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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/29/2010 2:10:37 AM

Dear Friends,

I am afraid I just missed what you are about to read at the time that it first appeared, so I have had to borrow it from Bogdan Fiedur's great forum "Financial freedom - The Venus Project" to show it here (I hope Bogdan will not mind).

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

What is "Likely" to Happen between Now, 2012, and 2014

by David Wilcock

The short and sweet answer is:


There's more than one way to look at it, but no matter which way it goes, it's going to be pretty awesome. It's going to be incredible. And there's so much data to back up these views... that's why I'm writing this book. Here's the long-winded answer to the question, but I know that's on a lot of people's minds, so I thought I'd go into some detail on it.


The thing is, nobody really knows what this thing is going to turn into until it actually happens. We really don't know. All we know is that worldwide ancient prophecies — and I mean every ancient tradition — had this encoded mystery about a 25,920-year cycle Called the Precession of the Equinoxes, which is this slow wobble in the Earth's axis. They all describe this cycle. They all describe the coming of great Earth changes at the end of the cycle, and that after that we go into a Golden Age. And this was worked on by two historians, Giorgio de Santillana and Hertha von Dechend. Graham Hancock popularized all that, made it so public. So, Hamlet's Mill is the name of the book [by Santillana and Dechend]; it's still out there. Everybody talks about this precessional cycle.


Well, in the book 2012 Enigma I'm working on right now for Penguin, I have now traced multiple threads that show ancient prophecies all converging on the year 2012 to 2014... in that window. In Hinduism it's about 2014, based on some dates in the Mahabharata. But it's all basically right around the same time.

So the question is: What the heck is going to happen? What is the Golden Age? What are we going to get?

Some of the oldest prophecies actually are from Zoroastrianism. This is some of the new data that I'm going to go into in the Austin Convergence conference.


There's really, really fascinating stuff in Zoroastrian prophecy. It's not the typical Judeo-Christian Biblical apocalypse at all. There's a prototypical civilization that actually started in what's now Siberia. They moved from there because there was the coming of the Great Ice Age 12,000 years ago that forced them to leave their land; there was an Earth-shift.

The remnants of that culture are now what we call the Aryan race. And this is, again, going back to Nazi Germany; they knew about this and they blew it all out of proportion.

But the Aryan strain of human being actually is in India. That's one of the two offshoots.

So all the Hindu stuff in the Mahabharata and all those texts is derived from the ancient Aryans that came from Siberia and then migrated away from there. Now those ancient Aryans, according to some of the very highly-placed insiders I know, did have portal technology — meaning stargate technology. They had very advanced stuff. They were in contact with extraterrestrial races, and in some sense, there has been a continuance of this technology and this lineage throughout other offshoots.


But when you go back to the Zoroastrian tradition, they actually describe the coming of a great energy wave that shines through pretty much the whole Earth at once. Now, one of the things the Zoroastrian prophecy says is very CONTROVERSIAL. Those people who are the "righteous"... And you can take that for whatever you want it to mean ... Will not be affected by it. They say you definitely feel it, but it's as if it moves around you. It's like you're in the middle of an electrical shower, or something, but you don't actually feel anything negative. And it actually does say this — I'm not going to cover up the truth. It does say that the "wicked" are "consumed" by it.


Now, this is really interesting because then when you go into the Hindu tradition, they describe what they call the "Samavartaka Fire." Now, remember, the Hindu tradition comes directly out of the Zoroastrian pedigree, the Aryan pedigree... it's all the same stuff.

In fact, in Zoroastrianism the King's name is Yuma; In Hinduism his name is Yima. They all talk about the same events, the same stuff. It all traces back to these original archaic texts from 12,000 years ago that they both inherited in either of these two religious strains.

So, in Zoroastrianism, I think they call it the "Purifying Fire." In Hinduism they call it "Samavartaka" and they basically say the same thing. They say that it's the massive light-storm that comes at the end of the Age, and they describe it as if there are electrical properties it seems to have.

And there are multiple references in the Mahabharata to the Samavartaka. In the other tradition that I had, which was W. Raymond Drake's Gods and Spacemen in the Ancient East — it's a book that I had — he called it the "Somvarta Fire."

But that was only a mistranslation. Now that I've found the right name, which is Samavartaka [spells it]... You can do Google searches on that with, and you'll find a whole bunch of references to it.


