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RE: DNA? The New Panacea of Prosperity or the NEW SS Guard? What will you do for $
2/16/2010 11:22:59 PM

Mr. Troy Dooly could be getting into some trouble for this post.


Now let’s take a look at Dean Blechman As Its Chief Executive Officer, Chairman Of The Board & Founder:


There is no doubt he has an impressive background. However, there are a few things which are questionable.

Quite true...the impressive part I mean...

Before Twin Lab was bought by Tony Robbin’s company, ISI Brands, a class action lawsuit. Now overall this isn’t a huge deal, except it shows a track record. Review Here

This link shows there was a class action filed but that's it. I wonder why? Probably because nothing ever came of it.

Then there is the issue of Mr. Blechman’s claim of “being an owner of Ideal Health aka The Trump Network. Well, Ideal Health terminated Mr. Blechman for running the company into the ground, then filed a civil lawsuit against him (Ideal Health .vs Blechman)

In this document, we clearly see that Mr. Blechman was NOT terminated, but infact, resigned. The lawsuit was filed by Ideal Health against him because he "acted in a way that jeopardized Ideal's contract with Trump. Donald Trump is a good friend of Blechman, and he told him that based on the way The Donald's deal with Ideal was formulated, he was being screwed. Troy again refrains from showing the outcome of this suit as well.

Then Mr. Blechman counter filed trying to move the case to fit his needs Blechman .vs Ideal Health

Blechman countersues because Ideal tried to rip him out of his stock.

However, the Court did not see it his way and allowed it to be transferred to Massachusetts. (Review Here)

So the venue was changed to Massachusetts...I still see no outcome listed anywhere. Probably because it wasn't favorable to Mr. Dooly's case here.

Now let’s take a look at Anthony Sasso As Chief Data Consultant to the Board. Now I want everyone to realize that nowhere does it state Mr. Sasso is an owner of Data Network Affiliates aka DNA or that he is an officer of the company. This in and of itself raises some new question.

Exactly. And since he isn't an owner or officer of the company, he would not be entitled to access to any affiliate's personal information under the company's privacy act.

What private agreements are in place for Mr. Sasso to use all the new distributor data for his others business, and/or sell it to other scammers, spammers, or use it himself? This concern was first raised by an article we found outside of the MLM niche, raising their own red flags as to the purpose of Sasso’s ultimate use of the data he collects. (Review Here)

This link references a personal blog by some chick who is pissed off about receiving advertising in SMS format. Although she makes reference to companies like Sasso's (and mentions his as an example), nowhere does she claim that it was his company spamming her.

Now, here is another concern we found. Mr Sasso is also the ceo of this raises two questions…

1. Will he use the data he is gathering from distributors and spam them for this new opportunity?
2. Is this his next deal when Data Network Affiliates goes south?

These questions are way to important to go unasked. If a perosn is giving up their personal info to someone who is seen not just as the data base king, but also the top sms spammer, then we have huge issues.

Again, Mr. Sasso is not an owner or board member of DNA. He is merely a consulting data director, and as such, would have no access to affiliates personal information as per the company's privacy policy.

Ok, now let’s look at what DNA calls the “product”…Well there isn’t one. Her eis the exact phrase from the Data Network Affiliate website “As an independent affiliate with D.N.A. you are helping to build databases. With most Network Marketing Companies, reps are selling a product for the company, with D.N.A., we are Building the Product for the company and ourselves.”

This statement is 100% true. Affiliates are not being paid to sell anything. They are being paid to work.

This goes 100% against the rules of law already put into place. If there is no product or service being marketed by distributors to an end user (as in phase one) then DNA falls into the legal definition of MLM Pyramid Scheme. (Read Kevin Thompson’s book above)

This statement is completely false. If I paid you to pick dog crap in my backyard, is it illegal because I'm not offering you a product? If I give you a bonus for the dog crap that anyone else you get to help pick up, is that illegal? Of course not. I'm not paying you to sell some over priced dog crap, I'm paying you to pick it up. I'm paying you to WORK.

Ok, the compensation plan. For some reason DNA feels they are protected because they are not charging a mandatory fee to join. However, just like Narc That Car, they are not providing the distributors a product to the end user to sell. Which means the only thing the distributors are selling is the opportunity.

This is correct...why would you charge someone for the right to come work for you? Again, there is no product because you aren't being paid to sell anything...including the "opportunity" to work. You are being paid to collect data.

