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Michael Caron

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6/10/2010 5:25:48 AM
Hi Bogdan,
That is exactly the video that I was referring to. By the way, before I go further, I would like to explain why it is so difficult for non Americans to understand Americans. As I write, I do so in a matter so that I can be understood. When I talk, I often chop words, speak in short thoughts, and as with George Green, "Yeah, I mean this is what it's all about" leaving you the listener to rewind your conversation to figure out what "This he is talking about." Our spoken language is much more difficult to understand than our written language.
The point that you brought up about the fault lines is very much in line with a subject that I was going to bring up. Throughout the world there are thousands of oil rigs, both off shore and land based. millions of gallons of oil are being drained each day, 365 days a year. When these resources are depleted, the company closes the empty resources and moves on to a new area. This leaves vast pockets of underground pockets all over the world, most of which sit on or near fault lines. There will be a time, (Hopefully way in the future) where one small tremor could set off a chain effect that will spread Globally. The only real use we have for oil products is for lubrication. We never needed petroleum, but we were made to feel that we did by those that stand to profit from it. As the common citizen throughout the world finds it harder and harder to survive, you will not find a single World Leader that is desperate for food, housing, or or any other Worldly goods that he or she wants. Plus, when a U.S. President has finished his term in office, he does not have to worry about where his next meal is coming from. Before George W. Bush, all other past presidents are paid the same pay that they received while in office, for the rest of their lives. The law changed and George Doubleya will be paid for ten years.
Another subject is energy. When the transition takes place, what global points will be used to launch the transition? For as long as people have studied the phenomenon of UFO's it is interesting that the largest flaps (outdated term used to describe multiple sightings) occured in Peru, Brazil, Mexico, England, and the United States. To study this further, it was discovered that the areas with the most occuring sightings were areas high in energy forms. England, for example, recorded a lot of sightings in the area of Stonehenge. Our overseers from a parralel Universe, (In Jill's forum) stated that up until now they could not communicate fully, however I believe that they have been here for quite some time, resising in those places of high energy concentrations.
I was born and raised Catholic, and as soon as I was able to do so, I questioned a lot of what the Priest read in their sermons, I questioned why, if the Catholic Church did not believe in Witchcraft why they have Gargoyles and Demons adorning the pillars both inside and out. Plus, if you have ever been to the Saint James Bisilica and had a queezy feeling in your stomach it is because of the large Pentigram that is painted on the floor. The very people that we have trusted for years to bring us the truth have been surpressing the truth allowing us to know only that which they want us to know. There are still several books locked in their vaults that were intended to be included in the Holy Bible. These books would give us the answers that we seek today. How strong is the Catholic Church? As far as I know, not one single priest has ever been prosecuted for molesting children. I am not stating all of this out of hate, but rather out of concern. Those that are coming to help us are doing so out of concern for the Whole Human race, and we need to understand that we are not alone and never have been.
Branka, it is so wonderful to see you here. I was so excited when I saw you that, well, it is a good thing that I have a lot of Hanes.
Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.
Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/14/2010 3:22:41 AM
Dear Friends,

Sometimes I so feel I need a reassuring message!
Previously, whenever I posted to my blog or at Jill's forum ("A Journey to the Mountain of Love") I avoided to unnecessarily touch any negative subject, including any reference to the Kali Yuga (the world's Dark Age in which we certainly are and have been for a good while now).
By it, I was instinctively trying to stick to a positive attitude so as to keep away the dark and my inner lamp burning uninterrupted for as long as possible, though at the time I would rather pretend to myself that it surely was out of delicacy to the readers.
Well, the ill-fated oil spill has come to eradicate such attitude, and I am afraid this is going to take long. Indeed, there is no trying to avoid it now. As Michael recently pointed out, "we are very close to an upheaval of good and bad happenings throughout the world, and it is important that people understand how to separate the two".
And there is also Robert Talmadge's quote at Jill's forum that has further helped me to see clearly what is actually happening. "The motives behind this is to take our attention away from our spiritual duties and replace it with negative emotions thus bringing to a stop our progress."
We have a moss special tool at our entire disposal, which we only need to know how to use to make it infallible: our own intuition. Regarded by the perennial tradition as superior even to reasoning - actually a fallible way of knowledge - it has many times allowed me to instinctively know the truth as soon as it was offered me. I sincerely believe it is working now, and not only do we need to know how to separate good and evil, but also to counteract the evil deeds lest we are caught off-guard and perish to their plots.
Here I would like to include the following information, if only to uplift our spirits. Once again, it has been borrowed from the "Mountain of Love".

Thank you,

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

SaLuSa 11 June 2010

Things are still speeding up and you are in the thick of it, and sometimes it is difficult to keep abreast with it all. A series of events continue to move you forward, and they are edging towards a finale that will see some momentous changes. It all goes well behind the scenes, although outwardly you could be forgiven for thinking that there was total disarray everywhere. We continue to hold the strings that connect us with all activities on Earth. Nothing escapes our attention, and we are directing our energies towards achieving a major change that will benefit us all. More we cannot say at this stage, but the pressure is on the dark Ones to the extent that they are running scared.

