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Jim Allen

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/12/2010 6:57:06 AM

In The News
Education is the Beginning
John Adams, in the Defense of the Constitutions (1787), argues for the importance of patriotic education by writing that students and citizens “should be educated and instructed in the principles of freedom.” A principal means of securing the “blessings of liberty” that the Constitution describes is by educating rising generations about these precious birth rights. In a democratic republic, the primary purpose of education is to cultivate civic and moral literacy among its citizens. We hope your understanding of the American Revolution and its legacy is furthered as you explore this site. To support this, you will find a searchable database and links to other historical and cultural organizations.

American Revolution Center releases first national survey on knowledge of the American Revolution

National Survey The American Revolution Center commissioned the first national survey to assess adult knowledge of the American Revolution. The results show that an alarming 83 percent of Americans failed a basic test on knowledge of the American Revolution and the principles that have united all Americans. Results also revealed that 90 percent of Americans think that knowledge of the American Revolution and its principles is very important, and that 89 percent of Americans expected to pass a test on basic knowledge of the American Revolution, but scored an average of 44 percent. The survey questions addressed issues related to the Revolutionary documents, people, and events, and also asked attitudinal questions about the respondents’ perception of the importance of understanding the Revolutionary history and the institutions that were established to preserve our freedoms and liberties. The survey results highlight the importance of, interest in, and lack of understanding of our Founding. For a printable PDF copy of the survey report, click here.

View the Survey

This proves that no matter who you vote for it is not because you understand why you vote for them but because you just feel like it. You like the person, because you have seen them enough times on TV and in newspapers. They are simply recommended by elite.

This here is the paragraph from Zeitgeist movement website.

Democracy in today’s world is an illusion. It always was. People think they have “choice” in our current system because they can press a button on a voting machine and put some pre-selected person into power. Once that person is in power, the public then has no power. Did you vote for the space program? Did you vote for the cabinet of the new president? Did you vote for the tax cut? Did you vote for where highways or power grids go? Did you vote for the war in Iraq? No, you didn’t.
The traditional concept of a “participatory democracy” is a cruel joke. The game has been used to give the public the illusion of control for countless generations, while the distorted monetary powers at the top continue to do whatever they please. There never was a true democracy in any country in history and there never will be as long as the monetary system is in operation and scarcity is perpetuated.


For this conversation to progress, you have to have the RIGHT Information. Your words. Nothing more germain to this theme of this discussion than knowing the Document that creates the society you desire to be created from the ashes. So having the knowledge contained in the experiment that has protected true inalienable freedoms as given by the creator is to study the American Revolution. We are a society built upon and agreed upon set of rules, laws and inalienable/unalienable rights granted us by our creator. By doing so we learn that the ills of the world you blame on the USA were ills of the world before its formation.

Also by learning more about the subject you will learn that no democratic society can exist fairly without the rule of law.

Also true knowledge would show that much of the blame (conspiracy theory) is one faction of the same group of "Progressives" and "Social Engineers" that have been tinkering with civilized man since the creation of religion and the belief in gods. Therefore we must ask ourselves who, this may be?

Could it be the centuries old progression of the mongul barbarians,
race westward across Asia and Europe. That conquered and destroyed all in their path, that did not capitulate? Those that did, lived as slaves, didn't they, according to history books?

My point is Bogdan, I believe in the Constitution and do not believe you have studied it as you wish me to study your information. Americans have been boondoggled since 1913 admittedly, but you offer nothing in the form of a solution other than blindly giving power and personal destiny away to the whims of computer modeling. Which we know can be wrong and abused. PROOF? CLIMATEGATE

Or to some Elitist conceptual idea of what society should be like. That fails to answer or address the question about a "Resource Based Society" that outgrows it resources. Which is facing many societies today. I wonder why these Social engineering concepts aren't being practiced and receiving accolades as success models, now.

This thread was started to discuss the greatest threat to the world today. You offer America and Your solution is to act like the bankers and discuss how to rebuild from the ashes. But we all know the resource most needed to create this society in today's world is currency. No matter if that currency is hard or intellectual.

Even your mentor Jaques Fresco does not seem willing to discuss the ends to the means. He does know that it will not be pretty.

IE: He profoundly states he does not believe in the 9/11 conspiracy theory, nor does he believe space exploration is a good use of resources. He also states that the earth can only support xxx number of inhabitants and proposes no ideas of how to arrive at the right number of inhabitants on the planet. Nor how to maintain the number. More master race making?

The selection process for these commune inhabitants, what algorithms will be used? How will they be arrived upon, collected and so on? I understand that machines and computers will print out the hit list and why was my child chosen or not? Are the cries I hear echoing in the distance. Another set of classes doesn't fix the problem.