It seems to also be mirrored in Judeo-Christian prophecy when it says "As the Light shineth from the East unto the West, so too shall the coming of the Son of Man be." Well, what the heck does that mean... the Light shining from the East to the West? It's the Samavartaka Fire — it's this purifying light.

Now, I believe that when these things are being spoken about that they are metaphorical in nature. I do not believe that the "wicked" are literally "consumed" by it. But what it does seem happens is that when this light-storm arrives, the people who pass through it, as in these prophecies, No longer are able to see people who have gone into a different plane of existence. That's why it appears that they've been "consumed", because they no longer appear to you — you don't see them anymore. Now, that's one potential outcome.


These ancient prophecies are literally saying that the sun gives off some sort of energetic effect. This is not a cataclysm, by the way, because in Zoroastrianism, they don't say that it destroys the Earth. They just say that there's this massive light-change that happens. So, what does that really mean? It could be that we pop onto different timelines and that we're in different planes. The people who are still here on Earth, in our own current plane of existence, think that a small number of people, relatively speaking, have disappeared.

They don't know what's happened, but they're now in a different reality in which there's going to be UFO Disclosure; They're going to have Star Trek kinds of things happening to them. But then there's other people, when this Samavartaka Fire comes along, who will actually be energetically transformed into a different plane. They all notice each other and they appear to be on the Earth, too, but it's a different frequency. So that's the spontaneous argument.


There are actually also some really enigmatic passages in the Law of One series that suggest this is going to happen. They call it the Three-way Split. They basically say negative people, like the truly negative, like black magic Illuminati types, go off to what they call Fourth Density Negative. They have now graduated into the next higher plane of existence that's based on the use of occult black magic as a pecking-order, basically.

The problem is that no matter how crafty you think you are here on Earth, once you graduate to 4-D Negative, you're at the bottom of the totem pole. Everybody else is going to be basically feasting on YOU, so it's not a good place to be. It's kind of like being stuck in the horror movie, Hellraiser. Then you have Fourth Density Positive, which is where the Earth will ultimately go into. According to the Law of One, it takes about 100 to 700 of our years of time to transition into that reality. This could be a lot of longer in terms of the Earth's measurement of time, as they think of it, once this change happens. Then you also have the middle-of-the-road people who are not really Service to Others enough to be Fourth Density Positive, And, they're not really Service to Self enough to be Fourth Density Negative. They're basically confused; they oscillate between positive and negative.

Those folks, — and it's taken me a long time to kind of put this together — Apparently experience an unbroken continuity. They don't notice, really, that anything's happened.

Fourth Density Positive people seem to have noticed that they all disappear, but then the people that are in the middle of the road would think that everybody else has disappeared.

There's a lot of Bible quotes that say this, and that was the conventional model.


Now, I have a whistleblower who came forward who gave me an alternate scenario that he claims was explained to him by extraterrestrials that he had encountered in the line of his work. The problem that we've had with this particular guy is that I caught him in what appears to be a distortion. In other words, we haven't published the testimony yet.

We went back and looked at it and there was one thing that he said to me that I was able to blatantly point out was false... and he broke off all contact with us once I did that. The problem is that some of the evidence that he gave us was so compelling and so irrefutable... undeniable photographic evidence that he worked in one of these programs. It could not have been photo-shopped.

I'm convinced that he's not a hoax, but it's possible that he may have been assigned to give us disinformation. It's possible that he knowingly did it to protect himself so that his story could be debunked.

I don't know why he did it, but he definitely gave us at least one thing that was not true, so all this data has to have a question mark over it. That being said, some of it was very compelling, and it correlated very nicely with other things that I knew.


His understanding, based on what he was told, was that this shift would affect everyone. There would be an open formal Disclosure... UFOs are known to be real... Extraterrestrials begin interacting with us, and that they would basically be here to coach people that wanted to go through this 'ascension' process.

It wouldn't happen all at once, but there would be a series of steps you could take that would lead to you being able to make this transformation. So that's kind of a more interesting view because what he also says is that everybody else who goes through this change still ends up in a Star Trek kind of reality anyway.

