists explore the images and share their observations over the weeks, months, and even years ahead. Correspondingly, we may experience a deepening of our understanding about many of the themes that Pluto represents astrologically: death and the afterlife, the process of emotional catharsis and transmutation, the use and abuse of power, and psychic development and the occult.

Or, as I responded to one person who emailed me this week, “Seeing Pluto up close as a collective is a powerful concept. There are so many things that Pluto represents, each of us can take the new consciousness to whatever level we choose. I especially like that Pluto, as the higher octave of Mars, represents Higher Will. Perhaps we are ready to connect more consciously with Higher Will than we’ve ever been before.”

OUR NEW WEEK begins with a bit of uncertainty on Monday, as Mercury and Neptune form a minor aspect that can fog our thinking and make it difficult to see facts clearly. But a stabilizing trine between Saturn and the Sun and Mercury carries us through Tuesday and Wednesday, helping us gain clarity about our situation, and providing a foundation for new decisions to be made.

Venus begins its retrograde (backward) phase on Saturday. This occurs every 18 months, and lasts for about 6 weeks. In general, when a planet goes retrograde, it represents a time for review rather than forward motion in the area of life represented by the planet. Since Venus represents both relationships and finances, it is said the when Venus is retrograde, we will benefit from not making commitments or important decisions in these areas.

URANUS also goes retrograde this week, stationing early Sunday morning just about 24 hours after forming a square aspect with Mars. Both of these events emphasize Uranus’ tendency to bring about change through either breakthroughs or breakdowns.

For each of us individually, the area of life most affected is shown by the house that Uranus is transiting in our birth chart. If you have a copy of your chart, look for the house that contains 20 degrees of Aries (where Uranus is currently). And, if you need a refresher on the meanings of the different houses, check out the “Houses” page of my website at

AS A SLOWER-MOVING PLANET, Uranus’ retrograde phase occurs for several months every year. This year, it will be retrograde from July 26 until December 25.

Here is an insightful quote (abridged but still lengthy!) from astrologer Bil Tierney about Uranus retrograde, from his book Dynamics of Aspect Analysis:

“Because most of humanity are not able to easily manage Uranian principles, its effect is most often experienced as the disruption of the accustomed flow of affairs. Situations can defy all logic and reason. Usually, this is all for our benefit, soul-wise. We are being conditioned to attune ourselves with universal will.

“[Uranus retrograde] can help put us in touch with needs for personal freedom or self-expression that may have been previously unrealized. With Uranus turning its intuitive impulses inwardly, we may be better able to stumble upon new avenues of expression that could result in greater self-illumination. New insights gained suggest that we may reform our attitudes and never see things quite the same again [in the area of life represented by the house location].

“Uranus retrograde prompts us to look below the surface of matters to discover deeper, hidden causes previously ignored, and to view such matters in the light of pure truth and objectivity. Whatever is suddenly brought to our attention represents what we must reform to help us better integrate a past cycle, left unresolved, before we can be free to forge ahead into the future. We are to focus upon such matters with great clarity.”

WE’LL BE WORKING with retrograde Uranus for virtually the rest of 2015. When a planet is retrograde, it is actually closer to the Earth than at other times — so we’ll want to take full advantage of Uranus’ “proximity” over the next five months (everything is relative!).

Remember that Uranus is the “higher octave” of Mercury, with Mercury representing rational thought and Uranus representing intuition and higher consciousness. While Uranus is retrograde, we will have important opportunities to access the aspect of ourselves that resides in the realms of expanded awareness. As we make that connection with Divine Intelligence, we will gain new insights and guidance for our lives — guidance that may have been obscured by our conscious mind’s need to rule by logic and reason.

In peace,

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/20/2015 5:56:49 PM

Montague Keen, Sunday, July 19, 2015

My friends, you are in a battle for your very existence. You are only just waking up to this fact. The whole idea of politics was designed to attract you to the idea that someone that you elected would then work on your behalf. Humanity was sucked into the notion that these people would represent your interests. How wrong was that decision? Now you must put it right. You now know that this was just a scam to lull you into a false sense of security. You handed your power to those you elected. You trusted the wrong people, both in politics and religion. You were very skilfully manipulated into accepting that you no longer had power of your own. That is when the mind control and the manipulation of mankind began, that thankfully, you are now waking up to. Yes, it is hard to believe that all the time, the ones you had trusted, were plotting against you.