Which means, even though they claim…

Fact: all income generated is from the collection of Data Collected.
Fact: there is not one dime paid for the act of sponsoring.
Fact: even the D.N.A. Business Package with Data Entry Software is 100% non-commission-able

This does not change the FACT that the only money distributor’s are personally generating to place into the compensation plan comes from recruiting others into the compensation structure.

Absolutely false. They are adamant about this fact. You are NOT, by any means, getting paid for solely bringing people into the business! How would they pay you if the program is free to join??? You are getting paid a bonus for the work that the people you bring in do....the data they collect...because by bringing in additional people, the job gets down a lot faster saving the company money in the long run. The company will never end up paying any more than $12 for any particular batch of 20 plates ($2.00 X 6 levels, or 60 cents a plate), but the database that this will help create will be worth a lot more than that.

So again, this is just one example of people going out of their way to try and destroy this program. This article was forwarded to the Legal Department of DNA as they have requested, and I'm sure many others will be as well. People should be able to voice their opinions freely, but when it is done with blatant slander like this, there's an issue. Once these people are dealt with properly, maybe everyone will be able to see the real truth behind the opportunity here.

Sincerely and with Best Wishes,
Chuck Sage
Jim Allen

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It just keeps piling up Like a pile of manurePHIL PICCOLO ATTACKS MLM WATCHDOG C
2/19/2010 8:32:02 PM


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Peter Fogel

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RE: DNA? The New Panacea of Prosperity or the NEW SS Guard? What will you do for $
2/19/2010 11:42:38 PM


Hey Jim,

Even before the serious due diligence and research our common sense told us DNA is a scam aside from the big brother issues we had with it.

The legitimate claim made by a few in this thread that the information tagged by members of DNA is already on record is true but the question remains if that is so why in the world would anyone be willing to pay for something that is already there?

Now that it appears that Phil Piccolo is involved in DNA my recommendation is that anyone considering investing any of their hard earned money run for the hills before it's to late and cut any ties with the company. That goes for the free members too unless you want your good name dragged through the mud along with Phil Piccolo.


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Kay Newman

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RE: DNA? The New Panacea of Prosperity or the NEW SS Guard? What will you do for $
3/3/2010 10:32:42 PM

Well, let's talk about this little DNA program then, shall we? Anyone know who Phil Piccolo is? If not, go do a little research. It ought to turn your hair white and make it stand up on end all at the same time. The man is a consummate liar, scammer, thief, con-artist, financial rapist and probably about another two dozen things that I really don't care to list out here.

Last week, I decided to go and do a little checking and look what I found:

The principals of DNA have DENIED that Phil Piccolo is involved. And up until a few days ago (right before Founder Dean Blechman threw in the towel and resigned!!) their own site and press releases say that Dean Blechman and Arthur Kurek are both Founders of this company? If this was the case, WHY would a company, who has nothing to do with Phil Piccolo, be using Phil Piccolo’s domain name to send out their emails?

You see, when I JOINED a couple of days ago the email that came back to me said this… IN THE FINE DETAILS:

Received: from ([])
by with SMTP id 7si10848264qwf.34.2010.;

In case you don't know, valuevaluevalue was Phil Piccolo's most RECENT failed attempt at network marketing and fleecing the sheeple. If autoresponders are sending out emails through HIS DOMAIN, then you can rest ASSURED that he is involved. "Mistakes" like that don't just happen. Legitimate companies do NOT use someone else's domain to send out their emails! They JUST DON'T, no matter what anyone says.

FOR THOSE OF YOU THINKING ABOUT JOINING OR IF YOU’VE ALREADY JOINED – think about this… the people who are supposed to be so “Quality” are lying to you already, telling you Phil is not involved when he 100% is involved. Sad. Some people will do anything for money.

Also a dead giveaway, there is a travel package AND a feed the kids program??? ALL Phil Piccolo earmarks!

In the end, it doesn’t really MATTER what these fine, upstanding (cough cough) citizens say or how they try to explain how they are using Phil’s domain. I can GUARANTEE you that they are, right now, SCRAMBLING to do damage control and they will have some wild explanation as to how that happened. The bottom line is that I have, in my email account, irrefutable proof that Phil Piccolo is, once again, the grand puppet master and is behind this opportunity and these people are in bed with him. What they SAY is inconsequential. As a matter of fact, if everyone would be so kind as to check their email… check your welcome message (if you've been in this for more than a week - other wise, as I predicted in this post, they've already changed their little 'oversight')… the first email you got from them and you too will have the proof you need in your inbox. I am curious if their updates also contain this little glitch. Either way, they will now fix it and go on lying and denying.