They still have access to amazing technology, they can go travel the galaxy [and] they meet other humans. It's just that they don't go into this higher plane of existence. So that's possible, and I really don't know which one is true. The ancient prophecies do seem to all suggest that it's a spontaneous shift, and Depending on what vibrational frequency you're at, Will determine what reality you encounter from that point forward.


So the short and sweet answer is: There's more than one way to look at it, but no matter which way it goes, it's going to be pretty awesome. It's going to be incredible. And there's so much data to back up these views... that's why I'm writing this book. So that's kind of the long-winded answer to the question, but I know that's on a lot of people's minds, so I thought I'd go into some detail on it.

Written by David Wilcock

Saturday, 15 May 2010

From his radio interview on Co-Creator Network Radio

— April 18, 2010

— with Dr. Robert Pease

About David Wilcock

David Wilcock is a professional lecturer, filmmaker and researcher of ancient civilizations, consciousness science, and new paradigms of matter and energy. His upcoming Hollywood film CONVERGENCE unveils the proof that all life on Earth is united in a field of consciousness, which affects our minds in fascinating ways.

David is also the subject and co-author of the international bestseller, The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?, which explores the remarkable similarities between David and Edgar, features many of David's most inspiring psychic readings, and reveals documented NASA scientific proof of interplanetary climate change... and how it directly impacts our DNA.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/10/2010 9:57:24 AM
Dear Friends,
Here is more important info borrowed from Jill Bachman's great forum, A Journey to the Mountain of Love -

Twelve Signs of Awakening
by Ernesto Ortiz LMT, CST
Primary Facilitator for Journey to the Heart

These are times of heightened awareness, tremendous input of
information from the media and a deep inner desire to understand what
is going on. Many of us hear the news and grind our teeth at what we
hear, we feel it in our hearts and we help carry the burden at
unconscious levels. But then there is something deeper than that going
on. We want to wake up, we want to connect and feel that we are
contributing something to the planet, to its people, our family and
friends. Yes, that is all good, but then something is happening to our
bodies… We are in the process of conscious awakening.

No, you are not alone….And these are some of the signs:

1. Body aches and pains, especially in the neck, shoulder and back.
This is the result of intense changes at your DNA level as the "Christ
seed" awakens within. This too shall pass.

2. Feeling of deep inner sadness for no apparent reason. You are
releasing your past (this lifetime and others) and this causes the
feeling of sadness. This is similar to the experience of moving away
from your parents home or moving from one city to another after many
years of being there. You are leaving behind the memories, energy and
experiences from the past. This too shall pass.

3. Crying for no apparent reason. Similar to #2. It's good and healthy
to let the tears flow. It helps to release the old energy within. This
too shall pass.

4. Sudden change in job or career. A very common symptom, as you
change, things around you will change as well. This too shall pass.
You're in transition, and you may make several job changes before you
settle into one that fits your passion.

5. Withdrawal from family relationships. You are connected to your
biological family via old karma. When you get off the karmic cycle,
the bonds of the old relationships are released. You will develop new
relationships with them if it is appropriate. However, the
relationship will be based in the new energy without the karmic

6. Unusual sleep patterns. It's likely that you'll awaken many nights
between 2:00 am 4:00 am. There's a lot of work going on within you,
and it often causes you to wake up for a "breather." Not to worry. If
you can't go back to sleep, get up and do something rather than lay in
bed and worry about things. This too shall pass.

7. Intense dreams. These might include war and battle dreams, chase
dreams or monster dreams. You are literally releasing the old energy
within, childhood memories and traumas. These energies of the past are
often symbolized as wars, running to escape and boogeyman. This too
shall pass.

8. Physical disorientation. At times you'll feel very ungrounded and
spaced out. As your consciousness transitions into the new energy, you
body sometimes lags behind. Spend more time in nature to help ground
the new energy within. This too shall pass.

9. Increased "self talk." You'll find yourself talking to your Self
more often. There is a new level of communication taking place within
your being, and you're experiencing the tip of the iceberg with the
self-talk. The conversations will increase, and they will become more
fluid, more coherent and more insightful. You're not going crazy,
you're just moving into the new energy. Spirit is descending.

10. Feelings of loneliness, even when in the company of others. You
may feel alone and removed from others. You may feel the desire to
"flee" groups and crowds. The void within will be filled with the love
and energy of your own Christ consciousness. Call Your Spirit Guides
to be with you as you walk the path transition.

