Hi Sara,
Glad to have you drop by. I'm always happy to see you, & as far as FB, I'm honored to have you as my friend and will always do my best to support you if I learn of an issue. Some folks are just not happy unless they're stirring up others. Don't give them a thought, as I said b4, they're either jealous & not happy.
I know there are those who probably don't like me and there are always going to be, no matter what I do to make things right. Won't heaven be wonderful...where everyone will at last get along perfectly. there is a book named "Heaven" by Randy Alcorn that's a great read if you want to pick it up. I just love it and have given it to a couple of friends.
Even when we've done nothing wrong in this life, there will be those who for whatever reason are out to get us. The Lord Jesus said that there will be some who hate us because they hated him. It's those folks that really are bound to there own destructive behavior & ultimately they will have to answer to Him. We can be sure of this and can rest in that fact (though it's hard when we see injustices and bad behavior of others making complaints against us). PTL that we are redeemed, we are His children & He perfectly accepts us...no matter what others say.
Love you,
Cheryl, for some reason I missed this post. Thank you so much and with support from my friends, I have been able to put the whole matter behind me.
Actually, I don't mind sharing but will just make it short. My stepdaughter who is now 26 and has a darling little boy whom I love very much, just out of the blue attacked me on FB chat. Words can hurt so much especially coming from someone I have known and loved for 24 years. We have supported and been here for her through many relationships, live-ins, so many I can't count them and even though I did not approve of many of them, they were invited here where I fixed meals and they were accepted into our home. She never lived with us - her Mama saw to that. (I am friends with her Mama.) I never tried to be a mama to her, I was here for her as a friend and offered guidance when she sought it.
She had some very harsh words to say to me and as I read them my eyes filled with tears so much I could not see the text. I made one statement to her and told her she had upset me and I was signing out. I have never and will never open chat on FB again. I have deleted her from my friend's list and removed her as a daughter. All I want is an apology even though I have already forgiven her. That happened in March and as of this date - no apology. That is her choice. There is no bitterness left in me for I have too much love to dwell on that for long. I just had to have some help from friends and then I was able to let it go.
Well, it was not short - sorry. LOL
She is young, life seems endless to her and I am sure I was the same at that age but to me I know how precious it is and there is no time to waste on hurting someone or exposing yourself to the hurt from others.
