Good Morning Adlanders!
I have a strong opinion on this new program that won't be popular. Data Network Affiliates offers to pay you for people's tag information and recruiting others to do the same. SCARY Stuff there, Maynard.
Thanks for your many messages about sharing an opportunity, you are excited about. People seem to be embracing this program for sure. I was asked to join it before going public, but, after reviewing the information and what they are actually paying people to do. I could not in good conscious, recommend this to my friends and list members.
Unfortunately, this scares me to death. Turning in random tags on vehicles? Now lets think about this for a moment. Can you say Big Brother?
With the latest news that Google's information collection, is now being given to or shared with the government is just TMI (too much information) Along with Google Earth, there is nowhere to hide, so to speak.
Now this program actually reminds me of the Nazi SS and Hitler Youth Movement. Where dissenting opinions were written and reported to the SS guard that then came and harassed and arrested such dissenting thinkers. Forcing those dissenters underground and caused them to hide their thoughts and opinions from those they would otherwise trust.
Trust is what grows friendships and a open and tolerant and accepting society, with regards to newcomers..
Also I noticed they use Jim Rohn as if he supports this program and we all know Jim Rohn is dead, so this is misleading information and use of a good man's name for nefarious reasons. The way his statement was used at the end of the benefits page. Suggests that he is supporting this program. To the not so discerning eye.
In my view this a very suspicious and dangerous program, pitting neighbor against neighbor. I have already seen folks stopping in front of houses, writing down tag numbers of parked cars in driveways and parking lots. Some are even taking pictures.
This is an invasion of privacy and selling that information on an open market could even be dangerous, for some of us, that do not keep our opinions to ourselves. Also we all were upset when we learned the DMV was doing the exact same thing, with our private and personal information!
It also seems to be another way of keeping tabs on us in a cost effective way. As I am sure this is cheaper than actually securing our borders so we do not have the need to be suspicious of our neighbors. Unfortunately this creates something worse! Snitching for greed!
I ask that you really consider the ramifications and not let greed or the need for money cloud your intelligence here.
Respectfully, Jim Allen III
PS: If you watched the Super Bowl commercials. One in particular seems to drive this theme home. The Green Police commercial was comical but also prophetic, in today's climate for Cap n Trade legislation. The Green Police is an actual possibility, coming to your town soon. Don't get me wrong we should be thinking green, but I do not believe such legislation is a grand idea. It will actually cost more jobs that will never return. Not to mention that there is not any data, supporting that it will replace those lost jobs with Green Jobs. As there is no such data backing up that claim.
With that said beware what you line your nests with. It may wind up taking more than you, BARGAINED FOR. Money ain't everything.