11. Loss of passion. You may feel totally disimpassioned, with little
or no desire to do anything. That's okay, and it's just part of the
process. Take this time to "do no- thing." Don't fight yourself on
this, because this too shall pass. Sit back have a glass of wine enjoy
while you wait.

12. A deep longing to go Home. This is perhaps the most difficult and
challenging of any of the conditions. You may experience a deep and
overwhelming desire to leave the planet and return Home. The root
cause for this is quite simple. You are at the end of your karmic
cycles. You are completing your contract for this lifetime. You are
ready to begin a new lifetime while still in this physicalbody. Spirit
needs you here to help others transition into the new energy. They
will need a human guide, just like you, who has taken the journey from
the old energy into the new. The path you're walking right now
provides the experiences to enable you to become a Teacher of the New
Divine Human. So be patient as you continue growing, learning, sharing
and meeting the challenges of this Journey to the heart…

Ernesto Ortiz LMT, CST is the primary facilitator for Journey to the
Heart, he has been in the healing field for more than 20 years, has
facilitated workshops and seminars in the US, Canada, Australia,
Europe, Africa, Puerto Rico and the Caribbean. Ernesto has been
licensed as a massage therapist in Florida for 15 years, and has
certifications in Neuromuscular therapy, Cranio Sacral therapy,
Integrative Breathwork, GIM (Guided Imagery and Music), Hypnotherapy,
Hot Stone Therapy and Trance Dance.

Ernesto has spent many years studying and facilitating Indigenous
Shamanic practices, and has studied with many teachers. From his early
childhood he was exposed to shamanism and shamanic practices in
Mexico, he continued his studies with indigenous teacher throughout
South America. He has had the good fortune to study with some gifted
teachers such as Michael Harner, Frank Natale, Robert Ghost Wolf,
Starr Fuentes, Berret Eagle Bear, Mary Parker, Hellen Bony, Jackie
Small, Marcel Vogel, Randall Bear, Dan Winter, Don Miguel Almena and

For more information, professional training and speaking engagements
call Ernesto Ortiz at (305) 632-5603 or email your inquiries. Visit
his website at

© 2007 Ernesto Ortiz, & Journey to the Heart.

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/12/2010 10:43:18 AM
Dear Friends,
Here is another provocative message from SaLuSa. As Jill says, it really makes you taste we are getting sooooooooo close...
Luis Miguel Goitizolo

SaLuSa 09-July-2010

Mike Quinsey

In times such as now the pressures are upon people, and those who are not so well informed or spiritually advanced will often blame God for them. They believe that if God were All Love he would not allow the present conditions to exist. However, as we have informed you previously and it is sometimes necessary to repeat it, you have collectively created your own reality. Whilst it is true you are in duality and that means experiencing both the Light, and the lack of Light, it is still you who determine how your life experiences work out. You can just as easily attract the Light as the lower vibrations. The further you drop into the dense vibrations the quicker you lose your connection to the Light, and it allows entities of a similar vibration to incarnate on Earth. Looked at from a higher perspective the more you attract the Light to Earth, you create the conditions that enables Higher Beings to come to you.

Now we ask you, how can God who gave you freedom of choice, be responsible for your choices? You knew the challenge would be very trying, but you were promised that however low you fell you would be helped to find your way back. In fact you knew that this cycle would end with Ascension. So we might also ask you, why should you expect God to interfere with the reality you have created for your experience? Even so, the Higher Beings have drawn the line at allowing you to destroy the Earth, which was in danger of happening. It is one thing to put yourselves at risk, but your actions cannot be allowed to impinge on others outside of Earth. For quite a long time you have been edging towards total annihilation, but when it comes to Mother Earth as fully conscious Being, she must be allowed to ascend as you will do.

Is it not reasonable to expect that if you make a mess that you should be expected to clear it up, as otherwise you would not appreciate the full consequences of your actions. Our comments are prompted by your feelings about the Gulf Oil spill, and we do not lack compassion for those of you directly affected by what is happening. We would remind you that our allies are near to achieving the conditions which will result in the official announcement of our presence. That will allow us to liaise with your authorities and put into being a clean up operation, that will rapidly return your lands and waterways to their original condition. However, until the Illuminati and their minions are removed the specter of more problems hangs over you, as they still believe they are in control. The fact is that they have little power left, and events are closing in on them that will see them collapse.

