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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Famous Quotes and Their Authors...Can You Find...
7/27/2010 12:54:00 AM
Hi Cheryl,

I got carried away with Sara post and forgot where I was.So I found a great quote for forgiveness

Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself.
Suzanne Somers

How true


RE: Famous Quotes and Their Authors...Can You Find...
7/27/2010 3:03:33 PM


Hi Sara
What a great subject to jump in on. I have been trying so hard not to hurt anyone and how important forgiveness is. If anyone needs to ask forgiveness it is me. I do the dumbness things and then have to make amends. Sometimes words spoken can never be forgotten, but it is wonderful to have them forgiven.
I too feel your pain. I know when I was a kid my mother told me "why can't you be like your sister" it made it's mark and I forgave mom, but the hurt remained. But you we can't dwell on the hurt we must more on, like I know you agree.

Sweet friend, it would leave a permanent mark on a child to have Mother say those things. Yet, it happens. Your mother is supposed to be your best friend and teacher. No two children are ever alike and will not be the same. Thank goodness my Mama was always my best friend but my sister gave me a really hard time and left lifetime impressions. She is gone now and I miss her dearly but she made me feel as you say, that I could never get anything right.

Sometimes trying so hard to stay out of trouble will put you right into it!! Just be yourself and those who love you will accept that. If they choose to not love and accept you - there is nothing that will correct that on your part, it has to come from their heart. I have finally learned that after all these years and once the pain dulls, I just move on. Life is too short to waste time feeling sorry and trying to defend yourself.

Cheryl better get over here and take her forum back before we change the entire thing!! It is about what now...

"As flowers give nectar to butterflies, so do words from God sweeten and strengthen our lives." sgb

Love you friend,


Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Famous Quotes and Their Authors...Can You Find...
7/27/2010 6:35:20 PM
Thanks Roger, I appreciate you. I don't think either Cheryl will mind, I just got caught up in the moment and then it dawned on me I wasn't in Sara forum.

You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view.

(from the character Atticus Finch)

- Harper Lee



Cheryl Baxter

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RE: Famous Quotes and Their Authors...Can You Find...
7/28/2010 4:22:38 AM
Hi Friends...Sara, Myrna and Roger,

I'm glad to have all of you post in my forum about life issues such as hurt, pain and forgiveness. Roger was right...what are friends for? I'm glad for the honesty and interaction between everyone. You are all so special and I would be remiss if I didn't let you know that "I love you all."

I'm happy to see your posts, and thanks also for the great quotes, and Sara my dear friend, I am so sorry for the lack of apology and for the hurt you received....but I am also happy that you have forgiven her. Forgiveness is so important, yet I confess this is sometimes so difficult for me. Especially when an insult or slander comes from someone we've welcomed into our home and heart.

Again, I'm glad to see the posts from you guys and feel free to use my forums in this way anytime you need to. This was a delight for me to see.


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