You watched as your food was poisoned, your water poisoned, and medication was forced on you, and you just said, “What can I do about it?” You watched the chemtrails and could not believe that they would do this to harm you. You must quickly snap out of this way of thinking. Together, you can stop the killing of the human race. The moment that you decide not to participate in the killing, it will stop.

You fly their planes. You produce their chemicals. You fight their wars. Where would they be without you? All this would cease the moment you stop supporting it. Wake up and explore the truth, for the information is all there, about the weapons that are being used against you.

All this is AI-controlled. It is alien technology that they brought into your world to cull humanity, and you foolishly bought into it. Now, you must refuse to cooperate with it. The Cabal is helpless; they now find that they cannot deactivate the Ais.

From Veronica
I ask that you immediately research the amazing work of HARALD KAUTZ-VELLA. He is a scientist who explains what we are living through and how to deal with it.

It is up to each one of you to take action to free yourself. Live only through your heart. The AIs cannot get to your hearts; they can work only through your brain. Humankind has faced extinction before and it survived, so it can be done.

Who is causing the hardship and heartache for the Greek people? The very same people who brought Ireland to its knees. They intend to pick off each country in Europe before they move on to their next victims. It is all part of their great takeover plan to control the Earth. What are you going to do about it? What are you prepared to do about it?

Please share all information. Gather and discuss how you can get involved in your future. Make plans for your survival. They do not hide the FEMA camps; they are there in full view. Are you going to sleepwalk into them? The Cabal did not need to hide the FEMA camps from you because you were asleep. Now, as you awaken, you are shocked to see them with their huge stocks of COFFINS, all prepared for you. Is this what you want? Your governments have prepared them for you. Did you knowingly sign up for that? Did you, for one moment, realise that this is what they were planning for you? They used the television to mind control you, and it worked. This is how they have kept the masses under control.

You are the guardians of the Earth. It needs you to protect it. Come out of your head; it is full of propaganda mind control. Place yourself within your heart and see the love that has always been there, waiting for you to wake up to it and live by it. Humans should never have been forced to kill each other. This must stop. TRUTH has been the greatest casualty of the last 2000 years. It was the LIES that were forced on you by religions and politics that began the takeover of the Earth and the removal of humanity. Sadly, many of you still bow to them today, even though the evidence makes it abundantly clear that they have destroyed your world. They took control of everything that would have made life on Earth a joy, rather than the struggle it has become. FEAR was the weapon they very skilfully used on you, and you bought into it.

They have had their reign of terror. They are responsible for all war, famine, and floods, etc. What you now need to do, is to say, “NO, I will not kill or harm my fellow man. I choose peace and love.” Without you to fight their wars, and enforce their laws that suppress humanity, they are finished. IT IS ALL IN YOUR HANDS. Decisions need to be made. Time is of the essence.

From Veronica
Thank you for your concern. I am aware that all the interviews that I initiated with Andrew Bartzis have disappeared off my web site. I received an email from Andrew on the 11 July to say that he will replace them. I am fully aware of the great importance of the information contained in them. I await Andrew returning them to us. One of the interviews I did with Miles Johnston and some tapes of Monty speaking from the afterlife were maliciously removed also. We are doing our best to replace them. I do appreciate your concern in this matter.

Knowledge is power. Share knowledge, and help those who are about to awaken. All the information you need is there, when you know where to look and who to trust. There are some in this field whose love of money is greater than their love of humanity. Soon, money will be a thing of the past. It has served only your oppressors. They continue to use it as their tool to control and suppress you.

Look to a future without money when everything you need will be available to you, without the need for it. “Money is the root of all evil” was a song when I was young. It is so very true.

This is your path, the removal of all corruption and the freeing of humanity from slavery. Together, you will do it. We in spirit will walk among you once more. It is our dearest wish to help you free yourselves from slavery.

