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Jim Allen

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/14/2010 7:06:58 PM
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Some interesting thoughts and further reading to do.


Allan Bloom, the insightful author of Closing of the American Mind in his 1989 response to Fukuyama wrote that since the Soviet Union and Communism had been defeated Liberalism was victorious, but the victory“may be decisively unsatisfactory.” The meaning and purpose that ournational opposition to the evils of Communism provided to us are now gone, a new ideology of emptiness, deconstruction and inverted morality/amorality (post-modernism) has taken root. Bloom’s predictions for the future do not mirror De Tocqueville’s.
I would suggest that fascism has a future, if not the future. (Allan Bloom, Response to Fukuyama, “The National Interest”, Summer, 1989)
The timing of this catastrophic jihad war against us is not coincidental;our enemies see weakness in our confusion and anti-intellectual silliness. We no longer have the anti-Communist idea that unified the country for decades rather we now have an advancing deconstruction of Americanism itself.
Our desire (in some circles) to be accepted by the entire world translates into a failed world view of our collective guilt and averageness which cannot but elicit grave concern from our friends and derision and rejoicing from our adversaries.

Thank You President Obama for your contributions.

If you like here is more of Allan Bloom's response and a link for further exploration.

Allan Bloom: Response to Fukuyama's *End of History and the Last Man*

Author: Allan Bloom
Keywords: Allan Bloom;Francis Fukuyama;End of History;Last Man;Alexander Kojeve;Nietzsche;Leo Strauss;Heidegger;Nihilism;Liberalism;Liberal Democracy;Hegel;Karl Marx;Capitalism;Communism;Philosophy;Raymond Aron
Language: English
Collection: opensource


Allan Bloom's analysis of the incoherence of Fukuyama's popular & popularized hypothesis after the fall of the Soviet Union and collapse of the Warsaw pact.
Bloom shows that Fukuyama has synthesized two notions derived from the thought of Nietzsche and Hegel which contradict one another, forming a nonsensical, not to say highly unpolitical, picture of our situation.Fukuyama seems to celebrate and deplore the victory of liberal democracy in the same breath. There is also a brief discussion of the place of Alexander Kojeve as the father of Fukuyama's perspective. The analysis of Fukuyama's hypothesis recalls Bloom's marvelous discussion of Raymond Aron, a great liberal thinker, whose temper was genuinely political and prudent.

Plus you can't leave outKant can you? No matter how you cut it. Civilized people must agree to a New rule of law, to reach the Utopian "Resource Based" Society. Note the singleness in all this.

Also they must agree to a new religious deity/overseer (Science and Machines) and be good citizens, and accept all the free corn as long as we do so within the confines/walls/fences of the "Smart City".

Don't worry about the machinery, population control and the like it is all pre-programmed by the creator.

Ahhhhh wait a minute! I feel a "Total Recall" Moment here.

None of this seems to allow freedom of anything other than the mind. Manifestation, teleportation, portals and the like are being used in a way as to impart some sort of enlightened level of conscience. In this trance like state you can travel the galaxies, visit any city or place you can dream up. You can even have conversations with beings from other places, from the past and anything you can focus your mind on can seem to become real.

Many groups are practicing mass manifestation exercises worldwide. In preparation for what? Some say decloakings and visitors from outer space will appear claim they are our predecessors or from our past in some way.

I agree a positive attitude is catching and can produce amazing results. H*ell, I've been in sales all my life and know the best solution to a bad day is to visualize your best day on the way to your next call.

Unfortunately all this is more dubious, I think and these psychological games, strategies and theories are being used by our common enemies (The Bilderbergers, the Illuminate and the Muslim Brotherhood) to condition and prepare us for a future of enslavement.

And to accomplish this a boogeyman has to appear on the scene. In starting this thread, I am stating and believe that "Radical Islam's and Shariah Law's" progressive aggressiveness is the true threat to all of us and especially the US and the American people. Neglecting these forces or denying their existence will more quickly bring the demise of this eras Rome, Alexandria or Babylon. In doing so the reverberation will be felt globally.)

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/14/2010 8:21:23 PM

Hello Bogdan & Anton,

Shame???? Why shame? What's wrong with expecting immigrants in a new country to integrate within the society they chose to join? No ones asking them to change their belief structures but to respect those of others as they want theirs to be respected.

I guess that's not happening and the Prime Minister chose to address the problem and said what needed to be said.




The Premier of Australia has forgotten then he is not the first on this continent. There are still aboriginals there who don't subscribe to Christianity and there is millions of years of humanity there. He is just a guest who happen to be a temporary leader for those who are in majority today. If you check the history of how Australia was founded, you will find out that one part of it is that British have sent there ships loaded full of criminals who were not acceptable in UK. Todays Australians are descendants in considerable amount from people who were ones considered by the sociaty which you belive in as criminals. During the times when they were being shipped there, nobody thought about them as Christians.


When therespect is mutual then and only then will there be light at the end ofthe tunnel. Until then you will indeed be in the dark ages.

The mutual respect would be obtained when Premier of Australia would allow new imigrants with different religious beliefs to bring their religious symbols into the classrooms and other public places, but I guess this is not happening.

There is very short path from being Patriot, to being Nationalistic and then to being Nazi when circumstances are favorable.

Nazi comes from National Party.


Jim Allen

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/14/2010 9:05:13 PM

Hello Bogdan & Anton,

Shame???? Why shame? What's wrong with expecting immigrants in a new country to integrate within the society they chose to join? No ones asking them to change their belief structures but to respect those of others as they want theirs to be respected.

I guess that's not happening and the Prime Minister chose to address the problem and said what needed to be said.




The Premier of Australia has forgotten then he is not the first on this continent. There are still aboriginals there who don't subscribe to Christianity and there is millions of years of humanity there. He is just a guest who happen to be a temporary leader for those who are in majority today. If you check the history of how Australia was founded, you will find out that one part of it is that British have sent there ships loaded full of criminals who were not acceptable in UK. Todays Australians are descendants in considerable amount from people who were ones considered by the sociaty which you belive in as criminals. During the times when they were being shipped there, nobody thought about them as Christians.


When therespect is mutual then and only then will there be light at the end ofthe tunnel. Until then you will indeed be in the dark ages.

The mutual respect would be obtained when Premier of Australia would allow new imigrants with different religious beliefs to bring their religious symbols into the classrooms and other public places, but I guess this is not happening.

There is very short path from being Patriot, to being Nationalistic and then to being Nazi when circumstances are favorable.

Nazi comes from National Party.


Your last statement I highlighted Bogdan. In this discussion we have learned and are learning many things. One thing I have learned is that though you proclaim otherwise, you seem to have a proclivity to lean towards the left of a centered society. You are also quick to point out most any democratic republic as a form of fascism or Nazism however your model is a ism as well.

HTML clipboard So I must ask you if you are a convert to Islam? Because the countries all pointed out thus far are countries with very high tolerance levels for diversity. Especially other religions.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/14/2010 9:25:53 PM

I must ask you if you are a convert to Islam?

I was ready to start my journey to the dreams reality(10,24 PM here), and decided just to throw here one look more. Jim, thanks for giving me a good laugh.

Good night,


Jim Allen

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/14/2010 9:39:41 PM
As stated we are learning and this is very informative and I believe our "Holiday Patriots" may be enlightened.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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