The Light is being further empowered, as the incoming energies are increasing and your consciousness levels are rising up. As you absorb them so your resistance to the lower energies is increased, and you slowly consolidate your place in the Light. It is what you have worked towards for a very long time, and prepares you for the final upliftment at Ascension. The road has been long and bumpy, but it will not long before it becomes a smooth path taking you fully into the Light. Thereafter you will be able to say that you have truly become a Being of Light, and will start a new adventure in the higher realms.

However, the current problems need to be dealt with first, and each one of you can assist by sending out your Light to those who need help. In this way you set up a channel of Light that reaches them, and it will grow and attract even more Light. We would ask you to include those leaders who are presently in the forefront of all that is happening, and your President Obama is one who is a major player in the events taking place. You will see that he has played a patient game to take his opportunity to unseat the dark Ones, and he will use all of his authority to do so. Timing is the essence of success, and that is something we have often stressed.

When the going becomes difficult, please do not lose sight of the fact that it will only last as long as it takes to move into a new paradigm. It will release you from the hold the dark Ones have had on you for hundreds of years. It will be the biggest and most important change you will have experienced for many, many years. Freedom is knocking on your door, and you shall have it returned to you as part of the early changes. Unnecessary controls and laws will be repealed, and life will take on a new look by granting you a say in your future. Sharing and caring will be very satisfying, and bring people together regardless of wealth, status or position. They will be recognized for what they really are as One Race, that all have a role to play in the Oneness of Humankind.

It will not be too long before life will be quite different in all aspects to what it is now, and will set the mould for what you can expect when you ascend. It will be a taste of what is to come, and that includes your bonding with us. That will come easy as you are reaching up to us now, and before long will be like us. It will not really be a strange transition as many of you were once at our level. It will be an opportunity for you to return to the position you once held, before you finally dropped into the lower vibrations of duality.

You could say that where information is concerned regarding Ascension, you are spoilt for choice as many sources are picking up the new vibrations. However, their interpretation of them may not agree with others, and this is where your own intuition comes into play. Accept only what rings true to you, and carries no sense of impending doom or fear. The true messages that carry Light are based on love and understanding, and will speak of the opportunity for everyone to ascend through freedom of choice. The true teachings do not talk of punishment in any context, as every soul on Earth is loved and given guidance as soon as it is requested. Sometimes it is a special event in a person’s life that leads to an awakening, and it is often associated with near death experiences. When you get a glimpse of life beyond Earth in the higher dimensions, it can leave you with such a strong impression it is indeed a life changing experience.

We know that with our coming and contact with you, it will also have an uplifting effect on you. You will see in us yourselves, and just being in our presence will allow you to experience the higher vibrations of love. We say this in no way that is boasting; neither do we consider ourselves above you. We are simply souls who are coming to you from levels that are so different to what you are used to on Earth. It is very much like the times of Jesus, the Buddha and other Masters that have walked the Earth, with auras that gave out a powerful energy of love that enshrouded those around them. You too are much the same, except your vibrations tend to be much lower and not so evident. Yet, when you meet someone who has developed a higher consciousness, you can feel the peace and love they carry with them. Developing to that degree requires dedication to keep focused on your goal, and detach your self from the lower vibrations. There has never been quite such a grand opportunity to do so as now, with the extremely high energies being received on Earth.

The plan has always been intended to increase the energies slowly but surely, to allow for your gradual awakening. However, it was also planned to greatly increase them after the Millennium, to help you be prepared for the last upliftment you know as Ascension. It will be the most important step you have taken since the last cycle began, and it is why so many Beings accompany you in the last stages of your preparations. Be assured that if it is your intention to ascend, you will be helped all of the way until the final great day when you will ascend. Now you will realize why we refer so frequently to your Ascension, as it is what you came into this cycle to achieve. In so doing you will have proved victorious in overcoming your perceived separation from God. You will have identified with your true Self, a magnificent Being of Light.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and it is a joy to communicate with you at such an important time in your experiences, as you are so responsive and aware.

Thank you SaLuSa

Mike Quinsey.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Bogdan Fiedur

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6/14/2010 10:15:28 PM
Dear Friends,

Sometimes I so feel I need a reassuring message!
Previously, whenever I posted to my blog or at Jill's forum ("A Journey to the Mountain of Love") I avoided to unnecessarily touch any negative subject, including any reference to the Kali Yuga (the world's Dark Age in which we certainly are and have been for a good while now).
By it, I was instinctively trying to stick to a positive attitude so as to keep away the dark and my inner lamp burning uninterrupted for as long as possible, though at the time I would rather pretend to myself that it surely was out of delicacy to the readers.
Well, the ill-fated oil spill has come to eradicate such attitude, and I am afraid this is going to take long. Indeed, there is no trying to avoid it now. As Michael recently pointed out, "we are very close to an upheaval of good and bad happenings throughout the world, and it is important that people understand how to separate the two".
And there is also Robert Talmadge's quote at Jill's forum that has further helped me to see clearly what is actually happening. "The motives behind this is to take our attention away from our spiritual duties and replace it with negative emotions thus bringing to a stop our progress."
We have a moss special tool at our entire disposal, which we only need to know how to use to make it infallible: our own intuition. Regarded by the perennial tradition as superior even to reasoning - actually a fallible way of knowledge - it has many times allowed me to instinctively know the truth as soon as it was offered me. I sincerely believe it is working now, and not only do we need to know how to separate good and evil, but also to counteract the evil deeds lest we are caught off-guard and perish to their plots.
Here I would like to include the following information, if only to uplift our spirits. Once again, it has been borrowed from the "Mountain of Love".

