Hi Cheryl,
Thank you my Friend for visiting, for your words of support and especially for your Poem. I have been unable, since my illness, to form my thoughts properly into poems and lyrics. It's getting better, but I'm not there just yet.
Sunday mornings, when I'm in the Word, He is there with me and my Words flow properly, His Words through me, and they are understood. Hopefully, this will happen with the Lyrics and the Poetry. Until that day, I must rely on others and thankfully, He has guided me to them and I am able to express what I am feeling through their words.
The following Poem says so much, and I hope it touches those who hear it, just as it touches me each time I hear it.
Anti-Abortion, Pro Life Poem: Unheard, Unborn, Unspeakable
By Winnsa W
Who are these children
Coming down... Almost coming down?
Life Has been set In motion, Put on a trajectory, Increasing by the hour; Then stopped, Disallowed, Aborted.
Tell it No other way. The business of snuffing out The world's little lights is Dark. Brutally, And casually, Unborn Countless, You have been So murdered.
We have seen The ultrasound recordings Of those little persons... I mean, fetuses. They open their mouth, So called, And flinch From the instruments of death (some lifeless reflex mechanism). But we, The abortionists, Have known, What we always knew, That the fetal specimen Cannot Actually Scream.
You are UNHEARD, Cursed, silent UNBORN, For your lack of the ability of speech, For your miserable shortage of political power, Or any power, And For our simple determination To not hear.
And so we do What we do To you, Everyday, Every turn, Around the clock, With or without excuse, In the name of choice, As if there are no other choices, In our land of overabundance of choices. Or in the name of anything, It doesn't matter. We kill you Individually And slaughter you By the tens of millions.
Let us watch, Really, The scene; Taste, smell, Sidle up to Abomination Absolute: Piecemeal Dismemberment, Suctioning Out the Brain, Finishing Off the Accidental Live-Births, Industrial Incinerators, Fetal Harvesting Commerce.
UNSPEAKABLE, Unspeakable things they are That we do To the most helpless, Most loveable Among us, By, no less, a partnership Of the doctors, Who swore to save lives, And the Mommies Of the babies!
"It were better for him," Jesus said, "That a millstone were hanged About his neck, And he cast into the sea, Than that he should offend One of these little ones." How often does our merciful Lord Use such merciless words? How serious is this sin?
Save our chubby little angels, Presents Precious from God. Save us. We are splattering ourselves With the blood Of the most innocent While killing Our own souls.
We can still hear If we try. If only one woman or man, Stops and listens, And listens and stops.
Touch that sound! The baby is screaming. And, But, no, a while later, The baby is gurgling.
Make no mistake my Friends. He is serious. He loves all of his Creations, all of His Children, and woe unto the man or woman who must stand one day before the Throne of Judement and answer for this slaughter of the Innocents. The Day is Coming - it may be at hand - Pray that the killing stops before it's too late.
Hard as I try, I cannot understand how anyone, and especially a Mother, can kill a defenseless child. Click on the Angel below to hear "A Child's Angel" If everyone could hear this, really hear it with their Hearts, before another Child has to die, then maybe they would hear the Happy Gurgles, rather then the Horrible, Horrible Screams...

Thanks Again My Friend & God Bless,