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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/27/2010 1:06:40 AM

Miguel, one thing is true there has been an upcline in UFO activity of late. Did you hear of the citing over China and how they were trying to prove it false? I have not looked into it further but saw it on HLN the other morning.

Definitely there are changes in the weather patterns all over the world. People are being drawn closer together by means of cyberspace and I find that exciting. Now, when are we all going to speak the same language!!?? It would be so nice to understand other languages. Especially I could communicate better with my own granddaughter & her mother who speak Japanese.

Thank you for your always neat and perfect forums which are very informative and interesting.

With love,


Dear Sara,
It is I who must thank you for your kind comments. They are not only right but they are indeed lovely.
Yes, there are so many things happening and not only on the planetary level but in ourselves as well. Some of them are very good, others not so good, but all of them appear to be announcing transcendental changes in the near future. There are also the catastrophic events occurring one after the other this year that certainly look apocalyptic. Generally speaking, there are so many things that seem to have gone as far as they can at present. And it definitely looks like the earth is in the process of birthing a new reality.
Very soon we might be talking to each other in the same language. Who knows? We could see each other at will, immediately.
Love and Hugs,

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Bogdan Fiedur

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7/27/2010 4:41:18 AM

Miguel, one thing is true there has been an upcline in UFO activity of late. Did you hear of the citing over China and how they were trying to prove it false? I have not looked into it further but saw it on HLN the other morning.

Definitely there are changes in the weather patterns all over the world. People are being drawn closer together by means of cyberspace and I find that exciting. Now, when are we all going to speak the same language!!?? It would be so nice to understand other languages. Especially I could communicate better with my own granddaughter & her mother who speak Japanese.

Thank you for your always neat and perfect forums which are very informative and interesting.

With love,


Dear Sara,
It is I who must thank you for your kind comments. They are not only right but they are indeed lovely.
Yes, there are so many things happening and not only on the planetary level but in ourselves as well. Some of them are very good, others not so good, but all of them appear to be announcing transcendental changes in the near future. There are also the catastrophic events occurring one after the other this year that certainly look apocalyptic. Generally speaking, there are so many things that seem to have gone as far as they can at present. And it definitely looks like the earth is in the process of birthing a new reality.
Very soon we might be talking to each other in the same language. Who knows? We could see each other at will, immediately.
Love and Hugs,

Sara and Luis,

As I understand the direction we are going to is 5 dimensional world where people communicate telepathically. What language are they using in the telepathic world? I believe this is language of impressions and emotions.

I believe in addition to our spoken language we will be able to communicate with each other (not that we are not currently) telepathically with good level of certainty some time soon.

This happens to me all the time. I'm thinking about some person or issue, and I get the phone call or I run into the circumstance which leads to other connections. We just need to pay attention to this and realize the connections.

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/2/2010 1:43:08 AM
Dear Friends,
I have just copied the below article from Jill Bachman's 'Mountain of Love' forum. I am sure you will appreciate its importance immediately, particularly if you read Bogdan's introduction to it first. And I hope you will follow his intimation to spread the message it contains among your friends, forums and social networks without fail. We owe it to this Earth and its inhabitants, including all animals and plants. We owe it to our children and those who have preceded us. And we owe it to God.

Thank you,
Luis Miguel Goitizolo

"I would like to encourage everybody who uses this site and is concerned about earth and humanity to use this site's resources to the fullest. All your friends should be made aware of this day and be asked to commit from one minute to half an hour of their time to think positive thoughts during this day about our planet and their inhabitants. You should copy and paste this article below and send it to all your friends, to all your forums here and other networking websites. Ask those who read it to pass it further. Make it viral. This is one of the major ways to save our planet and free ourselves from the slavery. When people relize their power of intention and see it manifesting in our lives, they will start using their thoughts in the coordinated manner to get done anything which serves entire humanity."
Bogdan Fiedur

Join the " OM" Heard 'Round the World
by: Mike Gillette

In the past few months we've seen our share of stories about mankind
harming Mother Nature. Now comes something refreshingly different: a day
for restoring our relationship with the planet.

Earth Healing Day is an event for people who "care deeply for the fate
of the Earth, and want to be good stewards." Its organizers have chosen
Sunday, August 15th as a day of collective focus on healing and
cleansing the planet.

How will it work? The idea is for people to take an hour, from noon to
1pm, to pray, meditate, chant, and generally share a love for the
planet. Just like "the wave" circles around a stadium at a football
game, this energy and love will ripple from time zone to time zone,
wrapping itself around the earth for an entire day.

To facilitate this plan, the group has built a website,
, inviting people to take part. The site offers visitors everything
from instructions on how to host an Earth Healing Day event, to a
scholarly history of the term " OM." Visitors will also find recordings
of guided meditations, time-zone maps, and the group's goal statement.
While the event is spiritual in flavor, the site's authors take pains to
make clear that it's non-denominational in nature, and open to people
of any and all backgrounds.