You will have to wait a little longer to see some firm indications of what is occurring, but victory over the dark Ones is drawing closer. Without help you could not have removed them, and we will be aiding our allies when they go into action. We have no desire for fuss, or intentions of retribution against those concerned, we simply want them safely out of the way so that our projects can proceed without interference. We know that when the truth comes out there will be an angry response from large sections of the public. It cannot be allowed to create more negativity, and the law will be seen to be applied justly and fairly.

Being on the Earth at such an important time offers you first hand experience of the end times, and how there is progression from one cycle to the next. Some of you are already participating in the transmutation of the negative energies that have accumulated in the Earth, whilst others are bringing in the Light that will lift it up. It is indeed a remarkable time that you are privileged to witness and be part of. Each of you that are Lightworkers contribute to the cleansing that is taking place, and when we can join you the whole process will be greatly speeded up. Computers handle much of our technology, and also robots that can go where Man would experience difficulties. Your aptitude to change is very good and you readily adapt to new ideas and technologies. It will be an exciting time for us all and we want you to keep your vision on the future, which promises more than you can really understand without our help. We are the bridge between the old and new, and your guardians and mentors, who will ensure you get all of the assistance you need. The goal is Ascension and all efforts will be to achieve a happy ending to this cycle. You need not dwell upon the negativity around you on Earth; it will not remain for much longer as the Light is lifting everything up.

The truth about many hidden agendas of the dark Ones is coming to be known. Many brave souls have decided it is time to step forward and reveal what they know. It will encourage others to do likewise, and it will surely have a snowball affect that will soon see the floodgates open. Having been mislead over many matters, people are understandably very suspicious about what they hear. Sometimes the truth will shock you into a state of disbelief. However, we intend to give you absolute undeniable proof, where major events are concerned such as 9/11. These matters have to be cleared up so as to allow people time to put them into perspective, and overcome their shock and pain. At some stage you must move on and place your focus on your bright future, and leave your sorrow and grief behind you. Many souls of Light gave their lives, to bring into being a focus that could be placed upon the terror and fear created by the dark Ones. By bringing 9/11 out into the open they ensured that it was given worldwide attention, and that the truth would be sought and the perpetrators identified and held to account.

The catalogue of crimes against Humanity is immense, and it covers the world all over. You will not see every criminal brought to justice in your time, but if necessary they will be totally removed from Earth. They are no exception to anyone else, as all of you review your lives once you return to the dimensions of Spirit. The dark Ones think they are clever and get away with their actions but everything is recorded to confront them, as only the truth exists. It cannot be manipulated or distorted to avoid the truth, and it will remain in your consciousness. It may sound frightening to some of you, but there is no punishment involved and it is you who decide what lessons you need to learn.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and find it remarkable how quickly you respond to Light and Love that permeates your planet. What better help could you possibly have that uplifts you, and opens your hearts and minds to the truth.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/18/2010 4:15:16 AM
Dear Friends and New Agers,
The following extraordinary article by the Mayan Calendar expert Dr. Carl Johan Calleman (view full article HERE) predicts no less than the end to all hierarchies and the perceived value of money, further ET/UFO disclosure, and more transcendental global events over a period of time starting today July 17 and ending November 03.
The source to all this revolutionary transformation is mentioned almost from the start in the article and identified with an universal axis - actually, the very same world axis or Axis Mundi I have been referring to for the last two years or more, in countless articles and posts, as the source of the cosmos, the giver and nurturer of all life, and the force that maintains the entire creation in place: In sum, the Spiritual Essence of God Himself that remains perpetually immobile while all the worlds revolve around it "as pearls strung on a thread" (Bhagavad Gita 7.7).
More about this in my thread "Is there such a thing as a Cosmic Religion?" in this forum.
Thank you,
Luis Miguel Goitizolo

Expert predicts end to hierarchies and value of money, more ET/UFO disclosure starting July-Nov 2010

The period Nov. 7, 2009 to Nov. 2, 2010 will be characterized by the collapse of the U.K.-U.S. axis of western domination, the dissolution of hierarchies, and an end to the perceived value of money in its paper and electronic digital formats, predicts Mayan calendar expert Dr. Carl Johan Calleman. These social breakdowns are part of a period of transformation to a new era, characterized by sharing rather than individual ownership, and by higher human universal consciousness. The pace of extraterrestrial disclosure is expected to accelerate after Nov. 2, 2010. Using the time acceleration matrices of the Mayan calendar, Dr. Calleman correctly predicted the first phase of the global financial collapse for the period Nov. 19, 2007 – Nov. 8, 2008.