Nor does it protect innocents worldwide from Radical Extremists no matter their ethnic or political beliefs. But Radical Islamic Extremists do seem to be the most willing to take the bows for recent attacks. Another ploy by the CIA/FBI types? I like many Americans, have stretched our tolerance levels pretty thin. Also some of my own conspiracy theories, still exists. But nothing more than theory and speculation at the moment but the proof seems close to revealing itself.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/12/2010 1:20:10 PM

Dear Sirs,

I am following your discussion from the beginning, and decided to finally show up (and to sign up to this very interesting community). Even for the reader who may not be familiar to the play, so huge differences between your statements, reveal the line of the two cultures, two different times .... until the difference between subjective-objective points of view.

Alas, Mr. Bogdan Fiedur shows up here as the voice from another two gentlemen`s future (without reciprocity, just because, aside all the likeness, the two of them can`t be considered similar to the shadows from his past times). In my opinion, Mr. Fiedur`s intention is not to accuse USA neither to justify Islamic fundamentalists, even though his statements cannot be accepted as a complete answer, for it is apparent that beneath a great deal of a true facts, what he still misses here looks like most important: eyes able to consume the plethora of things offered/exposed here. Personally, I am allergic on the theories of conspiracy, and need to praise you all for cutting them off.

To a world already saddled with the prickly issue of combating the global menace of terrorism, it may be just refreshing to have such an interesting dialog, even between a deaf and hearing

I thank you all for adding something of your personal uniqueness and charm into the basket. Sincerely,

Anton Petrovci, journalist

Bogdan Fiedur

4629 Posts
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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/12/2010 2:38:15 PM

For this conversation to progress, youhave to have the RIGHT Information. Your words. Nothing more germain tothis theme of this discussion than knowing the Document that createsthe society you desire to be created from the ashes. So having theknowledge contained in the experiment that has protected trueinalienable freedoms as given by the creator is to study the AmericanRevolution. We are a society built upon and agreed upon set of rules,laws and inalienable/unalienable rights granted us by our creator. Bydoing so we learn that the ills of the world you blame on the USA wereills of the world before its formation.

First, thanks Jim for showing up again and responding to this new twist in the discussion. I started missing you :)
As I mentioned before, there are two Poles who took part in American revolution. These are Pulaski and Kosciusko. They were fighting for free America while their own country was under foreign occupation. I'm sure you are familiar with the first name as this is your national holiday. They both are war heroes and Pulaski has been called "the father of American cavalry".

So believe me we were taught American history at our schools on elementary level as opposed to American ones not teaching European history. I'm slowly getting used to the concept of Eastern Europe as a country when American media refers to the countries in that part of the world for the simple reason that even journalists have difficulties spelling and recognizing countries there. So let's assume that we are on the same page here. I have basic ideas about the American revolution.


Also by learning more about the subject you will learn that no democratic society can exist fairly without the rule of law.

Law is what the elite tells you, you need to do to satisfy them. There is law in China, there is law in Iran and there is law in USA. Even bible might be a law for Christians. In all those countries the governing elite is able to twist the law as it suites them. If they can't justify what they do by law, they will hide it from you and lie to you.

Tell me what kind of law governs the world of nature? Look nature is much older than humanity and was doing fine, until humans showed up. There must be something wrong with the concept of law, where the most democratic country in the world (which we think America is) participates in the greatest calamities of last 100 years. Look for my previous examples. I hope you don't want to argue that anymore.


Could it be the centuries old progression of the mongul barbarians, race westwardacross Asia and Europe. That conquered and destroyed all in their path,that did not capitulate? Those that did, lived as slaves, didn't they,according to history books?

If they had lawyers then like Americans do today, they would first create the law which would allow them to do things their way and then they would re-write the history so the general public would never find out.


Americans have been boondoggled since1913 admittedly, but you offer nothing in the form of a solution otherthan blindly giving power and personal destiny away to the whims ofcomputer modeling. Which we know can be wrong and abused. PROOF?CLIMATEGATE

Yes this can be done, but not in the true scientific environment where money is not the subject.
Climategate is money motivated, hence the problem. Many scientific discoveries were made most of the time due to accidents. e.g. Isaak Newton laws of physics, Einstein theory of relativity, or Tesla electrical discoveries. They were not financially motivated. As soon as you remove money from the equation, there is no need to cheat or corrupt.


Or to some Elitist conceptual idea ofwhat society should be like. That fails to answer or address thequestion about a "Resource Based Society" that outgrows it resources.Which is facing many societies today. I wonder why these Socialengineering concepts aren't being practiced and receiving accolades assuccess models, now.

