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Jim Allen

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RE: DNA? The New Panacea of Prosperity or the NEW SS Guard? What will you do for $
2/16/2010 8:02:40 PM
Hello John,

Glad you came in shared your info and your thoughts. None of your representations, show any resemblance to what these communists are trying to do. Plain and simple fact.

In all your representations, I had the choice to provide that information or not do business with that establishment, that is only following the law.

As for the DMV we all need to drive so yes, I freely gave them that information. I also agreed to their terms and also fought for the right not share that information at the DMV with non-governmental sources.

Having a bunch yahoos running around collecting information for ten cents a shot is not giving my permission. I did not give that a$$wipe of a person that is so desperate for a DIME he would participate in a communist/socialist practice. If you want that kind of security move to Russia or China.

We still for the moment live in a free society where private and personal freedoms still exist and your desire for a DIME is a huge part of the problem.

Have a Grand Day enjoy the freedom you have to pursue happiness while you can. Because like a wild pig you are closing the gate on yourself. Complacency and the desire for something for doing nothing will make it happen quicker. Find a real business, there are many others out there. Often Free ain't Free. Know what I mean Verne?

Jim Allen III

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: DNA? The New Panacea of Prosperity or the NEW SS Guard? What will you do for $
2/16/2010 8:07:46 PM
Hello Robert,

Thanks for heads up. I wonder how many want to be associated with this questionable enterprise now?

Appreciate your paying attention, to remain free we must be vigilant too.
Jim Allen III

Hi everyone saw this post at the mlmwatchdog site about NARC.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

RE: DNA? The New Panacea of Prosperity or the NEW SS Guard? What will you do for $
2/16/2010 8:10:31 PM
Hi Jim.

Well first off, my name is Chuck, not Gary...but I forgive you.

Now let me see if I can address a few of the issues you brought up.

"Thanks for coming in and stating you reasoning for becoming a narc and part of the Big Brother organization."
This is wrong on so many levels. One can only "narc" on someone who is doing something wrong. If my tagging plates helps catch a bad guy, I have no problem with that. Tagging plates in a grocery parking lot has NO detrimental after effects for the good guys. The government could care less whether you shop at Pigley Wigley or Walmart.

Your reasoning is the same rhetoric we hear when the government wants to install those RFID chips in our drivers license. I simply do not believe your reasoning is sound and you are justifying your search for easy money at any costs."
As I stated in my original message, the RFID chips in licenses is most CERTAINLY Big Brother! I couldn't agree more. It enables the Gov to track your every movement 24/7, and I am whole-heartedly AGAINST it! You're comparing watermelon to peanuts here. Think about it.

"Your rhetoric still does not address the other red flags tossed up by this site IE: Contact info, true professionals in the data collection field and the ultimate disgrace, IMHO is the ulterior motive is to build a database to send junk mail to folks, related to the bogus travel industry claims and of course to introduce their nutritionals to your recruits."
Contact information is not available on the site yet because it hasn't officially launched. There is contact information available to members on their back office pages though right now.

They do have true professionals on board. Anthony Sasso is a consulting board member on data. He has amassed huge databases for several businesses of his own and for others. Data collection makes up less than 10% of DNA's total business model.

In their privacy statement, they clearly say that the information collected from recruits will never be sold. It is only used by DNA and its sister companies. As far as their "bogus travel industry" goes, DNA's travel program is NOT based on networking or MLM schemata. It is simply a business you can opt into for a $49 licensing fee, and run a home travel business on your own. There is no incentive to bring others into it, because it is not an's a legitimate home business that you have to work. And their "nutitionals"? DNA's founder and chairman, Mr. Dean Blechman, was a member of the founding family of TwinLab Corp. Maybe you've heard of them? They been around since the '60's. He took the company from $5 million in annual sales in 1979 to $335 million in sales annually in 1995. 95% of all health and nutrition retailers carry their line of products. I hardly think they would have to peddle them to their own recruits.

"Plus the pay is not worth the effort. Unless you are a mass recruiter and then there comes other issues."
$2.00 for 5 minutes of work....that equates to about $24 an hour. I know a whole bunch of people that aren't making that. And Mass Recruiting? I tell my organization to recruit 10 people, that's it. It took me 2 free ads and 30 hours of time to get 10. If everyone gets just 10, and they all collect the data, then the dollars really start to add up.

