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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/14/2010 9:47:56 PM

Michael Savage - Lesson on History of Islam and Jihad - Why They Must Be Stopped

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/14/2010 10:07:31 PM

Michael Savage - Lesson on History of Islam and Jihad - Why They Must Be Stopped

Michael Savage discusses Radical Islam - Part 1 of 2

Michael Savage discusses Radical Islam - Part 2 of 2

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/14/2010 10:26:25 PM

Your last statement I highlightedBogdan. In this discussion we have learned and are learning manythings. One thing I have learned is that though you proclaim otherwise,you seem to have a proclivity to lean towards the left of a centeredsociety. You are also quick to point out most any democratic republic as a form of fascism or Nazism however your model is a ism as well.

I must ask you if you are a convert to Islam? Because the countries allpointed out thus far are countries with very high tolerance levels fordiversity. Especially other religions.

I'm surprised that your conclusion wasn't that I have converted to aboriginal believes in Australia based on my response. I'm the same way sympathetic to the aboriginals as the new immigrants with different believes who just recently arrived.
In fact I believe that Australian aboriginals have more rights to this land than anybody else if we already speak in those categories.

Does this approach make me an Aboriginal believer?

Jim, you should realize after some discussion with me that I'm not committed to any religion really. I'm Christian Catholic, because this is what you are when you are born in Poland. 99% of people there are.

The truth is that no religion appeals to me. I believe in God, but I don't think that any of the religions has gotten this right.

The God I believe in, is God of all the people and animals and it doesn't differentiate between Christians or Muslims, Christians or Jews and so on. My God doesn't take sides or is surrounded with angles with too short wings and on the other side there is a snake with devilish intent.

I put this on the same pile as books about Greek mythology. In fact I put all books about religions on the same stack as books about cultures. I have a special stack of books about God, where there is no religions and money.

I hope this might help you with any future attempts to attach a label to me and instead just have an intelligent discussion. I don't attach labels to you and don't ask you who your parents were and which church you are going to. I take you as you are. It is not important where you coming from but where you going to.

If you take GPS, it never asks you where you coming from. It asks you were you are now and where you are going. In fact it knows where you are already. This is the purest and shortest way to get to any destination. Leave all your past and preconceptions if you want to get anywhere or you are just spinning your wheels. Past is holding you back.

Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/15/2010 1:24:49 AM

Perspective and current events decide future actions. I suggest the conversation has begun, and is being done so while aware of the immediate threats as well. Newt is a bridge builder and realizes that the future lies in building many little bridges. Offering achievable tiers along the way. Rather more fun than catastrophic events, wouldn't ya say?

America Needs A Coherent National Energy Strategy

By Tom Shakely on October 18, 2009 8:08 PM
It's hard to believe, but before we know it, the first year of theObama administration will be over. Despite early legislative successesfor his agenda in passing a massive, still unproven stimulus packageand barely passing an early version of his National Energy Tax in theHouse, there has not been much to celebrate since the inauguration interms of concrete accomplishments.

Whilehealthcare and a proposed government expansion of medical controlsrages on in the halls of power in Washington, energy, a much morefundamental concern, remains largely ignored. Medical costs are aconcern for many, but skyrocketing energy costs directly impact 100percent of Americans.

In a recent interview with Rush Limbaugh, entrepreneur Steve Wynn asserted that "government has never increased the standard of living of one single human being in civilization's history."

Yetwhen it comes to energy, Mr. Obama has a real opportunity to promote apro-growth, pro-domestic production and pro-market energy strategy thatcould dramatically lower the cost of living for citizens across thegeographic, financial and cultural spectrum.

Steve Everley, Energy Policy Manager for American Solutions, has been documenting thesad story of our current incoherent, anti-growth energy policy. Let'slook at a few examples:

  • Last week, Mr. Obama said he supports more domestic oil and natural gas development. He also asserted that there is "no reason whytechnologically we can't employ nuclear energy in a safe and effectiveway." Yet, over the past year, Mr. Obama delayed the leasing process for offshore drilling, canceled a long-term nuclear waste storage facility, and canceled a nuclear waste recycling program.
  • Mr. Obama, in speaking of his National Energy Tax on the campaign trail last year, said thisabout the massive American coal industry: "If somebody wants to build acoal power plant they can, it's just that it will bankrupt them..."Contrast this with the statement from Lisa Jackson,EPA administrator, who told Congress last week that "Neither EPA nor Ipersonally have any desire to end coal mining...I believe coalcan be mined safely and cleanly." Yet, Obama's energy tax would requiregovernment permits for coal plants, according to the EPA, and "disproportionately" harm midwestern coal-producing markets.
  • Mr.Obama recently asserted that he's looking for any strategy to helpimprove the economy and encourage job creation and growth. Yet an energy tax, in Mr. Obama's own words, would cause the cost of living for Americans to "necessarily skyrocket."
GeneralGeorge Patton once said that leadership is the art of "adaptingprinciples to circumstances." It seems clear that, on some level, Mr.Obama believes in American energy and domestic job growth.

Thequestion is, given the disparity between his administration's energyaspirations and real-world, anti-growth energy policies, where is thereany semblance of a coherent energy strategy?

Leaders withcourage are often those history remembers with affection. Mr. Obama'schallenge is to articulate and implement a coherent, pro-growth energystrategy that will harness existing strengths like coal and naturalgas, while also investing in the growth and sustainability of newopportunities like wind, solar and nuclear.

A strategy ascomprehensive as that is not the most politically palatable for Mr.Obama given the strong biases of the Democratic base, but by carvingout such a bold energy policy, Mr. Obama would be doing much to ensurefuture growth and prosperity for American energy and national securityfor decades to come.