Also, where the 'founders' are concerned, I always question people who have to announce their integrity (OR their Christianity… :::cough cough::: Phil Piccolo!) Your life and your associations should speak volumes — AND THEY DO, either for good or for bad. People who actually possess good qualities don’t have to sell you into believing that they have them… you know what I mean? Anytime I hear someone talking about their integrity, I seriously doubt they have any. And, quite frankly, seeing as how these people are involved with Phil Piccolo and are lying about that association – it CERTAINLY proves my point.

Phil Piccolo does NOTHING unless he first calculates the risk and how HE can profit from it – we’ve seen that very clearly as we follow the trail of financially ruined people he's left in his wake. Attempting to portray himself as a charitable individual, who thinks of others before himself, as someone who tries to help out people who can’t pay their rent is actually kind of humorous. I mean, really… in our estimation of him– after speaking with MANY people, it seems that when he WANTS SOMETHING from someone, if he thinks THEY can benefit HIM in some way (i.e. if he can suck them dry financially or use their business acumen), then he will use them to further his agenda. Ah, yes… he is such a WONDERFUL person, whose motives are as pure as the driven snow... pffft.

He recently made a claim “people ‘invested’ in me and we ALL lost money.” That is NOT the way things happen with Phil Piccolo. Phil Piccolo did not ‘lose’ money… he profited off of others – HE TOOK their money UNDER FALSE PRETENSES and then USED IT however he wanted until it was all gone - then he goes looking for more nice, trusting folks. The only reason he had any money to invest, IS BECAUSE OTHER PEOPLE GAVE IT TO HIM!!! They gave it to him, earmarked for ONE thing, and he turned around and used it for something ELSE… a Ponzi Scheme Piccolo-style!

I have friends who gave Phil Piccolo their money – like thousands of dollars – in exchange for the promise that he would have them making $10k a month within a year… and HIS GUARANTEE that if they weren’t making that $10k a year after the first 12 months THAT HE WOULD GIVE THEM THEIR MONEY BACK. He did not. As a matter of fact, after about the first 30 days, Phil Piccolo STOPPED ‘training’… and he used the money for his living expenses.

The bottom line is that he TOOK EVERYONE’S MONEY AND THEN LEFT EVERYONE TWISTING IN THE WIND!!! Yeah, mighty BIG of him, really 'giving". There is no "WE" lost money... everyone lost money TO PHIL PICCOLO!! He, on the other hand, CALCULATINGLY gained people’s trust with the INTENT to take their money… and then when he got it, he used it to pay for his lifestyle… he used it to pay for the mortgage on his “mansion”.

Another one of the ways Phil Piccolo uses to deflect heat is to say that other people scammed him, which is why he couldn't deliver on his promises. Phil is certainly the one doing the scamming. There is a court in New Jersey which concurred and rendered a ruling based on that fact. Oh, but Phil doesn't stop there... he now says that the court was in on it, that the court is corrupt -- but not HIM. (HUGE eyeroll)

Screaming “foul!” seems to be his classic exit strategy when the gig is up and he hasn't paid people like he said he would… we literally time him like clock-work, and we’ve not been wrong yet. He is SOOOOOOO predictable. I doubt this one will be any different. You can't pay people without money. And Phil? Phil NEEDS MONEY... Phil's water bill is now over $1,000... WAY past due. But hey, he's going to show everyone here how to be successful... and some people are going to believe him. Why? Because Phil lives in a 3 million dollar mansion that he would never be able to afford unless nice, trusting folks send him their money. You people have NO IDEA what this man is capable of doing.

Has ANYONE noticed that DNA is now marketing a TRAVEL AGENT opportunity? LOL. Yep, it’s true…

Quite frankly, I was WONDERING when Phil was going to get really comfortable in his role of running Data Network Affiliates (DNA)and start connecting the dots FOR US… he’s doing a darn good job of that! LOL

First, there’s a blog from 2 years ago – note the reference to K & E Travel – FROM TWO YEARS AGO (even though Phil is blabbering on how this 20 year old company has never offered this product before - YES THEY HAVE! Two years ago - for him!):

By the way, I AM the anonymous poster who is mentioned in that article. I am bringing this to your attention because I want you to see that I’m not making this stuff up.