Dr. Calleman’s analyses for 2010 were made in an extended interview on with Alfred Lambremont Webre, which readers can access below. Author and time acceleration researcherBarbara Hand Clow has supported Dr. Calleman’s conclusions.


The universal axis and energy waves of transformation

In Figure A [see below], Dr. Calleman plots what he describes as a wave-curve of oscillating energy waves that emanate from the Universal axis – the core of the physical known universe as described in his most recent book, The Purposeful Universe.

According to Dr. Calleman, alternating waves of universe core energy in turn are mediated through our galactic center and are what drive the evolution of human consciousness. Since the “Big Bang” 16 billion years ago, these waves of energy have been disseminated in alternating format of “boom” and “bust” creating the circumstance of conflict and uncertainty in our reality.

For example (Figure A), the beginning of the global economic downturn on Nov. 18, 2007 initiated a “contraction” period, followed by an “expansion” period starting Nov. 8, 2008 with the election of Barack Obama, followed by a contraction period with the fall of the U.S. dollar, starting Nov. 7, 2009.

On Nov. 2, 2010, and “expansion” period is scheduled to commence, characterized by the dissolution of hierarchies that have kept the human potential under unnecessary controls.

On Oct. 28, 2011 (Figure A), according to Dr. Calleman, the universal alternating energy wave movements end, and Earth is set on a gradual setting of a potential to reach advanced utopian planet status – a virtual “Garden of Eden”.

Dr. Calleman writes, “human consciousness will continue to be transformed step by step in accordance with this plan until we come to the real end date of the process of creation, October 28, 2011. At this date the highest quantum state of the universe will be attained ( 13 Ahau in the Mayan Calendar) when the shifts disrupting the harmony will come to an end. Obviously, we are not there yet.”


ET disclosure Nov. 2, 2010 – Oct. 28, 2011

Again, on Nov. 2, 2010 an “expansion” period of human consciousness begins, characterized by the “dissolution of hierarchies”. This may include the hidden hierarchies that have kept the extraterrestrial embargo in place for 60 years. It may also include hierarchies within government, military and intelligence organizations, media, science, and education which have subjugated the human race to the regime put in place by the 1953 U.S. CIA Robertson panel which required every mention of the extraterrestrial presence to be “ridiculed.”

Thus it is reasonable to expect an increased pace of extraterrestrial disclosure during the “expansion” time period in Figure A designated as Day 7, starting Nov. 2, 2010.

According to Figure A [see below], the alternating sign-wave universe core energy phenomenon ceases after Oct. 28, 2011, and Earth will be set on a gradual setting of a potential to reach advanced utopian planet status – a virtual “Garden of Eden”.

This seems to auger well for extraterrestrial disclosure in the post-Oct. 28, 2011 period. If the universe core energy model put forth by Dr. Carl Johan Calleman and researcher Barbara Hand Clow is correct, human consciousness will no longer be subject to the conflicts caused by alternating expansion and contraction energy cycles, and the power of hierarchies that have enforce the extraterrestrial embargo will be increasingly weakening.

The real question will then be: What exactly will extraterrestrial disclosure – whether by governments, civilian researchers, or the extraterrestrials themselves – reveal?

Calleman: FIGURE A: Time acceleration wave curve

Love and Blessings to you all!

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

7/21/2010 9:40:10 PM

Miguel, one thing is true there has been an upcline in UFO activity of late. Did you hear of the citing over China and how they were trying to prove it false? I have not looked into it further but saw it on HLN the other morning.

Definitely there are changes in the weather patterns all over the world. People are being drawn closer together by means of cyberspace and I find that exciting. Now, when are we all going to speak the same language!!?? It would be so nice to understand other languages. Especially I could communicate better with my own granddaughter & her mother who speak Japanese.

Thank you for your always neat and perfect forums which are very informative and interesting.

With love,

