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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/15/2010 4:04:00 AM

“The greatest threat to a government is people who think for themselves,” believes US Congressman Ron Paul.

“If you condition people to everyday, all day, dependon the government to do their thinking for them – they will become moreobedient.”

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/15/2010 4:18:45 AM
As I read those lines, I can feel the times when I used to live in communist Poland shortly before Martial Law has been instituted. Empire in decline.

Got Fascism? : Obama Advisor Promotes 'Cognitive Infiltration'

By Marc Estrin
The Rag Blog
Thursday, Jan 14, 2010

Cass Sunstein is President Obama'sHarvard Law School friend, and recently appointed Administrator of theWhite House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs.

In a recent scholarly article, he and coauthor Adrian Vermeule take upthe question of "Conspiracy Theories: Causes and Cures." (J. PoliticalPhilosophy, 7 (2009), 202-227). This is a man with the president's ear.This is a man who would process information and regulate things. Whatdoes he here propose?

[W]e suggesta distinctive tactic for breaking up the hard core of extremists whosupply conspiracy theories: cognitive infiltration of extremist groups,whereby government agents or their allies (acting either virtually orin real space, and either openly or anonymously) will undermine thecrippled epistemology of believers by planting doubts about thetheories and stylized facts that circulate within such groups, therebyintroducing beneficial cognitive diversity. (Page 219.)

Read this paragraph again. Unpack it. Work your way through thelanguage and the intent. Imagine the application. What do we learn?

  • It is "extremists" who "supply" "conspiracy theories."
  • Their "hard core" must be "broken up" with distinctive tactics. What tactics?
  • "Infiltration" ("cognitive") of groups with questions aboutofficial explanations or obfuscations or lies. Who is to infiltrate?
  • "Government agents or their allies," virtually (i.e. on-line) or in"real-space" (as at meetings), and "either openly or anonymously,"though "infiltration" would imply the latter. What will these agentsdo?
  • Undermine "crippled epistemology" -- one's theory and technique of knowledge. How will they do this?
  • By "planting doubts" which will "circulate." Will these doubts be beneficial?
  • Certainly. Because they will introduce "cognitive diversity."
Putinto English, what Sunstein is proposing is government infiltration ofgroups opposing prevailing policy. Palestinian Liberation? 9/11 Truth?Anti-nuclear power? Stop the wars? End the Fed? Support Nader? Eat theRich?

It's easy to destroy groups with "cognitivediversity." You just take up meeting time with arguments to the pointwhere people don't come back. You make protest signs which alienate 90%of colleagues. You demand revolutionary violence from pacifist groups.

We expect such tactics from undercover cops, or FBI. There the agentsare called "provocateurs" -- even if only "cognitive." One learns tosmell or deal with them in a group, or recognize trolling online. Buteven suspicion or partial exposure can “sow uncertainty and distrustwithin conspiratorial groups [now conflated with conspiracy theorydiscussion groups] and among their members,” and “raise the costs oforganization and communication” -- which Sunstein applauds as"desirable." "[N]ew recruits will be suspect and participants in thegroup’s virtual networks will doubt each other’s bona fides." (p.225).

And are we now expected to applaud such tactics frankly proposed in a scholarly journal by a high-level presidential advisor?

The full text of a slightly earlier version of Sunstein's article is available for download here.

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/15/2010 4:50:36 AM
Small Iceland has guts to revolt banksters. What about you America?

Iceland bank bill payout revolt

Almost a quarter of voters in Iceland - around 56,000 people - have signed a petition against plans to repay £3.4billion lost by the British and Dutch when the country's banking system collapsed.

It urges Icelandic President Olaf Ragnar Grimsson to veto a Bill that allows the move and demands a referendum on the issue.

Iceland's parliament has approved the plans to pay back the cash lost when online bank Icesave collapsed in 2008.The compensation amounts to £10,600 for everyone in Iceland.

An agreement with Britain and Holland was approved last August, but later changes were rejected. Under the new deal the cash - 40% of Iceland's GDP - will be repaid by 2024.