When Phil was involved with YTB and he ultimately got kicked out because, well, he cheated and lied and they found out about it and kicked him to the curb, he had begun offering travel agent ID cards through this K & E Travel. This is what allowed him to have a bunch of RTA’s in YTB (because if you already had a travel agent ID card, YTB wouldn’t make you pay the fee to get one – which made getting a lot of RTAs in your downline a piece of cake). This is how he won the free cruise – by cheating.

At any rate, Phil Piccolo is NOW offering YOU the ability to become a travel agent! You are ONLY going to pay a $49.95 processing fee! And this has NEVER been offered before :::HUGE EYEROLL::: YES it has…

On October 12, 2007, Phil sent out the following email – I have truncated it for brevity’s sake!

a) YTB has a travel agent promotion, whereas if you have Travel Agent credentials from any other company, they will waive the $450…
b) Phil found a company that for $50 will make you an honorary travel agent… (my note: read K & E Travel!!!!!!!!!!!!)
c) Phil is paying the $50 out of HIS POCKET FOR YOU for your ID Card
d) Then we trade in those credentials with your payment of $49.95 monthly payment and WAHLA you save $450

IT IS VERY HARD work for Phil to do all this extra work so that you can save $450 but for the 1st time in his career… Phil says “IT IS NOT ABOUT HIM it is about YOU”…
Phil really cares about you more than the money… And over the next 3 to 5 years he will prove it to you…

Don’t you LOVE the way he writes in third person about himself? He’s such a SWELL guy, doing all this REALLY HARD WORK just for YOU… so SELFLESS and GIVING and CARING that he cares more about YOU than the money… Pffft.

I wonder if HE ever reads this stuff and wants to throw up?

I have been asked on more than one occasion why I am anonymous. This is my reply from two years ago, and it still holds true today:

I’m anonymous for a reason. It isn’t because I don’t have proof — I just prefer to remain anonymous for my own protection.

Wonderful, CHRIST-LIKE Phil Piccolo in 2007 set up some guy who crossed him and duct taped him to a chair, put duct tape over his eyes, and he and his “henchmen” beat the snot out of the guy. I think there are a number of charges that would arise out of something like that, like probably felony kidnapping just to name one.

Of course Piccolo was stupid enough to photograph the event — and I just happen to have obtained one of the copies of that photograph.

What is it about stupid, arrogant criminals that drives them to photograph or otherwise document their crimes?

There are a number of other people who would be able to independently verify the person in the photo I have and it is certainly authentic. Also, Piccolo personally bragged about it to someone I know.

Phil Piccolo is nothing but a common criminal who at some point will end up in jail and ultimately in hell if he doesn’t get it right.

In closing, this morning Phil Piccolo came onto one of the boards and posted a daily devotional from Joel Osteen... and boy oh boy was it ever self-serving! This was my response to him:

Phil Piccolo,

Do you know that Satan knows scripture? Satan also BELIEVES in God. Wow. You and Satan have two things in common.

Does Satan obey God? Nope. Hey, you guys have THREE things in common!

Is Satan a LIAR? Yep, the Bible says “He (the devil) has always hated the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and the father of lies.” Whoops. Looks like you and Satan have FOUR things in common.

The Bible also calls Satan the “deceiver who deceives the whole world”. Well, I hate to tell you, but it looks like you and Satan have FIVE things in common. I think I should probably stop now.

Maybe your wife should be sleeping with one eye open?

*end of email*

I hope if there is anyone out there thinking about staying in this one that you run as though the devil is after you -- because HE IS.

Glen Palo

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RE: DNA? The New Panacea of Prosperity or the NEW SS Guard? What will you do for $
3/4/2010 11:19:42 PM
I have followed this thread with some interest and thought I'd make the following comment.

I find it somewhat amazing that Americans think that they have some degree of privacy from big brother and big business.

I also find it puzzling that there is some sort of business of collecting license plate numbers. Makes no sense in view of the fact that there are already databases that contain:

1. all your personal information, including family members, relatives, as to your address, education, telephone number, your employer, your work address.
2. your financial information as to amount of your monthly mortgage, car payments.
3. of course all your personal transactions as recorded in your credit report.
4. the amount of local property taxes you have paid.
5. the tax assessment value of your home.
6. your spending patterns, unless you use cash or trade and barter for your goods including what flavor ice cream or beer you bought last week.
7. your political and religious affiliations.
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