"As you stated they will cross reference databases and your claim about being an upstanding, law abiding citizen is just bu*llsh*it."
Are you saying that you aren't a law-abiding citizen? Or are you inferring that I'm not? If so, it's a bold presumption for someone who doesn't know me from Adam.

"If you are happy reporting on your neighbors and community members for just $.10 that is ten cents per tag recorded then go for it. But then you become part of the problematic system. Plus you are willing to do the job our law enforcement is paid to do for ten cents and no benefits."
Again...I'm not "reporting on" anyone. These plates are right on the back of everyone's cars for all to see. Their cars are parked in a public parking lot for all to see. If anyone could access your personal information just from your plate numbers, then you would do better to worry about some identity thief writing down your tag. But since the only entity that can access that personal information on you is the Gov, and since they already have that info anyway, then there is no harm in it whatsoever. At 10 cents a plate, you are assuming I have no downline. I can ASSURE you, that is not the case. I will be making WAY more than that just in my first month. As for law enforcement? With some of these criminals running around for months, or even years, before getting caught, I would say they could use all the help they can get.

"Plus the issues relating to the site are still there and yet to be corrected."
This is why they have delayed the launch a week.

"Your rationalization is still an invasion of my and our fellow citizens Right to Privacy in the name of more security. They will use this info to cross reference data bases to serve up more junk mail and Spam on and offline."
How is your privacy being invaded? If you went to the grocery store, anyone you ran into would know you were there, on what date and at what time. Are they invading your privacy too just by knowing that? Since DNA does not have access to your personal information, how can they spam you or send you junk mail? They can't get access to the DMV records on you, whether they have your plate number or not. I guess they could glue some spam to your license plate, if they could ever find it again. Your tag number is all they are getting....period.

"Hmmm a true socialist sheeple way to think. Let's hope more rational folks will disregard your irrational rhetoric."
Clearly you don't know me at all. I'm truly sick of the growing Fascist threat in our country, and I actively fight it every day...on line and in real life. Sheeple is a term I used many time in my novel, and that kind of mindless following is sickening to me. I would hope if there are any "sheeple" reading this, that they would consider the facts as I have presented them here and follow up by checking them out for themselves. There's nothing worse than someone who takes for truth the unfounded innuendo, and opinions of someone whom hasn't done the homework. The DNA program has a lot of MLM'ers scared. It could very easily put a lot of them out of business. You can see they are scared because the unfounded bashing is appearing like magic all over the internet...and not a one of them can back any of it up. Time will tell.

Sincerely and with Best Wishes.
Chuck sage


Thanks for coming in and stating you reasoning for becoming a narc and part of the Big Brother organization.

Your reasoning is the same rhetoric we hear when the government wants to install those RFID chips in our drivers license. I simply do not believe your reasoning is sound and you are justifying your search for easy money at any costs.

Your rhetoric still does not address the other red flags tossed up by this site IE: Contact info, true professionals in the data collection field and the ultimate disgrace, IMHO is the ulterior motive is to build a database to send junk mail to folks, related to the bogus travel industry claims and of course to introduce their nutritionals to your recruits.

Plus the pay is not worth the effort. Unless you are a mass recruiter and then there comes other

As you stated they will cross reference databases and your claim about being an upstanding, law abiding citizen is just bu*llsh*it.

If you are happy reporting on your neighbors and community members for just $.10 that is ten cents per tag recorded then go for it. But then you become part of the problematic system. Plus you are willing to do the job our law enforcement is paid to do for ten cents and no benefits.

Plus the issues relating to the site are still there and yet to be corrected.

I guess I can say that we agree to disagree on this issue.

Your rationalization is still an invasion of my and our fellow citizens Right to Privacy in the name of more security. They will use this info to cross reference data bases to serve up more junk mail and Spam on and offline.

Hmmm a true socialist sheeple way to think. Let's hope more rational folks will disregard your irrational rhetoric.


Jim Allen III

Well guys and gals, I have to play the Devil's Advocate on this one. When I first saw this deal, the whole Big Brother thing immediately popped into my head as well, and nobody hates Big Government more that I.