Thank you,

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

Hello Luis,

I have to identify with your feelings and let you know what my path is in regards to the negative while longing for positive.

The negative which we are experiencing now is to create an awaking in masses. Average Joe won't pay attention to just a destruction somewhere in the world when their fridge is full. They will only pay attention when they are directly affected.

Also in order to cause disclosure, great things need to happen. Those who are in power need to realize that they can't avoid being exposed if they continue to stay where they stay, meaning covering-up any attempt of dark cabala to further enslave this world.

There have been several big resignation in just last three months from top positions.. The prime minister of Japan, the PM of UK (Gordon Brown), The president of Germany. There are many high officials coming forward now and disclosing their knowledge to the public. The world is waking up.

In my opinion if you see any cataclysm or unfortunate event, know that this is part of the process. Approach it with open eyes and understand that it will pass as soon as new world takes place. Don't despair.

We can recover from anything as long as this planet exists. Once the black cabala is gone, the technology which is denied to us will turn around things very quickly to ours and ours kids advantage.

Bogdan Fiedur
Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/15/2010 9:35:31 PM

Hello Luis,

I have to identify with your feelings and let you know what my path is in regards to the negative while longing for positive.

The negative which we are experiencing now is to create an awaking in masses. Average Joe won't pay attention to just a destruction somewhere in the world when their fridge is full. They will only pay attention when they are directly affected.

Also in order to cause disclosure, great things need to happen. Those who are in power need to realize that they can't avoid being exposed if they continue to stay where they stay, meaning covering-up any attempt of dark cabala to further enslave this world.

There have been several big resignation in just last three months from top positions.. The prime minister of Japan, the PM of UK (Gordon Brown), The president of Germany. There are many high officials coming forward now and disclosing their knowledge to the public. The world is waking up.

In my opinion if you see any cataclysm or unfortunate event, know that this is part of the process. Approach it with open eyes and understand that it will pass as soon as new world takes place. Don't despair.

We can recover from anything as long as this planet exists. Once the black cabala is gone, the technology which is denied to us will turn around things very quickly to ours and ours kids advantage.

Bogdan Fiedur

Hello Bogdan,
Thank you for one of the most heartening messages I could dream to receive from anyone at his time. If I wanted to be reassured, now I am.
Curiously enough, I thought you were pessimistic about the likely outcome of the present confrontation between the light and the dark, like I myself am but only with regard to the upcoming probable upheavals.
Actually, I too tend to believe the worst about any situation that is not absolutely clear, like the oil spill now. Maybe it is my education as a public accountant that makes me be like this, but I learned long ago that you always need to expect the worst, at least from the point of view of business, so that any outcome, however bad, will be better than it could have been.
However, I must confess that I have been in a very negative mood ever after the oil spill occurred and, especially, on seeing all those pictures of innocent animals turned into obscene, deformed, nauseating images of pain.
That is where your message has come in to somehow cheer me up. It was most welcome.
I believe your analysis of the causes is very insightful and accurate
What you tell about the big resignations is also most significant and certainly fits within the big picture.
I gladly take your advice not to despair in the face of any cataclysm or unfortunate event. I can certainly understand that however atrocious a prospect, they are part of the process. To be frank, I have long been trying to explain this to many people, but I forgot to explain it to myself that I too need to remain calm at the atrocious sights of it.
Summing up, I so appreciate your message, Bogdan. You are such a good person and friend.

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/16/2010 1:12:05 AM
Dear Friends,

Here is a video with the Gayatri Mantra and the symbol OM. It may help empty your mind and meditate on the sacred syllable. If there is something that can clean the Earth atmosphere so polluted nowadays, it is the chanting of Gayatri Mantra. But it should be done pronouncing it correctly and knowing the meaning of the words (see down below).



Summary of the Gayatri Mantra

Gayatri Mantra (the mother of the vedas), the foremost mantra in hinduism and hindu beliefs, inspires wisdom. Its meaning is that "May the Almighty God illuminate our intellect to lead us along the righteous path". The mantra is also a prayer to the "giver of light and life" - the sun (savitur).

Oh God! Thou art the Giver of Life,
Remover of pain and sorrow,
The Bestower of happiness,
Oh! Creator of the Universe,
May we receive thy supreme sin-destroying light,
May Thou guide our intellect in the right direction.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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