If Mr. Obama wants to go from a bailout,deficit-spending president to a president respected for renewing thepromise of a strong, storied nation, this is one area where he shouldnot hesitate to move boldly.

Achieving Energy Sustainability With Geothermal And Solar Solutions

By Tom Shakely on December 13, 2009 4:26 PM
While world leaders meet in Copenhagen to discuss a new set of global tax punishments for energy consuming nations, many of us are looking for substantive ways to achieve energy sustainability at home.

Forthose who elevate the power of the individual citizen and industrialistover the power of conglomerates and global tax punishment schemes,incentives are an obvious way to achieve a citizen-driven change in theway we fuel our lifestyles.

Newt Gingrich, General Chairman of American Solutions, has spoken forcefully in favor of incentivizing sustainable energy choicesrather than punishing people and the markets in which they buy andinvest for daring to use fuels that a foreign committee deemsundesirable.

Geothermal & Solar Energy Solutions
Whenit comes to finding a compelling and workable solution to the challengeof sustainable energy and cost-efficient consumption for homeowners,businesses and individuals, geothermal energy and solar panels are twocost efficient, long term choices.

The cost of a geothermal heating solution, which is installed in the ground and uses the natural, stable heat of the earthto heat and cool one's home and water, is between $3,500-$7,500. Solarpanels can cost as low as $1,000 or as much as $15,000 to power theaverage home.

Imagine how rapidly the heating and coolingconsumption of the average citizen could shift from reliance on fossilfuels to sustainable, renewable geothermal or solar if, for instance,state or federal government offered tax breaks to home developers likeToll Brothers for developing entire neighbors -- 150-500 homes at atime -- that relied on self-sustaining systems.

Higher Initial Home Cost, Far Lower Long Term Energy Cost
Homeare already costly, but if developers were offered a basic incentive tobuild homes to a new, different standard (similar to other basic codeand inspection mandates), homeowners could invest in their next homeknowing that, despite paying slightly more initially, they would savethousands in heating and cooling costs over the lifetime of the system.(Geothermal systems last, on average, 25 years -- about as long as mostroofs.)

The current, stale debate over the shift to sustainableenergy options has largely broken between two camps: those who (a)acknowledge the reality that fossil fuels are currently both necessaryand the most cost efficient for the majority of American energy needs,and those who (b) reject market realities and instead seek to imposemassive national tax punishment schemes on all citizens and thebusinesses that serve their energy needs.

Yet in focusing solelyon a national debate over the status quo versus radical punishmentschemes, smaller scale, consumer-business incentive options likegeothermal and solar incentives seem to be falling through the cracksof the national energy/sustainability discourse.

A Real World Example Of The Power Of Vision And Price Incentives
Foran example of the kind of shift to real sustainability that is possiblewith market incentives and long-term vision, a real world illustrationcomes to mind in the form of a good friend and Catholic pastor inPhiladelphia.

His parish, located on the outskirts of the city,serves a modest parish community. The parish runs a school thateducates more than 200 city students each year, and the energy costswere demanding, costing more than $50,000 to heat and cool the schoolannually.

Earlier this year, he struck a deal with a localgrantmaker along with a solar company to go solar and install panels onthe roof of the school. The entire system will cost nearly $1.5million, but the grantmaker has donated enough to make the systemrevenue-producing within about a decade.

In Pennsylvania, surplus solar energy production must be purchased and re-fed into the grid by PECO,meaning that the solar system will actually produce revenues for theparish and eventually produce profits for the church and school oncethe system is fully paid off.

A Model For A More Robust Sustainable Energy Solution
Asthe national energy dialog continues, Americans who believe intri-partisan solutions to our energy challenge should advocate andimplement incentives on a local and regional level, working withgovernment, grantmakers and industry to implement solutions best suitedfor their area and circumstance.

Instead of punishing consumersof energy and the producers of heating oil, coal and other fossil fuelsby imposing global and national tax punishment schemes, let's focus onworking at a local and regional level with existing stakeholders(energy produces, home builders, commercial developers, individualcitizens) to create workable, incentive-based strategies that willpromote a culture of energy sustainability and financial independence.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/15/2010 3:37:02 AM

Another conspiracy exposed. Banksters are destroying America.

Geithner’s Fed told AIG to hide “backdoor bailout”

Bogdan Fiedur

Yep he sits at the table with all those Europeans, Russians, Chinese and Asians.

Isn't it great that America has a system to call these people on the carpet and expose them publicly? Rather than hidden from the public view. Only a Free Society would allow this to be aired on its so called Government controlled media.

Thanks for sharing this great American moment.

If I was born today and saw this clip and read your comment, I would be full of excitement and prize for the American Democracy. Sadly though since 1913 when Federal Reserve has been established, we had possibly thousands of such hearings exposing the corrupt Fed, including the Nuremberg trial where most of the Fed crooks escaped the responsibility. The saying "The winner takes it all" has been again just proven that it stands on the solid ground. If you are the winner, you make the rules and write the history.

Another saying of Mayer Rothschild is: "Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws".

The illusion is created to fool you and make believe that you have a system which you can influence. All this hearings prove nothing, as the Congress has no authority to look into the records of Fed (at least not yet since 1913). They can ask all the questions, but it is up the Fed Chairmen what he gives away. He doesn't have to give anything away.

As you and Peter always say to me, this is just a conspiracy theory, the only difference is that when the congressmen is saying this, this is more credible. When the Fed gets his circle around him, they laugh until they cry how they again screwed up the congress and American people and the rest of the world with it.

You don't have a system. This is big illusion. The system you see is not for you, but for the few at the top, as you see works great for them.

25 years ago the house in Canada was worth $50,000, when the average salary was $15,000 a year. Now such house costs $250,000 and average salary is $28,000.

Can you see how this system works? It works against you and me.

Bogdan Fiedur


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