My name is in the list because Bogdan named me as the 204th POTW the week William Vanderbilt didn't reply to me or Thomas when we messaged him several times for a bio, and then we contacted AnaMaria if she wanted the win as the 2nd place winner that week, she didn't, so I posted the previous 32 winners photos that week and Bogdan put my photo in the lower left corner of the site as the 204th POTW. If you want me to remove myself, I'm also removing Bill, and we'll start over. Or cancel the entire thing. Whatever. If the CEO wants me to be one of the POTW's, then I should be in it, if not, then not. I'm not going to have an argument about it. Bill was having personal problems this year and didn't want to be featured or make replies, we didn't want to use his About Me page for the bio because it might have upset him, I had to make a decision so I decided to post the 32 winners photos up until that point. I guess Bogdan was impressed with my decision and wanted to feature me as the 204th.
I'm re-doing the poll without myself in it. Happy? I'll delete it tomorrow after people read this. Then we'll choose 11 people. I'll leave Bill in the list since he was a winner. Maybe we should just let Bogdan choose people, and not have a POTY election or arguments this year. That sounds much better.