Chuck I was reading this and found your comment to be rather enlightening. I wanted to say I totally agree with your assessment. However before I could comment, I had to join Adland and sign up. As I was doing this I started laughing. I was giving Adland, many times more personal info about myself than what anyone would be collecting data from my license plates.
Some may say, yea but you are agreeing to it. Well not really, I wanted to respond to this letter, and do so I had to give these people all of this private info. In my opinion that is way more invasive than having my plates tagged when everyone already can see them all the time.
You know the fact is we live in a society that is tagging all of our personal information every day in almost every way. Just like joining Adpand, I gave them as much or maybe even more info than even the DMV has on me. I, like you could not see any real Big Brother benefit to any of this, for Data Affiliate Netwrok. Like you said, they have our data already at the DMV.
I was reading another post that someone made about Jim Rohn being dead and how it was a deception to use his name. Well From what I have gathered from D.N.A. is that this program has been in the works for a year or more and many big named people have become part of the team behind it. Jim Rohn died in December of 09' so I am not sure why the use of his name would present problems. Just because he died does not mean his belief in the program changed.
Other comments were made about the site having no contact data etc... The fact is DNA has not launched yet, and the website is not yet ready, and since no one is paying a dime, why not be a little more patient to wait and see.
No one is being defrauded out of their money, so who cares whether the website is finished or not. I mean like other programs, that take your money before hand, yea then I would agree, better check it out with a fine toothed comb. But this has not even begun and it's free. No harm no foul.
When I first saw D.N.A. the first thought that came into my mind, was Big Brother nonsense, in fact I addressed it at my website in discussing DNA. But then as you said, what they were doing would only aid in capturing bad guys. Because the Gov already has this info on everyone.
I was a manager of a Motel and Restaurant for quite a while, one thing I had to do daily was match license plates with the guests on file. There is nothing illegal or immoral of tagging plates for business. And if you do not have anything to hide, then the information being gathered is only information that is already in the DMV.
Granted no one likes to have their personal info scattered about via other people. And I totally agree, but gathering license tags is a joke when it comes right down to it.
Cause, I am not getting people's personal info just by tagging their plate. I am not screening them for their names, birth dates, or where they were born, or where they live or getting their C.C. numbers. I am not actively seeking anything personal about anyone that does not already have that info in the public domain as it is, i.e. license tags.
If this is a big government operation then I am going to be laughing my arse off all the way to the bank with their money in tow. Simply because, it is a horrible venue to collect data that they already have. And if it is to track my whereabouts other than home, then that data will become useless in minutes because I will be on the move. It is a terrible waste of money to collect plates on people carte blanche because they want info on where you are traveling when you are not home, geez.
This info can only truly be used to harm the bad guy. If the Government wants to come after the good guy, then they already have all the info they need to do so, I am not aiding them in any way shape or form. All they have to do is put on an all points bulletin for my tags, nationwide. Do people really believe the Gov actually needs this info to find us. That's funny... They have technology right now where they could find almost anyone within an 24 hours if they really wanted to.
So I applaud your opinion about DNA in which seemed to be a dissenting opinion here, that's what makes for a free nation, people can give their opinion and not be accused of being some kind of fascist... My belief is, if anything, this is more of a business tool than ever could be a political tool. So good Luck to your success and to the success of many others that never had it online before...
P.S. I wanted to add one more thing, I also applaud those that are worried about this being a Big Brother thing. I do not take anything away from any of you on that, because it proves that Big Brother is not so secretive anymore. More and more people are becoming aware and that is the good news. But for tagging plates, it really is a mute issue.
and lastly, I was one of the first whistle blowers of the Big Bad Gov before most ever heard about what they were doing. I was writing about them four decades ago. So I am not naive as to the plans, agenda and purpose, but I am also not going to get sucked up into paranoia for every little thing that comes around. Remember their biggest agenda is to create fear in all of us so we are afraid of doing anything.