Hi Robert, Thanks for the Link. Sounds like the young man from Liberty University might need to return for more study. There is only One Source for the Truth, the Bible, the inerrant, unfailing, Word of God. No confusion, no doubt. Many people, sadly including many Christians, think abortion is a difficult and controversial issue. In reality, there is no difficulty or controversy at all—providing we allow the Bible to teach us, and not impose the ideas of fallible people on to its plain meaning. There are two main issues to consider: Is the unborn child (“fetus”) a human being? If so, is it ever acceptable to kill the unborn?
The answer to both questions can be found in the beginning of the Bible, in the Book of Genesis. Please feel free to read along for yourselves, but I read ahead. The answers are: Is the unborn child (“fetus”) a human being? YES! If so, is it ever acceptable to kill the unborn? NO, NEVER!
No need for the Church, a Denomination, nor certainly any mortal Humn Being, to have to interpret the Word of God. Have a Blessed Day My Friend, Phil 