My dear, what was done to you and your property, was malicious. They fear the awakening.

Together forever, your adoring, Monty.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/20/2015 5:59:59 PM

The Arcturian Group via Marilyn Raffaele: July 19, 2015

The Arcturian Group July 19, 2015Greetings from the Arcturian Group.

Know that everything is proceeding according to plan and be not afraid, Dear Ones, for the many changes and upheavals happening on Earth at this time are all proof of the shifting energy of evolution. Remember, as you observe chaos taking place in the world, that what has become old – more often than not – only leaves after a great deal of resistance.

We wish to speak today of change, a topic we have spoken of before. There are many who, as of yet, do not associate needed change with personal change. These Dear Ones see and work toward change in politics, religion, and government, but do not realize that they themselves are the politics, religion, and government. Outer change can only manifest from the substance from which it is formed – consciousness.

You, as Creators, have over time created many different three dimensional worlds, each manifesting the belief system and consensus consciousness of the times. When enough people awaken, the enlightened world consciousness will once again shift the dynamic of the whole, for consciousness and its manifestation are one and the same. Notice that as concepts and beliefs change (states of consciousness) laws and acceptable ways of living also change.

Change is extremely difficult for those who find security and comfort in sameness. It is very easy to rest back in ways that up to now have worked to bring a level of harmony and peace, regardless of how it was accomplished. These Dear Ones struggle and resist, and often without thought automatically bring judgement and criticism to any suggestions of change in their personal world or the world in general. This is an expression of fear.

Those accustomed to believe without question what authority figures tell them, respond with; “We have always done it this way and it has worked. The government, priest, expert has said…”. However, this mind set is no longer working because the energy manifesting and supporting it is dissolving. These ways were perfect and necessary for their time, but it is a NEW TIME, and if you look closely, you will discover cracks beginning to appear in the foundation of long held world concepts.

Many commonplace ideas, beliefs, and world solutions no longer resonate with an awakening mankind and because they no longer hold the belief energy necessary to keep them in place, are crumbling. This appears as chaos and brings about all varieties of fear for those of a superstitious and un-awakened states of consciousness.

In your personal lives many of you are discovering that long standing relationships with certain friends or members of your family seem to be weakening – you are no longer on the same page so to speak. This is because resonance attracts like resonance. If you have made a shift in consciousness, you no longer resonate with those who remain in the previous energy. This can be very confusing and even hurtful for those who do not understand and interpret the situation on a three dimensional level.

It is not that you are better than them, it is simply a matter of being in a new place energetically – like energy attracts like energy. Often there comes a point in the spiritual journey at which the student finds they have no friends at all. This is the point at which you must trust this part of the journey, not trying to fix or make things work again according to popular thinking. Very quickly the student will find that those of a similar resonance are attracted into their sphere and become the new friends. Know that you are being guided every step of the way and cannot be other than on your chosen path.

Fear governs the actions of many large corporations and individuals as they observe their business models no longer resonating with the majority. This is happening in the medical/pharmaceutical fields as well as with organized religions and world governments. Frequently no holds are barred financially or dishonestly in the effort to bring customers back.

Without evolving change in the consciousness of a business and individuals involved, heavy promotion tactics simply will not work because as with individuals, the energy no longer resonates – they are not speaking to the new consciousness and people are not so easily fooled as they once were. You will begin to observe this frantic struggle, to make the old work as it once did, more and more in all sorts of situations.

Change is often difficult for spiritual leaders and Lightworkers if their focus and teachings have been locked into specific practices and teachings. They will find that what once worked, no longer works. This is because any spiritual practice or beliefs rigidly not allowed to evolve, will not resonate with the evolving consciousness of serious seekers. As students move on and fewer are attracted, many a sincere spiritual teacher is left to wonder why – and this question will become the teachers lesson.

Dogma, rigidity, and righteousness have no place in true spirituality for they represent stagnation – impossible within an omnipresent and infinitely unfolding Divine Consciousness. Duality and separation beliefs cannot be carried into the new energy.