But then I thought about it and wondered, "just what kind of information am I giving them?". The DMV already knows where you live, what kind of car you drive, what your social security number is, how old you are, etc. That kind of information can certainly be used in nefarious ways against us, I suppose...if they wanted to. But what kind of new information would I be supplying to them that they don't already have by recording a license plate number? Basically I'm telling them that I saw this car, at such and such a place, at this time, on this date. Now to most of us law-abiding citizens, this wouldn't make a bit of difference. Why would I care if the "powers that be" know that I was at the grocery store at 3pm last Tuesday? Any cop cruising the parking lot could randomly run my tag and get that same info. Now I suppose it could be a little embarrassing if my car got tagged in front of the porn theater in the middle of the afternoon, but I digress.

The fact of the matter is that a database of license plates is worthless to anyone other than those entities that can cross-reference it with other databases that have more useful information concerning us already. The Government already knows when you buy an airline ticket, use your credit card, cross a border, buy a gun, etc. They don't need to know where your car was on a given day to know any of that. Again, I'm assuming that you are an upstanding citizen that obeys the law.

Now if we take a criminal for consideration---someone who has been kidnapping, molesting, and killing young girls for instance---how easy is it for them to track these people? Lets say they even know who the guy is, that he is from Texas and lives at such and such a place...he has a Chase Manhattan Visa card, and drives a white Ford van with the license plate number ABC 123. He was last seen in the Dallas area 6 months ago...when his first victim went missing. Well his tag number and vehicle description would be added to the enormous list of other vehicles that are being sought, but since he isn't even in Texas anymore, the odds of some random police officer actually spotting him are pretty slim. Now he has managed to travel half way across the country, and has claimed another 8 victims in 5 different states. Over 2,000 children under the age of 18 go missing every day. Since 1997, the Amber Alert Sysytem, (where people actively look for license tags that are wanted), have only been responsible for the recovery of 492 of them.

But if they had a database like the one DNA is building, they could quite possibly find that this guy's car was seen in Tampa, Florida yesterday at the local Pigley Wigley. They could now put the Florida police on high alert and maybe catch this guy before he harms someone else.

So unless you are a kidnapper, or you skipped out on your car payment, or stole a rental car, or some other type of criminal, you really shouldn't be too concerned about someone recording your tag. The information about you that can be accessed through running a license plate number can only be obtained by entities that already have that information on you in the first place. It's time that criminals can be tracked the same way that we good people can be.

So after I considered all this, I came to the conclusion that, although it appeared, at first, that this was a Big Brother plot, the information gathered from collecting tags just couldn't be used that way. That's when I decided to join. One thing I would most certainly recommend to all of you though...write your Congressman and emphatically state your disapproval for the Amendment being proposed that would force independent states to comply to the RFID Driver License Chip Bill or lose federal subsidies. Now THAT is Big Brother stuff!

Sincerely and with Best Wishes to you all,
Chuck Sage
RE: DNA? The New Panacea of Prosperity or the NEW SS Guard? What will you do for $
2/16/2010 8:27:46 PM
Nice article Robert...too bad it doesn't have anything to do with the DNA program! In fact it's nothing like it at all! They are charging $699 for a bunch of crap in some scam called Narc That Car? DNA is completely scam here. Since they have the #1 MLM attorney in the country on board, along with a firm of over 200 lawyers at their disposal, I don't think they will be breaking any laws.

Sincerely and with Best Wishes,
Chuck Sage

Hello Robert,

Thanks for heads up. I wonder how many want to be associated with this questionable enterprise now?

Appreciate your paying attention, to remain free we must be vigilant too.
Jim Allen III

Hi everyone saw this post at the mlmwatchdog site about NARC.
Jim Allen

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RE: DNA? The New Panacea of Prosperity or the NEW SS Guard? What will you do for $
2/16/2010 8:49:32 PM

My Point Exactly!

MLM Scam Alert on Data Network Affiliates aka DNA makes Narc That Car look like Saints

MLM scam alert on Data Network Affiliates aka DNA makes Narc That Car look like saints.