Perusing the site, one is treated to inspirational quotes, such as this
one from Gandhi: "A small body of determined spirits fired by an
unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of human

This is undoubtedly true. But a skeptical, or even doubtful, mind might
ask whether the "power-packed hour of dedicated focus for Earth healing
and cleansing" the group envisions can produce this kind of effect.
Perhaps surprisingly, recent history suggests the answer is "yes."

In a well-documented case, 4,000 practitioners of Transcendental
Meditation convened in Washington, D.C. in the summer of '93. For eight
weeks they meditated, collectively intending to bring a positive,
calming influence to the area. The statistics from the time proclaim
their success, as the violent crime rate dropped a whopping 23% over the

An explanation for the change might be found in another quote from the
site, this one from Albert Einstein: "The world we have made as a result
of the level of thinking that we have done so far, has created problems
we cannot solve at the level of thinking at which we created them."

In other words, the solutions we need may come precisely from turning
away from the problems surrounding us, and toward our highest, best

Those interested in joining such an effort should visit:
today to begin "creating a collective mind and voice to offer Earth a new beginning."

Forest Friends by Josephine Wall

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Beth Schmillen

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8/2/2010 9:31:44 PM
I love that you included a painting by Thomas Cole...

I've always wondered about these ages and what we may be entering into...
Will have to look thru this amazing forum that I've seemed to overlooked!


Hesiod and the Golden Age

"The Greek poet Hesiod, around the 8th century BC, in his compilation of the mythological tradition (the poem Works and Days, ll. 109-126), explained that, prior to the present era, there were four other progressively more perfect ones, the oldest of which was called the Golden Age. In this stage:

[...] they lived like gods without sorrow of heart, remote and free from toil and grief: miserable age rested not on them; but with legs and arms never failing they made merry with feasting beyond the reach of all devils. When they died, it was as though they were overcome with sleep, and they had all good things; for the fruitful earth unforced bare them fruit abundantly and without stint. They dwelt in ease and peace upon their lands with many good things, rich in flocks and loved by the blessed gods.

In this age, Hesiod writes, mankind lived in absolute peace, carefree like the gods because they never aged and death was a falling asleep. The main characteristic of this age according to Hesiod was that the earth produced food in abundance, so that agriculture was rendered superfluous. This characteristic also defines almost all later versions of the myth..."

Thomas Cole's The Arcadian or Pastoral State (1834)
Seen as a lost, Edenic form of life, Arcadia was a mountainous Greek region dating to antiquity whose inhabitants were often regarded as having continued to live after the manner of the Golden Age

Whether or not there was a Golden Age as described by Hesiod, there is no denying that all ancient traditions believed they had originally enjoyed one. And as has previously been said, if we are to believe in their holy scriptures and treatises, a new Golden Age should shortly arrive for all the world to enjoy as well. But it is to be noted that the Hindu tradition, which even now has the most elaborated doctrine regarding the world cyclic ages, is the exception to this rule. It predicts the new Golden Age (the Krita yuga or Satya yuga in its particular terminology) in about 430,000 years from now, once the current Iron Age (or Kali Yuga, as it calls it) has ended.

"The Indian teachings differentiate the four world ages (Yugas) not according to metals, but according to quality depicted as colors, whereby the white color is the purest quality and belongs to the first, ideal age. These colors were originally assigned to the planet Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury and Mars just like the metals. After the world fall at the end of the fourth, worst age (the Kali yuga) the cycle should be continued, eventually culminating in a new golden age.

The Krita Yuga also known as the Satya yuga, the First and Perfect Age, as described in the Mahabharata, a Hindu epic:

[...] Men neither bought nor sold; there were no poor and no rich; there was no need to labour, because all that men required was obtained by the power of will; the chief virtue was the abandonment of all worldly desires. The Krita Yuga was without disease; there was no lessening with the years; there was no hatred or vanity, or evil thought whatsoever; no sorrow, no fear. All mankind could attain to supreme blessedness. [...]

More about cosmic cycles and ages will be posted in a new thread of this forum.


Luis Miguel Goitizolo

Robert Talmadge

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8/3/2010 1:49:46 AM

Hi Luis and other friends,

Wow! I have discovered a new type of closeness with some people I do not know personally. Uncommon intelligence and sensitivity. It has restored my faith in humanity.

As some know, I have an entirely unique perspective. It goes without saying that there is a lot of postulates that are represented here that I have knowledge of in personal experience.

There is a lot of information just here in this forum that should be brought to the attention of more people for the good of all concerned.

With Love and blessings,


Robert Talmadge To follow your dream, follow your heart.

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