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/15/2010 4:58:28 AM

Another conspiracy exposed. Banksters are destroying America.

Geithner’s Fed told AIG to hide “backdoor bailout”

Bogdan Fiedur

Yep he sits at the table with all those Europeans, Russians, Chinese and Asians.

Isn't it great that America has a system to call these people on the carpet and expose them publicly? Rather than hidden from the public view. Only a Free Society would allow this to be aired on its so called Government controlled media.

Thanks for sharing this great American moment.

If I was born today and saw this clip and read your comment, I would be full of excitement and prize for the American Democracy. Sadly though since 1913 when Federal Reserve has been established, we had possibly thousands of such hearings exposing the corrupt Fed, including the Nuremberg trial where most of the Fed crooks escaped the responsibility. The saying "The winner takes it all" has been again just proven that it stands on the solid ground. If you are the winner, you make the rules and write the history.

Another saying of Mayer Rothschild is: "Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws".

The illusion is created to fool you and make believe that you have a system which you can influence. All this hearings prove nothing, as the Congress has no authority to look into the records of Fed (at least not yet since 1913). They can ask all the questions, but it is up the Fed Chairmen what he gives away. He doesn't have to give anything away.

As you and Peter always say to me, this is just a conspiracy theory, the only difference is that when the congressmen is saying this, this is more credible. When the Fed gets his circle around him, they laugh until they cry how they again screwed up the congress and American people and the rest of the world with it.

You don't have a system. This is big illusion. The system you see is not for you, but for the few at the top, as you see works great for them.

25 years ago the house in Canada was worth $50,000, when the average salary was $15,000 a year. Now such house costs $250,000 and average salary is $28,000.

Can you see how this system works? It works against you and me.

Bogdan Fiedur

Hello Bogdan,

I applaud your example and you are making my point extremely well. We have been attacked from within using our own system.

We know we have a disease, or at least some of us do.

That disease is part of a masterful plan. Sometimes it must be faced on many fronts. The most threatening aspect at this time needs Critical Care to slow the progressiveness of the main affliction which happens to be internal and unseen until recently. Those "PROGRESSIVE" Cancers we have in our internal system have exposed themselves to the populace.

It is now time for the family members to decide the future course of treatment in the coming year and again in 2012.

These tyrannical totalatarian congressional members have to go and many should be prosecuted. This is our test and outsider influence coupled with self preservation and greed seems to be the path many are choosing.

All this being seen by an electorate that are now waking up to the fact, that we have been hornswaggled and Bamboozled and the only path forward is to learn from our mistakes and start with what worked until the "PROGRESSIVES" gained real influence in the 70's. IMHO

However we must face those that have declared our destruction as their goal. Irregardless of our inner turmoils. Especially when much of what is acclaimed is the result of meddling of outsiders on our weak greedy public officials.

Not once have I heard these Radical Islamists offer to end their reign of terror upon the infidels if we allowed them to behead all the Bush family and the current administration. (for illustration only)

Nope they preach the annihilation of all infidels and non - believers. Where is the middle ground to build anew? You offer none.
Sorry they offer none. The future is as we shall make it.

Now how about Jaques Fresco, are they presenting the "Venus Project" as a concep to rebuild Haiti? With all the funding and resources being sent there for aid. It seems to me there would be a great opportunity to see if the concept can be enacted. All the requirements seem to be there.
  • Catostrophic event,
  • government is non existent,
  • resources going untapped and
  • a populace in need of some social engineering to rid them of the obvious poverty they live in and
  • money flowing in freely from everywhere


. .

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/15/2010 5:06:40 AM
I like Ron Paul, but let's face it he is a career politician. Has been ineffective and as guilty of bringing home the pork as any that have been there for the last thirty years. He is part of the problem not the solution.


“The greatest threat to a government is people who think for themselves,” believes US Congressman Ron Paul.

“If you condition people to everyday, all day, dependon the government to do their thinking for them – they will become moreobedient.”

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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