Work, play, beliefs, practices, and every spark of daily living is moving into new and higher expression. Your job is to stand back and allow, letting go of any attempts to figure it all out with the mind according to outdated and often incorrect world beliefs. A mind conditioned through many lifetimes with third dimensional beliefs needs time to reprogram. This means allowing new awareness’s to integrate and become one’s state of consciousness, while at the same time releasing everything recognized as old and finished.

The minute there is resistance to anything, an energy block is created. We are not saying you must embrace every new idea of truth that presents itself, for always there must be discernment (a facet of personal power). Be alert to ideas and beliefs being hyped as “new” that are simply repackaged “old”. It is imperative that – without pre-judgment – you honestly examine, in the light of your unfolding evolution, every concept and belief you hold as true or become newly aware of, even if just to say; “Interesting”.

Non-resistance is much easier than fighting every idea that may be different from what you have always believed. It is ego (the sense of separation from the whole), that does not want to admit it may of been incorrect about something. Let that false sense of Self dissolve into the nothingness that it is, Dear Ones, for it is simply the belief you are a human being who must struggle for every bit of recognition or value.

Never become spiritual door mats, living in fear of expressing personal choices because of rigidly binding man-made rules that define spirituality.

It is time for all choosing to proceed on a spiritual evolutionary journey to trust that there is a bigger picture unfolding and that you need not know everything about it. Be open, allow, and let go without fear, for you can only expand more and more – life is unending.

Trust that if you have chosen to evolve – you are doing it. The “train leaves the station” with your intent. You will be on your chosen path and always guided, even when it seems as if nothing is happening. The do-ing part is complete for many of you. It is time now for the Be-ing part – which may seem right now to be a doing nothing.

Throughout time, you have been programmed to believe that spiritual progress could only happen with spiritual “do-ing” – reading, writing, healing, studying, taking classes, having energy sessions. This has always been the way for spiritual growth and learning and you did all these things sincerely and well.

We do not say you will never again be guided to some teacher, book or class. However, know that it is now a NEW TIME – a time for greater selectivity, trust, and allowing. A time now to listen, rest in, live, and practice the Truths you learned, allowing yourselves to birth a new state of consciousness.

There is nothing to become – you already are.

We are the Arcturian Group

The Arcturian Group. Channelled by Marilyn Raffaele. July 19, 2015.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/20/2015 6:02:14 PM

The Importance of Seeing It Through

Sacred 11I’d like to share some comments that Archangel Michael made during my reading on July 8, 2015. These are all grist for the mill, as we contemplate our future roles. Thanks to Dana for our transcript today.

I asked him what was expected of me? Why had he asked me “eons ago” to be part of this effort? And he replied:

“First of all, the Mother has sent out a clarion call for those who, long, long ago, committed to the fulfillment and, can I say, the practical implementation of her plan.

“And one that could in the broader sense, both be proactive in the physical realm but also flow and understand from a higher perspective the continual variables that are in play. …

“It needed to be those with the strength to withstand the bombardment – mental, emotional, physical – and to understand with determination, with a single-mindedness, what was really required.

“So we have begun this day by talking up about stamina and few carry more stamina than this small group [the Nova Earth team].” (1)

He then said something which I had not heard him say in five years of discussions with him:

AAM: Your role is about completion.

S: Completion…. As in a pillar? (2)

AAM: As a pillar and as one that does not simply go through the process, but will see it through, no matter what. And we are fully aware of the challenges. Have there been many variables and many things that have interrupted and interfered and changed a particular motion? Yes. But one who would see it through. That is why you are here. (3)

And I daresay why all of us are here. While many may choose to leave at or even before Ascension, the hope is that we’ll “see it through,” including building Nova Earth.

All quotes are copyright by Linda Dillon and the Council of Love, Inc., 2015, and are used here with permission.


(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow, through Linda Dillon, July 8, 2015.

(2) A “pillar” is an Ascension role equivalent to the last person to leave, who turns out the lights and locks the door. Pillars are here for the duration.

(3) Archangel Michael, ibid.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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