They don't for several reasons. There was no computers before and they were not capable to replace a humans to a degree this is possible today. The other one is that elite won't allow for this that easily. You need a consciousness level of large group of society to grow to this understanding. You can't accomplish anything through fighting as your opposition will just try to be better and the fight will never end, and even if you defeat the opposition, you will have to allocate resources to keep them isolated because they will turn into radicals, terrorist or criminals. Einstein said that to solve the problem on one level, you need to take yourself to one level higher and this wouldn't be getting into fight with illuminates. They would always win.


This thread was started to discuss thegreatest threat to the world today. You offer America and Your solutionis to act like the bankers and discuss how to rebuild from the ashes.But we all know the resource most needed to create this society intoday's world is currency. No matter if that currency is hard orintellectual.

The greatest threat to the world today is in the end the currency, which you fail to see after me harping this topic with you for more than 3 weeks. Keep in mind that currency is not what animal world is using and exists perfectly. Fiat currency has been invented by people who realized its potential for accumulating wealth. And if you don't know what I'm talking about, follow the swindels Goldman-Sachs and Federal Reserve are doing.


Even your mentor Jaques Fresco does notseem willing to discuss the ends to the means. He does know that itwill not be pretty.

Actually he knows it and this won't be pretty because of his ideas. This will be due to the glorified dollar.

The zeitgeist movement is making aware the society of new possibilities and they will be accepted once the things in above video are happening. The "not pretty" part will be done by dollar. The zeitgeist movement will just embrace new reality once it happens.


IE: He profoundly states he does notbelieve in the 9/11 conspiracy theory, nor does he believe spaceexploration is a good use of resources. He also states that the earthcan only support xxx number of inhabitants and proposes no ideas of howto arrive at the right number of inhabitants on the planet. Nor how tomaintain the number. More master race making?

That's not true. There is no limits to society and ones society embraces the level of consciousness he promotes, there won't be limits to anything.
The universe is full of resources.


Nor does it protect innocents worldwidefrom Radical Extremists no matter their ethnic or political beliefs.But Radical Islamic Extremists do seem to be the most willing to takethe bows for recent attacks. Another ploy by the CIA/FBI types? I likemany Americans, have stretched our tolerance levels pretty thin. Alsosome of my own conspiracy theories, still exists. But nothing more thantheory and speculation at the moment but the proof seems close torevealing itself.

He won't need to protect anybody once there is no currency, because the religion the same way as politics is about hording souls and controlling them and creating the illusion that they need to do something for the sake either of income or afterlife. They both want your money, one through regulations and the other through donations. Once the money is gone, they won't be able to control you anymore.

Note that the more America fights against terror, the more terror seems to be happening. You might be not realizing that your country starts looking much like the country I left some time ago due to the continues fight with the enemy which was then west. The communist would spend all the money on the means to preserve the system. In the end, there was nothing to defend and all the people hated it and just defeated it from inside.

Bogdan Fiedur

Jim Allen

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/12/2010 2:53:47 PM

Welcome to the forum and the discussion Anton. Your presence and views are welcome here. I look forward to your interaction.

Dear Sirs,

I am following your discussion from the beginning, and decided to finally show up (and to sign up to this very interesting community). Even for the reader who may not be familiar to the play, so huge differences between your statements, reveal the line of the two cultures, two different times .... until the difference between subjective-objective points of view.

Alas, Mr. Bogdan Fiedur shows up here as the voice from another two gentlemen`s future (without reciprocity, just because, aside all the likeness, the two of them can`t be considered similar to the shadows from his past times). In my opinion, Mr. Fiedur`s intention is not to accuse USA neither to justify Islamic fundamentalists, even though his statements cannot be accepted as a complete answer, for it is apparent that beneath a great deal of a true facts, what he still misses here looks like most important: eyes able to consume the plethora of things offered/exposed here. Personally, I am allergic on the theories of conspiracy, and need to praise you all for cutting them off.

To a world already saddled with the prickly issue of combating the global menace of terrorism, it may be just refreshing to have such an interesting dialog, even between a deaf and hearing

I thank you all for adding something of your personal uniqueness and charm into the basket. Sincerely,

Anton Petrovci, journalist

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/12/2010 4:32:25 PM
Thank you for welcoming me Jim. Even though my points of view are much closer to Mr. Fiedur`s (I am just curious what is his profession????), I must admit that I enjoy the speech of both sides. Europeans seem a bit "older " here (in fact, we feel like having a d

éjà vu) ....

But, the truth always is somewhere between, IF it EVER could be found, and IF it EVER could have only ONE FACE :) .

Now just my personal opinion, to finish this post : I BELIEVE THE TRUTH IS ALWAYS COMPOSED/DESIGNED, RATHER THAN REVEALED/ FOUND :) .

Let`s play here like we are important to it!


Anton Petrovci


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