CLICK HERE to See Video

I remember back in the 80s when out of the blue more straightout scams and pyramid schemes started rocking. As soon as one would launch then another would launch. For a while it was hard tell the legitimate companies from those who were just out of complaint because they didn’t listen or couldn’t afford MLM counsel.

OK, let’s take a look at a couple of items for clarification What is an MLM Scam and What is legit.

Here is one of the best documents on the subject by MLM Attorney Kevin Thompson – “Saving the Network Marketing Industry by Defining the Gray. Read it Here

Folks, you need to understand on very important issue. My personal goal at MLM Help Desk is not to JUST call out a company for kicks and giggle. It is to save good hearted, hard working, financial struggling home based business entrepreneurs who, because of their financial situation may not stop longer enough to research and do the due diligence before jumping.

Now, let’s take a look at Data Network Affiliates aka DNA.

First red flag with DNA is the fact their website registry is hidden.

Direct Privacy ID FAADA
PO Box 12068
George Town, Grand Cayman KY1-1010


Record last updated 02-02-2010 09:20:16 PM
Record expires on 01-21-2011
Record created on 01-21-2010

Now let’s take a look at Dean Blechman As Its Chief Executive Officer, Chairman Of The Board & Founder:

There is no doubt he has an impressive background. However, there are a few things which are questionable.

Before Twin Lab was bought by Tony Robbin’s company, ISI Brands, a class action lawsuit. Now overall this isn’t a huge deal, except it shows a track record. Review Here

Then there is the issue of Mr. Blechman’s claim of “being an owner of Ideal Health aka The Trump Network. Well, Ideal Health terminated Mr. Blechman for running the company into the ground, then filed a civil lawsuit against him (Ideal Health .vs Blechman)

Then Mr. Blechman counter filed trying to move the case to fit his needs Blechman .vs Ideal Health

However, the Court did not see it his way and allowed it to be transferred to Massachusetts. (Review Here)

Now let’s take a look at Anthony Sasso As Chief Data Consultant to the Board. Now I want everyone to realize that nowhere does it state Mr. Sasso is an owner of Data Network Affiliates aka DNA or that he is an officer of the company. This in and of itself raises some new question.

What private agreements are in place for Mr. Sasso to use all the new distributor data for his others business, and/or sell it to other scammers, spammers, or use it himself? This concern was first raised by an article we found outside of the MLM niche, raising their own red flags as to the purpose of Sasso’s ultimate use of the data he collects. (Review Here)

Now, here is another concern we found. Mr Sasso is also the ceo of this raises two questions…

1. Will he use the data he is gathering from distributors and spam them for this new opportunity?
2. Is this his next deal when Data Network Affiliates goes south?

These questions are way to important to go unasked. If a perosn is giving up their personal info to someone who is seen not just as the data base king, but also the top sms spammer, then we have huge issues.

Ok, now let’s look at what DNA calls the “product”…Well there isn’t one. Her eis the exact phrase from the Data Network Affiliate website “As an independent affiliate with D.N.A. you are helping to build databases. With most Network Marketing Companies, reps are selling a product for the company, with D.N.A., we are Building the Product for the company and ourselves.”

This goes 100% against the rules of law already put into place. If there is no product or service being marketed by distributors to an end user (as in phase one) then DNA falls into the legal definition of MLM Pyramid Scheme. (Read Kevin Thompson’s book above)

Ok, the compensation plan. For some reason DNA feels they are protected because they are not charging a mandatory fee to join. However, just like Narc That Car, they are not providing the distributors a product to the end user to sell. Which means the only thing the distributors are selling is the opportunity.

Which means, even though they claim…

Fact: all income generated is from the collection of Data Collected.
Fact: there is not one dime paid for the act of sponsoring.
Fact: even the D.N.A. Business Package with Data Entry Software is 100% non-commission-able

This does not change the FACT that the only money distributor’s are personally generating to place into the compensation plan comes from recruiting others into the compensation structure.

Here’s an additional item of record from a friend of mine Patrick Pretty for all to tink about…

Since we live in America the choice is yours to make. And since DNA loves to you use songs in their marketing here is one to think about… “Do I stay or Do I Go Now!!!!

Living AN Epic Adventure,

Troy Dooly

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Thank You for reading,
Jim Allen III

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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